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The Continuous Performance Test (CPT), such as the Test of Variable Attention (TOVA), is widely used in the assessment of ADHD with other behavioral ratings and observations. Since some clinicians argue that CPTs measure psychomotor speed function rather than sustained attention, a correlation study between PIQ of WISC‐III and TOVA was conducted to find out if a significant relationship of any kind existed. Forty children with ADHD were studied, and the results indicated that there was no correlation between TOVA and PIQ of WISC‐III. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

If the factor structure of a test does not hold over time (i.e., is not invariant), then longitudinal comparisons of standing on the test are not meaningful. In the case of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children‐Third Edition (WISC‐III), it is crucial that it exhibit longitudinal factorial invariance because it is widely used in high‐stakes special education eligibility decisions. Accordingly, the present study analyzed the longitudinal factor structure of the WISC‐III for both configural and metric invariance with a group of 177 students with disabilities tested, on average, 2.8 years apart. Equivalent factor loadings, factor variances, and factor covariances across the retest interval provided evidence of configural and metric invariance. It was concluded that the WISC‐III was measuring the same constructs with equal fidelity across time which allows unequivocal interpretation of score differences as reflecting changes in underlying latent constructs rather than variations in the measurement operation itself. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Third Edition (WISC‐III) and the Stanford‐Binet Intelligence Scale–Fourth Edition (SB‐IV), were administered to 20 gifted children and 20 non‐gifted children to examine the extent of the difference in IQ scores obtained on the two tests and whether order effects were present. Results show that the SB‐IV Composite Score was significantly higher than the WISC‐III Full Scale IQ for both groups. However, for the gifted group, unlike the non‐gifted group, this difference achieved significance only when the SB‐IV was administered first. When either IQ test was administered to the gifted students for the first time, without the confound of a learning influence, there was no significant difference in mean scores. However, when both tests were administered, it was found that the SB‐IV influenced the WISC‐III Full Scale IQ in a downward direction whereas the WISC‐III influenced the SB‐IV Composite Score in an upward direction. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Regrouping Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children‐Third Edition (WISC‐III) subtests into Bannatyne's spatial, conceptual, and sequential patterns has been thought by many to identify children with learning disabilities (LD). This study investigated the prevalence and diagnostic utility of WISC‐III Bannatyne patterns by comparing 1,302 children with LD to 2,158 children in the WISC‐III normative sample. Further analysis was conducted on a subsample of students with specific reading disabilities. Results indicated that the presence of the Bannatyne WISC‐III pattern would not lead to decisions that are useful in differentiating children with LD from children without LD. For example, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, measured by the area under the curve (AUC), indicated that the Bannatyne WISC‐III pattern exhibited low diagnostic utility (AUC = 0.54–0.55). Due to its inaccuracy, use of the Bannatyne WISC‐III pattern is not recommended.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether subtest scatter might be an indicator of learning disabilities (LDs), psychopathology, or of both, in a sample of normal adolescents. Subjects completed the WISC‐III and the MMPI‐A and then their scores for the WISC‐III subtests, verbal scatter (VScatter), performance scatter (PScatter), full scale scatter (FScatter) scores, perceptual organisation factor (PO), and the SCAD profiles were calculated. The MMPI‐A was scored and the clinical scales were extracted. The hypothesis that subtest scatter is associated with LDs was generally not supported. There was a relationship between subtest scatter and psychological disturbance in adolescent males, however the results for females were less clear. Further, high PScatter in adolescent males was associated with an MMPI‐A codetype 4‐2/2‐4, indicating tendencies toward depressive features, delinquent behavior, and possibly substance abuse, tendencies which are likely to lead to school failure. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was previously believed to be a disorder of childhood, with symptoms attenuating at the onset of puberty. Follow-up studies, however, suggest that the majority of children with ADHD continue to manifest symptoms into adulthood. Although the inattention components associated with ADHD persist into adulthood, the nature of the hyperactivity component is less well understood. For example, according to criteria established by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition, hyperactivity in adolescents and adults may be limited to subjective feelings of restlessness. Recent studies with adults with ADHD have also reported that mental restlessness is commonly reported by individuals with the disorder. To better understand this characteristic of ADHD, the Internal Restlessness Scale (IRS) was developed. The results of the IRS suggest that (a) college students with ADHD report significantly higher ratings of internal restlessness than college students without ADHD, and (b) the IRS appears to have adequate test-retest reliability and a four-factor structure. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examined the diagnostic utility of subtest variability, as represented by the number of subtests that deviate from examinees' mean IQ scores, for identifying students with a learning disability (LD). Participants consisted of the 2,200 students in the WISC‐III normative sample and 684 students (Mdngrade = 5; Mage = 10.8) identified as LD. The number of subtests deviating from examinees' Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ by ±3 points for normative and exceptional samples were contrasted via Receiver Operating Curve (ROC) analyses. Results indicated that LD students did not differ from normative sample children at levels above chance. It was concluded that deviation of individual subtest scores from mean IQ scores has no diagnostic utility for hypothesizing about students with learning disabilities. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Though the Wechsler tests are widely used to assess the intellectual ability of hearing impaired children, data on the reliability of the WISC-R with this population have been lacking. The Performance Scale of the WISC-R was administered to 59 prelingually deaf children attending a state-supported day school program. The reliability coefficients and standard errors of measurement were computed for each subtest and for the Performance Scale IQ. The results compare favorably with those found by Wechsler with the standardization sample.  相似文献   

This brief report details a study of the construct validity of the Internalizing Symptoms Scale for Children (ISSC) in comparison with the Child Self‐Report Form of the Behavioral Assessment System for Children (BASC). Using self‐reports of 121 students ages 8–12 from general education classes, who were administered both measures, correlational data were obtained between the scores of the two instruments. ISSC factor and total scores were found to have weak associations with the BASC School Adjustment Scales, and negatively associations with the BASC personal adjustment scales, providing discriminant evidence of the construct validity of the ISSC. Moderate to strong correlations were found between ISSC scores and the BASC Clinical Maladjustment, Other Problems, and Emotional Symptoms Index scores, evidencing convergent construct validity between the two measures. These results support the validity and clinical use of the ISSC as a measure of internalizing symptoms and emotional problems. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 40: 139–144, 2003.  相似文献   

This study assessed the degree of comparability between the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (McCarthy) and the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) for 51 “at-risk” (Low Birthweight, Head Start, and Developmentally Delayed) and 33 “normal” preschool children. The K-ABC Mental Processing Composite (MPC) and McCarthy General Cognitive Index (GCI) correlated significantly for both groups, but was significantly greater for the at-risk preschoolers. The at-risk group achieved a significantly higher mean MPC than GCI, while the normal comparison subjects achieved a slightly lower mean MPC. As reflected in previous studies, the GCI seems to provide an accurate estimate of the at-risk child's typical classroom performance. While the MPC may afford an estimate of such children's capacity for academic growth, if provided appropriately tailored remediation, it may also be missing critical aspects of children's cognitive functioning. Mean score discrepancies for at-risk preschoolers were discussed in relation to the theoretical and psychometric properties of the K-ABC and McCarthy.  相似文献   

Research findings regarding the relationship of social skills deficits and behavioral characteristics associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among kindergarten-age children are presented. The Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales (PKBS) were utilized to identify the social skills attributes of young children with significant ADHD characteristics. An ADHD target group (N = 95) was constructed by selecting participants from a large nationwide sample who were rated by their teachers as being in the highest 5% on the PKBS Attention Problems/Overactive subscale. A matched non-ADHD comparison group (by gender and age) of 95 children was developed through a randomized block procedure using the same nationwide sample. The ADHD group was rated as having significantly poorer social skills than the comparison group, and could be classified with a very high degree of accuracy based on discriminant function analysis of their social skills scores. Although exhibiting comparative deficits in all social skill areas, the ADHD participants were especially lacking in social cooperation skills: the ability to follow rules, structure, and important social expectations of both children and adults. Children who were rated high in ADHD characteristics were between five and six times more likely than the comparison children to be rated as having significant deficits in social skills. Implications of these findings for assessment and treatment of young children are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This project aimed to examine whether the use of computers could have a positive impact on the performance of academic tasks and their behaviour whilst completing them of children with ADHD. This small exploratory study therefore investigated the impact of the use of a laptop computer, with and without stimulating animations and features incorporated into task presentation, on Key Stage 2 level science tasks. The effects of these different forms of computer presentation were examined in relation to performance on more traditionally presented, pen and paper, tasks. The results of this study revealed that, in contrast to typically developing children, participants with ADHD produced the greatest number of accurate responses on the more basic computerised tasks (presented as simple Microsoft Word documents) and exhibited significantly more on-task activity on animated computerised tasks. In summary, computerised presentation significantly improved the accuracy of responses and the on-task focus of participants with ADHD. These early findings are encouraging and may have wide reaching practical implications in terms of the design and implementation of educational software aimed at promoting improvements for children with ADHD in terms of both their academic performance and, critically, appropriate on-task focus and behaviour in the classroom.  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are neurodevelopmental disorders that emerge in childhood. There is increasing recognition that ADHD and autism frequently co-occur. Yet, questions remain among clinicians regarding the best ways to evaluate and treat co-occurring autism and ADHD. This review outlines issues relevant to providing evidence-based practice to individuals and families who may be experiencing difficulties associated with co-occurring autism and ADHD. After describing the complexities of the co-occurrence of autism and ADHD, we present practical considerations for best practice assessment and treatment of co-occurring autism and ADHD. Regarding assessment, this includes considerations for interviewing parents/caregivers and youth, using validated parent and teacher rating scales, conducting cognitive assessments, and conducting behavior observations. Regarding treatment, consideration is given to behavioral management, school-based interventions, social skills development, and the use of medications. Throughout, we note the quality of evidence that supports a particular component of assessment or treatment, highlighting when evidence is most relevant to those with co-occurring autism and ADHD across stages of development. In light of the current evidence for assessment and treatment of co-occurring autism and ADHD, we conclude by outlining practical implications for clinical and educational practice.  相似文献   

The relationship between WISC-R subtest scores and Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs was investigated for a sample comprised of rural Appalachian children. The sample was comprised of both white and black children who might be described as culturally different by virtue of low family income and residence in the mountainous areas of Virginia and North Carolina. Data analysis consisted of computing product-moment correlations (rs) between each of the ten subtests and the Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs. Correlations between individual subtests and the FS IQ ranged from.49 through.63, but none of the differences between these rs were large enough to attain significance. Correlations between the verbal subtests and Verbal IQ ranged from.64 for Comprehension up to.78 for Vocabulary. For the performance subtest, the rs ranged from.54 between Coding and the Performance IQ up to.72 for Object Assembly.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether children's academic self‐beliefs are associated with reading achievement and whether the relationship is modified by gender and/or age. Data were collected from children at risk of reading failure, that is, emergent readers (6‐ to 8‐year‐olds) in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas reading at a level below the population mean. The authors' own measure of attitude to reading and perceived competence was used. The study found a significant positive association between attitude to reading in class and vocabulary and phonemic awareness and a significant negative association between perceived competence at reading in class and single‐word reading and spelling. Girls' attitude to reading and perceived competence were more positively associated with reading achievement, and this was most evident in the first grade. Perceived competence was inflated among those with the poorest reading and also among boys, in association with reading‐related skills found most challenging by children in this sample.  相似文献   

The Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning (WRAML; Sheslow & Adams, 1990) is a nationally standardized instrument designed to assess memory and learning skills in children and adolescents. This study assessed the relationship of WRAML scores to WISC-III and WJ-R results in three groups: (a) LD children with reading difficulties, (b) ADHD children, and (c) nonhandicapped referred children. Total sample size was 120. Discriminant function analysis demonstrated that the WRAML provided little distinguishing information for ADHD and LD children. Likewise, the usefulness of the Learning subtests is questionable. It is suggested that inclusion of working memory tasks that require reconfiguration of material, problem solving, and more complexity may be more beneficial in identifying processing weaknesses with suspected ADHD and LD youngsters. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This small‐scale pilot study aimed to establish how the mode of response in an examination affects candidates' performances on items that require an extended answer. The sample comprised 46 17‐year‐old students from two classes (one in a state secondary school and one in a state sixth‐form college), who sat a mock A‐level English Literature examination. The analysis compared writing produced on screen and on paper to try to uncover any systematic differences between the two modes of delivery. The study considered the linguistic features of the texts produced in each mode, the marks achieved and the views of the participants regarding the use of computers in essay‐based examinations. The study found that the response mode had a small effect on the length of essay produced, in that students using a computer wrote more, and on the type of language used, in that students writing on paper used denser but less varied language. There was very little effect on the marks achieved. Participants expressed a variety of concerns about computer‐based examinations, such as noisy keyboards, assessment of spelling, and unfairness towards those who are less comfortable with the technology.  相似文献   

留守儿童和流动儿童均是农民工子女,然而在国家政策、受教育质量、心理健康以及未来发展机会等方面二者存在着显著差异.种种情况表明,留守儿童与流动儿童相比,是更值得关注的弱势群体.  相似文献   

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