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隐喻艺术思维的主要方法是从想象、联想出发,进而形成艺术意象,最终以象征的整体艺术形态表现出来。从而达到艺术隐喻之目的。  相似文献   

论述了将数学思想方法迁移到数学之外领域的必要性和具体做法.  相似文献   

求异思维是指从同一材料来源,探求不同解答的心理过程和思维方法.它的形式是发散的,它的特点是活泼的、创造性的.通过典型的实例,从4个方面来说明教师在教学中如何培养学生的求异思维能力.  相似文献   

We expect our students to learn different ways of thinking, such as historical empathy or scientific reasoning, reflection, critical analysis, or clinical reasoning. But how do we discern if they have learned these ways of thinking when thinking is often abstract, tacit and seemingly invisible? In this conceptual and theoretical article, I argue that we can discern any kind of thinking, however we define it, if we focus on the observable actions or thinking behaviours associated with that thinking. Based on this argument, I then offer a theoretical framework for teachers so they might recognise and informally assess the particular kind of student thinking they want to cultivate. This framework synthesises several important theories about how we learn to think, and distinguishes six general features a teacher might look for to be more discerning about any kind of thinking: visibility, complexity, frequency, flexibility, independence, and application of the thinking behaviours.  相似文献   

This article examines the responses of school principals from an urban school district to Michigan's zero-tolerance policy. We specifically seek to understand how school leaders interpret and implement the policy and how their administrative discussions subsequently affect the educational experience of children in urban schools. Given that a disproportionately high number of African American and Latino students are negatively affected by this policy, how do school leaders in predominantly African American districts implement it? The findings in this study reveal that the disparate interpretation of the zero-tolerance policy among school leaders and its implementation negatively affects the educational experience of urban students.  相似文献   

翻译不仅是语言间的转换,更是思维方式的转换。因此,本文首先分析了中英文思维差异在科技语言的词汇、句法中的表现,继而通过具体实例指明在科技英语中如何使用翻译策略进行思维转换,提高译文质量。  相似文献   

在课堂教学中培养学生创新思维的途径包括:创设情境,设置悬念,适宜提问,思路引导,双向互助以及渗透扩张。  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基说过:学生来到学校里,不仅是为了取得一份知识的行囊,更主要的是为了变得更聪明。教师要使学生越学越聪明,越学能力越强,就必须把学生正确的思维方法的培养放在十分重要的位置上,学会发问就是途径之一。学会发问是学生主动学习,变得更聪明的一把钥匙。  相似文献   

An experimental interdisciplinary freshman course called The Systems Approach to the Universe was taught at North Carolina State University in the Spring of 1986. The goals of the course were to introduce principles of general systems theory; to provide examples through lectures and readings of applications of these principles in a wide variety of fields and disciplines; and to introduce and provide practice in critical questioning and evaluation. This paper outlines what was done, how it worked, and how the instructors and the students assessed the experience afterwards.He received his B.Ch.E. from the City College of New York, and his Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Princeton University. Barbara A. Soloman is Coordinator of Advising for the Academic Skills Program and Lecturer in the University Studies Program at North Carolina State University. She received her B.S. in mathematics from the City College of New York and her M.S. in mathematics from North Carolina State University.  相似文献   

计算思维是人们认识和改造世界的方式之一。在当前信息技术背景下,越来越多的人认识到计算思维对于发展的重要性,初中信息技术教学中对学生计算思维能力进行培养是教育教学改革的必然趋势。计算思维视角下的初中信息技术教学中对学生思维能力的提升要注重教学理念的改变、注重思维的训练和迁移以及程序思维和数据思维的培养。初中信息技术教学本身是理论和实践相结合的学科,通过信息技术教学能够更好的提升学生的计算思维能力。  相似文献   

数学思想是数学知识的精髓和实质,任何一个数学问题的解决,都是某一数学思想方法具体运用的结果.因此,在学习数学的过程中,不能仅仅满足于单一的数学解题,而应该多关注其思想方法,掌握了方法,才能举一反三,运用自如.  相似文献   

This paper explores assumptions about essential knowledge in degree programs that have traditionally prepared teachers of physical education, and discusses the question of what sort of teacher education is necessary or desirable to prepare teachers for the new Health & Physical Education (HPE) key learning area. I argue that the curriculum of the typical HPE degree program reinforces a desire for certainty (Bauman, 2001 Bauman Z (2001) The individualized society (Cambridge, Polity)  [Google Scholar]) that is incompatible with the conditions of contemporary living and the nature of teachers' work. Moreover, it may be contributing to a ‘teacher identity’ in tension with the socially‐critical agenda embedded in the contemporary HPE school curriculum. Rejecting the notion of ‘business as usual’, I contend that it is the way of thinking about education, health, physical education, and the work of contemporary schooling, that is the most important graduate attribute our students may acquire. Proposing that Giddens' (1994 Giddens A (1994) Beyond left and right: the future of radical politics (Cambridge, Polity Press)  [Google Scholar]) notion of the sociological imagination offers potential in this regard, I consider one program with sympathies with this orientation.  相似文献   

对教学活动本质的认识是对“教学是什么”这一问题的哲学思考。教学理论界对教学活动的本质存在多种有争议的观点。我们认为,思考教学活动本质首先应明确它是一个哲学问题还是一个科学问题,作为一个哲学问题,它应关注的是教学活动的认识论问题还是本体论问题,不同性质的问题有不同的解答方式。对教学活动本质问题性质和致思途径的认识有利于消除对教学活动本质认识的无谓之争,并使之得到深化。  相似文献   

《基础写作》教学中的"多向性"思维训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在《基础写作》课的教学中,通过对学生发散机制、换元机制及换向机制的“多向性”思维训练,培养学生更多的新异性的写作思维,以激发学生的创新精神,使之写出的章超出常规,别出心裁。  相似文献   

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