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Fifty‐six children between the ages of two years four months and four years ten months were given tests relating to the acquisition of both ‘specific’ and ‘generic’ concepts. Several tests of concept acquisition (HAPCAT) 1 1The tests may be obtained from the NFER (Guidance and Assessment Service) to whom inquiries should be addressed. were devised by the authors utilizing pictures drawn on card. A number of the children (N=29) were also given some ‘Piagetian questions’ concerning class inclusion.

The results conflict with the widely held view (following the writing of Jean Piaget) that preschool children cannot form generic concepts. Nearly all the children were able to identify the specific concepts as presented in the HAPCAT items and about half the group responded appropriately to the HAPCAT items involving an understanding of generic concepts. There was a clear and statistically significant relationship between the number of correct answers given to the HAPCAT items and the age and ability levels of the children. This was not the case, however, with the Piagetian test questions which showed no discriminatory power in these respects. It is argued that the Piagetian questions do not represent a sensitive or meaningful measure of concept acquisition at this age level whereas the HAPCAT items do appear to present pre‐school children with intelligible tasks which allow many of them to demonstrate an understanding of generic concepts involving class inclusion.


The Schools Council's evaluation of i.t.a. (Warburton and Southgate, 1969) did not seek to ascertain the attitudes towards i.t.a. of teachers using craditional orthography (t.o.) other than those involved in the British i.t.a. experiments in teaching control groups. This smaller‐scale research aimed to investigate the attitudes of t.o. users as well as i.t.a. users in the Berkshire College school practice catchment area.

The attitude measures distinguished clearly between users and potential users of i.t.a. and t.o. users.

No significant differences in attitude relating to the age of children taught, the age and service of the teacher or the position held in school were found for the t.o. sample, nor, contrary to some of the Schools Council findings, for the i.t.a. users. The sole exception was that older t.o.‐using teachers showed more feelings against i.t.a. than younger teachers.

About 10 per cent of t.o. users indicated that they were potential users of i.t.a., whilst 13 per cent of i.t.a. users rejected i.t.a. in a future situation. There was little demand for i.t.a. courses; only 3‐57 per cent of the t.o. users wished for these.  相似文献   

Recent work aimed at involving parents more in the teaching of reading by encouraging parents to hear their children read school reading books at home has created a great deal of interest. But to what extent does it depart from normal school practice?

Little is known about schools’ attitudes to parental involvement in home‐based, as opposed to school‐based, educational activities. Therefore a study was made of a sample of 16 infant and first schools. Interviews were carried out with head teachers, all teachers of seven‐year‐olds, and some of their pupils. It was found that whilst there was general support for the idea of parental involvement in the teaching of reading this stopped short of helping parents hear their own children read at home. An examination of the schools’ practice suggested that at present comparatively few children regularly take school reading books to read at home.  相似文献   

The influence of disciplinary differences onself-perceived gains in critical thinking andcommunication skills were examined in terms of studentbackground characteristics, experiences in the major,and college experience variables. Academicdisciplines were categorized according to Biglan's(1973a) classification of single- and multiple-paradigmdisciplines. Although multigroup structural equationmodeling showed no differences between self-perceivedgains for single- and multiple-paradigm disciplines, theproposed theoretical model accounted for 13.5% and 25.3%of the variance in self-perceived gains in critical thinking and communication skills,respectively. The variable most highly associated withself-perceived gains was the quality of lower-divisioncourses in the major.  相似文献   

A structured interview was conducted individually with 310 Canadian kindergarten children selected as a representative sample of pupils in their community. The interview had four parts: I Recognition of acts of reading and writing; II Concepts of the purposes of reading and writing; III Concepts of features of printed materials; IV Visual perception (similar to one part of the Frostig Test). Most children achieved near perfect scores on Part IV. Part I was slightly more difficult. Part II was considerably more difficult and Part III was the most difficult of all. It is concluded that teachers should be more concerned about the development of these linguistic concepts than visual perception.  相似文献   

Communication skills are one of the most important competencies for 21st century global citizens. Our guiding presupposition was that socioscientific issues (SSIs) could be used as an effective pedagogical tool for promoting students’ communication skills by increasing peer interactions, stimulating students’ reasoning, and in constructing shared social knowledge. We implemented a SSI program on gene modification (GM) technology to 132 9th graders in South Korea and investigated to what extent this SSI instruction contributed to enhancing students’ communication skills. Data sources included pre- and post-scores on the Communication Skills Questionnaire (CSQ), semi-structured interviews with the students and instructor, and classroom observations. The results demonstrated that SSI instruction could bring about a moderately large impact on students’ ability to understand the key ideas of others and to value others’ perspectives, as well as a marginal positive effect on developing active assertions. However, SSI instruction appeared to have a lesser impact on students’ ability to develop shared understanding. Overall, this research indicates the potential that even a limited SSI classroom could have in terms of promoting students’ communication skills in the context of their regular science class.  相似文献   

This study, drawing on data from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2007, examined the predictive effects of multiple dimensions of mathematics and science self-concept??positive affect toward mathematics and science and self-perceived competence in mathematics and science??on mathematics and science achievement among 1,752 first- and second-generation immigrant adolescent students in Canada. First- and second-generation immigrant adolescent students?? self-perceived competence in mathematics had positive predictive effects on their mathematics and science achievement. In contrast, first- and second-generation immigrant adolescent students?? positive affect toward mathematics had negative predictive effects on their mathematics and science achievement. While first- and second-generation immigrant adolescent students?? self-perceived competence in science had no significant predictive effect on their mathematics achievement, it had a positive predictive effect on their science achievement. Positive affect toward science had positive predictive effects on second-generation immigrant adolescent students?? mathematics and science achievement, whereas it had no significant predictive effects on first-generation immigrant adolescent students?? mathematics and science achievement. Implications of the findings for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

A study of schools entering pupils for the examinations of the Nuffield ‘O’ level Chemistry project suggests that, as yet, such schools are located near the original centres of project activity. Comparison of the heads of the Chemistry departments in matched samples of ‘Nuffield’ and ‘non‐Nuffield’ schools (summer 1969), established no significant difference in academic and professional training or in experience of non‐classroom employment. Nuffield Chemistry schools were found to have a larger percentage of pupils following sixth form science courses but the difference in annual, per capita expenditure on Chemistry teaching was significant only at the five per cent level.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of ‘Scientific Communication’ (SC) skills instruction on students’ performances in scientific literacy assessment tasks. We present a general model for skills instruction, characterized by explicit and spiral instruction, integration into content learning, practice in several scientific topics, and application of performance tasks. The model was applied through an instructional program that focuses on the following learning skills: information retrieval, scientific reading and writing, listening and observing, data representation, and knowledge presentation. Throughout the 7th–8th grades, 160 students learned the whole program or one of its components: structured instruction (SI) of SC skills, or performance tasks (PT). A comparison group of 42 students did not receive instruction of SC skills. Students’ performances were assessed through a questionnaire and a complex task that measured students’ scientific content knowledge, SC skills, and the quality of the final products. Results indicated that students who learned the whole program or one of its components achieved higher scores in all categories than the comparison group students. High achievers can benefit from just one component of the program: either structured instruction (SI) or learning from practice (PT). However, they can hardly acquire SC skills spontaneously. Low and average achievers require both components of the SC program to improve their performances. Results show that without planned intervention, the spontaneous attainment of SC skills occurs only to a limited extent. Systematic teaching of skills can make a significant difference. The explicit instruction of skills integrated into scientific topics, the opportunities to implement the skills in different contexts, the role of performance tasks as ‘assessment for learning’—all these features are important and necessary for improving students’ scientific literacy. Our general model of skills instruction can be applied to the instruction of other high-order skills. Its application can lead to the realization of the central goal of science education: literate students possessing scientific knowledge.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to gain information pertaining to one of the most critical problems in individualization or personalization of instruction—an instrument that accurately assesses individual differences in community college students in terms that can be of value in the classroom. The subjects in this study, nursing students at Delta College in University City, Michigan, were tested with a cognitive style diagnostic battery developed by Oakland Community College and an observational minibattery developed by this researcher (selected elements of cognitive style). The results of these tests were checked in classroom situations.  相似文献   

The man is a blue collar worker. He tells the story of his nine year old daughter. She said that the only thing she really wanted for Christmas was a pair of Vidal Sassoon Jeans. He explained to her that they really weren't wealthy enough to afford $40 jeans. Maybe Levis would do. “Forget it,” she said. “If I can't have what I want, I don't want anything.”

The man said that they saved up and got her the Sassoon jeans for Christmas. “But you know,” he mused, “she judges the others in her class on what kind of designer jeans they have. They form cliques based on their clothes. It's their way of being somebody, being acceptable, being ‘in’.”  相似文献   

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