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This article deals with the current reform of European doctoral education. It is argued that the concrete results of the reform can be better understood by analysing changes in the management of doctoral programmes. This rests on the case study of a Norwegian PhD programme in finance and is based on an analytical framework composed of three public management narratives: New Public Management (NPM), Network Governance (NG) and Neo-Weberian-State (NWS). The latter allows for a particular focus on the instruments, actors and objectives of governance. The article concludes that the examined doctoral programme's management story can be divided into two episodes. The first — the 'internationalisation' episode — is shaped by the academic profession in finance which uses a wide range of constraining NPM instruments and applies them in a comprehensive manner to doctoral education in order to achieve its overall objective, namely to implement an internationally competitive PhD programme. The second — the 'integration' episode — is about a recently developed policy instrument with relatively non-constraining NWS elements, used by the State to establish National Research Schools. The latter are principally aimed at the better development and coordination of doctoral training between small and large higher education institutions. Due to those differences between the two episodes in terms of constraining character and scope, the reform of the examined doctoral programme is strongly shaped by the first episode. Hence, the reform essentially consists in a doctoral programme with an international and academic character.  相似文献   

This paper argues the importance of diversity for research and doctoral education and the key role of policy in encouraging it. It considers the impact of higher education policy on diversity in doctoral education through the three prevailing themes of cost, concentration and relevance, illustrating in each instance both positive and negative influences. It is a time of dynamic change where the role and purposes of doctoral study and the role and production of knowledge in society are changing. Policy plays an important part in leading and shaping this development.  相似文献   


If teaching physical education is a moral activity, it follows that there is a moral component to the preparation of teachers of physical education and thus a moral component to the preparation of teacher educators. In this article, I examine the major policies, agendas, and practices that influence doctoral preparation in physical education teacher education. I argue from both a utilitarian and realist perspective that we can best serve children and youth in schools by being knowledgeable of the contexts and effects of these policies, agendas, and practices in educating future professors of physical education teacher education.  相似文献   

This article advances the argument that special education is expanding as part of a restructuring of the education‐training system to deal with large numbers of young people who are now defined as unable or unwilling to participate in normal education. The expansion is occurring as attempts are made to change education to fit the perceived needs of a technologically‐based society in which a large social group will be partially or permanently unemployed. Evidence for expansion is examined, professional interests in an expanding clientele are noted, and the dilemmas inherent in comprehensive schooling and a disappearing youth labour market are discussed. The concept of special needs is thought to have become an ideological rationalisation which obfuscates the educational, political and economic needs actually served by the expansion.  相似文献   

Points of agreement and disagreement with Randolph's article on changing the non-psychology doctorate in counselor education are presented.  相似文献   

实验室安全是高校安全管理工作中的重点。药学类实验教学涵盖了多种类型的实验,通过对化学、医学和实验动物学的实验室中存在的安全隐患进行分析和比较,总结出了针对药学类高校实验室中存在的安全问题和隐患,并进一步提出了药学类实验室的安全风险管理方法,为我国高校药学类实验室的设施建设和安全管理体制建设提供一些参考和启示。  相似文献   

博士生学费与博士学制变革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢晓东 《教育研究》2004,25(6):42-48
杂费与学费分离之后,对研究生教育的成本分析表明,博士生在非课程学习的研究阶段,学校没有教育成本付出,不应收学费。对博士生学习过程的分析表明,中间一年课程学习将研究阶段分割成两部分,从而造成知识生产与人才培养的双重低效率,博士生学制因此应该变为6年一贯制,将研究阶段的时间相对集中。对现阶段博士生机会成本与未来收益的研究说明,博士生资助是当前政策的关键。  相似文献   


This article examines trends and issues surrounding recruiting, funding, and hiring of doctoral physical education teacher education (D-PETE) students and graduates. Sources for this examination were background data collected by Boyce and her colleagues, the existing literature on these topics, and qualitative data gathered from 30 sport pedagogists during one round-table session at the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE) conference in January 2015. All three sources indicated the importance of recruiting and funding of students and hiring of graduates to the future of D-PETE programs. A number of paths were identified which sport pedagogists could follow in order to keep D-PETE programs safe and help them flourish. Unfortunately, agreement as to which of these paths the field should take was often in short supply. In the conclusions section, suggestions for future research of recruiting, funding, and hiring are made with the goal of providing data which could lead to sport pedagogists making more informed decisions regarding the future direction of D-PETE.  相似文献   

高等教育学博士是高等教育学领域最高层次的人才,其培养质量对国家的高等教育发展关系重大。文章以美国印第安纳大学和英国兰卡斯特大学的3个有关于高等教育博士学位项目为研究对象,比较其在培养目标、入学选拔、课程设置、师资力量和评价考核方面的成功实践经验。高等教育学博士生培养需要多门类课程学习、多元导师支持、加强方法训练、夯实研究基本功,面向未来职业,这样才能满足社会需求。  相似文献   

对荷兰博士生教育的研究显示,科学合理的遴选机制、系统有效的指导训练机制和强有力的物质保障机制构成了荷兰博士研究生教育创新发展的支撑,其呈现出国际化、分类型培养、AIO制度等特点。荷兰博士生教育改革仍在继续,呈现培养多元化、就业非学术化、组织形式高度国际化等趋势。  相似文献   

Traditionally, European doctoral education has principally taken place within the binary relationship of professors and their doctoral students according to the apprenticeship model. However, in the last one to two decades, this model has been questioned. Governments and higher education institutions (HEIs) reform doctoral education by establishing and running structured doctoral programmes or Doctoral Schools. Inspired by American Graduate Schools, various forms of Doctoral Schools have been increasingly emerging in many European HEIs. This article identifies, characterises and critically assesses the principal changes in doctoral education practices introduced through Doctoral Schools on the basis of eight case studies carried out in Swiss and Norwegian HEIs. The empirical analysis results in the identification of six types of changes which concern doctoral students’ recruitment, curricular component, supervision, scientific exchange, tracking and their career. These changes lead to four kind of trends – which vary according to the case study – consisting of a structuring, standardisation and opening of doctoral education, whereas its academic character is maintained. If greater competitiveness, better scientific quality and higher graduating rates may be achieved, problems in terms of ‘brain drain’, workload, supervision, innovation and careers may even be reinforced or at least not completely solved.  相似文献   

1983年5月27日这一中国教育史上值得纪念的日子标志着共和国依靠自己的力量培养出了第一批博士。我有幸成为这十八名博士中之一员。在事隔二十年后的今天,我想谈谈自己从博士生教育中收到的教益与积累的经验。一、要敢于“摸着石子过河” 一个人的知识积累再多,即使学富五车,如果不“做”学问,不在“做”科研的过程中培养创新意识和科研能力,充其量他也只能成为一个“书橱”。而要“做”学问,最要紧的莫过于选题得当。一个好的课题,有两条标准:①有明显的科学前瞻性。②这个课  相似文献   

基于连续函数近似,给出博士生教育动力学模型,发现其主要规模数据可以用链式反应类似的数学方程描述,符合指数变化规律。定义博士生教育成长指数并根据其取值划分为爆炸式增长、指数衰减和临界振荡三种发展模式。对美国160年来博士学位授予数据、中国40年来在学博士生规模等数据进行分析,并对当前全球四大经济体美国、中国、日本和德国60年来博士学位授予数据进行对比分析。结果显示链式反应模型具有良好的描述能力,指数函数可以很好地近似主要规模数据的变化规律,揭示了博士生教育不断延续发展并包含创新知识、创新能力传播传承的基本特征。根据历史数据和本文模型,初步给出四大经济体未来20~30年间博士生教育规模“不容乐观”的预测,美国可能进入“新冠”“衰减–恢复”周期,德国可能维持临界振荡甚至进入衰减,日本可能持续衰减,中国有望保持增长。  相似文献   

试论加强教育组织风险管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国社会转型时期,教育组织环境发生了巨大变化,各种不确定因素随时存在,教育组织风险凸现。现代教育组织应关注风险,采取科学方法减少风险损失和影响;应树立科学的风险管理新理念,视风险损失为获得机遇和收益的必要代价。  相似文献   

博士生创新素质的教育与培养   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
结合北京大学行政管理博士点的培养经验,从研究生入学选拔、教学模式改革、学位论文指导、校园文化建设、科学价值观与科学精神培养等不同环节,较全面地阐述了如何进行博士生创新素质的教育与培养问题。认为博士生教育属于精英教育,应该突出创新素质的培养与创新活动的实践。创新素质教育与培养是一个系统工程,应该从学生选拔、教学形式、论文指导、校园文化与价值观培养等方面逐步实施。  相似文献   

This article opens with an overview of the pressures that have led to heightened calls for accountability in higher education, both in the US and Europe. Noting that doctoral programmes have, to date, drawn minimal attention in the accountability debates, the authors note that these programmes cannot stay forever on the sidelines. Drawing on their knowledge of the American context in particular, the authors go on to outline current efforts to assess the quality of doctoral programmes in the US with attention to how these efforts respond to accountability demands. They urge the higher education community to re-shape the accountability discussion, shifting its centre from government to higher education and the institutions training doctoral students who will become faculty. Crucially, they argue that graduate programmes should train doctoral students to undertake and use discipline-appropriate assessment measurement and scholarship as part of their future work as college and university instructors. If doctoral students emerge as faculty with an understanding of how to conduct assessments for the purpose of improving student learning, they will advance not only their fields, but higher education more generally.  相似文献   

以我国博士教育改革发展过程中的一系列政策文件为主要指引,系统梳理总结了近40年我国博士生教育改革的历程,对博士生教育改革的逻辑、路径和面临的张力等问题进行了探讨,阐述了博士生教育改革的基础、落脚点和主线,对博士生培养模式改革、学位授权审核机制改革、招生选拔机制改革进行了论述,也探讨了“学科中心”和“实践导向”、“效率优先”和“均衡发展”、“计划依赖”和“资源驱动”、“自下而上”和“自上而下”的张力。  相似文献   

通过追溯英国现代博士生教育的起源与发展,以英国大学引入哲学博士学位作为开端,回顾英国现代博士生教育发源的历史背景和发展进程,并透过影响英国现代博士生教育改革的五份重要报告分析其制度化建设历程。总结出其发展的四个主要特征和趋势:把回应社会需求作为博士生教育的出发点;强调博士生培养的完成率;关注博士生培养中的技能训练环节;不断强化博士生教育的制度化建设。  相似文献   

美国的专业博士教育起步早,发展快,规模大,一直都是各国争相效仿的对象,但是近年来美国专业博士教育的学位认证以及培养模式等方面也出现了诸多问题,一些高等教育机构开始围绕这些问题进行调查、研究并取得了初步进展,以期为国家制定相关政策提供建议。政府相关部门也开始着手进行改革。  相似文献   

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