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自熊明安的《中国高等教育史》问世以后,中国近代高等教育史也逐渐形成了一个专门的研究领域。时至今日,中国近代高等教育史在研究上主要表现为四种模式:中国近代高等教育史的宏观研究,近代中国大学的个案研究.区域高等教育发展研究以及大学与区域社会互动发展研究。由于中国近代不同区域发展状况各异.从大学与区域社会互动发展的角度对中国近代高等教育进行研究,可以更加明晰地了解影响中国近代高等教育发展中很多具体的区域性人物和事件,并为当代中国高等教育发展提供更加具体和客观的借鉴。  相似文献   

依附与发展:俄罗斯私立高等教育特点评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何雪莲 《比较教育研究》2007,28(3):60-63,73
转型以来,俄罗斯私立高等教育迅速发展.除了具有世界私立高等教育的许多典型特点之外,俄罗斯私立高等教育还有一个独有的特点--公立组织参与创办私立高等教育机构.从俄罗斯转型的特点以及私立高等教育所遭受的认同性危机来看,私立高等教育机构与各种公立组织的依附关系,可能是俄罗斯私立高等教育获得认同以及生存发展的必要条件.  相似文献   

The development of private (non-state) higher education institutions in Poland has been a phenomenon of increasing importance since 1990. It is a paradox of their existence, particularly in small towns with no previous tradition of higher education, that they have been more successful than the state higher education institutions in educating young people of working-class and peasant background, even though they charge tuition fees. In many ways, the private higher education institutions are more responsive to the demands of an economy in transition than are the state institutions, and they tend to operate more efficiently. Also, they have been rapid to adopt the "Mode 2" variety of knowledge generation. The creation of private higher education institutions has been a stimulus to regional development in Poland.  相似文献   

For many years there has been a debate about the existence or not, of a common European education policy. In this article I argue that there has been a real European education policy since the approval of the Maastricht Treaty, with a proper content and which offers many new possibilities to students. The core of this policy is the setting up of the European Higher Education Area, designed not only for attendance-based universities, but also for distance and virtual universities. However, the policies, expected to be in force by 2010, have not been without problems and a critique of the implications for European higher education institutes is offered following an outline of the development and evolution of the policies.  相似文献   

Innovative Higher Education - The faculty sabbatical leave has been present in many institutions of higher education since its inception at Harvard University in 1880 but is relatively...  相似文献   

未来十年我国高等教育经费投入状况的理论分析与实证研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
随着我国普通高等教育在国家发展中的战略地位的不断提高,教育投资体制改革不断深化,我国普通高校的教育经费总量持续增长。但是,我国高等教育大众化全面启动,学生数量大量增加,教育经费投入相对来说又显不足。本通过对我国1991~2002年教育经费与国民生产总值和普通高等学校在校生数的相关分析。运用SPSS软件建立了三的线性预测模型,通过检验,有较好的实用性和可靠性,并对未来十年我国教育经费的投入量作了预测,发现满足我国高等教育大众化发展的教育经费筹措工作任重而道远。  相似文献   

高等教育与区域发展-以"首都教育"为视角的考察   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
高等教育与区域发展具有相关性 ,我国经济发展呈现区域化趋势 ,沿海地区展开教育资源竞争 ,以此带动人才战略、技术升级和产业换代及文化发展。在以知识为基础的经济背景下 ,教育被列入第三产业 ,高等教育的发展有可能也有必要与区域经济发展相结合 ,研究北京地区高教发展的有利与不利条件以及高教向边缘发展 ,向沿海发展 ,向企业教育和民办教育发展的趋势。高等教育发展正面临着新一轮资源配置 ,高等教育走廊和远距离校区就是资源重新配置的表现。可以看出高等教育与区域经济发展 ,以及与交通及通讯事业发展的相关性比以往任何时候都更加突出  相似文献   

It is not yet well known that there has been a selective bias in writing the ‘world’ history of higher education. Western hegemony prevails in this academic endeavour. To recover one of the many lost traditions of higher education, this paper will make a historical comparison of the two distinctive academic traditions representing the West and East: Scholasticism revived in the twelfth century and Korean Confucianism revived in the sixteenth century. If the University Paris was where Scholasticism blossomed in the medieval period, then it is in the material relation between a mentor and his disciples, through which a distinctive academic lineage was formed, where the renaissance of Korean Confucianism has taken place since the early sixteenth century. The paper examines some of the indisputable differences between the Western and Eastern methods of reaching academic excellence. The goals, subjects, methods and organisational bases of education in the two traditions do differ drastically. Instead of the centrality of the institution in the West, the centrality of relation was the key factor in the East. These differences however do not support for any value judgment of one tradition being superior to the other, as seen in many books on world history of higher education. A single minded analysis of a foreign model from the Western perspective will not provide a global history, but a historical comparison will.  相似文献   

Accountability has now become a major theme for higher education internationally as well as in the UK. Universities were guaranteed autonomy by their charm, although polytechnics were accountable from their first designation. Both sectors now, however, have been asked to make themselves more publically accountable.
There are many different views about the purposes of higher education, therefore the measurement of its success is not easy. Some fm of measurement of the effectiveness of its activities in teaching and research is however urgently needed. The most important measure of teaching quality is the attainment of students at the end of their course, but the success of teaching depends on many external factors, including resourcing and effective institutional management.
Too few attempts to measure the quality of teaching in the classroom have been made, but Her Majesty's Inspectors have been assessing the quality of classroom experience for many years, and their reports have been published since January 1983. Their methodology of inspection has been developed considerably, and has many features worthy of note. It need not be seen as a threat to academic autonomy.  相似文献   

如何在高等教育规模快速增长的同时,使高等学校保持优质的办学质量和良好的办学效益,使高等教育保持健康协调发展,是需要我们思索和解决的问题。而印度20世纪50年代至70年代高等教育的大发展,给我们一些启迪的同时,其发展过程中的失误,造成办学质量的下降,也为我们提供了有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Confronted with declining public budgets for education on the one hand, and the need for more resources on the other, many developing countries such as India, have been examining alternative methods of financing higher education. One such mechanism is student loans. A student loan programme is not a new phenomenon in India. The National Loans Scholarship Scheme has been in operation since 1963. This article critically reviews the experience of implementation of the National Loan Scholarship scheme. It examines strengths and weaknesses and problems specific to this programme in India, with a view to identifying measures for marginal improvement in the programme. The conclusion is that at present student loans make little contribution to either the efficiency or equity of higher education in India.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来高等教育学费政策在许多国家发生了很大变化,这些变化对高等教育的发展产生了重要影响.以英国、澳大利亚、爱尔兰和美国等国为例,英国学费政策实施时间虽短但处于不断调整之中;澳大利亚毕业后付费政策在世界上独树一帜;爱尔兰反其道而行之,取消学费效果最终如何?美国引领世界高等教育潮流,学费不断上涨结果如何?是什么因素影响学费政策的变化?这些国家学费政策变化最终会产生什么影响?  相似文献   

Higher education in many countries has been influenced by major factors of change due to globalization and reinforced by the development of internationalization, competition, new and different social demands, strategic importance of higher education as a business, etc. As a result of a tremendous growth in the number of students, higher education is moving towards 'mass studies'; in many cases, this is not coupled with proportional increases in expenditure on education, thus lowering the quality of education. Many countries are trying to solve this problem by developing two sectors of higher education, which may be called 'university sector' and 'vocational/non-university sector'. While the mission of the university sector is to educate intellectual élites, higher vocational education schools should, in principle, offer mass education at the undergraduate/first-stage level. Both types of higher education institutions are needed, and thus one could not speak of any subordination of one sector to another. In 1997 the Polish Parliament passed the Act on Vocational Higher Schools. The Act served as the basis for the establishment of the Accreditation Commission for Vocational Higher Schools, which has the task of laying down educational standards and defined conditions which should be met in order to establish and provide courses in specific vocational specialization as well as staff requirements for such specialization. Furthermore, standards were introduced for teaching facilities and curriculum contents. During the 3 years since the introduction of the Act, 16 public higher vocational education schools and 44 non-public higher vocational schools have been established.  相似文献   

Modern universities are uniquely European in origin and characteristics. With the diffusion of the European model into the university throughout the world, the heritage of colonialism and the fact that contemporary universities are Western institutions without much linkage to their indigenous intellectual traditions are the fundamental reasons for the failure of non-Western societies to effectively establish their modern higher education systems. In China, the integration between the Chinese and Western ideas of a university remains unfinished despite many efforts to indigenize the Western concept since the nineteenth century. This article examines and compares the characteristics and development of medieval European universities and traditional Chinese higher learning institutions. In contrast to most existing studies on higher education, which have overwhelmingly portrayed the powerful influence of economic and political realities, this article adopts a cultural perspective on the development of Chinese higher education, calling for the return of culture in the analyses of higher education development and arguing that Chinese universities have considerably improved their hardware but not their software. In the current great leap forward of the Chinese higher education, attention to institutions and cultural establishments is usually absent.  相似文献   

探索妇女/性别研究与高等教育共同发展的新路子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪80年代中期以来,诸多学者在妇女教育和女性学学科建设方面做过许多努力,在是否应该"独立设置学科"这一问题上长久徘徊不前。大连大学性别研究中心在总结多年经验和教训的基础上,探索将妇女/性别研究与高等教育改革结合、共同发展的新路子。一反"独立设科"的传统做法,它倡导的是"渗透"和"互动":将妇女研究成果直接带进校区,以性别分析这一崭新视角全面参与教育改革,使妇女/性别研究原本具备的跨学科、综合性质在教学活动和校园生活中得以体现,将"可持续"前景建立在人才培育、课程建设和校区/社区互动发展进程中。  相似文献   

随着高等教育大众化进程的推进,我国城乡高等教育差距进一步拉大,农村高等教育的增长情况并没有随着整个高等教育的扩招而迅速扩大。本文通过对农村高等教育现状的分析,找出了制约农村高等教育发展的因素,并在此基础上提出了改善农村高等教育的政策建议。  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of children are informally excluded from school for a range of reasons, including bullying and sexual harassment. Although little is done to help them, one group of parents demonstrated that it is not difficult to create a temporary alternative to school and to provide a period of respite. The venture was seen as failure, but all the children are now back in mainstream education.
Agatha Goodchild, one of the parents, and Chris Williams, Research Fellow at the Norah Fry Research Centre, University of Bristol, analyse and evaulate the success that came from failure!  相似文献   

Full-fledged distance teaching universities (DTUS), that have been established since the early 1970s in various parts of the world, were perceived by many of their conventional counterparts as unique institutions, assigned with special tasks outside the realm of mainstream higher education. The major thrust of this paper is to examine from a comparative perspective to what extent have the agendas of the DTUs in the last two decades moved from the margins to the center stage of higher education, in relation to: reaching out to diverse student clienteles; professional upgrading; flexible curricula and academic programs; focusing on teaching; harnessing advanced technology to the service of higher education; managing large-scale universities; designing extensive support systems; and globalization and collaboration in higher education. DTUs can be viewed from many respects as forerunners in facing and dealing with challenges that confront higher education systems all around the globe. Nowadays, the boundaries between distance and campus universities are in a continuous process of blurring and convergence, and it is likely that the future interrelations between them will be marked both by a growing competition and a growing cooperation.  相似文献   

大学的支柱是大学教师的威望,以及大学研究机构的名声。20世纪中后期以来,许多国际著名大学纷纷以拥有多少诺贝尔奖获得者作为学校有着较高学术水平和良好学术声誉的一种标志,在我国则表现为时院士等学术精英的争夺。然而,在当下的高等教育界,大学教师的学术声誉难掩日渐下滑之势。20世纪90年代以来,我国学术界开展了以学术规范为核心的学术大讨论,试图重建良好的学术声誉。良好学术声誉的重建不仅需要观念层面的反思,更需要制度层面的建构。  相似文献   

Where have been the main policy drivers for the development of British higher education over the last 50 years? This article argues that while higher education policy was once driven from the inside outwards, from the late 1970s it has been driven exclusively from the outside inwards. Policy decisions under either regime were rarely driven by research findings especially from within the higher education community. The current imbalance between ‘inside‐out’ and ‘outside‐in’ policy formation is paradoxically most apparent when the higher education system has a more widely diversified funding base than at any time since the 1930s. The key policy challenge is now not what new policies are needed but what new framework should be developed for policy making.  相似文献   

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