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Continuing Research by PhD Graduates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey of Australian PhD graduates has revealed that they do not necessarily fit traditional stereotypes in terms of age, previous or concurrent work experience nor, perhaps most importantly, a prospective career in research. Two years after graduating with PhD, just 36 per cent of those who found employment in the non-academic workforce continued to be 'xtensively' involved in research, while only 56 per cent of those in academic employment (other than those with postdoctoral fellowships) were so involved. Many of those trained in research are frustrated in not being able to implement and extend that training through appropriate employment, others who have the opportunity do not have the desire. Factors predictive of and related to continuing involvement in research are examined, with some surprising results and policy implications regarding postgraduate research degrees.  相似文献   

Producing Knowledge for Living   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Work is still associated predominantly with employment. A lot of studies focus on the link between learning and labour, but there are few investigations of what kind of knowledge is produced in the act of creating and sustaining life. This is not surprising as subsistence production is not valued as much as work that generates profits. The daily backbreaking work of poor people and women is best captured from the perspective of livelihood systems. These are constantly adjusted and they vary from one person, household or community to another. Working knowledge defined in terms of livelihood activities includes knowing how local hierarchies are tied up in larger socio-political structures, how indigenous herbs can be used for healing, and how communal resources should best be managed so that they serve the interests of all. The paper uses a case study from a village in Zimbabwe to illustrate how the collective actions of a community resulted in learning that led to the rehabilitation of a community dam and a plan for sustainable management of this asset. In this way, villagers could diversify their activities, and thus become less vulnerable to hazards such as drought. The paper suggests that educators have a role in helping villagers to ask the right questions in the process of making really useful knowledge for living.  相似文献   

用人单位调查是博士生教育质量评价的一个有效方法,通过获得用人单位对博士生实际工作表现评价的数据信息来客观评价博士生教育质量。研究以现有文献、工作文件和招聘启事等内容为基础,并结合博士生教育的特点,进行德尔菲专家问卷调查,充分听取高校、用人单位等各方专家的意见,初步构建了用人单位满意度评价指标体系,编制了《研究生教育满意度调查问卷(用人单位)》,开展了全国范围的问卷调查,获得了大量调查数据,佐证了本次问卷设计的学理。  相似文献   

在博士就业多元化背景下,明确博士毕业生能力素质需求,有助于针对性完善博士培养机制和发挥高端人才的引领作用。基于人文社科博士毕业生和雇主的跨国调查数据,分析博士毕业生的就业能力需求及供需匹配状况,可以发现,不管是科研工作还是其他替代性职业,博士毕业生需要专业知识和研究能力,以及口头沟通、写作、团队合作、人际交往和项目管理等广泛的就业能力。然而,博士毕业生和雇主一致认为,现有的博士教育体系无法为毕业生充分提供就业市场所需的技能,如管理能力、人际交往、领导力、合作能力等,导致博士毕业生职业准备不充分、就业能力不足或与市场需求不匹配。在创新需求前所未有的新时代,学术目标是博士教育的核心,但通用技能训练也应成为不可或缺的部分。各利益相关方需要建立互动合作机制,全面提升博士毕业生的综合性就业能力。  相似文献   

1948-2009年,在澳大利亚博士研究生教育中,女性人数和留学生人数逐年增多,研究领域不断拓展,其博士学位授予权集中于阿德莱德大学等八所顶尖大学;澳大利亚博士研究生教育发展背后最主要的推动力是社会和科学的发展,既反映出澳大利亚高等教育历史传承的意义和价值,也反映出创新与进取的重要和必要。  相似文献   

This study describes research examining the expectations and experiences of PhD students undertaking a PhD in off-campus research institutes and hospitals that are affiliated with an Australian research-intensive university. Much of our knowledge of the expectations and experiences of PhD students in Australia stem from those that undertake research training in the classical university structure and that progress towards research training directly from their undergraduate studies. However, increasing numbers of research higher degree students are based in off-campus research institutions, which are becoming increasingly fertile training grounds for research higher degree students in the sector. While participants’ experiences and expectations were largely consistent with our current understanding of the Australian PhD experience, many reported a perceived lack of support programmes. Workload and time commitments, pressure to produce results and their off-campus location potentially conspire to reduce access to on-campus support services offered by the university. Opportunities therefore exist for student advisors, service providers and university leaders to increase accessibility to academic development programmes and pastoral care, including both online and off-campus provision as appropriate, to enhance the PhD experience for this growing cohort of students.  相似文献   

知识经济时代图书馆的本质是保存知识和促进知识的交流,其传递科学情报和开发智力资源的职能将变得更加突出,其最大特点是利用现代化的通讯设备将用户需要的知识信息迅速传递给他们。面对这些变化,图书馆人必须解放思想,改变观念;学习技术,提商素质。  相似文献   

博士毕业生人力资源配置和利用效率的高低直接影响我国建设创新型国家和人力资源强国的宏观战略,而各种显性或隐性就业歧视的存在会导致国家、单位及个体层面的“多重效率损失”。基于2017年全国博士毕业生离校调查数据的实证研究发现:博士毕业生就业时遇到的主要就业歧视类型按发生率由高到低依次为第一学历歧视、性别歧视、年龄歧视、地域歧视、婚姻歧视及其他歧视,而同时遇到两种及以上的组合就业歧视的发生率为27.18%,且各种就业歧视的发生率在不同性别、年龄、选拔方式、培养单位类型、学科及地区之间存在差异性。进一步的回归结果显示,博士毕业生就业方面的性别阻隔效应、年龄阻隔效应及地区阻隔效应是就业歧视的几种典型表现形式。  相似文献   

基于西方形而上学哲学理念和传统经济学观点来理解知识经济必然忽视知识经济所蕴含的人文价值理念.知识经济时代应以人文学科为知识学的基础,应以人文学科、学科张扬和建构的人文性、价值规范进行价值整合.人文学科的建设和发展是世界经济、政治新格局的建立和实现人类可持续发展的重要保障.  相似文献   

文章介绍了高等教育学硕士研究生的培养状况,分析了目前我国高等教育学硕士研究生培养质量的现状,并且提出了一些改进策略。  相似文献   

知识经济是以人为本的经济,人才是知识经济的核心.知识经济需要一专多能全面发展的通才、需要具有创新能力的人才,教育是培养人才的关键.  相似文献   

浅论知识经济时代对图书馆员的素质要求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆员适应未来社会的能力,不仅直接关系到个人的生存发展,更影响着图书馆事业的发展兴衰.高度的思想政治素质、全面的科学文化素质、健康的心理素质则是知识经济时代对图书馆员提出的基本要求和图书馆员必备的基本素质.  相似文献   

知识管理是对企业的知识资源进行有效管理的过程,知识管理的目标是要实现知识的共享,其核心是知识创新。知识管理必须建立一套有效的措施来实施。  相似文献   

知识经济呼唤创新教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识经济是在工业经济基础上发展起来的一种新型经济形态,它与工业经济相比具有鲜明的特征。创新是知识经济的内在要求,也是其发展的根本动力。知识经济时代需要具有创新意识和能力的新型人才,全面实施以培养创新精神和创新能力为核心的素质教育是知识经济时代教育的主导精神  相似文献   

世界各国的博士学位标准对知识都有明确的要求,要求博士学位获得者具备一定的专业知识结构。那么什么样的知识结构才算是合理的呢?本文通过考察美国5所大学免疫学博士的课程设置,发现美国免疫学博士课程体系为博士生提供了坚实、宽广和精深的专业知识结构。借鉴美国经验,我国博士课程设置应以聚焦专业知识为培养目标,优化硕士生基础课程,增设跨学科课程,实行实验室轮转,建立学术实践活动制度。  相似文献   

知识经济与高校人才培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着知识经济的兴起,高校承担着创新型人才培养的重任。为此,应更新教育观念,加强教师队伍建设,调整课程结构和运用现代化教学手段。  相似文献   

21世纪是知识经济时代,知识经济的到来使整个社会经济生活都发生了深刻的变化,网络对经济领域的影响日益扩大,网络审计也是如此,应从审计内容、准则和技术等方面不断完善,才能适应网络知识经济时代的发展要求.  相似文献   

知识经济的本质特征,要求人们树立这样的知识价值观:即知识是人类与客观物质世界在相互作用过程中所形成的一种特殊资源。知识是一种新式原料,且这种原料不适用于守恒定律,它越用越多。人们往往是在消费知识的过程中生产知识,同时也在生产知识的过程中消费知识。在这种知识价值观看来,每一社会成员占有和分配知识资源的多少,以及有效利用知识资源的程度,取决于其创新、学习和转化知识的能力。在对待知识的态度方面它重量但更重质、重继承但更重创新发展:它不仅关心“是什么”、“为什么”等可实现编码的知识,而且更注重获得和使用…  相似文献   

知识经济以智力资源为依托,以高新技术为核心。随着经济全球化进程的加快,为迎接知识经济的挑战,需要培养高素质经济人才队伍与之相适应。因此,应当以服务于经济建设为中心,按照市场经济的供求原理和客观规律展开相应的教学活动。  相似文献   

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