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公平是共同发展、共同富裕和共同幸福,最终标准和方式是平等与效率相互促进的关系状态,是不同公平标准和方式的和谐统一。公平的不同目标追求、理论基础、评价标准和实践方式形成不同结果。道德公平的目标、理论、标准和方式是人格平等,趋向是理想多于现实。经济公平的目标、理论、标准和方式是能力平等,结果是现实多于理想。政治公平的目标、理论、标准和方式,在不同时期有不同特点,但其永恒主题不仅是平衡稳定与发展、平等与效率的关系,形成它们相互促进、持续不断提高水平的公平的关系状态,而且总是在道德理想与经济现实的矛盾中博弈和寻找平衡。教育公平与社会公平互为基础、相互制约、相互促进,教育公平对促进社会公平有重要意义,社会公平对促进教育公平有重要意义。追求崇高的道德理想是扶贫帮困、慈善仁爱的理论基础,追求互利和双赢是在能力和劳动面前人人平等的理论基础。整个社会道德追求的主流对教育公平具有决定性作用。分数面前人人平等的公平具有两面性,并未涉及导致分数差距的经济和社会根源。在政治、道德平等和经济不平等情况下,以不平等的方式促进落后地区经济和教育的发展才是公平的。追求公平既有对能力、经济等有优势的人的权利、利益缺位的关注,也有对能力、经济等处境不利人群的权利、利益缺位的关注,但通常情况其核心是对后者的关注。实现教育公平必须协调道德、经济和政治公平的标准和方式。以人格平等的道德标准和方式,实现教育平等。以能力平等的经济标准和方式,提高教育效率。以平衡道德公平与经济公平关系的政治标准和提供机会、过程公平的方式,形成教育平等与教育效率相互促进的关系状态。通过整合道德、经济和政治的公平标准和方式,形成持续不断提高平等与效率相互促进水平的高水平的教育公平。公平与正义、公正从社会发展中协调各种利益关系的最高目标看,具有完全相同的本质,追求和实现教育公平就是追求和实现教育正义、公正。  相似文献   

This article presents a 2-year participatory intervention developed in a secondary school. Based on the European project Catch-EyoU, fostering a critical and active European citizenship, Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) was used with students to develop individual and collective reflection on the possibilities of political change over dating violence. The complexity of doing TO inside the school and the challenges of promoting a critical political understanding of the structural roots of social problems are discussed.  相似文献   

社会公正概说、社会公正的前提及社会公正的标准是社会公正的基本内容。它既是热点问题,又是伦理学、政治学、法理学以及经济学的跨学科难点问题,社会公正是社会治理的最重要的道德原则之一。要实现建立和谐社会的宏伟目标,就必须最大限度地实现社会公正。  相似文献   

教育公平与和谐社会   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
范国睿 《教育研究》2005,26(5):21-25
公平公正是和谐社会的核心价值,教育对于促进社会分层与社会公平具有独到的价值。现阶段,增加政府在国民教育资源上的投入力度,合理配置教育资源,调动一切可以利用的社会教育资源,促进教育事业的均衡发展,保障每一位社会成员的受教育机会,大力缩小城乡、地区、性别等方面的教育差异,促进社会文化的多元化发展和民众的多样化教育选择需求,建立处境不利群体公平教育的救助系统,从根本上解决教育公平问题,对于促进社会公平,构建和谐社会具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This analysis involves an investigation of the corporate control of food in relation to low income and culturally dominated schoolchildren in cities. This includes an exploration of the problem as expressed globally and historically in relation to transnational policy networks. Since corporate growth always necessitates controlling the direction of what people talk about on the ground, I additionally critique the emerging popularity of the policy-linked language of ‘food deserts’ and ‘food security.’ I reveal these terms as postcolonial constructs, forged out of the tradition that those with power control both material and mental production. Given the economic struggles now felt by the middle classes, I contend such language seeks to contain this growing anxiety. Lastly, I review some widespread failed efforts to address the problem of lack of access to healthy and affordable food among marginalized urban communities. All of these attempts are shaped as part of broader and evolving policy networks and in this research include progressive resistance collectives, policies as commodities, and big box failures. I focus here on city initiatives in particular given the ongoing urban implosion taking place in much of the world as people continue to lose their access to land. Although I consider conditions in the USA, these arguments can be applied in various ways to other contexts.  相似文献   

中国基础教育发展已站在新的历史起点上,正从有学上向上好学的发展阶段转变。开展基础教育监测是新时期基础教育改革与发展的迫切需要,是科学决策的必然要求,是进一步转变政府职能、改善宏观管理的重要措施。中国政府高度重视基础教育监测,在法律保障、机制创新、制度完善等方面进行了积极探索。中国已经建立了中央、省、市、县四级政府教育督导机构网络,形成了督政与督学相结合的显著特色。各地区根据自己的特点不断开拓创新,探索基础教育监测新模式,把义务教育均衡发展作为督导评估的重要内容。在新的历史时期,中国政府将进一步完善基础教育监测与保障制度,推进教育公平,不断探索符合国际趋势和具有中国特色的监测方法,提高监测水平和公共服务水平。  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of the socioeconomic status (SES) school segregation in Chile, whose educational system is regarded as an extreme case of a market-oriented education. The study estimated the magnitude and evolution of the SES segregation of schools at both national and local levels, and it studied the relationship between some local educational market dynamics and the observed magnitude of SES school segregation at municipal level. The main findings were: first, the magnitude of the SES segregation of both low-SES and high-SES students in Chile was very high (Duncan Index ranged from 0.50 to 0.60 in 2008); second, during the last decade, SES school segregation tended to slightly increase in Chile, especially in high schools (both public and private schools); third, private schools – including voucher schools – were more segregated than public schools for both low-SES and high-SES students; and finally, some market dynamics operating in the Chilean education (like privatization, school choice, and fee-paying) accounted for a relevant proportion of the observed variation in SES school segregation at municipal level. These findings are analyzed from an educational policy perspective in which the link between SES school segregation and market-oriented mechanisms in education plays a fundamental role.  相似文献   

Despite scholars’ praise of liberal arts education as a model form, very little research has examined the actual impact of liberal arts education on learning outcomes. The elaborate rhetoric and anecdotal support, long used to advance liberal arts education as the premier type of education with value for all, is no longer sufficient. The practices and conditions that lead to outcomes of a liberally educated student remain an empirical black box. Guided by the work of Pascarella et al. [2005, Liberal arts colleges and liberal arts education: New evidence on impacts. ASHE Higher Education Report, 31(3)], this study examined the extent to which an institutional ethos, that values student–student and student–faculty interaction within a supportive environment characterized by high expectations for developing the intellectual arts, manifests in the lived experiences of students and predicts the development of outcomes theoretically associated with the liberal arts. Specifically, we investigated the construct and predictive validity of the liberal arts experience scale relative to liberal arts outcomes. Using data from the first phase of the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education, net of student background characteristics and institution attended, we found liberal arts experiences had a positive effect on four of six liberal arts outcomes, including intercultural effectiveness, inclination to inquire and lifelong learning, well-being, and leadership.
Tricia A. SeifertEmail:

随着优质教育公平时期的到来,承认正义从微观过程中弥补分配正义的相对优势作用,逐渐获得认可。相对于偏向宏观制度保障的分配正义,承认正义将实践教育公平的重点置于教育过程中的承认和满足,从祛除蔑视和促进承认两个维度构建学校内部公平体系。尊重学生基本权利、满足爱的需要、开放评价体系、承认多元能力,是实现学校内部公平的主要抓手。  相似文献   

可持续发展观和公平正义理论是环境法的两个理论基石。可持续发展是环境法存在的目的,是法律坚持以人为本的结果。而公平正义问题又是环境法价值目标的核心内容,也是其进行整个制度设计的重要理论基石。  相似文献   

朱丽 《教育科学》2007,23(4):10-14
教育改革代价的付出具有一定的必然性,其分配是一个不容回避的问题.教育公正是基本的社会公正之一,因而教育改革代价的公正分配必然关系到社会公正问题.教育改革代价的分配不同于物质财富的分配,有其自身的分配逻辑.对教育改革所产生的必然代价应进行合理、公正的分配,其分配应遵循差别原则、应得原则和补偿原则.  相似文献   

Talk of the rise of a global war for talent and emergence of a new global meritocracy has spread from the literature on human resource management to shape nation‐state discourse on managed migration and immigration reform. This article examines the implications that the global war for talent have for education policy. Given that this talent war is a product of neoliberalism, it raises many of the same concerns for educators as neoliberalism in general: the embrace and promotion of social, economic and educational inequality; and a narrow, market‐based conception of education, skill and talent. This article argues, however, that the global war for talent represents a new phase in neoliberalism, as it seeks to liberalise the global movement not just of capital and commodities, but of high skill labour as well. In this, it threatens to undercut some of the founding assumptions and goals that have shaped national education policy in OECD countries throughout the post‐World War II period, and raises serious concerns for how we are to think about and pursue equality, inclusion and fairness in and through education in the future.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国高考政策的公平性呈现出明显的阶段性特征。新中国成立之初,高校招生优先保障工农子女受教育权利,强调对考生的政治质量的考查;1977年恢复高考之后,高校招生强调效率优先、择优录取,高考政策的公平性更多体现为“分数面前人人平等”的程序公平;20世纪90年代末以来,公平公正成为我国高校招生的首要价值导向,更加注重协调发展基础上多渠道促进实质公平,重视对弱势群体的补偿。高考政策公平性的价值变迁与不同历史时期社会结构变迁、党和国家的政治策略和政治观念的变化密切相关。新时期的高考改革应继续贯彻以人民为中心的教育公平观,促进学生的全面发展,以共享发展为导向促进学生入学机会的城乡、区域公平,构建多元利益群体参与的教育治理格局,保障程序公平。  相似文献   

教育公正对构建和谐社会的基础性作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国当前社会转型时期,社会公正问题逐步凸现出来。教育公正作为其中的组成部分,是社会公正的重要内容,愈发引起人们的重视;教育公正作为社会公正的基础之一,是社会公正在教育领域的延伸,也是达到社会公正的重要手段和途径。通过推进教育公正进而逐步消除我国社会转型时期的不公正现象,对当前构建和谐社会的顺利进行具有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   

美国人文教育的理念和实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我们所广泛使用的"大学"的概念是从西方引入的,而人文教育理念在西方的高等教育历史中则占有非常重要的一席之地.本文介绍与分析了人文教育的理念、传统及其目前在美国大学的实践.在中国高等教育正在进行全面改革之时,了解这种以培养全面素养为手段,以帮助学生进行作为个体以及公民的自我实现为目的的教育哲学,可以为中国的高等教育改革提供新的思想与经验.  相似文献   

教育公正刍议   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在受教育权分配问题上 ,简单的效率优先论和平等优先论都不完善。只有在综合了自由、平等、效率和社会合作等基本价值的教育公正理论指导下 ,才能较为合理地处理受教育权分配问题。本文借鉴罗尔斯的正义论提出了现代社会的教育公正观 ,联系我国现实提出了五个教育公正原则 ,并对当前我国在受教育权分配方面存在的一些主要问题进行了具体分析。  相似文献   

Within the field of teacher education, increased emphasis has been placed on social justice education (SJE). This qualitative study examined a group of beginning teachers who voluntarily participated in a social justice critical inquiry project (CIP). The findings indicate that while many of them were successful at teaching social issues, they provided few to no opportunities for their students to engage in social action and they themselves did not participate in activism. To explain this, the participants used the following four tools of inaction: tools of substitution, postponement, displacement, and dismissal. These tools relieved the tension of not taking action and allowed the participants to postpone, justify, or redirect the responsibility of becoming active in struggling for sustainable social change. Understanding the use of these tools can help teacher educators to understand the process of development of social justice educators.  相似文献   

社会转型期的时代背景推动了智能时代的教育改革。如何系统化地认识与研究当下的教育改革,同时科学合理地设计教育实践的干预策略,是当下教育改革与发展面临的两个核心问题。本研究从历史学、社会学和教育学三个视角出发,通过探讨教育实践及其理论发展的历史背景,从认识论的角度梳理了教育社会实验生成演化的四个阶段,包括教育实践理论启蒙与初步探索的"前认识阶段"、教育实验形成与规范化的"前研究阶段"、从教育实践社会化到教育实验社会化的"后实践阶段",以及从关注教育实践到关注教育社会实验的"后研究阶段"。作为价值回应,"教育社会实验"在提升对教育改革的认识上起到了认识论的作用;"教育社会实验研究"在加深对当代教育改革认识的基础上,为实践干预提供了方法论指导。  相似文献   

Debates continue about how high-stakes testing regimes influence schools at all levels: their impact on teaching practices, distribution of resources and curriculum provision, and whether they achieve the intended increases in student achievement in targeted areas. In 2008, the Australian government introduced a national testing scheme, the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), in which all Australian students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are required to participate, and a national website, MySchool, was established in 2010 to publish the results of all schools. This paper reports on the first national study of educators’ views on the impact of NAPLAN on Australian schools and students. Over 8000 educators from all states and territories participated in the study, and the findings indicate that the testing regime is leading to a reduction in time spent on other curriculum areas and adjustment of pedagogical practice and curriculum content to mirror the tests. The findings suggest that the modification of teaching and curricular practices is in response to concerns regarding the use and reporting of NAPLAN data and the potential impact on schools. This confirms findings of researchers in other countries on the capacity of high-stakes regimes to distort teaching practices, constrain the curriculum and narrow students’ educational experiences.  相似文献   

教育不公平,与制度不公正有关。实现教育公平,必须致力于制度公正。教育制度公正包括制度设计的公正、制度本身的公正和制度执行的公正。加强教育制度公正建设,需要把公正作为教育制度的第一要求,确保所有受教育者享受平等的资源,同时强调制度执行中的程序公正。  相似文献   

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