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This article analyses the previously unresearched dynamics of sexual harassment in cross-gender, one-to-one PhD supervision in a UK social science faculty education department. I discuss two women research students' reflections on their supervisory relationships with a sexually harassing male supervisor, including the processes of obtaining a supervisor and the establishment or curtailment of the relationship. When students decide whether or not to be supervised by a particular individual there is a tension between personal compatibility and relevant research expertise. Once the relationship is established there is a further tension because the boundaries between discussions about academic work and personal life are so easily blurred. In particular, it is suggested that the sexually harassing male supervisor cannot simply be viewed as an aberration, for his exploits reveal a strategic exploitation of conditions which are actually integral and arguably necessary to this distinctive academic relationship.  相似文献   


Much To Do About Writing: Teaching and Assessing Writing By Edward M. White San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985, 304 pages, $19.95. Reviewed by David Taylor

A Poignant, Colorful Portrait: Refugee Scholars in America: Their Impact and Their Experiences By Lewis A. Coser New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1984, xviii + 351 pages, $25.00. Reviewed by R. W. Franklin  相似文献   

蔡敏 《教育科学》2013,29(2):61-67
本研究遵循心理测量学程序编制了大学生婚恋观问卷,对辽宁省四所大学的1766名大学生实施了测评。结果显示,虽然多数学生婚恋观状况良好,持有比较健康的婚恋价值观念,但也有相当一部分学生的婚恋观出现偏颇,在择偶条件、性爱道德、婚姻本质和夫妻地位四个维度上反映出值得关注的现象。高等学校应积极而有效地开展婚恋教育,引导大学生树立正确的择偶观和性观念,提升婚恋的道德水平,同时还应帮助大学生理解婚姻的真谛和夫妻的角色,增强婚恋的责任意识。  相似文献   

我国全面推行工程建设监理制已有10余年时间,有必要认真分析和研究监理行业当前面临的形势,及建设监理工作中存在的突出问题和矛盾,理清工程监理工作的基本思路,制订相应的政策和措施,以推动工程监理事业的持续健康发展.  相似文献   

This paper aims at exploring college students’English learning motivation to language learning, including effort, inter?est, and attitudes. To some extent, it is very important to perform activities in...  相似文献   

李震雷 《培训与研究》2009,26(7):53-55,125
民主监督是人民政协的职能之一,也是民主党派履行参政党职能的重要内容。政治协商、参政议政在一定程度上都含有民主监督的内容。在政治协商中可以体现出民主监督,在参政议政中也可以体现出民主监督。民主党派要发挥民主监督的职能,必须进一步了解民主监督的内容和形式、性质和特点。只有对民主监督有了全面认识和科学把握,才能找到民主监督的正确途径,更好地履行民主监督的职能。  相似文献   

In this work we analyzed how electric and magnetic lines of force were conceived byFaraday and how they are understood by a group of Argentine university studentsafter receiving instruction. Our results show that many students possess ideas similarto those of Faraday in that lines of force are conceived as real physical entities responsible for the transmission of the electric action. These results are in accordance with the interpretation of physical entities as ``matter-based' suggested by Chi et al. (1994). It is suggested that emphasis on the geometrical character of these lines seems imperative in basic electromagnetism classes in order to avoid this kind of confusion.  相似文献   

在专科院校中,大专生在政治观方面经常有一些错误思想,造成不良影响。大专院校应该重视政治观教育并落到实处,对教师进行必要的培训。同时,在课堂范围内应进行创新,使大专生更容易接受教育、此外,校园生活的渗透和辅助作用也是不容忽视的。  相似文献   

We conducted a survey of first year French University students for the purpose of discovering their views and opinions on the subject of Science and Technology. These views provide valuable information on that which is considered to be essential by the students, while having the advantage of a certain amount of detachment in relationship to the academic course content. Certain implications may be deduced concerning University teaching as well. Content analysis was used to study scientific titles and texts produced by the students; the resulting classification system made it possible to deduce the main ideas on themes such as scientific discovery and conquest, man's need to understand his environment, the future, etc.  相似文献   

大学生政治价值观的形成规律及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政治价值观是内在成长因素和外面环境因素双重作用的产物。大学生政治价值观是需求激发,认知加工和非理性因素调节的整合过程,进行大学生政治价值观教育要尊重规律,建立科学机制。  相似文献   

当代大学生价值观困惑与引导   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当代大学生在价值观方面有许多困惑。困惑的原因不仅有社会变化等环境因素,更有大学生自身生活阅历不足、心理发展不成熟等自身因素。这给思想政治教育提出了新课题。解决当代大学生价值观困惑,必须通过确立主导价值观加强价值观教育,改进学校德育工作,加强精神文明建设,重视家庭教育。  相似文献   

"中国梦"教育对当代大学生政治观的形成具有关键性的影响,其所具有的引领作用、纠偏作用、提升作用等构成了一个多维的影响机制,探究"中国梦"对大学生政治观的影响,对加强和完善大学生政治观教育具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

学籍档案是学生学习过程的原始记录,对学校、社会和个人,都具有十分重要的意义,新时期学籍档案管理有其新的特点,同时也面临新的问题,如宣传力度不够、造假现象频发、转递环节过多、收集整理不及时等。为此,结合实际工作提出解决这些问题的建议和对策,即增强档案意识、加快信息化建设、扩大收集对象、提高业务水平。  相似文献   

当代大学生性别角色类型与性别角色观调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究采用贝姆性别角色量表调查了三所高校大学生的性别角色类型,并考察了性别角色观。近10年来大学生与性别一致的男性特质和女性特质大幅减少,未分化性别角色大幅增加;不同性别的性别角色变化有所不同,女性向未分化和双性化转变,男性的男性化类型降低,向未分化严重偏移;男女大学生的性别角色观以传统性别观念为基础,逐渐趋向双性化;不同性别大学生的性别角色观存在很大差异,女生期待的理想男性和女性双性化趋向突出,而男生期待的理想男性和理想女性更偏重传统的男性特质和女性特质。  相似文献   

以科学发展观推动大学生思想政治教育创新   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
科学发展观对大学生思想政治教育提出了新要求。在新的历史条件下,大学生思想政治教育必须遵循科学发展观加以创新。大学生思想政治教育是一个复杂的系统,当前主要任务是抓好素质教育、帮困资助、民主参与、文化育人等四大体系的建设,更好地实现育人的目标。  相似文献   


One aspect of charter schools that is often overlooked when one evaluates their success is the support that they receive from students. By using data from a survey of Texas charter school students, supplemented with statistics from the Texas Education Agency, the author examined students' satisfaction with their charter school, especially as it compared with their previous educational experiences. Results suggest that when students perceived that the charter school had higher quality teachers, better classes, and a more caring environment, they were more satisfied with their charter school than with their previous school. Furthermore, students most at risk for dropping out also were those who tended to be more supportive of their charter school.  相似文献   

采用问卷形式对男女大学生的英语语音学习观念进行调查研究.研究发现大学生在语音学习目标、语音标准、重要性与语音学习的自我评价上存在显著的性别差异.较多女生认为,语音学习的目标、评判标准应该是英语的标准发音RP或GA,标准发音在现实语言交际中比较重要;较多的女生对自己的英语语音较满意,有自卑感的较少,认为他人对自己的语音评价较高.男生并不看重语音是否标准;较多男生对自己的英语语音不满,认为他人对自己的语音评价也较低.  相似文献   

以天津市海河教育园区的高职院校学生为调查对象,对教师的严格程度是否会显著影响学生的评教结果进行定量分析。结果发现:教师的严格程度在一定程度上会影响学生的评教结果;而学生的学业表现作为一个中间变量对评教结果亦具有影响,尤其是严格的教学要求可能导致学业表现较差学生的打击报复与恶意低评。  相似文献   

Students described their perceptions of helpful and hindering aspects of a graduate-level course in gender issues in counseling and mental health.  相似文献   

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