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Recent research has documented silence/reticence among East‐Asian international students, including Chinese students, in Western/English classrooms. Students’ communication competence and cultural differences from the mainstream Euro‐American society have been identified as two primary barriers to participation. Placing emphasis on individual characteristics of Chinese students, however, without considering aspects of the educational context with which those characteristics interact, may over‐simplify and distort the mechanism underlying their silence in the classroom. Based on a qualitative study of Chinese students’ experience of sharing indigenous knowledge in classroom settings of Canadian academic institutions, it is argued that the pursuit of diversity in the classroom may be compromised by classroom interactions, through which, for instance, the dynamics and quality of the knowledge exchange of students from different socio‐cultural backgrounds may be adversely affected. Within this conceptual framework, the concepts ‘silence’, ‘culture difference’ and ‘indigenous knowledge’ are re‐examined; the concepts ‘reciprocal cultural familiarity’ and ‘inclusive knowledge sharing’ are advocated.
… [W]hen I did participate, mostly because I was required to. … Students took turns to present something and that is your topic. You have to say something but even then I didn’t feel that good because it seems … they didn’t feel that interested, … like they couldn’t follow my ideas, follow my perspective. And so it seems difficult to communicate. I think that is not just because of the language, it seems we see the same thing in different ways.

(Chinese student in this study)  相似文献   

…Teachers tend to say they find their supervision of little value. Supervisors say their work has a lot of value. Supervisors seem to be saying that they want to spend more time doing what their clients (the teachers) consider to be relatively useless.  相似文献   

1944 and all that   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Firstly I look upon Britain as my homeland… Liberty, the love of home, tolerance and justice—these are some of the things which Britain has infused into most of her sons and daughters…. What does Britain mean to me?, I say ‘A home and the home of the good things in life’. (HAI.1.) Britain means to me my HOME. And I use ‘home’ in the fullest sense as after years spent abroad, it is always the one place I had a secret hankering to come back to (SM1.6) England is home and there's no place like home. That's what Britain means to me. With all its faults, it means just everything to me (MIL.9.) (Report on ‘What does Britain mean to you’, 1941)1  相似文献   

In our work over the past 15 years, we have been guided by a premise, right or wrong, that fundamental changes in how organizations work require fundamental changes in how we think and interact. Changes in the “outer world” do not necessarily produce change in the “inner world”… I am skeptical of what can be accomplished by changes in structure alone.… What leads us to believe that lots of local managers, focused on their own profits, will be any more far‐sighted than a few corporate managers focused on corporate profits? Will they be any better at systems thinking? … What good is it to have more free movement of information if people cannot discuss the information that is most important, but that is also the most threatening? (Sugarman, 1997).  相似文献   

This article takes as its focus the “and” in discourses of teaching and learning. Drawing upon the work of Deleuze and Guattari, I argue that the “and” signifies a complex, sticky relationship between teaching and learning, and that we can radicalise our conception of “and” to bring forward a range of different discourses. The argument suggests that those critiques of discourses of teaching and learning which argue for an alternative discourse of pedagogy can be supplemented by the radicalising of the “and”. I am therefore proposing the possibility for different forms of immanent and transcendental critique in relation to contemporary debates about teaching and learning. And that there is significance in the apparently insignificant?…
In real life people fumble their words and stare blankly off into space and don't listen properly to what people say. I find that kind of speech fascinating but it seems writers never write dialogue like that because it doesn't look good on the page. (Christopher Guest, Theatre Director)  相似文献   

设圈C=v1v2…vmv1,m≥3.在圈C的顶点vi1,vi2,…,vil分别悬挂一条路Pk1,Pk2,…,Pkl的图记为Cili2…il(Pk1,Pk2,…,Pkl),1≤ij≤m,1≤j≤l.顶点vm悬挂l条Pk1,Pk2,…,Rkl的图简记为Cm^l(Pk1,Pk2,…,Pkl).在圈C=v1v2…vmv1的顶点i,上悬挂l条路Pkl,Pk2,…,Pkl的图的最大特征值不小于将l条路分别悬挂在l个顶点i1,i2,…,il的图的最大特征值,即λ1(Gi1^l(Pk1,Pk2,…,Pkl))≥λ1(Ci1i2…il(Pk1,Pk2,…Pkl),1≤ij≤m-1,j=1,2,…,l.  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(2-3):116-138
… My mother was, in fact, the teacher that started my education, and even before I first went to school, she had already taught me to recite poems of the T'ang and the Sung. I received my first schooling when I was four-and-a-half years old. There was a family school in my home that accepted mostly people from our own family, with the exception of one or two children of some relatives. The number of pupils was 10 or 12, and though it was a very small school, it included a variety of grades comprising college, middle school, primary school, and even kindergarten students….  相似文献   

In this essay I argue in favor of a holistic vision for our field under the heading of complementary kinesiology. I argue that battles over reified dichotomies and even compromise solutions have impeded our progress as a profession. I describe the theory of complementation as an alternative. I say it is a strange and paradoxical way of conceptualizing our values and our direction, one that is difficult to grasp intellectually. But I also suggest that it helps us see how and why there really are no “sides” in our profession and why “working alone” is not a viable option. I argue that complementation will allow us to be a more flexible, effective, and otherwise smarter field. Thus, I conclude that any difficulties inherent in understanding complementation are well worth the effort.  相似文献   

资本主义市场经济中的资本家,其行动既有勤俭积累的一面,也有奢侈消费的一面.马克思将资本家抽象为人格化的资本,据此提出了资本家行动的一般逻辑,即奢侈消费的行动服务并受制于资本积累的行动,两者之间是目的和手段的关系;较之于马克思,凡勃伦和韦伯对资本家的解析,除了基于财产与历史维度的一般分析,更多地强调资本家的行动逻辑与其赖以生存的文化伦理情景的具体联系.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to contribute to the discussion on education in Palestinian/Bedouin society in the Negev in Israel and it proposes the narrative of female trainee teachers as the basis of an analysis of the changing status of Bedouin women and their community. The academic discourse on teaching in Bedouin society ignores the potential existence of an alternative discussion outside the dichotomous area of ‘traditional and modern’ and/or ‘Jewish and Bedouin’. Bedouin society in the Negev constitutes a particularly interesting case for a meaningful study of the perception of teaching, chiefly because education has already become a significant practice in the life of a community that seeks integration into Israeli society. The teaching profession gives Bedouin women from the Negev a relatively new opportunity to integrate into education and employment and by so doing they reconstruct a new educational discourse.
Il’il: When we were little, we used to laugh about me—hmm—a teacher. Me with pupils, and I’d teach them, like the teacher who used to teach us, with a little board, and I write for them and they are my pupils, as it were, and I give them tests and all sorts. And I love the profession very, very much because I love the pupils…

Nura: I loved learning but this isn’t the profession that I want to study—to be a teacher … You can help someone in this profession. I see myself going in that direction … First of all, you have to give, to impart something to the children in front of you, who have come to learn. You have to give to these children, to be conscientious. You don’t just come. You haven’t chosen the profession because you wanted to, but you have to cope with it.  相似文献   

通常人们把公元前三世纪古希腊学者埃拉托斯特尼(Eratoshnenes)寻找素数的方法称为筛法,它的本质就是从自然数集中划去具有某种特征的数,从此意义出发,筛法可看作是两个A、B的差集A/B。在生产实践中,有这样的例子,设集合A={x|1≤x≤m},从集合A中划去集合B=ki=1胰胰a胰Pi={x|pi|x-a,i=1,2,…k},继续从中划去集合C=ki=2胰胰b胰Pi={x|pi|x-b,i=2,3,…k},则这种划去的结果即是差集A/B/C.从"筛法"的本质意义讲,这显然也是一个筛法,但它不同于寻常筛法A/B,而且这个集合何时为空集,也是不得而知,因此给更深层次的研究及应用带来困难。本文拟对这种筛法进行深入的探讨,得出差集A/B/C非空的条件。  相似文献   

<正>1.Intorduction Ernst-August Gutt studies translation with relevance theory.He finds connection between translation and relevance,"…relevance is dependent on the interplay of two factors:contextual effects and processing effort…the notion of‘relevance’itself is context-dependent…"(Gutt,2004:31).We can see that relevance theory and translation are intertwined.As context and cognition are the focus of both.We could say that for most translations,translators are trying to build the  相似文献   

James Scheurich argues that practices of policy – normalized over time through repetition – serve three purposes. They structure social problems for which policy is designed to address; construct certain people, implicitly or explicitly, as problem individuals; and shape policy solutions. Following Foucault, he offers what he calls Policy Archaeology Methodology as an approach to policy analysis that emphasizes how particular social problems (but not others) are socially constructed in certain ways within certain political and social contexts. The purpose of policy archaeology as a mode of analysis is ‘to investigate … the grid of conditions, assumptions, forces which make the emergence of a social problem … possible’. Drawing from his method of inquiry, I identify, through examination of policy documents, how the problem of bullying in schools has come to be understood in certain ways (the dominant narrative) and how policy solutions are constrained and limited accordingly, thereby confounding their purpose. I suggest that Scheurich’s perspective provides a way of addressing bullying that accounts for complexity in ways that current approaches mostly do not even consider.  相似文献   

工业部门加工金属产品时,合理的切割次序将节约大量费用,本文针对此问题建立了如下的0-1规划模型:,其中X为切割方案矩阵,f(X)为切割资用函数.该模型的优化算法是:将0-1规划分解成六个子规划Ik(k=1,2,…,6),然后求解I6,再将其它Ik(k=1,2,…,5)采用参数变换法,归结于I6,该代化算法的运算量为一般算法的1/88.  相似文献   

I believe that before all else, I am a reasonable human being just as your are–or at all events that I must try and become one. I know quite well, Torvald, that most people, think you are right, and that views of that kind are to be found in books. But I can no longer content myself with what most people say, or with what is found in books. I must think over things for myself and get to understand them.  相似文献   

设I是k[x1,…,xn]的一个非零理想.I的关于一个项序的Grobner基对于另一个项序未必是Grobner基本证明I只有有限个约化Grobner基,且一定有一个子集F,它对于每一个项序来说均为I的Grobner基.  相似文献   

“It seems that until now all the effort of teaching Hebrew in the United States has been channelled toward one aim, strengthening and serving the Jewish identity of the learners. Unfortunately, for the most part, Hebrew has been taught as an authoritative language, that is, as a language that approaches from the outside…. It is a language with a certain power over us within certain contexts such as the synagogue or a number of life-cycle events, but it is at the same time a language which when displaced from these contextual situations loses its power…” (Bekerman, 1987, p. 6)  相似文献   

如今我不再年轻。一些朋友的母亲已经去世。我曾听这些子女们说过。他们从没有向母亲充分表达过他们的感激之情。而待到要告诉时为时已晚了。  相似文献   

恩格斯晚年一贯坚持发展着的马克思主义,坚持理论的与时俱进.他根据资本主义的变化和股份公司、交易所等垄断组织的出现,揭示了它们在欺诈手段、商业道德、同工人之间的纠纷上有所改变的状况,但这决不是对正义和仁爱的让步,而是获取更大利润的手段.恩格斯对资本主义变化中工人阶级争取民主、争取普选权的合法斗争也作出了科学分析,肯定了资产阶级议会在提供讲坛、揭露对手、争取群众方面的积极作用,但是他也坚决反对把合法斗争绝对化,把他本人歪曲为一个爱好和平的、守法的崇拜者.  相似文献   

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