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这是学习小提示:为了增加写作效果,作者运用了不少省略了句子成分的短句,阅读时请注意。相信每个人都有过这样的经历--在食堂要排队打饭,公车到站也要排队上车,去过上海世博会的同学想必一提起排队就愤怒。是的,我们似乎变得越来越急躁,对等感到越发不耐烦--也许有些人还没看完这段话就已经跳到正文咯--  相似文献   

英语随时代的发展而发展,英语的学习也出现很多方法,最基本的方法仍然是循序渐进地多读、多写、多听、多说,而不是急于求成。  相似文献   

This qualitative study focused on educators who participated in grassroots social justice groups to explore the role teacher activism can play in the struggle for educational justice. Findings show teacher activists made three overarching commitments: to reconcile their vision for justice with the realities of injustice around them; to work within their classrooms to create liberatory space; and to work collectively against oppression as activists. To enact these commitments, they engaged in particular practices common across the teachers despite their years in the classroom or their geographic location. A framework of teacher activism is revealed through the commitments and practices of the teacher activists, which can help support other teachers who are interested in working toward equity and justice in their classrooms and in the streets.  相似文献   

引领新时代中国社会经济发展的新发展理念,具有多重理解维度。在理论层面上,新发展理念是一体多元,共聚合力的完整发展观体系。在价值层面上,新发展理念以人民为中心,坚持人民至上,和谐人际关系的价值取向。在实践层面上,新发展理念化解社会主要矛盾,重点解决时代难题。在国际层面上,新发展理念能促进人类文明的共同发展。  相似文献   

讨论了在ak=k2δ(当等待队长为k时,系统中的顾客按强度at的泊松分布离开系统)情况下的具有不耐烦顾客的M/M/n排队系统的模型和平稳分布,并得到了系统的平均正忙着的服务窗个数,顾客排队等待的概率,平均等待队长,系统的平均损失顾客数等各项指标.  相似文献   

李炆锦男孩8岁我的愿望是:2008年奥运会时我可以天天看电视,看中国队得了多少枚金牌,还要看关于奥运会的动画片,还想让我的小蜥蜴去参加长跑比赛。希望中国的金牌能超过美国。唐欣黎女孩8岁跟着2008的钟声,希望自己的学习能更上一层楼,克服掉自己做事拖拖拉拉的坏毛病。自己跳舞能更好、更棒。  相似文献   

宏观视界下的大学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新旧世纪交替之际,人类再一次站在文明发展的“十字路口”,于是“选择”、“反思”、“批判”等话语在人类进入21世纪的短短几年间,便成为人们谈论、探询和争鸣的话题。在世人众多的追问中,也包括“大学是什么?”、“大学何以存在?”、“大学以何发展?”等这些在往日看来完全是常识性的问题。可见,全球化背景下社会发展的新格局正赋予大学以新的内涵,使大学成为社会发展最重要的动力源。由此,如何全面理解和把握大学的外在特征,重读大学的理性精神,便成为时代赋予我们的重要责任和历史使命。  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - Shared vision is an important process for change projects, serving to amplify success, increase participation, and erode the divide between project leaders and...  相似文献   

成人教育课程的设置无论从目标还是从过程看都存在一定的问题。帕特森和诺尔斯分别提出了成人教育课程设置要注意“成人知识”和“成人教学论”,这可以说是当前成人课程研究中的新视域,对此作出介绍和评价,以期对成人教育课程设置有所启发。  相似文献   

Canadian Jesuit philosopher and theologian Bernard Lonergan offers a vision for education that promotes what he terms “cosmopolis.” For Lonergan, authentic cosmopolitanism does not impose a universal, totalizing metanarrative. Rather, it embraces the particularity of one's own cultural, religious, and intellectual traditions, while remaining radically open to dialogue with the other. By doing so, education for cosmopolis fosters both authentic appropriation and reflective critique of one's own traditions, as well as an appreciation for the authenticity of others. Teaching for cosmopolis is an invitation to dialogue which promotes mutual understanding, mutual respect, and mutual interdependence in a globalized world.  相似文献   

This article presents one approach to the development of initial teacher education programmes that are based on a vision, premissed on values shared consensually by faculty staff and students. The article first provides a brief historical background of the Faculty of Education at the University of Malta, where this values‐based approach was attempted. It addresses some of the key problems faced in the development of a coherent and organic course of studies with students following graduate and post‐graduate courses, and gives an account of the way some of these problems were addressed. It is claimed that the approach adopted at the University of Malta can help other teacher educators in clarifying objectives as they set out to create coherent programmes that provide a sense of mission based on identifiable values and principles.  相似文献   

This paper presents a pure vision based technique for 3D reconstruction of planet terrain. The reconstruction accuracy depends ultimately on an optimization technique known as 'bundle adjustment'. In vision techniques, the translation is only known up to a scale factor, and a single scale factor is assumed for the whole sequence of images if only one camera is used. If an extra camera is available, stereo vision based reconstruction can be obtained by binocular views. If the baseline of the stereo setup is known, the scale factor problem is solved. We found that direct application of classical bundle adjustment on the constraints inherent between the binocular views has not been tested. Our method incorporated this constraint into the conventional bundle adjustment method. This special binocular bundle adjustment has been performed on image sequences similar to planet terrain circumstances. Experimental results show that our special method enhances not only the localization accuracy, but also the terrain mapping quality.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化进程的加快,非传统安全因素特别是2008年以来国际金融危机对当代国际关系的影响不断扩大,国际安全新秩序的构建成为各国关注的焦点之一。国际安全新秩序的构建对于维护各个国家、地区乃至全人类利益都至关重要。随着核扩散问题、国际金融秩序变革、自然灾害与疾病防控合作机制、区域运输安全保障等问题的显现,国际安全新秩序构建的新视野逐步展现出来。这些因素既是国际安全新秩序构建的原因,又是其构建形成的有效途径。  相似文献   

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