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受终身教育思想的影响,爱尔兰重视幼教师资培训。文章从爱尔兰幼教师资发展现状出发,详细探讨了爱尔兰幼教师资培训所面临的挑战和采取的应对措施。从中可见,规范培训内容、丰富培训渠道、建立评估体系、设立专项资金以及完善进修制度等举措,均有助于幼教师资培训质量的提升。  相似文献   

Building on the cross-cultural patterns and systems research as well as social constructivism, in-depth interviews were conducted with key informant early childhood teachers in three regions with similar characteristics in Sweden, Russia, and in the United States. Inductive analyses revealed differences in responses among Swedish, Russian and American informants related to the macro-, meso-, and micro-levels of societal system. United States teacher informants had a great number of separate topic comments and distributed them more evenly across all levels than did Russian and Swedish teacher informants who had more emphasis at the meso level. United States and Russian teacher informants discussed the lack of societal support for young children and their families, while Swedish teacher informants seemed to almost take this support for ranted. United States teacher informants suggested that early childhood programs were important in developing support networks among parents, while Russian teacher informants often gave information to parents and Swedish teachers spoke about mutually sharing information. United States teacher informants desired both strict rules with strong academic content and extension of the child's initiations through play; they emphasized activities and materials. Swedish teachers discussed a child- centered approach to social learning and creativity and desired to be with children rather than do activities with them. Russian teacher informants emphasized the importance of obedience, aesthetic education, and preparation for school and the labor of the larger society. These study outcomes deepen understanding about the multidemensional relationships between early childhood programs and societal contexts in which they are embedded, and they suggest alternative approaches to working with young children and their families.  相似文献   

This article aims to explore the relations between equality of opportunity and early childhood. By referring to the work of contemporary philosophers, i.e. Rawls, Sen, Dworkin, Cohen and Roemer, we argue for different possible interpretations, based on political discussions, concerning how to operationalize equality of opportunities. We represent these diverging options on a continuum, ranging from Responsibility‐oriented Equality of Opportunity (REOp) and Circumstances‐oriented Equality of Opportunity (CEOp). We then analyse how early childhood care and education policies can be constructed in relation to these conceptualisations and argue that the CEOp is a more plausible interpretative framework to operationalize equality of opportunity in early childhood.  相似文献   

欧盟国家发展私立学前机构的经验主要体现在四个方面:关注私立学前机构的三大功能,将其作为建设福利国家的重要手段;努力兴办"付得起"的学前教育,为私立学前机构提供政府拨款;通过加强学前教育立法,促进私立学前机构的健康发展;重视国家和地方政府之间的分工与合作.  相似文献   

为了切实保障适龄儿童,尤其是弱势儿童享有平等的学前教育权利,世界许多国家和地区政府积极实行学前教育免费政策,强力推进学前教育普及。其免费学前教育政策主要呈现以下特点:以政府为主导,以政策制度为保障,强力推进学前教育免费;以政府财政投入为主,建立免费学前教育经费保障机制;分阶段逐步推进免费学前教育;以弱势群体为优先,重点保障免费对象,促进学前教育公平;多种形式相结合,实施免费学前教育。这些政策与经验对于我国制定并推行免费的学前教育政策具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

通过对北欧五国幼儿教育和保育的最新政策话语进行文献调查和文本分析,发现北欧国家幼儿教育和保育政策话语的最新变化包括:幼儿教育和保育的定位从作为民主实践场转变为社会投资品、教育内容从重视保育和游戏到关注终身学习、教育评估更重视对质量的监管与评估.虽然北欧幼儿教育和保育政策所根植的历史传统仍旧强大,但教育全球化的冲击促使北欧的幼儿教育和保育在与强调"入学准备"的英美政策话语的冲突与妥协中走向融合.  相似文献   

Evaluating quality in early childhood education and care (ECEC) service internationally is increasingly important. Research to date indicates that it is ‘high-quality’ programmes that boost and sustain children's achievement outcomes over time. There is also growing interest in the accountability of public funds used for ECEC programmes and the types of measures that assess ECEC quality. This article reviews eleven existing instruments that were designed to assess global ECEC programmes and examines them in terms of their strengths and weaknesses as quality measurement tools and the adequacy of the measures to sufficiently reflect the context and purposes of the assessment. Through this process the authors identify directions for the development of new measures that are both theoretically and psychometrically sound.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Preventing challenging behavior in young children is a national priority. The number of young children with behavioral problems is on the rise. Discipline policies can help early childhood programs build an infrastructure that promotes social and academic success. This study sought to document the extent to which existing early childhood program discipline policies implement the essential features for developing high-quality, system-wide (viz., program- and school-wide) discipline policies. Using the Early Childhood Discipline Policy Essentials Checklist, investigators assessed the quality of 65 discipline policies from state-licensed early childhood care and education programs. Practice or Policy: Results revealed that early childhood program discipline policies, for the most part, fail to sufficiently address those essential features known to contribute to reducing challenging behavior and promoting prosocial behavior in young children.  相似文献   

德国的学前教育长期以来并没有形成统一的学前托管模式,入园率、师资等在原东德和原西德地区之间存在很大差异.德国的学前教育计划由各州自行制定、实施并监管,但联邦政府还是从政策和财政投入两方面积极推动学前教育的发展.为了使母亲有更多的就业机会,德国政府不断加强对学前教育的关注度和投入力度:从法律上保障儿童接受学前教育的权益;提供灵活多样的社会托管服务;将托管服务对象由3~6岁扩大到0~6岁并致力于改善托幼机构的育儿质量.  相似文献   

Early childhood is a critical period of rapid physical, cognitive, and psycho-social development of a child. The quality of care and education which a child receives at this crucial age will determine to a great extent the level of his/her physical and cognitive development in the future. In Nigeria, Early Childhood Care, Development and Education (ECCDE) is an aspect of Universal Basic Education which was introduced in 1999 to increase the access of children to basic education and improve the state of education in the country. While all hands are on deck to ensure successful implementation and achievement of the objectives of the scheme, it is unfortunate that ECCDE is facing some challenges thus making it unrecognized in Nigeria. This paper examines the challenges of early childhood education in Nigeria. To improve the situation, the following measures are recommended: establishment of more public crèche, kindergarten, and nursery schools by the government; enforcement of the use of mother tongue in the teaching of children; training more personnel in the field of early childhood education in tertiary institutions; and introducing unified curriculum as well as providing more infrastructures.  相似文献   

This article examines issues surrounding the recruitment and employment of men in early childhood education, including special education, child care, and preschool through primary grade classrooms. Earlier research from the United States, Canada, and Australia concerning men in early education is reviewed. Issues discussed include the limitations of traditional gender roles, concerns of homosexuality, fear of sexual abuse accusations, salaries, and isolation. Initiating dialogue, identifying and remedying prejudices and practices that favor women, and activating support networks are among the activities suggested to increase the number of male teachers in early childhood classrooms.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on recent changes in the Swedish system of child care and early childhood education. These changes are described and analyzed in relation to the economic and socio-political context of which they are a part. It is argued that the early childhood education sector in Sweden has been and still is an important part of the welfare society which in its turn now is in a state of transition. Neo-liberal ideas and the economic conjuncture have implied severe cuts and changes in childcare policies. The implications of these changes are discussed in the final section of the paper.  相似文献   

印度学前教育公平的法律与政策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学前教育作为教育和社会公平的起点.正受到越来越多的关注.立法保护弱势群体利益,促进学前教育公平渐成为世界性的趋势与潮流,本文通过对印度学前教育相关法律与政策的研究,归纳出印度促进学前教育公平的法律与政策的主要特点,对于我国通过立法促进学前教育公平与均衡发展具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

早期儿童教育作为公共服务的重要组成部分,受到各国政策制定者和公众的高度重视,是公共政策治理体系建设中的重点领域。东南亚国家随着社会经济的不断发展,结合国际视野、立足本土特色,在早期儿童教育治理的政策决策、管理体制等方面不断探索,早期儿童教育服务水准得以较大改善。基于多源流理论对东南亚国家早期儿童教育治理政策展开分析发现:贫困带来的儿童受教育权利危机、人口老龄化、家庭结构与劳动力分工等社会变革交叠影响促使有关问题进入政策视野,形成问题源流;各大国际组织、各国政府部门的共同推动构成“政策原汤”;在政府引导与各方利益主体诉求下生成政治源流;问题源流、政策源流和政治源流彼此嵌套,最终实现“三流耦合”,通过入法、政策修订等过程,成功开启了东南亚国家早期儿童教育治理的“政策之窗”。目前,早期托育服务和学前教育是我国教育系统中相对薄弱的环节,存在诸多短板且处于新发展阶段的改革窗口期,早期教育治理体系亟待完善。借鉴东南亚国家的经验,坚持多角度分析问题、明确政策共同体职责,以及注重“政策溢出”的外部影响力,是今后我国早期儿童教育改革政策议程的可行路向。  相似文献   

We reviewed 31 articles that explored issues related to gender and sexuality in early childhood education (ECE) settings. This body of literature suggests that ECE programs and elementary schools often reinforce the homophobia, heterosexism, and sexism that characterize contemporary U.S. society. A number of the articles described strategies that the teachers of young children can use to promote gender equality, respect for sexual diversity, and healthy sexual development. We concluded our review with a discussion of third-wave feminism, queer theory, and the important role that community college and university-based teacher education programs can play in helping the teachers of young children actively challenge systems of privilege and oppression based on gender and sexuality.  相似文献   

The sociopolitical context of Norway includes low poverty rates and universal access to subsidized and regulated Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). In this context, the association between family income dynamics and changes in early child behavior problems was investigated, as well as whether high‐quality ECEC buffers children from the effects of income dynamics. In a population‐based sample (N = 75,296), within‐family changes in income‐to‐needs predicted changes in externalizing and internalizing problems (from ages 18 to 36 months), particularly for lower income children. For internalizing problems, ECEC buffered the effect of income‐to‐needs changes. These findings lend further support to the potential benefits of ECEC for children from lower income families.  相似文献   

This is not an article, but a series of compressed notes which attempt to set down what the writer sees as the principal concerns highlighted in recent studies of early childhood socialisation from birth to about eight years. It draws heavily upon personal and professional experience of education and care systems in some sixteen countries as well as upon current OECD and UNESCO data. It deals with the concerns surrounding a minority of the world's children, however; that is the 10% or less, born into the rich portion of the (largely western) world. It focuses on the context surrounding the growing need for 'institutionalised' provision for children from birth in those OECD countries where divorce is common-place, where the birth rate has fallen dramatically and where, increasingly, most adult women work outside the home. It notes especially the gradual congruence of early childhood care and early education in policy and practice. It emphasises the vital contribution of appropriate early experience and learning to the creation of a humane society, briefly considers the policy preoccupations with literacy, and notes especially that the biggest single factor contributing to high quality provision lies in the quality of the professional staff concerned.  相似文献   

当下,部分地方政府实施的15年免费教育,即9年义务教育+3年高中教育+3年学前教育,已成为社会关注的热门话题.研究者为此精选已率先实施15年免费教育的陕西、山西两省各两个县市为个案,从可进入性、可支付性、可问责性和可持续性四个维度,对两省四县市的免费幼儿教育政策进行深入分析.研究发现:(1)四县市的幼儿园原本存在着教育质量不均衡的问题,加之缺少科学的学位分配制度,因此免费幼儿教育政策并没有完全解决可进入性问题,教育不公平现象依然存在.(2)免费幼儿教育政策只是部分解决了四县市公办幼儿园的可支付问题,并未有效解决大量民办幼儿园的可支付问题.(3)四县市的改革尚缺乏与财政投入相适应的幼教机构绩效管理和问责机制,可问责性不高.(4)以县为主、以煤炭经济为支撑的幼教财政投入机制可持续性不强.据此,研究者对如何更好地实施免费幼儿教育提出了相关的政策建议.  相似文献   

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