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This paper examines the impact of technological change and globalising tendencies on the printing industry. These processes of change have important implications for training. The paper uses available case-study evidence on the print industry in the south-west of England, organised mainly within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It takes as its starting point a limited range of the extensive literature on globalisation, and the literature that relates issues of lifelong learning to globalisation. The period since 1997 has seen an increasingly interventionist approach by the UK government to education and training. In addition, there is a strong emphasis on regional policy, with substantial devolution of power to Wales and Scotland, and the setting up of the Regional Development Agencies in England. Within the south-west England print industry, the initiative to rebuild the training infrastructure, especially for SMEs, has been taken by the Graphical Paper and Media Union. It has used money provided by government primarily through the Trade Union Learning Fund to set up training courses in new print technologies for its members and to begin to create a network of learning representatives to encourage and support members to take up these new opportunities. The paper refers to both quantitative and qualitative data on this work, and reflects on its economic, social, and cultural situatedness.  相似文献   

Small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in creating a dynamic and successful European economy. Time‐poor managers in these organisations generally have fewer opportunities for training and development than their counterparts in larger organisations. As a result, different requirements are placed on training. The aim of this study was to test the principles of action learning in a virtual environment. The action‐learning programme was based on virtual working but did also involve face‐to‐face workshops, thus providing a blended approach. The project was designed to be “evaluation‐led”, with evaluation progressing alongside the project from design to finalisation. The focus of this paper is on how the evaluation‐led approach unfolded. To this end, we start by explaining our research approach, we then move on to an analysis of the project to conclude with a discussion of the findings and of the lessons learnt. We conclude by highlighting some further research needs.  相似文献   

Multimedia and networked educational tools may provide an effective answer to the training needs of small-medium enterprises (SMEs). In accordance with this idea, we are developing a project called Qualification 2000 supported by the E.C.'s Adapt initiative. The project focuses on the use of educational technology for continuous training in informatics and its applications in office automation. The target is women employed in small-medium enterprises. The attitude of the target towards innovation makes the design of effective tools a particularly delicate problem; thus, careful design of the interface is particularly important to make these kinds of tools productive. With these ideas in mind, we carried out a series of interviews with employees, aimed at deriving a core of common needs and difficulties. The results of the interviews have been used to build a learner-centred interface based on experimental pedagogical assumptions. © IFIP, published by K luwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

Reforms of the vocational education and training (VET) system in Spain are committed to a closer relationship between the VET system and companies’ needs. One of these needs is for a greater contribution of the VET system to innovation in companies, especially SMEs, which have limited resources to innovate. This contribution could materialise through a closer relationship between VET centres and SMEs, and also through a greater participation of employees with VET qualifications in innovation in SMEs. This article examines the role of these employees in SME innovation processes. We present the results of a survey of industrial SMEs in two Spanish industrial regions with high levels of experimental cooperation between VET centres and SMEs. The results point to the existence of obstacles to this participation. However, other factors that enable greater participation of this employee profile in SME innovation were also observed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to provide insight into the several aspects of instructional use of emerging web-based technologies. The study first explores the extent of Web 2.0 technology integration into face-to-face classroom activities. In this phase, the main focus of research interests was on the types and dynamics of Web 2.0 tools used by community college instructors. In the second phase, we were predominantly interested in instructors’ preferences toward tools and the major barriers instructors confront in integrating these tools in a traditional educational setting. The study reveals the extent of instructors’ use of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom relates to a) their level of education and b) training on the tools. Results clearly indicate that level of education and current use of web 2.0 technologies in instruction are major determinants of the instructors’ preferences toward different groups of Web 2.0 tools. Finally, lack of faculty training opportunities was identified as the main barrier for using Web 2.0 technologies. The study offers research based evidence which undoubtedly represent the current trends and issues in the process of technology integration into course curriculum at a community college level. Considering obtained findings, we suggest implementation of an institutional and systematic approach to reinforce inclusion of Web 2.0 technologies in traditional teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Workplace learning is identified by UK and Scottish governments as an important means of achieving social mobility, and therefore producing a more equal society. However, there appears to be a patchwork of provision and funding arrangements, making it difficult for employers and employees to identify suitable routes. Analysis of large scale survey data at European and Scottish levels shows that existing inequalities are further entrenched by differential access to and participation in workplace learning, where those with existing high levels of qualification have far greater opportunities. This paper draws on data drawn from an EU Sixth Framework funded study of lifelong learning, focusing in particular on case studies of six Scottish SMEs which are used to identify some of the reasons underlying inequalities in access to workplace learning. Whilst all of the SMEs had a positive approach to employee development, they differed in the type of work they undertook and the composition of the workforce. Employees in knowledge intensive organisations were immersed in a culture where on‐going learning was an expected part of working life, and was driven by both employers’ and employees’ expectations. By way of contrast, more traditional manufacturing and training organisations had a more restricted approach to learning, encouraging employees to undertake courses which would give them the skills to do their jobs more effectively, but with less focus on their wider growth and development. All firms treated lifelong learning with some degree of scepticism, ultimately prioritising company profitability over individual employee development and seeing the two as sometimes at variance. Given the Scottish government’s desire to promote the demand side of skill development, the barriers posed by employers’ attitudes need to be addressed, particularly in relation to lower‐skilled workers in manufacturing firms, who might have less intrinsic motivation, but are also less likely to receive encouragement and support from their employer.  相似文献   

中小企业在经济发展中占据着重要的地位,其发展也受到各界的关注。随着电子商务的迅猛发展,我国电子商务中小企业面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。本文在"双十二"的视角下对淘宝中小企业存在的问题展开分析,在此基础上,提出了相应的解决对策和发展策略,以期中小企业能够在促销上对自身存在的不足有所重视,更好地把握电子商务带来的发展机遇,让自己变得更加强壮。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate how the formal competence development activities provided by the Production Leap, a workplace development programme (WPDP), were interwoven with everyday work activities and to identify the conditions that enabled learning and employee-driven innovation that contributed to production improvement, in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Sweden. The study adopts a qualitative case approach and draws on evidence from research conducted in four manufacturing SMEs that participated in this Swedish WPDP. Funded by EU authorities, WPDPs provide competence development activities to SMEs in order to boost their production capabilities and/or promote innovation. The findings reveal that the competence development activities provided by the programme triggered learning in everyday work activities and fostered the development of different approaches to employee-driven innovation in the enterprises. The conclusion is that it is essential to consider that employee-driven innovations may take different forms and involve functions that can support innovative learning that goes beyond minor adjustments to the existing standards of production. Moreover, employee-driven innovation may impose new demands on management leadership skills. The findings provide important guidance for future WPDPs, for vocational education and training or university activities that are customised to SME contexts to promote production capabilities, and for SMEs that aim to strengthen employee-driven innovation.  相似文献   

This paper looks at teleconferencing as a potential strategy in education and training. The possible uses are outlined with supporting briefcase studies both from the UK and USA. The types of teleconferencing available in the UK, their costs and a simple means of calculating costs are included. Some guidelines are given to prepare for and organize a teleconference.  相似文献   

In many developing countries, small- and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) account for a large part of national employment and income. Therefore, governments have used various strategies/policy instruments to develop human resources for SMEs and improve their productivity and national welfare. In the literature, however, there has been little effort to assess their effectiveness. The government of Korea has adopted various policies including financial incentives to encourage private enterprises in general and SMEs specifically to undertake training of their workers voluntarily. It has been proved, however, that various financial incentives alone did not make much impact on SMEs, and only large enterprises benefited from them. To redress this regressive situation in human resources development, the private sector, in collaboration with the government and non-governmental organizations, undertook a pilot SME training consortium project, which resulted in successful achievements. The pilot project provided SMEs with, in addition to the financial incentives, institutional and technical assistance for their human resources development activities. SMEs actively participated in training of their workers and benefited from productivity increases. The pilot project has already been replicated on a national scale, and many other developing countries would also be able to benefit from the lessons learned.  相似文献   

随着电子商务在我国的快速发展,电子商务的普及应用被越来越多的中小企业所接受,并为中小企业的发展提供了很好的机会和平台,中小企业在看到电子商务给企业带来的发展机遇的同时,更应意识到蕴含于其中的风险;通过对中小企业发展电子商务面临的风险加以分析,研究企业如何防范风险的方法和途径并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

随着企业信息化的发展,中小企业网络建设任务日益繁重,以中小企业网络构建与维护为目标的课程建设需要同步跟进。中小企业网络构建是理论与实践紧密结合的课程,教学中需要有完善的教学实验平台让学生进行相关实验。为了实现这一目标,结合中小企业网络的特点,设计了基于开源软件的面向应用的教学实验内容,实现了一个学生完全可控的企业网络教学实验平台,在教学上对学生理解课程内容有很好的促进作用。  相似文献   

由于受到医学院校扩招、外科手术实训条件有限等原因的影响,大部分医学院校外科手术教学环境拥挤,学生缺乏动手实践的机会,在一定程度上影响了实验教学效果,妨碍了学生手术操作技能的提高.为解决此问题,医学院临床技能中心设计了基于DSS实时监控传输系统的外科手术实验教学平台,并详细阐述了在此平台开展手术教学的实践过程.该平台的构...  相似文献   

中小企业职工教育培训管理模式层次性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与大型企业比较,中小企业在职工教育培训方面存在许多问题,亟需建立一套科学、有效的职工教育培训管理体系,以快速提高企业员工的整体素质和业务技能,提高工作效能。基于相关的理论和实践研究,中小企业职工教育培训应分为高层、中层和基层三个层次进行,不同的层次采取不同的培训方法,并形成与之配套的教育培训管理体系。  相似文献   

In the current context of economic crisis, the European Union seeks to promote the integration of the vocational education and training system (VET) system and foster greater cooperation between this system and enterprises. Education and innovation are part of the answer to achieve this goal. This research explores the relationship between the VET centres and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and what aspects of that relationship could be improved. Methodologically, it combines case studies of VET centres in relation to local SMEs and the use of a survey to SMEs in two industrialised Spanish regions. The paper examines, in the context of the regional innovation system approach, how the local environment and the characteristics of local actors are crucial to understanding the level of interaction between the VET system and companies, and the contributions of the former to the innovation system of the regions.  相似文献   

供应链金融是中小企业获得融资服务的重要途径,科技金融背景下供应链金融发展的机遇与挑战并存。科技金融的迅速发展,大数据、区块链数据平台等的建设为供应链金融提供了重要支撑,但在资金用途、债权转让、贸易真实性等方面面临着风险。供应链上企业要秉持利他和跨界思维,金融科技公司积极搭建数字化平台,发展区块链技术应用,监管部门制定监管政策,加强风控体系的建设和风险管理,引导供应链金融解决企业融资难、融资贵问题。  相似文献   

中小企业在国民经济发展中具有重要地位,在促进就业、改善民生、活跃经济等方面发挥了重大作用,应该大力支持和促进中小企业的发展。但资金瓶颈却是制约中小企业发展的现实性困难。银行贷款作为中小企业最为依赖的融资渠道,是缓解中小企业融资困难的重要途径之一。立足于梅州区域情况,对中小企业发展现状及中小企业信贷业务发展的困难和机遇进行探讨,并提出解决办法。  相似文献   

Designed artifacts unavoidably restructure human activity. In this sense, the design of tools and environments for people to use in their work, as well as of the training and information that support this use, can be seen as the design of human activity. This conception of what it is to design things motivates alternative representations, processes. and tools for design work. This paper describes an approach to the design of computer systems and applications in which scenarios of human-system interaction are a central working design representation. This approach is illustrated by examples from the design of a multimedia information system.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the impact of explicit instruction and peer-assisted writing on students' writing motivation and self-efficacy for writing. Eleven teachers and their 206 fifth- and sixth-grade students participated in a 2 (explicit instruction vs. writing opportunities without explicit instruction) × 2 (peer-assisted writing vs. writing individually) experimental intervention study with a pretest-posttest design. The four experimental conditions were compared with a business-as-usual (BAU) condition. The five-week interventions were implemented in authentic classes by regular class teachers, who received a prior professional development training. Multilevel analyses showed that students who wrote with a peer were more autonomously motivated at posttest than BAU students. Additionally, BAU students and students receiving explicit instruction were more controlled motivated than students who were offered ample writing opportunities while practicing individually. Theoretical and educational implications are discussed in view of realizing a bright pathway towards autonomous writing motivation.  相似文献   

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