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Government policies are central factors shaping the environment of higher education institutions. European governments have included in their higher education political strategies the principal goal of implementing the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The perceptions that key actors of higher education institutions (HEIs) have about political developments are important as they may influence the achievement of government policy. The Bologna Process is at the heart of policy coordination, the instrument selected at European and national levels to establish EHEA. This article seeks to discuss empirically the views of institutional actors about the Bologna Process, taking into consideration the achievement of EHEA. The discussion is based on the analysis of the EHEA implementation in seven HEIs located in four higher education systems — Germany, Italy, Norway and Portugal. This paper draws on the theoretic-methodological approach of the policy cycle to analyse the perceptions of HEIs' constituencies about Bologna.  相似文献   

博洛尼亚进程的总目标已成为欧洲各国高等教育改革的参照标准,对以多样化为特点的法国高等教育而言,欧洲高等教育一体化的实现是一个长期的历史进程。法国高等教育系统的改革以整合博洛尼亚进程,建立欧洲高等教育研究区为主旋律。博洛尼亚进程的实施对法国高等教育产生了巨大的影响,增强了法国高等教育体制的开放性和流动性,促进了学生的流动性,密切了高等教育领域与社会经济部门的联系,提高了毕业生的就业率。  相似文献   

为应对全球竞争的挑战,顺应欧洲一体化的大趋势,29个欧洲国家于20世纪末启动了旨在整合欧洲高等教育体系的博洛尼亚进程。博洛尼亚进程以可比较、兼容、透明原则构建高等教育系统框架,以达成多样性与一致性的统一;注重整体设计,系统推进;在政策的制定上注重利益相关者的参与,为其顺利推进赢得了广泛的社会支持。博洛尼亚进程的设计、组织与管理,对我国实施系统的高等教育改革具有重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

"博洛尼亚进程"目的在于通过资源整合在欧洲实现高教一体化,这个进程始于由29个国家签署的《博洛尼亚协议》。从经济学的视角来看,"博洛尼亚进程"是顺应经济全球化的一项举措。学位体系变革是"进程"中最为重要的一项改革,尽管对这个进程存有不少质疑,但欧洲各国仍积极推进,因为"博洛尼亚进程"已经不是单纯的教育问题。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of the European Union's Commission in weaving together the Bologna Process and the Lisbon research strategy with its existing educational initiatives to define and disseminate an influential vision of European higher education. The article begins by outlining the Commission's activities in relation to EU education programmes, the Lisbon research agenda and the Bologna Process. It goes on to examine, in a variety of policy texts, the discourse of European higher education that is supported by, and supporting, these large-scale policy developments. Whilst the overall coherence and cohesiveness of this emerging discourse can be queried, the article argues that the Commission is drawing effectively on both Bologna and Lisbon to firmly constitute — and reconstitute — higher education as a European policy domain. The article concludes with an analysis of how different educational stakeholders are supported and restricted by the Commission's views of higher education, as articulated through its 'hybrid' Bologna/Lisbon agenda.  相似文献   

博洛尼亚进程是欧洲国家教育部长基于“辅助性原则”自愿签订的无约束力的政府间教育合作计划。这一性质为开放式协调法的运用提供了契机,开放式协调法具有灵活性、开放性、程序性和非限制性等特点,它使博洛尼亚进程在欧洲复杂多元的高等教育逐步走向和谐统一。  相似文献   

波洛尼亚进程框架下俄罗斯高等教育系统的改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
波洛尼亚进程是欧洲高等教育一体化进程的重要组成部分,俄罗斯于2003年签署了<波洛尼亚宣言>.本文主要介绍了俄罗斯在该进程框架下所采取的一系列改革措施.  相似文献   

学生参与:欧洲高等教育质量保障中的新维度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生参与高等教育质量保障是近年来欧洲高等教育政策所强调的一个重要方面.学生能否参与、在多大程度上参与,从根本上说涉及对高等学校教学活动中师生关系的认识.20世纪90年代以来,关于学生参与的理论先后有学生"顾客"论、学术共同体论和利益相关者论等.博洛尼亚进程对于学生参与高等教育质量保障不仅有明确的政策倡导,而且有具体的监测指标.从执行情况看,相关政策还存在有待完善的空间.尽管如此,从博洛尼亚进程对学生参与质量保障的重视程度可以看出,在当前欧洲高等教育的改革与发展过程中,学生这一利益群体越来越受到重视.  相似文献   

博洛尼亚进程述论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为欧洲高等教育改革重大举措的博洛尼亚进程,即欧洲高等教育区建设进程,是在高等教育国际化和欧洲经济政治一体化的背景下产生的.它以建构欧洲高等教育区为目标,旨在加强各成员国之间高等教育的可比性和兼容性,增强欧洲高等教育的吸引力和竞争力,提高欧洲高等教育的质量,重塑欧洲高等教育的辉煌.1999年6月,欧洲29国教育部长共同签署<博洛尼亚宣言>,提出建设欧洲高等教育区的具体构想、行动纲领和工作计划.其后,经过历次会议特别是5次部长峰会的评估和改革,逐步形成"学位体系建设、质量保证、学位互认、促进流动、联合学位、终身学习、社会维度和机会均等、提升就业力、全球化背景下的欧洲高等教育"等新的行动目标,并在学制改革、质量保证、学分互换、学位互认等方面取得明显进展.2007年的伦敦会议明确提出,要建设"全球化背景下欧洲高等教育区".从<索邦宣言>欧洲高等教育区的设想到EHEA的形成规模,从当初的4个发起国到现在的46个成员国,博洛尼亚进程走过了10年,其内容不断丰富,目标日益完善,原则广受认同,且一直处于发展、改革和完善之中,致力于协调进程在各国实施进度的差异、保持进程趋同化发展中的多样性、寻求不同民族和国家在区域性合作和竞争中的平衡.  相似文献   

波伦亚进程是欧洲高等教育一体化进程的重要组成部分,俄罗斯于2003年签署了波伦亚宣言。本文在介绍波伦亚进程框架下俄罗斯高等教育系统所采取的一系列改革措施的基础上,分别从教育内容和质量、国家一社会纬度上的资源支持和国家安全三个方面分析了该框架下俄罗斯高等教育所面临的问题与挑战。  相似文献   

加入波洛尼亚进程是俄罗斯实现教育现代化构想的一项重要措施,而波洛尼亚进程又是欧洲一体化在高等教育领域的反映。在这样一个大融合的背景下,俄罗斯在追求教育现代化的过程中如何保持自身高等教育的优势值得关注。事实上,俄罗斯根据自己的教育特点对波洛尼亚规则的执行采取了不同对待的策略。  相似文献   

一体化和国际化是推动欧洲博士教育博洛尼亚进程的两大动力。欧洲博士教育以欧洲高教区和欧洲研究区为连接纽带,通过组织结构、职业规划、协作机制、国际化策略、基金资助以及法律法规等方面的一系列改革推动欧洲博洛尼亚进程向知识社会转型,是迈向高等教育国际化、培养国际化研究人才以及发展创新经济的关键。  相似文献   

建设一体化的欧洲高等教育区是欧洲高等教育进一步发展的战略选择,然而欧洲高等教育的复杂多元却是不可回避的事实。因此“博洛尼亚进程”在推行过程中以“一体化与多元化并存”为指导原则,通过一体化协调多元化,多元化支撑一体化,指导欧洲高等教育改革的实践,具体表现在学位制度改革和建立高等教育质量保障体系的改革中。德国、意大利的高等教育改革具有典型性,在融入一体化进程中不失本国特色。  相似文献   

到2007年,推动欧洲高等教育一体化建设的博洛尼亚进程已实施八年。针对2010年建成"欧洲高等教育区"的目标,对过去两年博洛尼亚进展中的成绩和问题进行了分项目的分析,指出了欧洲高等教育未来发展需要努力的十二个方面。  相似文献   

Beginning in the year 2000, higher education policies all over Europe were transformed by the launching and evolution of the Bologna Process, otherwise known as the process of creating a European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Initially, this process was flexible and informal, which makes the rapidity and scope of the changes it brought about surprising: why did European governments commit themselves to achieving the Bologna Objectives, and why so quickly, when there was no legal obligation to do so? I will argue the following: to understand the development of such a sense of obligation, we must take into account the special interests at stake when Bologna objectives are implemented at a national level. We must also consider the legitimacy lent to the process by the Bologna ideals of a knowledge-based economy and society. These elements are present in other studies on this topic. However, and this is rarely considered, we also have to take into account the specific dynamics of the process of creating an institutional coordination and monitoring mechanism. This mechanism has a formal institutional structure and tools for evaluation and monitoring. Our analysis of the way in which it was developed and formalised enriches previous research on the topic and also sheds light on how a flexible European process of voluntary participation became a monitored system of coordinated national higher education policies.  相似文献   

Over the past decade higher education reforms in most European countries have been oriented towards creating a European Higher Education Area which is envisaged in the Bologna Declaration. Based on an illustration of a variety of difficulties encountered higher education institutions in a wide range of participating countries, this article indicates a less optimistic view on the achievements to date in the Bologna Process. It argues that the tension of interests between the designers of the Process and its national and institutional practitioners undermines the actual progress towards the supranational objectives. It is suggested that most difficulties in relation to harmonizing national structures of higher education lie in the varying degrees of cultural dependency on traditions and academic autonomy across the engaged European countries.   相似文献   

"博洛尼亚进程"是29个欧洲国家的教育部长于1999年在意大利博洛尼亚提出的欧洲高等教育改革计划,旨在保证欧洲高等教育的质量,建立统一的欧洲高等教育体系。为了应对高等教育全球化的挑战以及适应工业社会向知识社会转变的形势,德国大学围绕提高高等教育的质量推行了一系列改革措施,建立了新的质量保证和质量管理体系,调整了新的公共管理策略;重组了整个课程体系,革新教学观念和教学方式,实现了从以教师为中心到以学生为中心的教学方式和学习方式的转变;开展大学教师教学发展项目,提升大学教师的教学能力。  相似文献   

欧洲波伦亚进程标志着欧洲高等教育一体化朝纵深方向发展,挪威作为该进程的积极参与国之一,近年来对本国高等教育体制进行了大刀阔斧的改革,特别是高等教育质量保障体制方面的改革更是走在了许多欧洲国家前列。本文简要论述了波伦亚进程的发展情况,并结合该进程的具体要求考察近年来挪威高等教育质量保障体制改革的主要措施及其特点,以期对我国高等教育质量保障体系的完善有所借鉴。  相似文献   

The Bologna Process is one of the major developments to have taken place in higher education in recent centuries. It has had an impact beyond European borders and repercussions in other parts of the world. Ibero-America has also sat up and taken note, even though scholars agree that there would be difficulties with its direct implementation in the region. Specialised opinions like these might suggest the initiative could not be implemented elsewhere. There can be no doubt, however, about the influence of the Bologna Process. On the one hand, the European Union has promoted and sponsored projects which involve transferring specific instruments (like Tuning) to the Ibero-American region. On the other, Latin America faces integration and globalisation challenges that are similar to Europe's and these, in turn, call for the development of approaches and instruments that will facilitate academic mobility and increase the transparency of degrees and qualifications. The recent impetus injected by the Ibero-American Summits into the Ibero-American Knowledge Space also seeks to help build common ground in higher education, scientific research and technological development.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the value of the Bologna Process in placing the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) on a solid institutional footing. How far has Bologna contributed to firming up the views academia, management and students have of the EHEA? The article is based on a survey administered across four systems of higher education in 2008. It underlines the importance for those active in shaping policy both at national and at European level to take fully into account the views of the different interests in higher education, difficult and at times non committal though these latter might be.  相似文献   

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