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青闰 《海外英语》2004,(3):20-22
想必我们的读者对中学课本里的文言文“狼”还记忆犹新,本文也讲述了人与狼之间的故事,但是读来却令人感到温馨。人与自然的和谐共存是我们人类保护自身的生存与发展的条件。  相似文献   

想一想:你最近会过老友吗?你们在哪见的?聊了些什么? 考试:本文有助于你备考PET和TOEFL等考试。毕业之后大家各奔东西,忙碌的你是不是很久都没有!见到老朋友了。一次偶遇可能就会使你想起很多以前美好的事情。老朋友见面,聊聊近期生活情况,有没有很温馨的感觉?听下面的对话,体会老友见面的心情。  相似文献   

This paper takes the form of a conversation about gallery education between Carmen Moersch and myself Mariam Sharp. It will draw from in‐depth research by Moersch who is currently undertaking a PhD comparing Gallery Education in Germany and England and considers the differences in England and Germany and to some extent Europe generally. The article touches on Carmen's role as an artist and relates to the role of the artist in socially engaged arts practices. In England outreach practices extend the work beyond the gallery and Moersch's research explores case studies in the UK that develop these models of working. The conversation started at the Engage conference at the Baltic in Newcastle in November 2002 and continued into early 2003 via email and was informed by my experience as the lead officer for gallery education at the Arts Council of England's National Office.  相似文献   

分别运用传统的"处方式"设计方法和性能化设计方法对某展览厅的消防疏散设计进行校核,分析了两种方法各自的优缺点和适用范围,有助于实际设计中科学合理地选择安全的疏散设计方法。  相似文献   

I fell in love with you, Xishuangbanna, at first sight,
A love I so deeply cherish.
I wish to pick a betel nut,
Yet fear that would take away a breath of fragrance from the rainforest.  相似文献   

廊是园林中常见的建筑物,是具有明晰的几何关系的线型空间。留园中的廊,不论从它所传达出的文化内涵和意境来看,还是从它所体现的设计过程和手法来看,都具有极好的研究价值。通过对留园廊的研究,不仅能更好地感悟留园的布局、建筑空间等,还能对苏州古典园林中廊的设计特点和艺术效果获得更多、更好的了解。  相似文献   

耽于游戏,攀比穿名牌,追随流行风尚,甚至面对是非观念的时候,同伴的一些负面影响常常让父母头疼不已。这时候,如何教孩子应对同伴压力?如何培养孩子判断力?挫败感如何处理?  相似文献   

学生参与探究性活动是探究性学习的外在表现形式。在根深蒂固的功利性思维驱使下,学生的探究性活动常常迷失核心目标指向。规范和激励学生的探究行为,既需要建立适合探究性活动的评价机制,也需要教育者的理性引导。  相似文献   

弗利尔美术馆于 2 0 0 1年举办了一期名为“中国佛教雕像新认识”的展览 ,本文以这次展出的展品为纲 ,兼及馆藏的其它同类藏品 ,对中国的佛教造像提出了一些新观点 ,对研究佛教造像、石窟造像、造像碑以及了解海外藏中国文物的情况等提供了一定的参考信息。  相似文献   

We explain certain learning difficulties in computer science education as resulting from a clash between the students' culture as computer users and the professional computing culture. We propose the concept of fertile zones of cultural encounter as a way of overcoming these learning difficulties. This pedagogical approach aims to bridge the gap between cultures by designing interventions that are appreciated by members of both cultures, yet also guide the student to engage in the practices of the professional culture. The learning difficulties are demonstrated by a detailed analysis of episodes taken from an advanced high school computer science course in concurrency. We show that fertile zones of cultural encounter can be successful in significantly improving learning of this subject.  相似文献   

This paper examines how, in use, culturally-provided tools can be said to embody knowledge and distribute thinking. It focuses on the routine procedures used by medical professionals to investigate patient complaints and examines explicit and implicit contributions of these conventional procedures to distributed thinking in clinical encounters in medicine. After characterizing these tools, examples of how the tools guide and constrain medical problem solving are provided. The tools support the development and exercise of the routines characteristic of medical expertise, while at the same time preserving the nonroutine, controlled deliberation necessary for sound and ethical medical care. The paper concludes with ways in which the tools' role in thinking can be promoted through medical education, particularly during students' early clinical exposure: (a) Organizing learning experiences that expose the tools' meanings; (b) exploiting the benefits of small group work to promote collaborative and individual competencies in distributed systems; and (c) explicitly utilizing the products of thinking with these tools to further the goals shared by participants in clinical encounters.  相似文献   

This article describes a current project by Liverpool organisations Open Eye Gallery (Liverpool), Whitby High School (Ellesmere Port), recent partners Liverpool Hope University and Curious Minds. The school is in an area of high socio‐economic deprivation and low level of cultural engagement. The project seeks to support students’ photographic and digital skills, using co‐authored approaches to learning to raise young people’s overall aspiration levels. This article addresses conflicts / ethics of photography, social media and the digital in creative education today but ultimately seeks to champion photography as a tool for increased visual literacy when co‐authored between both school and cultural organisation.  相似文献   

高校人事档案信息化建设的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校人事档案信息化建设工作十分重要,主要存在三方面问题:管理体制不够规范,人事档案工作重视程度差;经费投入不足,人事档案信息化建设程度差;人事档案管理队伍建设落后,科学管理程度差。要解决这些问题,须采取以下对策:规范高校人事档案管理体制,统一高校人事档案信息化建设标准;提高管理档案人员素质水平,积极开展科学研究;加大资金投入力度,保证高校人事档案信息化建设;建立高校人事档案信息化安全保障体系,确保人事档案的利用服务。  相似文献   

Most scholarly fields, at least in the humanities, have been asking the same questions about the politics of encounter for hundreds of years: Should we try to find a way to encounter an other without appropriating it, without imposing ourselves on it? Is encountering‐without‐appropriating even possible? These questions are profuse and taken up with intense interest in scholarship about the personal essay, specifically, which has often been credited as a philosophical form.

Within debates about the ethics of the personal essay, the most significant concern is about the traditionally accepted relationship of the writer‐represented‐on‐the‐page. For example, the notable rhetoric and composition scholar, David Bartholomae, argues that students of what he calls ‘“creative nonfiction” or “literary nonfiction”’ (1995, p. 68) write ‘... as though they [are] not the products of their time, politics and culture, as though they could be free, elegant, smart, independent, the owners of all that they saw’ (p. 70).

In other words, the personal essay, as a subgenre of creative or literary nonfiction, allows for the perpetuation of the fallacy that a writer can be ‘free’ of social influences, ‘independent’ of a society and of its politics, and ‘owners’ of their own perspectives and experiences—of those the writer expresses on the page, specifically. Consequently, if the writer is not conscious and critical of the social influences acting on him/her, if s/he believes the text to be the singular and uninfluenced production of his/her own self, then the topic taken up in the essay is tyrannized by the self‐centered (and dangerously un‐critically‐conscious) perspective of the writer.

However, the personal essay also has its strengths as a philosophical form: in its privileging of skepticism; in its attention to complexity and complication; and even in its existence‐as‐evidence of some quality of its writer. Too, very often essays pay homage to works of other essayists, as in the case of Gass's ‘Emerson and the Essay’, instead of mowing down other works in order to establish its own reign. Despite these ethically responsible characteristics, though, I show, using Gass's essay about Emerson's work, that the personal essay continues to be devalued because of its reliance on and celebration of its transparent relationship to its author.

In general, essayists don't complain in their work about the belief in this transparent relationship; they advocate it. Thus, my purpose is not to suggest that there is no relationship between the essayist and the essay. Rather, I will, in the latter half of the article, turn to the work of philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, which describes and enacts an approach to an other (writer/text) that does not hinge on the assumption that writer and text are in a transparent relationship to each other. I hope that in presenting this possibility for re‐thinking the essay (and its relationship to its writer), writers, scholars, and teachers of the essay—and even its opposition—will give it new attention and explore further the possibilities that it may provide for engagement, for encounter.  相似文献   

This paper examines the onto‐epistemic status and understanding of contemporary material culture and of visual art, particularly in the context of gallery education. It does so through a case study of the response of 15 year‐old school students in the Czech Republic and in England to a recent photographic exhibition, I.N.R.I., created by artists Bettina Rheims and Serge Bramly. It supports and develops further the proposition that the tradition grounded in the concept of a single ‘objective’ interpretation of a work of art has been significantly undermined by the paradigmatic change that has taken place in the last decades. In the course of this process the vocabulary of signification (e.g. doves, the royal blue, temptations of Christ, class struggle) inherited from the age of ideologies and grand narratives has been significantly weakened. In its place there emerged the vocabulary of signs born out of the language of high tech media. It takes the form of dynamically constituted units identifiable via daily exposure to techno processes, e.g. familiar from advertising and networking, at best mere fragments of traditional narratives. The recognition of reality is couched in terms of consumer units originating in objects (e.g. gadgetry) and object‐based practices filling (indeed constituting) the living place of today. This shift is particularly apparent among English young people, brought up in a more consumer‐oriented society, and to a lesser degree among Czechs. This is well in keeping with the concept of the post‐modern ‘empirical spectator’ developed in recent literature on art and material culture education.  相似文献   

赵冉 《英语沙龙》2011,(4):22-24
一、INTRODUCTION选文简介: 辛西娅·沃伊特(Cynthia Voigt)是美国著名青少年文学小说家。她的作品《黛希之歌》(Daisy's Song)曾获得美国青少年文学最高奖项纽伯瑞金奖。辛西娅·沃伊特关注环境,善于捕捉并细腻地描述环境对于心理成长的塑造与影响。  相似文献   

网络文化中教育引导的遭遇与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于教育信息比特存在的网络空间使基于教育信息原子存在的传统教育引导面临如下新场景:学生生活网络化、言论表达自由化、言论权力扁平化和文化模式前喻化。这些场景颠覆了传统教育的影响,提出了教育权威失灵、教学控制失效及人格魅力弱化等挑战。相应地应当从优化教育生态、推进主体教育、重塑师生关系以及加强学科渗透等方面来提高网络文化中教育引导的有效性。  相似文献   

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