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创新能力的培养是研究生教育的核心,建设以科学研究为主要任务的研究生学术共同体,是培养研究生创新能力和提升科学研究水平的有效组织模式。研究生学术共同体建设不仅是学科交叉研究的需要,也是研究生团队意识培育的需要,其建设应该遵循目标一致性、知识互补性、稳定性与可持续发展性的原则,从团队结构、学术情境、服务体系和激励考核机制等方面来加以构建。  相似文献   

认为研究生学术诚信与学术道德养成主要有环境润育、制度他律和主体自律三种途径,整合这三种途径可形成一种养成机制。要使养成机制有效运行应从环境润育——重点在于建设优良学风,营造良好的学术氛围与学术风气;他律养成——重点在于建设德性学术制度,形成“全面、合理、公正”的学术制度体系;自律养成——重点在于培养研究生的“四自”素质,形成自律养成行为等这三个方面入手,促进三方面协调发展。  相似文献   

全国中等职业学校“文明风采”竞赛活动至今已连续举办了十届,成为中等职业学校德育的一项常规工作,已形成了自己的特点。“文明风采”竞赛活动对中等职业学校的德育实践具有促进作用。要加强德育实践,展示学生文明风采,就要始终坚持立德树人这一根本任务,高度重视德育实践活动的开展,坚持“以生为本”,建立一支高水平德育实践指导教师队伍。  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of academic receivership in U.S. colleges and universities. Academic receivership occurs when control of an academic department or program is removed from the faculty and an outside chair is put in place by the college or university administration. A literature review is supplemented by a small survey to assess how common receivership is and how it is administered. Combined, these elements allow for a discussion of the warning signs that a department is becoming dysfunctional and a procedure to guide a department through the receivership process.
Tammy StoneEmail:

We present mathematical models for the evolution over time of the proportion of minorities in an academic department or similarly selected group of constant size. Using the models, we analyze both the steady-state and time-dependent behavior of the proportion of minorities, and also obtain a means of evaluating the effectiveness of a department's hiring history. We derive a number of surprising results with importance to institutional hiring policy and affirmative action; and we also present methods, suggested by the model and its behavior, to improve departmental hiring practices.  相似文献   

本文通过实习成绩的反馈情况,论述了学生能力培养的诸多方面,指出能力培养对学生胜任今后的工作的重要意义。  相似文献   

论培育人性的教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国流行的《教育学》在阐释“教育”概念时,似乎都忘却了教育的人性培育的深刻内涵,在教育实践中造成了始料未及的严重后果。当前部分人人性的丧失已成为严重的社会问题。培育人性的教育是既重视培育“什么人”,又重视培养“人的什么”的教育。它不是教育的什么“新品种”、“新概念”,而只是被遗忘了的“教育”的题内之义,是教育被放逆但又必然回归的深层次本质。培养各性、理性,强调精神追求;坚守人性底线,实现人性升华;确立权利意识,守护人性原则,是当前学校培育人性的教育的抓手。  相似文献   


The growth of distance education has necessitated strong evidence of quality for institutions of higher education, and numerous standards and principles of quality have been developed, such as Quality Matters? (Quality Matters). These systems are often considered only at the course level to guide design and improve student outcomes, but they can also help to pull the institution together and galvanize advancement in online development. Adopting online quality standards can be a complex process that requires changes to institutional culture. This article describes how the use of the Community of Practice (CoP) framework engaged a campus-wide network of individuals in adoption of the Quality Matters training, rubric, and review process to advance distance education support and online course development. Using Social Network Analysis, researchers were able to identify the strengths and weakness of the CoP during the early adoption phase of Quality Matters to quantitatively measure the connections among members of the community.

Based on a survey administered to every participant who attended the Applying the Quality Matters Rubric? (APPQMR) workshop, researchers analyzed connections across the Quality Matters? (Quality Matters) Community of Practice (CoP). This analysis indicated strong cohesion of the network based on work related to distance education but low density for connections based on Quality Matters. Furthermore, it demonstrated that significant connections existed between members prior to the adoption of Quality Matters and identified key influencers within the network. The results also indicated that the Quality Matters leadership team at the institution is highly central to the Quality Matters CoP network. The results can be used to identify strategies to further adoption of Quality Matters at the institution by strengthening the CoP.  相似文献   

学术型中层领导干部是高校院系改革与发展的中坚力量。在对高校院系学术型领导干部的领导绩效进行调查和分析后发现,学术型领导干部普遍面临着提高领导绩效和学术水平的双重压力。改革和完善领导体制,实行目标管理,建立科学的激励、考核机制,充分发挥学术型领导干部的作用,提升其领导绩效和影响力等是高校面临的重要研究课题。  相似文献   

中国家庭教育学会主办的学术会刊是宣传推广家庭教育学术研究成果的重要媒体和宣传阵地,是学会开展学术研究和学术交流的有效载体和重要平台.党的十八大以来,习近平总书记就注重家庭、注重家教、注重家风作出了一系列重要论述,为促进新时代我国家庭教育的创新发展提供了根本遵循、指明了前进方向.办好学术会刊是学会深入贯彻落实习近平总书记...  相似文献   

时下人们对自然观的理解往往过于抽象,即将自然观与人类社会生活相剥离,孤立地谈论自然观。而从现代实践哲学的立场看,自然观并非一个抽象的概念,而是内蕴于人类生活实践之中。换言之,人类生活实践是人们考察自然观的一个新视角。从人类生活实践的视角看,自然观是一个包含生物性、精神性和社会性三个维度的丰富整体。不同类型的生活实践则意味着不同类型的自然观,即技术实践意味着机械的自然观,伦理实践体现着道德的自然观,从精神文化实践则必然引申出审美的自然观。  相似文献   

“学术共同体”建设:学术规范、学术批评与学术创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术失范、学术不端与学术腐败的猖獗,严重地削弱了知识分子及学术共同体的话语权和公信力.通过学术规范化、加强学术批评、促进学术创新,推进"学术共同体"的建设以重振学术理性,遏制学术混乱与无序,改良学术制度与环境,维护学术尊严与品格,为学术发展提供强力的精神支持和组织保障,为学术创新提供积极的运行机制和生态环境.  相似文献   

李超红  黎明星 《湘南学院学报》2003,24(2):113-114,117
在体育教学中,学生的情绪表现是复杂多样的,如果对体育活动本身感兴趣,就会精神饱满,积极热情地投入,并刻苦学习,努力进取.我们分析了教学过程和来自学生本人方面的因素,总结并得出了体育课中学生练习情绪的培养方法.  相似文献   


The effectiveness of the DARE to be You (DTBY) teacher training for enhancing feelings of personal teaching efficacy was assessed for 241 control or training-group teachers using a pretest, posttest, and 9-month follow-up design. Examined was the relation between personal and general teaching efficacy, satisfaction with and investment in teaching, and integration of roles. Significant group-by-time interactions were found for personal and teaching efficacy and the four teacher self-perception measures, using a repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance. Level of involvement with the DTBY classroom activities was related to efficacy judgments. The study provides support for the value of the DTBY training and the importance of addressing teaching efficacy issues within staff development programs aimed at curricular innovation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the differences andsimilarities in approaches to community, voiceand curriculum among three Canadian elementaryschools with respect to their potential toenact central aspects of a critical pedagogy:to extend voice to students and community;foster participatory, democratic education; andto cultivate critical reflection. The threeschools offer different conceptions andpractices. In one, a deficit model ofeducation seems to dominate; in the second, wefound an individual growth model of education;and in the third, a critical practice model ofeducation was the foundation for moredemocratic educational practices. We argue thatnot all change initiatives and approaches areequally valuable, and that the latter modelprovides a more profound and just educationalexperience for students.  相似文献   

学校是学生学习的主要场所,同时也是学生成长的场所,作为教师不仅要钻研学科教学,成为教学的能手,同时也是学生灵魂的铸造者。我们要以教学过程为契机,对学生进行德育和心理素质的训练,在教学中培养学生良好的心理素质。  相似文献   

人文学科研究生学术能力包括基础能力和关键能力两个维度,由思辨与创新能力、学术技能与整合能力、学术敏感与问题意识、专业阅读与诠释能力、学术体知与视角转换能力五大要素构成。这五大要素与学习动机、学术自我认知共同影响人文学科研究生学术能力的发展。重视名著阅读、拓展思维训练、加强论文写作、激发学术动机和强化学术自我认知是培养人文学科研究生学术能力的重要途径。  相似文献   

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