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网络高教:中国高等教育模式的创新   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
随着社会信息化的推进 ,我国现有的高等教育模式已不能适应信息社会对人才培养的需求 ,高等教育必须在培养目标、内容和方式上进行重大变革。智能化的“网络高校”是2 1世纪我国高等教育创新的办学模式 ,它是真正意义上的开放性教育和自我实现型教育  相似文献   

As part of recent complex transformations, it seems that higher educational organisations are being forced to reorganise, standardise and streamline in order to survive in the new political and economic context. How are ethnographers in general going to approach these contemporary phenomena? By drawing on the conceptual history of anthropology, the aim of this article is to generate ethnographic-oriented research questions concerned with higher education. The first part of the article provides an ethnographic background, while the second part focuses on Paul Willis's reasoning on ethnographic imagination, as a prerequisite for generating alternative research questions. The third part makes explicit anthropologist Maurice Godelier's theoretical imagination, carving out some specific theoretical parts which may be used in the generating process. The conclusion then suggests a number of questions to be asked by future ethnographers of higher education. The questions are followed by a reflection upon the consequences of doing ethnography within contemporary higher education settings, which are increasingly dominated by policy-makers; ethnography is thus to be seen as an intervening instrument.  相似文献   

高等教育服务质量模糊综合评价法初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
模糊综合评价是一种新的高等教育服务质量评价方法,具有多元性、差异性、全面性、发展性、模糊性等特征。它将定性和定量评价、过程评价和结果评价结合起来,体现了现代高等教育质量评价的时代需要,是对已有的高等教育质量评价的一种超越,对提高高等教育质量具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

高等职业教育现代化特征初探   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
高等职业教育现代化是教育现代化的重要内容 ,其主要特征是 :人才素质的弹性化、课程设置的人格化、办学模式的多样化、教学手段的信息化  相似文献   

基于能力本位的高职教育考核评价方法刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前高职生的考核评价方法已成为制约高职教育培养高素质技能人才的瓶颈之一。针对当前高职教育考核评价方法存在的问题,应树立以能力测试为中心的现代考试观,并从评价内容、评价方式、考试方法和考试结果诊断反馈机制等方面进行改革,以促进高职教育人才培养质量的提高。  相似文献   

高等职业技术教育的教育经济学审视   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育不仅可以通过提高人的知识和技能来提高劳动生产率,而且可以通过影响劳动者的主观努力程度来影响劳动生产率,同一层次但不同类型的教育对劳动生产率的影响不同。高等职业技术教育与普通高等教育是两种不同类型的教育,它们对劳动生产率的影响是不同的。针对当前的实际情况,我国的高等教育结构必须调整,高等职业技术教育的改革和发展必须遵循自身的发展规律,办出自己的特色。  相似文献   

高职教育是高等教育的一种制度而不是一个层次,培养目标的核心应从培养具体的岗位职业能力转变为广泛的岗位群职业能力,专业设置应是技能性强的工程、制造和服务类专业,课程应按照职业领域、专业需要、专业拓展和能力培养来设置,要有强有力的教学硬件支持,并对教学方式进行改革。  相似文献   

The process of giving official acknowledgment to formal, informal and non‐formal prior learning is commonly labelled as assessment, accreditation or recognition of prior learning (APL), representing a practice that is expanding in higher education in many countries. This paper focuses specifically on the assessment part of APL, which undoubtedly is central to the whole process, through a review of research in this area and an analysis of the reviewed studies from a validity perspective. The research reviewed (published 1990–2007) is categorised into empirical as well as more theoretically oriented publications, with a quantitative dominance of the latter. According to the validity analysis, a majority of the studies conducted in this area relate to the evidential basis of test interpretation and use, primarily providing theoretical rationales and theories for a variety of practices. The consequential basis of test interpretation and use has not been studied to any larger extent, resulting in a lack of both theoretical and empirical studies dealing with this aspect of validity.  相似文献   

服务型教育体系:区域高等教育发展的新模式   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为实现教育发展与经济发展的良性互动,促进区域经济社会的和谐发展,作为我国经济最为发达的城市之一,宁波市率先提出构建服务型教育体系的新思路。构建服务型教育体系,对于转变区域高等教育发展模式,推进高等教育制度创新,实现区域教育结构与产业结构的成功耦合具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

成人高等教育课程建设探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本认为适应知识经济时代的要求,就必须充分认识成人高等教育课程建设和重要性,解放思想,转变观念,改革陈旧的教学内容和方法,整体优化课程结构,逐步建立具有鲜明的时代特色、专业特色和成人特色的创新型的课程体系。  相似文献   

学习效果评估:美国高等教育评估发展的趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着利益相关者的介入,政府外在问责与高校内在质量改进的要求,促使美国高等教育评估发生了转变,更注重以学生学习效果作为重要维度。高等教育认证机构、质量评估机构纷纷推动学习效果评估的实施,建构了评估框架与标准体系,从而提升高等教育质量。在实施过程中,体现出学生全面发展的理念,政府加强介入,评估活动更加专业化,注重在全国范围内实施的特点。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of United Nations (UN) peace academics in teaching for peace within the UN higher education system, and questions what contribution, if any, UN peacebuilding education makes to the broader field of peace and conflict studies education, and in the lives of the people it touches. The study draws on ethnographic data collected over a six-month period at one UN university in 2015. The data collection period involved participant observation, interviews with faculty and postgraduate students, document analysis, and surveys with learners. Findings suggest tensions and contradiction in the university around issues of UN mimicry, Western-centrism, state domination, and institutional capitalism. Implications are briefly addressed and recommendations provided.  相似文献   

Assessment is an important cornerstone of education. A world trend in staying abreast of the latest developments in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) has led to an increased demand for electronic assessment in education circles. The critical need and responsibility for higher education to stay on par with the latest techniques regarding assessment subsequently led the University of Johannesburg (UJ) to implement electronic assessment in some departments in 2004. Several challenges led to this exploration into the use of one e‐assessment tool within the University.  相似文献   

Is there (still) something specific about academic practice in contemporary neoliberal times? This article reports on a sociomaterial, ethnographic study informed by Deleuze’s untimely empiricism conducted at two research centres of a research university. We unfold the specificity of ‘the academic’ by elaborating upon two central notions: relational aspirations (the attachments of these academics, and the operations that such attachments generate) and mode of existence (the way academic practice comes into being by and through these attachments). The article discerns four types of relations that are typical for academic practice and argues that the way in which academic practice exists nowadays is characterized by a continuous distancing in action, that is, by drawing things together and by slowing things down.  相似文献   

创新高职营销专业实践教学模式是落实科学发展观的具体体现,是解决职业教育落后于经济发展的必然选择,是其专业生命力的体现。其创新路径为:转变教育观念,彰显实践教学;扩大实践场所,聚焦实践技能;深化课程改革,开发适用教材;理论实践融合,院校企业双赢。  相似文献   


In this article we draw on actor-network theory (ANT) in order to challenge the methodological and empirical orthodoxies of anthropocentrism and interactionism that have long informed dominant discourses of ethnographic work. We use ANT to open new possibilities for understanding education as emergent in relational fields where non-human forces are as equally necessary as and possess an agency equivalent to, human forces: the principle of symmetry. We argue that this generates important conceptual as well as political possibilities in constituting different possible outcomes in the accomplishment of ethnographies of education. We draw attention to the problematic of the decentring of the human subject and the critical investigation of the interface between people and objects that frame this special issue, and also propose a methodological response framed by a commitment to empirical research through ethnography as well as a theoretical response framed by relational materialism, operationalised here through recourse to ANT.  相似文献   

加入WTO将给中国高职外语教学带来深刻的影响,为适应WTO的要求,高职外语教学就要完善课程结构,改革教学模式,改进教学手段,改革外语考试制度和评价体系,同时,也要注重加强国际化交流与合作,进一步扩大开放力度。  相似文献   

Assessment is a central feature of student learning in higher education and has a strong influence on the student experience. Accordingly, the appropriate communication of assessment aims is a priority for all higher education institutions. This study proposes an analytical framework for the interpretation and creation of assessments across higher education disciplines. The framework suggests that assessments can be categorised according to rhetorical purposes, formats, modes and group arrangements. Assessments from three degree programmes at one Australian university are analysed using the framework to show its usefulness in classifying and evaluating task components and generating broad images of degrees based on assessment regimes. We draw on these practical applications to explain and compare discipline-specific qualities of each degree, and argue that the framework might enhance the communication of assessment aims to benefit higher education stakeholders.  相似文献   

高职生源不整齐的教学管理思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
高职院校生源不整齐的状况已经严重影响了教学质量和学校的教学管理,本文认真地分析了目前各高职院校针对生源不整齐所采取的一些措施的利弊,提出必须创新教学管理思路,从根本上解决因生源不整齐对人才培养质量的严重影响。  相似文献   

在实现高等教育大众过程中,发展高等职业教育有利于优化高等教育结构,促进高等教育向多样化发展;有利于满足社会发展对人才规格提出的客观要求,促进经济发展,为实现高等教育大众化提供物质基础;有利于我国终身教育体系的建立,为实现高等教育大众化开辟有效途径。  相似文献   

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