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Telling it How it is: Accounts of Academic Life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several kinds of account of what academic life is like are available. This article reviews three of these – academic novels, the professional media and 'how to' guides produced for academics – and makes some comparisons with the picture presented by academic research on higher education. These genres convey multiple, partial, diverse and competing accounts. Understanding their messages is interesting, useful and important to those interested in academic life.  相似文献   

女声歌唱并不完全是运用假声,形成假声“误区”的原因是多方面的,走出假声“误区”,应从调整呼吸做起,逐步恢复真声机能,产生正确的混声音柱,使自己的声音更完美。  相似文献   

Blackboard是一个功能广泛、使用方便和界面友好的网络教学平台。该文结合教育学、心理学与管理学中的反馈理论,通过比较目前网站普遍采用的测试反馈形式与笔者设计的实验反馈形式,探讨了如何提高基于Blackboard的网络测试评价反馈的有效性。  相似文献   

This article describes the effects of participating in European Union Framework Programmes (EUFPs) at the level of research units and researchers. We consider EUFPs as policy instruments that contribute to the Europeanisation of academic research and study the changes they produce with respect to: 1) the organisation and activities of Departments, 2) the type of knowledge produced, and 3) the ways of doing research. The analysis is based on a case study of the Sapienza University in Rome. We also discuss the extent to which EUFPs produce different effects at the level of scientific fields. This pilot study analyses changes driven by EUFPs from an institutional perspective and uses the concept of institutionalisation to explain how these changes are translated into rules and practices by research units and researchers. Our preliminary investigation supports the idea that EUFPs do not trigger a process of Europeanisation and lead, within academic institutions, to highly diversified institutional responses by scientific fields rather than to undifferentiated ones. They strengthen leading research groups and Departments, already competitive at the EU level, by enhancing existing international behaviours and practices. However, they do not support and, at times, even decrease competition opportunities for less experienced participants and they do not promote the participation of new groups. Moreover, the absence of relevant organisational changes at the University level and the lack of incentives for EUFP participation seem to strengthen these trends. What emerges is the need for decisions at the University level, taking into account differences across scientific groups.  相似文献   

1999年,人民币将更坚挺,物价会有所回升,居民消费价格指数将在3%左右,人民币汇率将会提高1%左右,年末人民币与美元的比价将突破8.20:1的水平,上升8个基本点以上。  相似文献   

Two studies ( N =  456) compared the development of concepts of animal species and human gender, using a switched-at-birth reasoning task. Younger children (5- and 6-year-olds) treated animal species and human gender as equivalent; they made similar levels of category-based inferences and endorsed similar explanations for development in these 2 domains. In contrast, 10-year-olds and adults treated gender and species concepts as distinct from one another. They viewed gender-linked behavioral properties as open to environmental influence and endorsed environment-based mechanisms to explain gender development. At all ages, children demonstrated differentiated reasoning about physical and behavioral properties, although this differentiation became more stable with age. The role of psychological essentialism in guiding conceptual development is discussed.  相似文献   

In science, gravity refers to the universal force of attraction acting on and between all matter. No one on earth can escape the force of gravity. In a similar vein, the stringent requirements of publications, research grants, and research output in the academic world can be metaphorically described as “academic gravity,” the force of which pushes university academics to struggle and strive in pursuit of excellence just to survive in the changing landscape of higher education governed by neo-liberalism and managerialism. This article describes the journey of a junior academic staff member in an Asian university as he coped with various difficulties in establishing a collaborative culture in his department (i.e., the Faculty of Education). Working with a senior colleague (Sunshine-mother hereafter) in the same department, Author 1 began to recognize the importance of collegial collaboration in teacher education generally and in his academic life specifically. However, although he tried his utmost to develop a culture of collaboration amongst his colleagues, he struggled to cope with the tension and stress exerted by academic gravity (i.e., publication production and the pursuit of tenure). Drawing on data collected from a teaching development project and adopting a reflective autobiographic approach, this article delineates the collaborative relationship between Author 1 and Sunshine-mother, exemplifying the important roles that coaching and a free rein (i.e., weightlessness) play in the development of junior teacher-educators under the strong pressure of academic gravity.  相似文献   

"学术绿洲"何以不兴与以何而成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国的学术有了较快的发展,但并未出现真正意义上的学术繁荣的景象。表现为数量庞大、质量不高,重理论研究、轻应用研究,学术腐败和学术失范现象严重。学术繁荣局面所以不兴,一是认识论、政治论二者张力缺乏,二是学术文化氛围不浓,三是管理制度权力的泛化。因此,增强认识论、政治论二者的张力,加强学人的科学伦理意识,培育自由、平等、宽容与协作的学术文化,建构有利于发展学术的管理制度,学术繁荣的局面才会实现。  相似文献   

This article deals with trends and prospects concerning communications co-operation for European integration. It examines historical and conceptual issues and implications of a post-Cold War "communications revolution" with the challenges of information management and propaganda. It discusses East‐West co-operation amidst a "digital divide" and globalization, suggesting the need for more critical thinking with public, academic, and multilateral dialogue about such issues as how not to marginalize diverse views. If the author's suggestions were accepted, the result might be a more authentic European integration that diminishes marginalization tendencies. Wider dialogue can also support alternative media, better information flow, knowledge production, education, and science. The article closes with policy and programme recommendations.  相似文献   

一、问题的提出2 0 0 0年 6月以来 ,沪深两市股指一路下挫 ,沪市大盘从2 2 4 5点的高位一度几近击穿 15 0 0点的心理关口 ,跌幅高达35 %。据深圳华鼎调查公司的调查结果显示 ,近七成的投资者受损 ,曾一度被股民所大力追捧 ,号称“中国第一蓝筹股”的银广厦 ,采取伪造购销合同 ,伪造出口报关单等手段虚构巨额利润 7.4 5亿元又被媒体曝光 ,使整个证券市场为之震惊。证监会顾问梁定帮说 :造假成风是中国股市最主要的问题。外国人放言 ,中国股市 112 9家公司中具有投资价值的仅有 12家。由于上市公司普遍存在的造假行为 ,信用危机是我国企业所面…  相似文献   


Using survey data on academic PhD students, influencing factors for PhD students’ academic career intentions are explained from the perspectives of individual features and the academic labor market. The study found: (1) There is a diversification of PhD employment, with nearly one-third of academic PhDs going to nonacademic organizations; (2) female PhDs tend to favor stable academic professions, and rural and low-income PhD groups are more inclined to choose employment in academic organizations to become academic elites and realize upward social mobility; (3) PhD students who identify with academic majors tend to choose academic professions, but a considerable portion of top quality PhDs go to nonacademic organizations; (4) academic interests and enthusiasm are important influences on choosing an academic profession; (5) worsening job environments in academic institutions and weakening professional attractiveness had a cooling effect on the academic employment intentions of PhDs.  相似文献   

This article examines the ways that the charter school movement is experienced and negotiated by educators who entered the profession through Teach For America (TFA). TFA’s impact has been significant in the larger educational trend towards market-based reforms and, in particular, the charter school movement. Analyzed through a critical theory lens that focuses on issues of power and on the ways individuals interact amid larger (and often distal) structural forces, the experiences of TFA corps members are situated within the larger changing context of education. Amid contested, fractured, and complex narratives about charter school reform, TFA’s idea of “relentless pursuit” shaped participants’ conceptions and actions around charter schools.  相似文献   

To examine the antecedents of perceptions of grading fairness, approximately 600 college students were surveyed about the prevalence and desirability of 1) teaching practices that assisted students to prepare for examinations, and 2) common test scoring manipulations used to transform poor scores into acceptable ones (e.g., curving low scores upward). Students also described the fairness of the grading they had experienced. Regression analysis revealed that grading fairness was predicted best by exposure to the teaching practices rather than the scoring practices. Results are discussed in terms of the possible effects of these teaching and grading practices on grade inflation.  相似文献   

This article presents statistics about the cohort of foreign students studying at Russian universities. It will interest researchers and a large number of higher education professionals, including university administrators and employees at state oversight agencies.  相似文献   

学术人才国际流动及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术人才(acactemic staff)指的是那些以学术研究、传播为职业的人才,一般可包括在高等教育机构、公共研究机构、私人研究机构开展学术研究的人员。本文论述的范畴主要集中于在高校从事教学、科研及以学术为基础的社会服务的教师、研究人员,也包括开展短期研究的合同研究人员(Gontract  相似文献   

Many instructional designers and numerous organizations have adapted the Dick and Carey model for use in their training functions. This article reviews the changes that have occurred to the model in the 20 years since its original publication, and identifies various influences that may determine whether it will continue to be useful in the years ahead. Consideration is given to alternative instructional design textbooks and the potential decline in interest in instructional design within academic programs. The influence of constructivist theory on the 1996 version of the Dick and Carey model is described, and the long term impact of constructivist and objectivist models on public education and business and industry is assessed.  相似文献   

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