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“Collaboration” is frequently urged on students, who are praised for being “good collaborators.” Yet collaboration has two senses: a positive sense of autonomously undertaken joint endeavor, but also a sinister implication of treacherous cooperation with enemies. In this article, Amy Shuffelton probes the uses and misuses of collaboration as an educational aim. She engages Josiah Royce's Philosophy of Loyalty and John Dewey's The Public and Its Problems, as well as contemporary critiques of neoliberal workplace structures, to explore the loyalties that shape what we do and who we are. Education for democratic citizenship, Shuffelton concludes, demands that children be provided opportunities to undertake conjoint activities that go beyond the limitations of conventional school collaborations.  相似文献   

First Lesson in Speech Improvement. By Birmingham &; Krapp, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1922.

Expression in Speech and Writing. By Lamborn, E. A., Greening. The Oxford Press. 1922. Pp. 120.

Classical rhetoric

Quintilian's Institutes of Oratory. Translated by H. E. Butler. Vols. III and IV. Loeb Classical Library. New York, Putnam's, 1922.

A Study in Greek Rhetoric. The Stylistic Infuence of the Second Sophistic On the Panegyrical Sermons of St. John Chrysostom. By Thomas E. Ameringer.‐ Catholic University of America, Washington, 1921.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - Complex systems are made up of many entities, whose interactions emerge into distinct collective patterns. Computational modeling platforms can provide...  相似文献   

The promotion of sex/gender equity education in Taiwan was initiated by a women's movement group, the Awakening Foundation in the late 1980s. In 1997, it became a policy in education. The passage of the Gender Equity Education Act in 2004 was a major milestone. At present, although gender equity education has been essentially institutionalized, the challenges and obstacles are still many and, therefore, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) must continue their work. This article introduces two central government committees and four NGOs closely related to the issue, to provide an overview and assessment of their functions and roles, as well as the relationships between them.  相似文献   

人工智能与数据库技术是计算机科学的两大重要领域,越来越多的研究成果表明,这两种技术的相互渗透将会给计算机应用带来更广阔的前景.本文综合论述了人工智能(AI)和数据库(DB)技术结合的重要性和必要性及其目前的研究概况,主要介绍了目前AI和DB结合的几个主要研究领域.  相似文献   

价值观教与学的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个可持续发展的知识型社会应以价值观为中心,尊重生命、尊重人的尊严、尊重社会和文化的多样性,将人类的劳动和工作作为自我实现和自我完善的源泉,同时也作为经济和社会发展的动力。教育者转变传统价值观教育模式,需应对四个挑战。奎苏姆宾博士提出了新的整合后的教学方法,即以认知、理解、评价和行动组成的四步教学法。这一方法提供了价值观教学的全面和统一的示范流程。  相似文献   

The authors describe the Center for Collegiate Mental Health (CCMH), a practice–research network of university counseling centers, and introduce the special issue of the Journal of College Counseling that features the work of the CCMH. The issue features five studies conducted by the CCMH, all of which were focused on the mental health and treatment needs of culturally diverse college students. The special issue concludes with a commentary by Gordon Nagayama Hall.  相似文献   

新疆高等职业教育如今已取得了一定的成绩,但是在学校文化建设、学生素质培养方面还存在着许多与企业、市场和社会不相协调的问题.必须大力推进高职校园文化建设,使其不断适应企业文化的要求,达到这一目的的最有效途径无疑是两种文化的全面共建.高职院校的人才培养要着眼于企业的需求,按照企业对人才的要求来制定人才培养方案,根据社会需求来创新人才培养模式,从而发挥高等职业教育服务社会的功能,实现高职院校的可持续发展.  相似文献   

The impact of mother-child interaction on preschoolers' social-emotional competence was evaluated. Twenty-five girls and 23 boys (mean age = 44 mos) and their mothers were videotaped performing four play/teaching tasks. Preschool teachers completed the Baumrind Preschool Behavior Q-Sort and the Behar Problem Behavior Questionnaire. Mother-child interaction aggregates represented task orientation, positive emotion, and allowance of autonomy/reliance on mother. Results indicated that specific maternal interaction aggregates coherently predicted the children's Positive Social Behavior, Assertiveness, and Sadness in the preschool setting. Child aggregates were less effective predictors of teachers' ratings. Several gender differences in the prediction of social-emotional competence were found (e.g., maternal allowance of autonomy predicted girls' sadness, but boys' sadness was predicted by their own negative emotion). These findings' contributions to the parent-child literature are discussed.  相似文献   

In response to the demand to produce highly qualified teachers to fill teacher vacancies in high-need middle school areas while simultaneously strengthening the teacher preparation process, this article highlights how an innovative partnership with a very large school district and multiple colleges within a metropolitan university resulted in a collaboration to rethink and retool teacher preparation for the next generation of middle school STEM teachers.  相似文献   

"参与式教学法"在高职专业英语教学中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在高职专业英语教学中使用“参与式教学法”有助于提高高职学生运用专业英语的能力。本文就如何在高职专业英语教学中应用“参与式教学法”提出了一些切实可行的建议。  相似文献   

通过对AECT2010国际年会主旨学术报告主题的解读,揭示了学习科学研究新的战略支点——赛博学习,阐述了赛博学习新的技术基础——赛博基础设施和思想方法——控制论与复杂性科学,总结了当代学习研究之新力量学习科学崛起的五大成功之道。在对学习科学与教育技术携手共进之艰难旅程进行回顾的基础上,展望了二者以赛博基础设施新平台为基础,以赛博学习为战略支点在联合中走向变革的光明前景。  相似文献   


The purpose of the research reported in this paper was to investigate strategies to aid teachers in delivering the mathematical component of the English National Curriculum with the help of electronic databases and spreadsheets. It is widely realised within mathematics that information technology remains a relatively neglected part of the curriculum in some schools. The provision of short courses in using spreadsheets and databases as part of a traditional inservice package is often considered to be unsuccessful as a means of enabling teachers to deliver the material back in the classroom. It could be argued that for progress to be made, an expert must spend time working in situ in the school with the teacher(s). Clearly an expert cannot provide such support for every department that requires assistance, so there is a need to develop generally applicable strategies as a springboard for their own means. This paper reports on a case study designed to start the process of developing such strategies.  相似文献   

本探讨了Foxpro数据表转换成超本HTML格式的不同方法,以及如何通过程序实现DBF数据表转换自定的超本格式。  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored how young Canadian women view the role of work in their present and future lives. Semi-structured interviews and focus group sessions were conducted with 12 high school girls, ranging in age from 16 to 19 years. Results indicate that all of the young women plan to work for at least part of their adulthood, but do so with varying degrees of commitment to the role of formal work in their lives. The workplace which they envision will support both their need for individual development and their desire to maintain meaningful relationships. Their plans for participation in this workplace, however, suggest that the interfacing of professional and interpersonal goals remains problematic and confusing for young women today. Implications for education and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

浅谈"共同参与式教学法"在英语教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语教学在高职人才培养中担负着重要任务,英语听说课应用“共同参与式教学法”这以学生为中心的教学模式,提高了学生语言交际能力及综合素质,改善了师生关系。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义进入新时代为高校思想政治工作带来了新的起点,面对党和国家对思想政治工作的新要求,面对大学生成长发展的新期待,高校辅导员要从三个维度转变工作理念:从灌输走向对话,努力做大学生政治思想的积极引导者;从管理走向服务,努力做大学生成长成才的科学指导者;从经验走向研究,努力做大学生思想政治教育的潜心研究者。  相似文献   

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