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对里约奥运会女子200m个人混合泳前八名运动员的分段成绩进行分析,找出各分段泳式之间的相互关系及高水平女子运动员在比赛中的体力分配规律,结果表明:前三名运动员在整个游进过程中各分段速度分配合理,速度曲线波动幅度较小,各分段末成绩均领先于各分段均值成绩;仰泳分段、蛙泳分段是影响女子200m个人混合泳项目成绩的关键.  相似文献   

本文以百米跑程中的分段成绩作为研究百米跑运动员专项素质状况的指标,认为运动员的百米成绩与各分段成绩间存在着相关关系。用数理统计的方法计算得到了10″—18″间不同百米成绩中各分段成绩的“模式”,并将“模式”成绩用图象表示。教练员运用“模式”成绩图象,可较直观地对照、分析运动员的各种素质现状,从而确定如何训练以提高成绩。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数据统计法等,对我国优秀男子400米运动员郭钟泽在天津全运会中的比赛成绩进行分段计时,分析其分段距离与各分段速度及与世界优秀运动员在速度分配上的差异。研究得出我国男子优秀400米运动员与国外优秀运动员成绩差异主要在T3分段,突破T3分段,将会拉近与世界优秀运动员成绩的差距。通过郭钟泽的个案研究,从实践上验证了男子优秀400米运动员分段距离与分段成绩、前后200米差值及总步数与步长特点关系是相互影响的。同时,提出了提高绝对速度是400米跑运动员的首要任务,加强速度耐力训练是400米跑运动员的基础,优化技术结构是400米跑运动员的关键。  相似文献   

我国优秀中长距离游泳运动员前六名分段成绩分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对1986年春季全国游泳比赛成都、长沙赛区中长距离游泳运动员前六名共144人次近700个分段成绩,利用自变量和因变量的显函数关系及逐步回归多元分析方法确定了我国优秀中长距离游泳运动员前六名的分段训练最佳比值均数模式。同时控制训练的分段成绩计算公式简单易行,可供教练员在训练中应用并检验。本文还设计计算了不同项目不同成绩分段成绩训练表。  相似文献   

对近4届世界游泳锦标赛上高水平(决赛和半决赛)自由泳运动员的运动成绩进行分析,其中男、女各224人共历时7年.通过各分段时间与最终成绩的相关分析,以及历届不同水平、性别的优秀运动员在各个项目上的分段时间进行研究.结果发现,在任何项目上,不论水平高低,自由泳运动员都呈现较为类似的时间分配模式,其中在短距离项目上,水平越高的运动员前后半程的分段时间差越小并趋于均衡;在中距离项目上,男子运动员后半程保持速度的能力优于女子,历届世锦赛的获胜者在每个分段上处于领先位置,尤其在途中的游速上;同时长距离项目上水平较高的运动员在途中的分段时间有明显的下降趋势(加速)且变化较小,而水平稍差的运动员有明显的上升趋势(减速).建议教练员和运动员在保持总分段时间分配特征的前提下,通过技术优化和力量训练来提高分段成绩,进一步提高比赛成绩.  相似文献   

男子400 m跑各分段速度最佳化时控区间标准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖冠群 《体育科学》2005,25(2):55-58,75
以两届世界田径锦标赛和第24届奥运会男子400m前8名运动员的成绩为研究样本,对世界一流运动员400m跑各分段的速度特征与成绩的关系进行分析,通过对不同技术类型运动员的速度分配差异程度的研究,初步制定评价400m跑效果的分段速度最佳化时控区间标准。  相似文献   

一、中外优秀男子400米跑运动员速度分析 400米跑是短跑中保持高速度距离最长和机体承受负荷最大的项目,是以4倍于100米距离连续进行大强度运动的“耐力性短跑”。400米跑运动员的体能储备与分配是决定运动员400米成绩的主要因素之一,运动员的体能储备与分配决定着400米跑的分段速度变化情况,分段速度的好坏,直接影响400米跑的成绩。国外高水平运动员的400米运动成绩与分段时间,建立了高水平运动员的400米运动成绩与分段时间的参照标准。  相似文献   

在对蹼溶运动员所要达到的目标成绩进行预测中,怎样安排比赛中各分段的游速,目前国内外还未见过报导。为了解决这个问题,我们分析了第六届全运会蹼泳预赛各项前16名运动员的成绩,试图找出带规律性的问题。通过计算机计算结果表明,不管运动员有成绩或名次差异如何,所有运动员在各自项目中总成绩的分段成绩的百分率是基本相同的。例如:在女子800米蹼泳比赛中,第2名运动员  相似文献   

本文分析研究了男子赛车场4KM计时赛运动员比赛分段成绩,发现该项全国冠军与我省运动员分段成绩结构存在着明显差距。由此,结合多年来的理论学习和训练实践总结出了提高运动员专项能力的几个途径。  相似文献   

为了揭示近年来男子400m个人混合泳项目比赛呈现的特征,主要采用数理统计等方法对近年来国内、外重大游泳比赛成绩进行分析。与奥运会前3名水平相比较,全运会前3名混合泳运动员自由泳分段成绩胜出,但蝶泳、仰泳、蛙泳分段水平均要落后。全运会上前8名运动员各个分段均落后于奥运会前8名运动员,差距最大的是仰泳,其次是蝶泳、蛙泳和自由泳。通过对2011—2013年国内、外重大游泳比赛参加个人混合泳决赛的运动员成绩统计来看,同组中,优秀运动员一般采用蝶泳、仰泳分段控制节奏,蛙泳和自由泳分段发力领先对手的体能分配方案;水平略差的运动员蝶泳和仰泳分段一般领先,后半程由于诸多原因呈落后趋势;还有一种表现形式,就是其他泳姿表现一般,但在自己优势泳姿上全力以赴,但从对应的名次来看,这种体能分配往往取得不了较好的成绩。研究表明,国内男子个人混合泳整体水平较国际水平尚有差距,后备人才梯队建设和项目制胜规律应该引起重视;从分段成绩上考虑,蝶泳和仰泳差距较大;从混合泳体能分配特征来看,各分段泳姿对总成绩的影响是不同的,游进过程中采用蝶泳、仰泳分段控制节奏,蛙泳和自由泳分段发力领先对手的分配方案,可能在同组中发挥更好成绩;单纯利用自己擅长泳姿,不注意整体体能分配,一般不会获得理想成绩。  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate and quantify physiological differences among groups of distance runners. The subjects included 20 elite distance runners (8 marathon, 12 middle-long distance) and 8 good runners. Working capacity and cardiorespiratory function were determined by submaximal and maximal treadmill tests, and body composition by hydrostatic weighing. The variables studied were maximum oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O2 max), [Vdot]O2 submax, lactic acid submax, lean body weight, and fat weight. MANOVA showed that the good runners differed from the elite runners (p < 0.01) and the elite marathon runners differed from the elite middle-long distance runners (p < 0.05). Discriminant analysis showed that both functions were significant. The first was a general physiological efficiency factor that separated the good and elite runners. The second separated the elite marathon and middle-long distance groups. The second function showed that the marathon runners had lower lactic acid submax values. The middle-long distance runners had higher [Vdot]O2 max values. Classification analysis was used to evaluate the accuracy of the discriminant analysis; 80% of the elite runners were correctly classified as marathon or middle-long distance runners. The discriminant functions were used to develop a multivariate scaling model for evaluating distance runners. Two premier runners, one marathoner (F. Shorter) and one middle-long distance runner (S. Prefontaine), were found to be at the extremes of the scale. The data showed that the discriminant functions provided a valid model for evaluating differences among elite distance runners.  相似文献   

Field tests of speed and endurance may be used to evaluate the probability of success and to create efficient training strategies for sports. Currently, both invasive and non-invasive methods are used for this purpose. While invasive methods cause some discomfort to subjects, non-invasive methods may employ practices associated with the sport itself. One such method employs the linear relationship between exercise intensity or running speed and distance covered running at that speed represented on a semi-logarithmic scale. The separation of endurance runners into three different groups can be confirmed by different values for the slope coefficient (b) of this linear relation. According to findings among top Czechoslovak endurance runners, supplemented by the data of other authors, the values of coefficient b in middle-distance runners are in the range -2.166 to -1.700, in long-distance runners -1.520 to -1.050 and in marathon runners -0.836 to -0.436. Similarly, a separation of young endurance runners into groups of middle-distance and long-distance runners must be within the range -2.158 to -1.800 and for young long-distance runners -1.700 to -1.300. Based on these findings, the optimum competitive distance for adult athletes can be established in relation to current training status. In young athletes, it is possible to select gifted runners with predispositions for middle-distance and long-distance running. For both groups of athletes, more efficient training methods can be selected to optimize their predispositions for maximal performance.  相似文献   

少年中长跑运动员最佳呼吸效率点及对应参数的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李伟 《体育科学》2000,20(5):60-62
以连续递增负荷的踏车运动,测定了34名少年中长跑运动员在不同工作负荷时的通气量、吸氧量、心率、最大吸氧量、呼吸当量曲线,确定了最佳呼吸效率点及生理参数,从理论上探讨了最佳呼吸效率点在运动训练中的作用,为少年中长跑运动员的训练工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以黑龙江省少年中跑运动员为对象,对中跑运动员身体形态选材进行研究。通过查阅大量文献资料,并对黑龙江优秀少年中跑运动员进行身体形态方面的测试后,得出黑龙江省优秀少年中跑运动员身体形态模型,运用SPSS软件对各项指标的测试结果与中跑成绩的相关性进行统计,确定了中跑运动员身体形态选票的关键指标。本文旨在进一步推进黑龙江优秀项目的发展,也为其他地区体育工作者的选票研究提供一些参考资料。  相似文献   

BackgroundPrevious studies of foot strike patterns of distance runners in road races have typically found that the overwhelming majority of shod runners initially contact the ground on the rearfoot. However, none of these studies has attempted to quantify foot strike patterns of barefoot or minimally shod runners. This study classifies foot strike patterns of barefoot and minimally shod runners in a recreational road race.MethodsHigh-speed video footage was obtained of 169 barefoot and 42 minimally shod distance runners at the 2011 New York City Barefoot Run. Foot strike patterns were classified for each runner, and frequencies of forefoot, midfoot, and rearfoot striking were compared between the barefoot and minimally shod groups.ResultsA total of 59.2% of barefoot runners were forefoot strikers, 20.1% were midfoot strikers, and 20.7% were rearfoot strikers. For minimally shod runners, 33.3% were forefoot strikers, 19.1% were midfoot strikers, and 47.6% were rearfoot strikers. Foot strike distributions for barefoot and minimally shod runners were significantly different both from one another and from previously reported foot strike distributions of shod road racers.ConclusionFoot strike patterns differ between barefoot and minimally shod runners, with forefoot striking being more common, and rearfoot striking less common in the barefoot group.  相似文献   

In the finishing kick of a distance race, maximizing speed becomes the focus even if economy may be sacrificed. If distance runners knew how to alter their technique to become more sprint-like, this process could be more successful. In this study, we compared the differences in technique between sprinters and distance runners while running at equal and maximal speeds. Athletes consisted of 10 Division I distance runners, 10 Division I sprinters, and 10 healthy non-runners. They performed two tests, each consisting of a 60-m run on the track: Test 1 at a set pace of 5.81 m/s, while Test 2 was maximal speed. Video was collected at 180 Hz. Significant differences (P < 0.05) between the sprint and distance groups at maximal speeds were found in the following areas: speed, minimum hip angle, knee extension at toe-off, stride length, contact time, and recovery knee at touchdown. In Test 1, sprinters and distance runners displayed many of the same significant differences. The control group was similar to the distance group in both trials. As distance runners attempt to sprint, the desired adjustments do not necessarily occur. Distance runners may benefit from biomechanical interventions to improve running speed near the end of a race.  相似文献   

中长跑运动员速度感的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对40名中长跑运动员速度感测试,结果显示中长跑运动员速度感主要是依靠对动作频率的辨别能力,同时发现中跑运动员与长跑运动员的提速方式不同,并指出速度感是能够培养的。  相似文献   

采用功率自行车渐增负荷的运动方式测定了81名不同项目耐力运动员的无氧阈,结果表明:用最大负荷百分比表示的无氧阈值,马拉松与自行车项目运动员显著高于竞走及中长跑运动员,并且各专项组男女运动员之间均无显著性别差异。本文报告的不同项目耐力运动员的无氧阈值,可为训练中评定运动员有氧工作能力和安排训练强度提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

In the finishing kick of a distance race, maximizing speed becomes the focus even if economy may be sacrificed. If distance runners knew how to alter their technique to become more sprint-like, this process could be more successful. In this study, we compared the differences in technique between sprinters and distance runners while running at equal and maximal speeds. Athletes consisted of 10 Division I distance runners, 10 Division I sprinters, and 10 healthy non-runners. They performed two tests, each consisting of a 60-m run on the track: Test 1 at a set pace of 5.81 m/s, while Test 2 was maximal speed. Video was collected at 180 Hz. Significant differences (P < 0.05) between the sprint and distance groups at maximal speeds were found in the following areas: speed, minimum hip angle, knee extension at toe-off, stride length, contact time, and recovery knee at touchdown. In Test 1, sprinters and distance runners displayed many of the same significant differences. The control group was similar to the distance group in both trials. As distance runners attempt to sprint, the desired adjustments do not necessarily occur. Distance runners may benefit from biomechanical interventions to improve running speed near the end of a race.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how female marathon runners of varying standards differed in body composition and physique and in their training regimes, and secondly to develop predictors of distance running performance from the anthropometric and training variables. Female marathon runners (n = 36), all participants in a national 10 mile (16 km) road racing championship, were divided into three groups according to their best time for the 26.2 mile race. They were assessed for body composition and somatotype using anthropometric techniques and completed a questionnaire about their current training for the marathon. No difference was found between the groups of distance runners when measured for height, bone widths and circumferences. The three groups were found to have similar body weights of approximately 53 kg, a value which is much lower than the average for sedentary women, but which compares favourably with those from previous studies of female long distance runners. While all the runners had a lower per cent fat, as measured from skinfold thicknesses, than sedentary women, the elite runners were seen to have significantly lower values (P less than 0.05) than the other two groups. The difference in body fat was particularly reflected in the triceps skinfold value. There was also a tendency for the elite runners to be more ectomorphic and less endomorphic than the others. The better runners were seen, on the whole, to have been running longer, and to have more strenuous regimes, both in terms of intensity of training and distance run per week. Multiple regression and discriminant function analyses indicated that the number of training sessions per week and the number of years training were the best predictors of competitive performance at both 10 mile and marathon distances. They also indicated that a female long distance runner with a slim physique high in ectomorphy has the greatest potential for success.  相似文献   

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