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李世荣 《初中生》2008,(12):52-53
甘戊使于齐,渡大河。船人曰:“河水间耳,君不能自渡,能为王者之说乎?”甘戊日:“不然,汝不知也。物各有短长。谨愿敦厚,可事主,不施用兵;骐骥、骤弭,足及千里,置之宫室,使之捕鼠,曾不如小狸;干将为利,名闻天下,匠以治木,不如斤斧。今持楫而上下随流,吾不如子;说千乘之君、万乘之主,子亦不如戊矣。”  相似文献   

<正>用最深情的方式倾诉心事看过朱生豪写给宋清如的情书,突然也想试着写一封信。其实,这封信在看综艺节目《见字如面》时就想写了。以前老师要求我们读《傅雷家书》,我们理解不了老师的用心,老师叫我们写信,写给家人写给朋友,但我们总是有很多顾滤。信这种东西,被当成作业写出来,给别人看,总觉得像被扒了衣服展览一样,很羞耻。而且,信是多么不时髦的东西啊,现在谁还写信啊。但有时候,某个刹那,我发现网络让世界变小的同时,好像也让世界变大了,让人和人之间的距离更远了。我们可以轻  相似文献   

您一定不知道,多年后已经长大的我会以怎样的姿态、怎样的心情去写一篇关于您的文章。我记得5年前您曾批评过我的文字,说那里面涵盖了太厚重的颓废和沉重,虽然当时的我才15岁,尚不懂得如何用笔驾驭文字,以表现内心。我记得在我还不是您的学生的时候,我曾在自  相似文献   

In Conclusion During my sabbatical I had the opportunity to meet an interesting variety of people: city professionals, eager students, rural peasants. We were warmly entertained in a number of Chinese homes. We had the opportunity to travel to many of the provinces of China, sometimes as part of a tour group, sometimes on our own. Everywhere we experienced friendship and a strong desire to build bridges between the people of our two nations. If you decide to accept a foreign assignment, do it with your eyes and mind open. It will not be all glamour and excitement. It will include hard work, disappointments, and misunderstandings. Go with the right attitude and it can be a rich and rewarding experience.  相似文献   

A bus is moving to a city.Many people are on the bus.Some have seats,but others have to stand.At a bus stop,a young woman gets on the bus.An old man is near the door and tries(试着)to stand up.  相似文献   

这个世界并不会在意你的自尊,而是要求你在自我感觉良好之前先有所成就。刚从学校走出来时你不可能一个月挣6万美元,更不会成为哪家公司的副总裁,还拥有一部汽车,直到你将这些都挣到手的那一天。  相似文献   

自我描述笔名月半残,因为喜欢残月的朦胧清丽而取,希望大家可以亲切地叫我月。性格冲动豪爽大方,被死党戏称为"大口吃肉大嗓门的豪放派"。跑食堂飞快,追公交车飞快。但是不知道为什么跑800米永远不及格……悲剧啊悲剧。不爱逛街,不爱买衣服,希望每年从一月一日到十二月三十一日都只穿一件衣服。  相似文献   

笔名月半残。因为喜欢残月的朦胧清丽而取,希望大家可以亲切地叫我月。性格冲动豪爽大方.被死党戏称为“大口吃肉大嗓门的豪放派”。  相似文献   

80后文学是当下社会备受关注的一种文化现象。它不同于主流文学,而迅速现代化、都市化的时代背景,也使80后文学带有浓厚的时代文化色彩,80后文学的文本特征和文化现象更值得我们深入探讨。虽然评论界对80后文学褒贬不一,但是它确实为中国当代文学注入了一股新鲜的血液,而其背后所产生的一系列问题,也值得我们深思。  相似文献   

This study examines how the teaching staff composition with respect to certification affects student achievement in compulsory Swedish schools. We apply an instrumental variable to estimate the effect of the share of non-certified teachers on student achievement (measured by grade point average, GPA). We find statistically significant negative effects on the GPA. The effect is stronger for students with highly educated parents. A one percentage point increase in the share of non-certified teachers is expected to decrease student's GPA by, on average, 1.8 standard deviations per year. This is a substantial effect considering the large differences in the shares of non-certified teachers across schools and municipalities.  相似文献   

本文探讨了自我决定学习教育学的实际应用。文章首先回顾自我决定学习教育学应用于各种环境的一些研究文献。文章还讨论"学习引领者"这个概念和他们在应用自我决定学习教育学时的必备素质以及学习者采用自我决定学习教育学方法时应该做好哪些准备。本文从普通教育学—成人教育学—自我决定学习教育学渐变过程的角度分析如何帮助学习者。最后,文章针对如何发挥学习者能动性提出一些建议。  相似文献   

In higher education research, theoretical approaches stressing isomorphism dominate the discourse on how higher education institutions ‘behave’ in their higher education and research systems. We argue that research should address both instances of similarity and differences. Using theoretical notions from institutionalism and the branding/marketing literature, and focusing on how UK universities are different and similar in their welcome addresses—as expressions of the institutions’ images—we are able to offer a balanced view of patterns of similarities and differences as well as share findings of patterns over time (2005–2015). Using quantitative and qualitative content analysis, our findings show overall high levels of homogeneity of images across the universities. But younger and less prestigious institutions were (both in 2005 and 2015) more inclined to show distinctive images.  相似文献   

Rachel Bilson. Gorgeous. Stylish. Rich. And we still like her. Werid...好莱坞新贵瑞切尔·贝尔森 2003 年凭借《橘子郡男孩》成为一颗耀眼的明星,两年后又跻身于"世界最性感的百名美女"行列,并于同年获得"世界最美十大女星"中"最漂亮眼睛"的殊荣。她的大眼睛有一种催眠的魔力,不管是否化眼妆,那甜美而充满童真的眼神都极具杀伤力。  相似文献   

Debra Torrence is polishing a business plan for a child care facility while she completes her Early Childhood Education master's degree in Winston-Salem, NC. She already has a degree in Marketing and Business Administration. Donald J. Harris is an attorney with Petree, Stockton, &; Robinson in Winston-Salem, NC.  相似文献   

This research investigated 4- through 7-year-olds' and adults' (n = 64) concepts about the emotional consequences of desire fulfillment versus desire inhibition in situations where people's desires conflict with prohibitive rules. Results revealed developmental increases in attributing positive or mixed emotions to story characters that make willpower decisions and negative or mixed emotions to characters that transgress. These developmental changes in emotion predictions were accompanied by age-related differences in emotion explanations. Whereas 4- and 5-year-olds largely explained emotions in relation to the characters' goals, 7-year-olds and adults further explained how rules and future consequences influence emotions. Results are discussed in relation to connections among children's psychological, deontic, and future-oriented reasoning about emotions as well as the development of self-control.  相似文献   

去年10月,某幼儿园举行半日公开活动,小路老师上了一节“味道”的探索型主题活动课。 活动课是这样进行的:先由幼儿自己去尝尝活动室四周摆放的食品、调料、水果的味道。气氛很活跃。其中幼儿感受最深的是辣味,有的因太辣而跺  相似文献   

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