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In this paper, I seek to ascertain whether critical literacy may have an important and realisable place in current English pedagogy, having first tried to establish what is meant by critical literacy, and what its contexts are for my purposes here, including the nature of initial teacher education (ITE). The paper then reports and reflects on some experiences of a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) English group in exploring elements of critical literacy, and focuses especially on two lessons taught by two members of the PGCE group. Whilst acknowledging that any conclusions must be tentative, I go on to propose that a synthesis may be possible between different traditions of English pedagogy to enable critical literacy more easily to flourish.  相似文献   

媒介素养教学方法和教师培训   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于全球文化急剧变化以及素养在提高个人、社会和文化发展中的作用,如今的素养概念已经扩展为包括数字、视觉和电子媒介以及流行文化在内的一种内涵;这也就提升了媒介素养教育对个人和社会发展的重要意义。开展媒介素养教育可以在正规和非正规教育环境下进行,它将对学生学习动机的激发、师生关系的改善、公民技能的提高产生作用。  相似文献   

The positive impact of family–school relationships is well documented in the literature, as is the need for teacher education to prepare teachers to work positively with diverse families. This article reports the experiences and perspectives of candidates in an elementary urban teacher preparation program in the United States as they engaged in authentic experiences with the families of their students. Findings provide evidence that authentic experiences within constructivist teacher education can help candidates regard families as a valuable resource for teachers in urban schools. The results highlight the need to provide candidates with authentic and relevant community- and family-based experiences within carefully designed teacher preparation programs as we strive to prepare the teachers all children deserve.  相似文献   

Alasdair MacIntyre identifies two interconnected problems for present day thinking about the nature of educational provision. The first concerns the very possibility of general educatedness in the social and cultural circumstances of modernity; the second concerns the narrow and specialist route down which professional training has proceeded in contemporary post-industrial societies. This paper explores the implications of MacIntyre's views and argues for a radical reappraisal of current conceptions of teacher education and training.  相似文献   

对当下班主任核心素养的研究具有深刻的理论意义与广泛的现实价值,有益于学校教育教学工作。在分析核心素养的基础上,分析班主任核心素养的演进,进而提出以育人为指向的班主任核心素养,以心理蕴藉为手段的班主任核心素养,以为他者负责的班主任核心素养,研究班主任的核心素养的意义有利于学校领导选拔班主任人才,有利于师范院校对班主任人才的培养。  相似文献   

迈向批判性媒介素养:核心理念、争鸣、组织与政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国媒介素养教育并不发达,尤其是批判性媒介素养教育。批判性媒介素养有五个核心概念:非透明性原则、编码与规约、受众解码、内容与讯息、动机。目前,美国已有部分州在其教育标准中列入了媒介素养教育,教师培训却未能跟上,在媒介文化无处不在的情况下,美国需要实现批判性媒介素养的培养,以让学生认识媒介、利用媒介并超越媒介,使个体在社会中更好地发展。  相似文献   

媒体素养教育目的经历了保卫菁英文化防御大众媒体、欣赏通俗文化、解密意识形态、赋权等范式演变。我国媒体素养教育的意义在于:媒体文化全球化中的本土文化保护,提高对媒体的辨识能力,近用传播媒体来表达与交流,促进青少年思想道德建设。  相似文献   

本文试图为中国媒介素养教育实践献策,提出在高校率先引进“媒介素养教育”的想法,并对其重要性、必要性、可行性以及实施方案作一番探讨,以望引起学界同仁的深入探讨和教育管理部门的切实重视,推动媒介素养教育的具体实施。  相似文献   

批判性教师教育强调提升教师学习者的批判意识、进行批判性地自我反思和形成与批判性教学法相联系的能力.在语言教学中,充分认识到不同族群在教育机构和社会交往中的权力关系以及它们对学习者自我认知方式的影响.通过教育培养少数族裔学生的批判意识和反抗现存社会中不公平的能力.  相似文献   

One of the main aims of the Education agenda in the last decade has been to develop critical thinking (C. T.) in children, in order to educate them to be active, involved citizens in democratic society. Different Media Literacy (M.L.) studies explore C.T. towards media texts by cultivating the pupils’ ability to respond critically to both surface and underlying media messages. This paper discusses partial results of a research study designed to examine the support provided by an M.L. program in the development of C.T. of pupils aged 10‐12 years in northern Israel. The resulting data demonstrate that M.L. programmatic intervention and its long‐term cumulative effect were two important factors underlying the significant differences found among the test groups. An interesting variable was also found which explained the superior results of the low achievements pupils (as evaluated by their teachers) compared with the less pronounced gains found among the high achievement pupils. Finally the paper asks theoretical questions about the extent to which a young critical thinker is capable of skeptical reflection towards media texts.  相似文献   

当代远程教育赋予学习者多元化的背景和个别化学习的新特征。通过调查分析,当前远程学习者的媒介素养存在一定的缺陷,身处现代传媒巨网中的远程学习者,应该如何提高自身的免疫力和批判能力,不成为媒介的盲从,这些问题表明在远程教育中对学习者开展媒介素养教育的其必要性。  相似文献   

As partners in school curriculum reform, teacher educators have a responsibility to graduate students who are ready to take positions as competent and confident curriculum leaders. However, some curriculum initiatives such as those associated with the introduction of key learning areas in Australia have highlighted the disjunctions between teacher education programmes and contemporary curriculum documents. This article will explore the disjunctions from two perspectives: firstly, by examining the organisation of knowledge in schools and universities, and secondly, by presenting data from a school-based evaluation of the Health and Physical Education key learning area syllabus. The article conclude by raising implications for teacher education and the future organisation of knowledge.  相似文献   

媒体素养教育发端于20世纪30年代的英国,70年代在欧美发达国家进入学校教育领域并得到重视和加强,90年代中期以后在更多国家的学校中开展。其发展趋势是:对象日益扩大,内容日益丰富,方法日益多样。  相似文献   

教师专业化与教育学科课程改革   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
教师专业化客观上要求教师教育专业化,而教师教育课程改革又是决定教师教育专业化的核心因素。在教师教育课程结构中,教育学科课程应定性于专业课程,这样就使教育学科课程有了新的身份并赋予其新的内涵。围绕教育学科课程性质的变化及其教师专业化的客观要求,教育学科课程设置的目标及其课程体系必须进行相应的改革,为推动这些改革,提供必要的制度保障又是必不可少的前提条件。  相似文献   

师范教育实践性课程的思考   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
本文从对我国师范教育实践性课程的关注出发,尝试对其目标指向、知识基础、教学实施、方法论基础等方面的问题进行一定的思考并提出构建师范教育实践性课程体系的初步构想。  相似文献   

职业信息化时代,职教师范生媒介素养教育是一项连接着专业学习与未来职业发展的系统性任务。文章立足于调查研究,将职教师范生教育置于整个师范教育人才培养的总体历程中进行考察,分析探究职教师范生媒介素养发展现状,探析媒介素养教育存在问题的原因,并在此基础上提出通过课程设计、信息安全防护和融媒体传播平台打造等方式,多元化地培养职教师范生利用融媒体提升媒介素养,综合立体地提升职教师范生媒介素养养成的积极性、主动性和参与性。  相似文献   

青少年媒介素养教育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息时代的到来,信息量激增给人们带来便利的同时,媒介的负效应也日益凸现。论文从媒介素养的内涵入手,介绍国外媒介素养教育情况,结合我国青少年媒介素养的现实,分析在我国青少年中推行媒介素养教育的必要性,并从媒介认知、媒介解构和媒介建构三个方面,就如何对青少年进行媒介素养教育问题作了进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

我国未成年学生媒介素养教育探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国有关开展媒介素养教育的理论研究还不够深入,中小学校实施媒介素养教育的实践也刚开始探索。本研究首先对国内外媒介素养教育理念与实践进行综述,提出着手建设我国特色的媒介素养教育生态系统,来提升未成年学生媒介素养的课题,接着讨论媒介素养教育的内涵,对其内部内容和外部结构进行充实,提出我国开展未成年学生媒介素养教育的基本内容,并提出若干具体实施建议与策略。  相似文献   

由于学生个体的心理、生理的不同,成长环境的差异,以及受家庭教育和传统认知习俗的影响,高中男、女生的性别差异在学校教育教学中显而易见,表现在对不同学科的学习兴趣、学习成绩、信心和从知度等方面。就历史学科而言,多年的高中一线教学.给笔者留下这样一个印象,即总体而言,女生存学习历史特别是世界历史时,比男生有所逊色。而同时,高中文科班的女生所占比例又远远高于理科班,因此,提高文科班成绩,关注女生的成长,让女生接受良好的学科教育,就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

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