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在教育改革不断深化的背景下,美国中小学和相关专业团体对已建立起来的校长专业发展体系进行了重新探讨,并推出了许多新的举措,包括:革新校长资格证书制度,关注对能力的考察;改进校长职前培训课程,强调培养校长的实践能力;加强校长入职指导,重视实效性和针对性;重视校长在职专业发展机构的建设,成立领导学院;重建中小学校长评价体系,将绩效考核评价与引导发展并重等.这些革新举措反映了社会与教育发展对中小学校长提出的新要求.为中小学校长专业发展提供了新的路径.  相似文献   

School and community relations in North America reflect creative tensions between the conserving forces of schooling and the changing forces of community. During crisis periods community development needs may modify the school's focus on individual learner growth, but generally schools use the community to extend and enrich the traditional modes. School and community interactions are chiefly characterized by such settings as community schools, community education, adult education, home and school (PTA) associations, work-study programs, curriculum-community resource programs.Recent social forces are creating heightened tensions: cultural pluralism, reduced resources, Third World influences, international conflicts, personal alienation, population concerns, energy problems, community power issues. These forces are gradually shifting school and community concepts towards ones of education and community. Education goes well beyond schooling, including all agencies having an organized influence on community development: libraries, voluntary groups, unions, business, human service agencies, government units, as well as schools. This shift requires research to develop nonformal concepts and practices, along with formal pedagogy, to increase the positive impacts of educational networks on community, as well as individual, development. These new directions have not yet significantly modified the traditional meaning of school and community relations.
Zusammenfassung In Nordamerika reflektieren die Beziehungen zwischen Schule und Gemeinschaft die kreativen Spannungen zwischen den konservativen Kräften der Schule und den sich wandelnden Kräften der Gemeinschaft. In Krisenzeiten können zwar die Bedürfnisse der Gemeinschaftsentwicklung die Konzentration der Schule auf individuelles Wachstum modifizieren, im allgemeinen benutzen jedoch die Schulen die Gemeinschaft dazu, ihre traditionellen Bildungsmethoden auszuweiten und zu bereichern. Hauptmerkmale der Interaktionen von Schule und Gemeinschaft sind Gemeinschaftsschulen, Gemeinschaftsbildung, Erwachsenenbildung, Eltern-Lehrervereinigungen, Arbeitslehre-Programme und solche, die die Gemeinschaftsressourcen in den Lehrplan einbeziehen.Neue soziale Kräfte intensivieren die Spannungen: Kultureller Pluralismus, verringerte Mittel, Einflüsse aus der Dritten Welt, internationale Konflikte, persönliche Entfremdung, Bevölkerungsfragen, Energieprobleme, Machtfragen in der Gemeinschaft. Diese Kräfte verschieben die alten Begriffe von Schule und Gemeinschaft in Richtung auf Bildung und Gemeinschaft. Bildung geht weit über die Schule hinaus und umfaßt alle Einrichtungen, die einen organisierten Einfluß auf die Entwicklung der Gemeinschaft ausüben: Bibliotheken, Initiativgruppen, Gewerkschaften, Wirtschaft, Dienstleistungsbetriebe Regierungsstellen zusätzlich zur Schule. Diese Verschiebung muß erforscht werden, um neben der formalen Bildung auch nicht-formale Konzepte und Praktiken zu entwickeln und den positiven Einfluß von Bildungsnetzen auf die Gemeinschaft sowie auf die Entwicklung des Individuums zu verstärken. Bisher haben sich diese neuen Richtungen noch nicht wesentlich auf das traditionelle Verständnis der Beziehungen zwischen Schule und Gemeinschaft ausgewirkt.

Résumé Les relations entre l'école et la collectivité en Amérique du Nord reflètent les tensions créatrices entre les forces conservatrices du système scolaire et les forces évolutives de la collectivité. Pendant les périodes de crise, il arrive que les besoins de développement de la collectivité modifient la perspective de l'école qui est centreé sur l'évolution individuelle de l'apprenant, mais généralement les écoles utilisent la collectivité pour élargir et enrichir les méthodes traditionnelles. Les interactions de l'école et de la collectivité sont principalement caractérisées par des moyens tels que les écoles communautaires, l'éducation communautaire, l'éducation des adultes, les associations de parents et d'enseignants (PTA/APE), les programmes travail-étude et ceux qui utilisent les ressources de la collectivité dans le curriculum.Certaines forces sociales d'origine récente accroissent les tensions: pluralisme culturel, ressources réduites, influences du Tiers-Monde, conflits internationaux, aliénation personnelle, problèmes de population, d'énergie, questions relatives au pouvoir de la collectivité. Ces forces modifient peu à peu les concepts d'écoles et de collectivité qui se transforment en concepts d'éducation et de collectivité. L'éducation va bien au-delà de la scolarité et englobe tout ce qui exerce une influence organisée sur le développement communautaire: bibliothèques, groupes de volontaires, associations, services d'aide sociale, organismes publics, etc., tout autant que les écoles. La recherche est indispensable au développement des concepts et des applications de l'éducation non formelle, tout comme l'est la didactique formelle, pour intensifier les impacts positifs des réseaux éducatifs sur le développement communautaire et sur celui de l'individu. Ces nouvelles directions n'ont pas encore modifié de façon appréciable le sens traditionnel des relations école-collectivité.

The authors, working from a new literacies studies perspective, suggest that educators can better teach their students if they develop their own knowledge of the purposes, types, and language conventions students use in their informal out-of-school literacy practices. The purpose of this study was to identify the literacy practices used in a classroom-based social network site and determine how these practices reflect digital literacies. By connecting differences in the literacy practices of three fifth-grade girls to the instructional moves made by classroom teachers, the authors were able to identify and describe how classroom teachers unintentionally marginalized the kinds of digital literacies that are valued in the larger society. Findings point to the importance of creating online identities for establishing relationships in a social networking site and a need for teachers to model ways to shift language use when engaging in different writing contexts.  相似文献   

Recent changes in higher education have confronted education research with a conundrum: how our traditionally multidisciplinary field can refine itself as a unified discipline. In this address I sketch out what this conundrum may mean for education research, both substantively and methodologically, in the future. I propose that one starting point is for education researchers to consider what unites rather than divides us. One common, unifying conceptual concern is with the operation of culture/s in educational settings. I use the narratives of two teachers from different places and times to illustrate how culture analysis can be a fruitful tool for understanding the experience and practice of Education. In my conclusion, I extend the theme of culture to education research itself. I suggest that the challenge of disciplinary identity confronting education research requires a culture change in the modus operandi of our practice, and that this will involve an articulated focus on methodological pluralism, interdisciplinarity, and the use of new modes of communication as key unifying elements of the discipline of education research.  相似文献   

3 JANUARY 2009:I AM AFRAID "I had a terrible dream yesterday with military helicopters and the Taliban.I have had such dreams since the launch of the military"  相似文献   

北美国家医学教育的历史与现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在回顾北美国家医学教育历史沿革的基础上,重点介绍了北美国家医学教育的两个主要阶段(医学院校教育和毕业后医学教育),并对北美国家医学教育改革的利弊进行了比较深入的分析。  相似文献   

Teachers, parents, and librarians are constantly looking for methods and materials that engage students as readers and motivate them to increase the time they spend reading. In this article we describe findings from a study of middle schoolers’ magazine reading habits that gave us a close look at the power of magazines as supplemental supports for struggling and reluctant readers as well as the specific reasons students gravitate toward magazines for leisure reading. We provide suggestions for the ways in which classroom teachers can leverage student interest in magazine reading to increase independent reading in school, and validate students’ out of school literacies.  相似文献   

学校教育应立足于学生的全面发展,而不是仅仅看考试分数;学校管理应着眼于教师的充分发展,而不是靠教师的苦干蛮干或者加班加点;学校建设应基于学校未来的可持续发展,而不是追求眼前的或单一的“升学率”。校长的历史使命就是要通过领导和管理,打造可持续发展的学校组织文化,实现学生、教师和学校之间的协调发展。  相似文献   

Sociology has long recognized the centrality of the body in the reciprocal construction of individuals and society, and recent research has explored the influence of a variety of social institutions on the body. Significant research has established the influence of social class, child‐rearing practices, and variable language forms in families and children. Less well understood is the influence of children's social class status on their gestures, comportment, and other bodily techniques. In this essay Sue Ellen Henry brings these two areas of study together to explore how working‐class children's bodies are shaped by the child‐rearing practices associated with their social class status, and the potential effects these bodily techniques have on their experience in schools.  相似文献   

为了农村体育教育环境得到改善,学校体育工作落到实处,学生体质健康水平有大的提升,提出在"国培计划"校长培训中引入学校体育与健康专题内容,帮助中小学校长树立正确的学校体育理念,将健康第一作为自己的首要任务之一,以教育家陶行知前辈为榜样,尽职尽责,当好校长,使学生全面发展.创新培训模式,为农村体育教师培训做好基础性工作,使体育教师的效能获得最大的发挥.  相似文献   

古德森的《学校科目和课程的演进》一书开辟了学校科目社会史的课程史研究经典路径.在这本书中,古德森把学校科目的变迁视为与科目相关的利益群体争锋的过程,并在这种视角下分析了英国环境教育诞生的个案.学校科目社会史研究主要包括结构与行动者间的动态辩证、理论假设与理论论证的呼应、客观资料与教师个人生活史的互补三种方法.  相似文献   

This study compared the fears of North American and South American children in Grades 2–5. Fears were assessed with English and Spanish versions of the American Fear Survey Schedule (FSSC-AM; Burnham 2005). Specific fears and several most common fears differed across the two countries. Overall, the South American children and the girls from both countries had significantly higher fear intensity scores than North American children and the boys. Fear intensity scores also differed significantly across racial backgrounds. Implications for counsellors and directions for future research are considered.  相似文献   

Child development science has not fully realized its mission to improve population outcomes for children and eliminate disparities across race and income groups. One domain with great need but also great potential is the challenge parents face in raising a young child. A system of universal primary psychosocial care is proposed, with three components: a comprehensive infrastructure of community resources, such as North Carolina's Smart Start; financial supports for specific interventions, such as pre-kindergarten; and a way to help families identify and address family-specific needs, such as Family Connects. Empirical studies demonstrate the promise of each component for population impact and disparity elimination but also the need for continued improvement. Developmental scientists are called upon to fulfill their mission.  相似文献   

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