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Beginning with general considerations about the vocation and role of UNESCO with regard to the promotion of higher education, the article zeroes in on the specific activities of CEPES, the UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education in Bucharest, Romania. Some of these activities, which are presented in detail, involve the massive introduction of new information technologies and electronic communication links into the universities and the higher education systems of the region, particularly in eastern Europe. These will contribute greatly to the internationalization of education, one of the goals of UNESCO.  相似文献   

What follows is the edited Keynote Address, delivered by Sir John Daniel, the Assistant Director-General for Education at UNESCO, at the opening ceremony of the UNESCO-CEPES International Jubilee Conference on "Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Its Role and Contribution to Our Common Advancement", Bucharest, 6-8 September 2002. The text briefly traces the history of the European Centre for Higher Education (UNESCO-CEPES) since its founding in 1972 and the involvement of the author in its activities, as of the 1980s, as a member of its Advisory Committee. He further evokes the involvement of UNESCO itself in education, particularly higher education, an involvement with roots stretching back to League of Nations days. UNESCO-CEPES, the vocation of which was to further co-operation in higher education across ideologically divided Europe, is now working in an entirely new context, both in Europe and worldwide.  相似文献   

In lieu of the usual ‘From the Editors’ piece, Jan Sadlak, Director of UNESCO‐CEPES, and Henryk Ratajczak, Vice‐President of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EAASH), describe below the scope and highlights of the International Conference on Ethical and Moral Dimensions for Higher Education and Science in Europe, held in Bucharest on 2–5 September 2004. The articles in this issue, some of which are drawn from Conference presentations, are also introduced here.

The Conference was organized by the above two organizations, in collaboration with the United Nations University (UNU) in Tokyo and the Division of Basic and Engineering Sciences of UNESCO in Paris. It took place under the joint high patronage of Mr. Jacques Chirac, President of the French Republic, and Mr. Ion Iliescu, President of Romania, and received further distinction in the form of special messages from Pope John Paul II, HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal, and Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura, Director‐General of UNESCO. All Conference documents can be accessed on the UNESCO‐CEPES website, ?www.cepes.ro?.  相似文献   

François Orivel 《Prospects》1991,21(3):341-350
Director of IREDU (Institut de Recherche sur l'économie de l'éducation), a laboratory of the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) at the University of Burgundy in Dijon. Author of numerous books and articles on the sujet of the costs, financing and efficiency of education systems. He is also a consultant to international organizations (UNESCO, IIEP, UNDP, OECD, World Bank, ILO) and governments, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

What follows is the edited version of the address delivered by Mr. Adrian Na stase, the Prime Minister of Romania, at the opening ceremony of the UNESCO-CEPES International Jubilee Conference on "Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Its Role and Contribution to Our Common Advancement", Bucharest, 6-8 September 2002. The role of UNESCO-CEPES as a forum for discussion of the principal issues of higher education is evoked. The pre-1989 activities of the Centre are compared to the post-1989 ones and to the role of the Centre in supporting the general reform of higher education in Central and Eastern Europe. The author, who did some research on higher education for peace and human rights at UNESCO-CEPES prior to 1989, is reminded of what a "Window of Opportunity" the Centre was for Romanian academics during that period. He expects the Centre to continue to play an important role in Romanian higher education in the future.  相似文献   

Although admittedly quality is very hard to define, UNESCO, particularly its European Centre for Higher Education and its Division of Higher Education, have undertaken a number of actions to further quality in higher education. Thus CEPES created EGAA (European Group on Academic Assessment) and the Division of Higher Education stressed the questions of quality in higher education in a recently prepared UNESCO draft policy paper. A strong component of the UNESCO UNITWIN and UNESCO Chairs Programme is directed at improving the quality of universities and university programmes in developing countries. The effort in favour of quality thus dovetails into other policies and actions of UNESCO, such as those in favour of the development of Centres of Excellence in the academic world. Yet quality improvement should not mean the imposition of one university model throughout the world but drawing upon what is best in local customs and indigenous culture.


The aim of the CEPES Round Table on The Contribution of Higher Education in Europe to the Development of Changing Societies (Bucharest, 21‐23 September 1976) was to exchange ideas and experience on the role of higher education in Europe in view of the general changes in present‐day society, and also with regard to the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Co‐operation in Europe. The following eleven participants took part in the meeting:
  • Professor György Adam (Hungary), Rector of Budapest University;

  • Professor Gunnar Adler‐Karlsson (Sweden), Roskilde University;

  • Professor Hélène Ahrweiler (France), President of the University of Paris I;

  • Professor Johan Galtung (Norway), Director General of the Inter‐University Centre of Post‐Graduate Studies in Dubrovnik;

  • Dr. Stefan Kwiatkowski (Poland), Deputy Director of the Institute of Science Policy and Higher Education in Warsaw;

  • Professor Mircea Malita (Romania), Bucharest University,’ Counsellor to the President of the Socialist Republic of Romania;

  • Professor Manfred Nast (GDR), Secretary to the Council of Higher Education Institutions of the German Democratic Republic;

  • Professor James A. Perkins (USA), Chairman of the International Council for Educational Development (ICED);

  • Professor Branko Pribicevic (Yugoslavia), Belgrade University;

  • Professor Ludwig Raiser (FRG), President of the Standing Conference of Rectors and Vice‐chancellors of the European Universities (CRE);

Professor Yuri Zhdanov (USSR), Rector of Rostov University.

Also at the meeting were observers and representatives from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Council of Europe, International Association of Universities (IAU), the European Cultural Foundation and Association des Universités Partiellement ou Entièrement de Langue Frangaise (AUPELF).

The meeting was opened by the Representative of the Director General of UNESCO, Mr. René Ochs, Director of the Division of Higher Education and of Training of Education Personnel.

H.E. Mrs. Suzana Gddea, Minister of Education and Learning of the Socialist Republic of Romania, addressed the meeting during the inaugural session on behalf of the Romanian Government.

We give below a summary of the discussions. This is not an official report of the meeting. (For further information on this meeting and its follow‐up see page 32 in this issue.)  相似文献   

While there have been numerous discussions of the impact on educational services made by trade liberalization through the World Trade Organization (WTO), this study looks at the emergence of global resistance to the commodification of culture through the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO. In line with the Council of Europe Declaration on Cultural Diversity in 2000 and the UNESCO Declaration on Cultural Diversity in 2001, a global movement has been fighting for a legally binding global convention on cultural diversity under the auspices of UNESCO. The author examines how ‘cultural diversity’ is defined by various groups and nations. She also discusses the potential implications of such a global convention on cultural diversity for ‘cognitive justice’, that is, for affirming the validity of diverse knowledge systems over against the dominance of neoliberal ideology. Finally, she argues that the leading definition of cultural diversity, contrary to its stated intention, actually serves to re-assert the cultural hegemony of the North rather than benefit subjugated knowledges of the South.
Zusammenfassung KULTURELLE VERSCHIEDENHEIT ALS WIDERSTAND GEGEN DIE NEOLIBERALE GLOBALISIERUNG: DIE ENTSTEHUNG EINER GLOBALEN BEWEGUNG UND üBEREINKUNFT – W?hrend es zahlreiche Diskussionen über die Wirkung der Dienstleistungen im Bildungsbereich gegeben hat, welche durch die Liberalisierung des Handels seitens der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) erzielt worden sind, wirft diese Untersuchung einen Blick auf die Herausbildung eines weltweiten Widerstandes gegen die Instrumentalisierung der Kultur durch das General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) innerhalb der WTO. In einer Linie mit der Erkl?rung über kulturelle Vielfalt des Europarates im Jahre 2000 und der Allgemeinen Erkl?rung zur kulturellen Vielfalt der UNESCO im Jahre 2001 k?mpft seitdem eine weltweite Bewegung für eine gesetzlich bindende weltweite übereinkunft zur kulturellen Vielfalt unter der Aufsicht der UNESCO. Die Autorin untersucht, wie ,kulturelle Vielfalt‘ von verschiedenen Gruppen und Nationen definiert wird. Sie diskutiert auch die m?glichen Implikationen einer solchen weltweiten übereinkunft über kulturelle Vielfalt für ,kognitive Gerechtigkeit‘, d. h. dafür, die Gültigkeit unterschiedlicher Wissenssysteme gegen die Vorherrschaft der neoliberalen Ideologie zu best?tigen. Zum Schluss stellt sie dar, dass die g?ngige Definition der kulturellen Vielfalt im Gegensatz zu ihrer eigentlichen Absicht tats?chlich eher dazu dient, die kulturelle Hegemonie des Nordens erneut zur Geltung zu bringen, anstatt das unterdrückte Wissen des Südens zu begünstigen.

Resumen LA DIVERSIDAD CULTURAL COMO RESISTENCIA FRENTE A LA GLOBALIZACIóN NEOLIBERAL: EL SURGIMIENTO DE UN MOVIMIENTO Y CONVENCIóN GLOBAL – Mientras ya se han realizado numerosos debates sobre el impacto que la liberalización del comercio a través de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) tiene sobre los servicios de educación, este estudio enfoca el surgimiento de una resistencia global contra la mercantilización de la cultura a través del Acuerdo General sobre el Comercio de Servicios (GATS) dentro de la OMC. De conformidad con la Declaración sobre Diversidad Cultural del Consejo de Europa de 2000 y la Declaración universal de la UNESCO sobre la diversidad cultural de 2001, un movimiento global ha estado luchando por una convención global y vinculante sobre la diversidad cultural, bajo los auspicios de la UNESCO. La autora analiza cómo diferentes grupos y naciones definen la ‘diversidad cultural’. También describe los posibles efectos que una tal convención global sobre diversidad cultural podría tener sobre una ‘justicia congitiva’, al afirmar la validez de diferentes sistemas de conocimiento por encima de la dominación de una ideología neoliberal. Al finalizar, la autora argumenta que, contrariamente a su intención declarada, la definición más difundida de diversidad cultural en realidad se presta más a una reafirmación de la hegemonía del Norte que al beneficio de los conocimientos subyugados del Sur.

Résumé LA DIVERSITé CULTURELLE COMME RéSISTANCE à LA GLOBALISATION NEO-LIBéRALE : L’éMERGENCE D’UN MOUVEMENT ET D’UN ACCORD GLOBAL – Alors qu’il y a eu de nombreuses discussions sur l’impact des services éducatifs réalisés par la libéralisation du commerce par l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC), cette étude se tourne vers l’émergence de la résistance globale à l’uniformisation de la culture à travers l’Accord Général sur le commerce et les services (AGCS) au sein de l’OMC. En accord avec la Déclaration du Conseil de l’Europe sur la Diversité Culturelle en 2000 et la Déclaration de l’UNESCO sur la Diversité Culturelle en 2001, un mouvement global a combattu pour un accord global légalement obligatoire sur la diversité culturelle sous les auspices de l’UNESCO. L’auteur examine comment la ‘diversité culturelle’ est définie par des groupes et des nations variés. Elle discute également des implications potentielles d’un tel accord global sur la diversité culturelle pour la ‘justice cognitive’, c’est-à-dire pour l’affirmation plus forte de la validité des divers systèmes de connaissance face à la domination de l’idéo- logie néo-libérale. Enfin, elle soutient que la définition phare de la diversité culturelle, contrairement à son intention affirmée, sert en réalité à réaffirmer l’hégémonie culturelle du Nord, plut?t qu’elle ne bénéficie aux savoirs subordonnés du Sud.

The author: Jennifer Chan-Tibergien is Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Education, as well as a Faculty Associate in the Center for Research in Women’s Studies and Gender Relations and in the Centre for Japanese Research at the University of British Columbia, Canada. She is currently a Visiting Scholar in the Reischauer Institute for Japanese Studies at Harvard University. Contact address: Reischauer Institute for Japanese Studies, Harvard University, 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. E-mail: chan7@fas.harvard. edu; jentiber@interchange.ubc.ca.  相似文献   

Starting from a Christian viewpoint, the authors see the city as an expression of social and spiritual values. They go on to describe the work of a unique Centre in Salford which has been developed to study ‘Religion and Education in the Inner City’ and especially in the multi‐ethnic context of the Manchester conurbation. Lessons are drawn for the training of teachers for such a society.

Partant d'un point de vue chrétien, les auteurs voient la ville comme une représentation des valeurs sociales et spirituelles. Ils décrivent le travail d'un Centre unique à Salford qui a été développé pour l'étude de ‘La Religion et l'Enseignement au Centre Ville’, et en particulier, dans le contexte multi‐racial du complexe urbain de Manchester. Des conclusions utiles ont été tirées pour la formation des enseignants dans un tel milieu social.  相似文献   

The text presented below is an edited version of the Address delivered by His Excellency Ion Iliescu, the President of Romania, at the opening ceremony of the UNESCO-CEPES International Jubilee Conference on "Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Its Role and Contribution to Our Common Advancement", Bucharest, 6-8 September 2002. President Iliescu evokes, herein, the shared democratic values of UNESCO-CEPES and its host country, Romania, and of their shared belief in the benefic effects of the promotion of education, culture, and science. Regarding higher education, Romania recognizes the crucial importance of its role in the development of the knowledge society of the Twenty-First Century, the importance of university education for the training of young people, and the need to develop Romanian higher education according to the norms of the Bologna Process and of European integration.  相似文献   

半个世纪以来,联合国教科文组织发布了一系列重要的、里程碑式的教育文件。从学会生存、学习的四个支柱到共同利益、社会契约等理念的提出,既呈现了联合国教科文组织作为全球教育领导者的全球性思维和全球视野,也体现了其一贯坚持的人文主义传统,并在传承中创新。面对全纳教育危机、学习的贫穷、学习的非认知能力培养以及新冠肺炎疫情加剧的教育危机等,联合国教科文组织在2021年11月发布的《共同重新构想我们的未来:一种新的教育社会契约》报告中提出,要为教育构建一份新的社会契约,通过契约精神维护与践行"教育是一项共同利益"。  相似文献   


The University Centre for Building Production Foundation was established on 1 February 1991. It is a joint venture of 12 renowned Dutch companies and the Eindhoven University of Technology. The establishment of a new department in the Faculty of Building and Architecture, namely that of Production and Construction, with which the centre will be associated, means that a concerted research effort can be provided under a single governing board. As a result, sufficient attention can be paid to research procedures and good management, while company researchers can also be involved. Accordingly, issues will be raised ensuing directly from practice, which will greatly enhance the social value of scientific research.

La Fondation du Centre Universitaire pour la Production de Constructions (‘Stichting Universitair Centrum voor Bouwproduktie’) a été fondée février 1991. Cette fondation est une co-entreprise regroupant 12 célèbres entreprises néerlandaises et I'Université de Technologie de Eindhoven. Grāce a I' éiablissement d'un nouveau département au sein de la faculté d'architecture, à savoir le département Production et Construction auquel le centre sera associé, un effort de recherche concerte sous une mê commission de direction sera possible. Ainsi, cela permettra de porter une attention suffisante nécessaire aux procédures de recherche et à une bonne gestion, ainsi que le recours éventuel aux ckercheurs des entreprises. Par conséquent, des questions basées directement sur la pratique seront posees garantissant ainsi une amélioration de la valeur sociale et de la recherche scientifique.  相似文献   

Ph.D. (University of Montreal). Professor in the Department of Communications at the Université du Québec at Montreal. Former founding director of the Centre de recherche en évaluation sociale des technologies. For some years he has been interested in the popularization of science and in the presentation of science museums. His advice is often sought by different organizations and governmental bodies on scientific culture. Recent publications includeThe rise of environmentalism in museums (1993),Quand la science devient culture [When science becomes culture] (1994) andScience museums for the next century (1995).  相似文献   



Researchers from Japan, Romania and Sweden, together with the UNESCO Institute for Education (Hamburg), carried out a study of the functions of lifelong learning within education. Dozent Gestrelius reconstructs and comments on the Swedish part of this study. He delineates a comprehensive list of criteria which may be of paramount importance for curriculum renewal in science education. The author describes, in addition, the relations between some parts of Swedish curricula and the principles of lifelong learning (for example, self‐realization, self‐directed learning, creativity, flexibility). These are the results of empirical studies.  相似文献   


This paper examines the nature of collaboration between research, teaching and practice by analysis of the first 2 years'' implementation of the Associate Company Scheme of the Centre for Facilities Management at the University of Strathclyde. This scheme comprises a partnership between the academic institution and its related industrial field, in which the institution will be provided with information on the research work which is sought by industry along with the data inputs required for completion of the research. The industrial partners are intended to benefit from the immediate availability of the results of the research for implementation in practice. Research undertaken for preparation of this paper indicates that there is a need for more than just commitment to the joint venture but for a particular commitment to the development of effective communications systems for the transfer of information across the divide between academia and practice.

Dans cet article on examinera la nature de la collaboration comme elle existe dans les domaines de recherche, d' éducation et de pratique, par I'analyse des premières deux années du ‘Associate Company Scheme’ du Centre de Facilities Management a I'Université de Strathclyde. Ce ‘Scheme’ comprend une liaison entre l'instilution universitaire et des compagnies industrielles, par laquelle l'institution reçoit des informations sur la recherche à laquelle s'interessent des industriels et, à la fois, elle reçoit des donnees dont elle a besoin pour achever la recherche. On a l'intention que les associés industriels pourront profiler de la disponibilité immédiate des résultats de la recherche pour qu'ils puissent l'employer pratiquement. Des recherches que nous avons fait en preparant cet article nous indiquent que l'on a besoin non seulement de l'nthousiasme pour ce travail collaborateur mais aussi pour un engagement particulier au développement d'un systéme de communication effectif pour transférer des informations entre l'université et les practiciens.  相似文献   

This article describes a real-life project currently being conducted in Burkina Faso—the bilingual education continuum—and explains its original and innovative aspects with respect to the teaching methods used and the development and process by which it is implemented in the schools. The article focuses on five main points: the status of bilingual education; the minimum factors needed for its success; the implications concerning the role of the teachers; the obstacles encountered; and strategies used to introduce bilingual education, while overcoming various obstacles.
Dieudonné RouambaEmail:

Catherine Traoré (Burkina Faso)   Holder of a postgraduate diploma (DESS) in intercultural psychology and educational practice from the University of Toulouse II—le Mirail, France, she is director-general of the Centre for Research in Educational Innovation and Training. She is an educational psychologist, expert in competency-based curriculum development and the training of trainers, and member of the pool of French-speaking experts in educational sciences. Catherine Kaboré (Burkina Faso)   Holder of a postgraduate diploma (DEA) in languages and humanities, with a specialization in socio-linguistics, she is director-general for literacy and informal education at the Ministry of Basic Education and Literacy in Burkina Faso. An expert in teenage and adult literacy, her research focuses on the impact of literacy in rural areas and on the post-literacy phase. She has carried out numerous experience-sharing consultancies and assignments in the field of basic education and held several high-level positions within the department in charge of basic education in Burkina Faso. Dieudonné Rouamba (Burkina Faso)   Director-general of the National College for Primary School Teachers in Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso, he is a specialist adviser on teachers and the implementation of basic training. He has previously held several high-level posts in his country, including primary education inspector, head of constituency and at the same time provincial director for basic education.  相似文献   

After a brief evocation of the world crisis that higher education is facing, the author proposes several remedies based on international academic co‐operation. One of these is the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme of which he was the first administrator after its inauguration in 1991. While often viewed as a form of North‐South co‐operation, many UNESCO Chairs have also been set up in eastern and central Europe, several of which are described. Funding for UNESCO Chairs comes from a diversity of sources, UNESCO serving as the catalyst and sometimes as the middleman. UNESCO will sometimes also provide seed money. The Programme has proven to be an excellent, cost‐effective form of academic solidarity. Several suggestions for the improvement and expansion of the Programme are given.  相似文献   

在民族独立运动、人力资本理论和苏联计划经济模式的催生下,联合国教科文组织在20世纪60年代提出了一个重要的教育理念——"教育规划"。本研究运用N-Vivo8.0对UNESCO的"教育规划"政策文本进行话语分析,发现"教育规划"一方面不断提升国家的地位和作用,但另一方面又特别强调经济发展的重要性,具有强烈的现实主义特征。这种现实主义的特质使得"教育规划"在面临后来时代发展的挑战时,成功地完成了一个华丽的转身,逐步内化成了UNESCO及各国政府制定教育政策的思想根基。  相似文献   

Elementary education is an ideal field for educational research, not only because of the special difficulties that are inherent in it—such as the problem of communication with the children and resistance to change on the part of the teachers—but also because the advance of knowledge is bound up with the revision of its foundations and because a child's early training has a vital influence on the subsequent development of his mental powers and particular talents. Research into elementary education is rendered still more valuable and urgent by two additional factors: changes in the child's family and social status, and advances in the sciences which shed light on the various aspects of those changes. Research at this educational level—important, urgent, but also difficult—promises to be rewarding and the results should lead to considerable changes in teacher training. However, the author is not concerned with this aspect; he is trying to examine to what extent an introduction to educational research and participation in it should be included in teacher training, and how this can be done. Nevertheless, the close relationship thus established between such research and training also implies that we are concerned with training as a subject of research. Raymond Lallez, Director of the Centre for Research and Training at the école Normale Supérieure in Saint-Cloud and a member of the French National Commission for Unesco, worked in child psychology at the University of Montpellier before becoming an adviser to the Minister of National Education of Cambodia. He has taught at several universities in the United States and is currentlyrapporteur for the National Centre of Scientific Research, in addition to his other functions in French national educational planning.  相似文献   

"多语世界中的教育"是联合国教科文组织在语言和教育问题上重要的立场文件和国际规约,表达了成员国在这一领域的共同观点,该文件自2003年正式颁布以来成为各成员国在语言和教育领域制定相关政策的重要依据。这份立场文件涉及语言和教育的关键问题,提供了必要的指导纲要和原则,试图厘清语言与教育有关的政策,并就多语世界中的教育提出了三项基础性原则:(1)作为提高教育质量,帮助学习者和教师建立知识和经验的手段和方法,联合国教科文组织支持母语教学;(2)作为促进社会和性别平等的手段,作为语言多样化的关键部分,联合国教科文组织支持双语和多语教育;(3)作为跨文化教育的基本部分,联合国教科文组织支持语言教育,鼓励不同人口之间的理解,保证对基本权利的尊重。  相似文献   

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