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凡高和高更是后期印象主义绘画大师。他们追求个性、表达自我、着力主观再创造以表达内心情感,具有鲜明的艺术个性。在艺术形式上极具主观“表现性”;而他们深刺而真诚的“悲剧性”人生体验与艺术追求,拉响了现代美术的前奏,开创了现代艺术的先河。  相似文献   

迟子建是一位从中国最高纬度的黑土地上走来的女作家,她以绚烂而平淡的笔触和悲悯的女性情怀描画了自然、人生的画卷.迟子建画面感强烈的作品与西方绘画艺术有着内在关联,她与米勒一样钟情于表现底层小人物,与梵高一样执著于强烈的情感表达,与高更一样在对现代文明的逃离中寻找着理想的精神家园.迟子建的创作不断从西方绘画艺术中汲取着灵感,西方绘画艺术对迟子建的影响值得学界关注.  相似文献   

徐渭和凡高分别为东西方的世界级画家.二者在时代背景、生活经历、艺术追求和风格等方面有不同凡响的相似之处.笔者认为,徐渭的"画心"美胜于凡高的"镜像"理想美,他的"老夫游戏","画外功夫"也均高于凡高的"执迷求解"和"一枝独秀".以绘画表现自我,抒发真性情,传达对人对物对世界无比强烈的爱,这是徐渭和凡高的最大共同点,也是全世界艺术的大"道".  相似文献   

爱德华·蒙克与文特森·梵·高是两位伟大的西方艺术巨匠,一生创造了大量富有感染力和表现力的优秀作品。他们生活在同一个时代,几乎有着同样的生活经历,但他们在绘画中却有着不同的风格特点,蒙克的绘画带有强烈的主观性,他用扭曲的线条和单调的色彩探索人性、死亡、疾病与恐惧;梵·高的绘画更贴近于生活的真实,用热烈奔放的色彩和狂躁飞动的笔触表达了阳光、生命与希望。  相似文献   

描述梵高其经历无数的曲折和坎坷,却始终未得到作为画家的认同和尊重,最后在绝望中自杀身亡的生命历程;结合作品探讨和分析其艺术特色与绘画风格,主要表现在用笔奔放,对内心感情大胆探索、自由抒发,以及对线条和色彩表现力的强烈追求,其作品中强烈的个性和形式,深刻的悲剧意识,都极大地影响了20世纪的西方绘画艺术;揭示了艺术的真正价值在于精神世界而非物质世界。  相似文献   

"米家山水"与梵高的作品都在艺术史中独树一帜,并分别开彼时风气之先河。在具体的时间关系与文脉关系中,我们很难求证其两种趣味迥异的艺术风格有无传承,但是抽象观之却不难发现其二者"笔墨"和"精神"的神似之处,他们作品中的现代主义气质对当代艺术仍有深刻的启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

文森特·梵高和保罗·塞尚是后印象主义时期的两位绘画大师.他们在艺术实践中大胆探索,勇于创新,并在创作主旨、创作技巧上形成了各自独特的绘画风格,对现代艺术影响很大.同时,这两位绘画大师由于自身特质的差异,使其绘画艺术呈现出独特的美感.  相似文献   

爱德华·蒙克与文森特·梵·高是两位伟大的西方艺术巨匠,一生创作了大量富有感染力和表现力的优秀作品。他们生活在同一个时代,几乎有着同样的生活经历,但他们在绘画中却有着不同的风格特点,蒙克的绘画带有强烈的主观性,他用扭曲的线条和单调的色彩探索人性、死亡、疾病与恐惧;凡·高的绘画更贴近于生活的真实,用热烈奔放的色彩和狂躁飞动的笔触表达了阳光、生命与希望。  相似文献   

吴玉宽 《安康学院学报》2011,23(3):85-86,91
纵观西方绘画艺术发展史,利用色彩来表达情感的人很多,梵高无疑是其中最杰出的代表。他的一生是短暂而贫苦的,屡遭挫折,备尝艰辛。但他却通过画笔,运用绚烂的色彩,将熟悉的人和物展示在世人面前,其每一幅作品都像一团团生命幻化的火焰。在梵高的艺术世界里,色彩不仅具有最直接的情感表现力,而且被赋予了更加神秘的意义,对现代绘画产生了影响深远。  相似文献   

人们往往不自觉地依从于我们这个时代的偏见和风尚,对于朱耷和凡高的作品中所蕴含的内在精神及其当代意义视而不见。对于大师的艺术研究,需要在方法上有一个根本性的变革。以纯绘画的角度分析八大山人与凡高的精神领域和生存状态,发掘他们的内心世界与人生哲理是我们艺术工作者的责任。  相似文献   

人们往往不自觉地依从于我们这个时代的偏见和风尚,对于朱耷和凡高的作品中所蕴含的内在精神及其当代意义视而不见.对于大师的艺术研究,需要在方法上有一个根本性的变革.以纯绘画的角度分析八大山人与凡高的精神领域和生存状态,发掘他们的内心世界与人生哲理是我们艺术工作者的责任.  相似文献   

过去几十年,一些国家的教育主管部门为应对大学所面对的极为复杂的社会环境和严峻挑战,纷纷进行大学治理制度的改革,其中,英国、瑞典和澳大利亚具有典型性.通过对英国、瑞典和澳大利亚大学治理改革的分析,可见其大学治理改革的趋势及凸显的利弊,在此基础上提出大学重建学术共同体的重要性和迫切性.学术共同体是大学的基础治理制度,是大学的核心文化,也是大学教师的隐性行为规范,还是规定大学不同群体间关系的准则.构建一种平等对话的、和谐的学术共同体文化是建设世界一流大学的基本保障.  相似文献   

While most educational practices today place an excessive amount of attention on discourse, this article attaches great importance to the reciprocity between speech and silence by drawing from the writings of Plato's Socrates, Augustine, and Paul Gauguin for whom this reciprocity is of the essence in learning. These three figures teach that we learn to speak, listen, and act in relation with the silence of our thoughts. This article claims that Socrates' dialectic is nothing but inward or silent dialogue, which reappears in or is advanced by Augustine, and which is also shared by Paul Gauguin. Yet its manifestation differs one from the other: in Socrates, it manifests itself as silence of thought; in Augustine, as inner vision or contemplation; and in Gauguin, as creative thought or activity. By neglecting or separating speech from silence, today's educational methods do not prepare students to respond to life's questions; neither do they enable students to infuse their conversation with an appreciation of life's beauty.  相似文献   

Faculty unions are a prominent, though a comparatively recent, feature of American higher education. Today, a vast majority of community colleges have a unionized faculty. A number of researchers in the 1970s speculated that the presence of unions signaled the end of collegial shared governance and that interactions between administrators and unions would become increasingly adversarial. Subsequent experience suggests that the dire predictions were overblown. However, little institution-level research has been done to understand how unionization has affected academic governance. This study examines the governance system at a large, urban community college. The findings indicate that though at times relations are contentious, there are levels of conflict. Further there are a number of factors that tend to mitigate conflict and allow for collegial decision making. These include utilizing personal ties between members of the administration and the union, sharing data openly and also working together to collectively make sense of “the facts” before discussing possible resolutions to the presenting issue, and establishing an institutional norm that values finding solutions rather than scoring political points.  相似文献   

局域网内的安全,仍然是病毒和黑客的侵扰问题,用户对系统维护知识的匮乏、不良的操作习惯是导致病毒感染和计算机系统不稳定的主要原因.论文分析了局域网内部常见的隐患及成因,从用户角度提出了电脑系统维护的措施.  相似文献   

Clare Dowdall 《Literacy》2009,43(2):91-99
Social networking can currently be described as a mainstream youth activity, with almost half of 8–17‐year‐old children, who have access to the Internet, claiming to participate. As an activity it is of particular interest to literacy educators because it is enacted through the production and consumption of text. However, a growing body of research is finding that while young people transfer knowledge and practices across the sites that they occupy, children's text production using informal digital literacy practices and children's school‐based text production can be regarded as increasingly disparate activities. This paper draws from a current research project that is exploring three pre‐teenage children's text production in social networking sites. Here one child's Bebo profile page is presented and discussed in order that the forces that play upon her text production can be identified. Through consideration of these forces, a framework for considering children's text production in informal digital environments is suggested. This framework steps away from the existing frameworks currently found within the Primary National Strategy for Literacy and Mathematics and instead requires that children's texts are viewed in relation to structure and agency.  相似文献   

Many western countries are paying increasing attention to the organization and administration of graduate studies. Such attention has developed from primary concerns about completion times, completion percentages, programme quality, and student quality, as well as secondary concerns about supervisors, funding, coursework, inter-organizational co-operation, and policies and practices of both universities and research councils. Using information about British graduate programmes as a basis, the article presents policy issues related to research councils, funding councils, and control, followed by discussion of the themes of the nature of programmes, supervision and evaluation, completion time, quality, and innovation. The final sections address several concerns and offer some suggestions.  相似文献   

This article takes as its focus Lefebvre's trialectic of conceived, perceived and lived spaces as a lens through which to scrutinise the 2013 English Literature Curriculum, and to explore the extent to which creative spaces might exist within that curriculum. The article analyses how the curriculum is envisaged by policymakers and how it might be expected to be translated into practice, utilising the wording of the policy document to facilitate an exploration of what its underlying intentions might be. The author's experience of teaching a poem from the new curriculum is used in order to provide illustrative examples of the ways in which teachers’ and learners’ experiences of the curriculum might, in practice, diverge from the direction envisaged by policymakers as teachers negotiate creative spaces within their classrooms.  相似文献   

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