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As the most important holiday in China, the spring festival can-ies many cultural meanings. The festival, indicating the Chinese New Year by the lunar calendar, is closely associated with agricultural activities and reflects the relationship between culture and nature. The most important event during the festival is family reunion This shows the cultural reverence for social and domestic harmony. And the celebrations show Chinese core values: way of the heaven, human relations and the great harmony of the world.  相似文献   

中国文化中心是中国政府派驻境外的官方文化机构,是在境外推介中华文化的窗口,开展交流合作的平台,增进理解互信的桥梁。1988年,中国首批中国文化中心在非洲的毛里求斯和贝宁建成并对外开放。截至2014年1月,随着尼日利亚中国文化中心的筹建和马德里中国文化中心的揭牌启用,正在运营的海外中国文化中心总数达到14个。多年来,海外中国文化中心围绕四大功能定位,  相似文献   

Aiming at commending overseas Chinese,foreign friends and public figures of China who have made huge contribution to the dissemination of Chinese culture, the award ceremony of “China Light: Persons of the Year 2013 in Disseminating Chinese Culture”, jointly hosted by the Ministry of Culture, the Information Office of the State Council, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and others, was held in Beijing on December 20, 2013. Senior officials fTom these host departments attended the ceremony and presented the awards to ten individuals and one group.  相似文献   

王京琴 《寻根》2014,(1):82-88
从19世纪末叶开始,在我国北方长城沿线地带陆续出土了大量具有浓郁游牧民族文化特征的青铜及金、银制品,引起了世人的广泛关注,因以鄂尔多斯地区发现的数量最多、分布最集中且最具特征而被称作“鄂尔多斯青铜器”。鄂尔多斯青铜器是中国古代文化的重要组成部分,  相似文献   

在济宁采访的这几天里,经常有人这样告诉我:当你行走在鲁西南的大地上你要格外小心,说不定你踢。起的一块砖头,就是一个有着上千年历史的文物,它的背后很可能就有一段玄妙的传奇故事。在鲁西南这片古老富饶的土地上,曾经诞生了“至圣孔子、亚圣孟子、复圣颜子、宗圣曾子”四大圣人,中国儒家思想文化的先河从这里开启,对世界文化产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival for the Chinese people.
With the increase of Ch'ina's overall strength, more and more people from different countries and with different skin colors are attracted by the joyful atmosphere and unique traditions of the Spring Festival. While experiencing and enjoying the charm of Chinese culture, they can get the cultural conception of the Spring Festival, which is "Happy, Harmony and Sharing".  相似文献   

王唐等到姚芳从公司出来。上我的车吧?王唐指了指停在路边的出租车。王唐模仿着服务生打了一个手势。姚芳马上警觉起来,她有时也打出租,却从没有见过这么古怪的人。姚芳几乎没看王唐,目不斜视就走。走了一程看着那人又跟上来了,姚芳本能地用手臂夹紧了坤包。姚芳,我叫王唐。王唐追上两步做自我介绍。姚芳这次很认真地把王唐看完一遍,看完后说,我不认识你!不认识我?这怎么可能!我是杀人犯,警察局都挂了号的。你真的不认识我?我叫大王的王,唐朝的唐。  相似文献   

Popular Culture in Contemporary China (English version) With China's reform and opening up in 1978 as a starting point, this book records the development and evolution of contemporary Chinese popular culture. In the form of story-telling, it introduces wave upon wave of the popular culture in contemporary China and shows how Chinese people are open-minded toward international popular culture. A very important feature of the book is that it explores social and psychological changes of the Chinese people during more than 30 years. This books is published by New World Press.  相似文献   

After three years of preparation, China National Arts Foundation was officially launched on December 30, 2013. Recently, the Ministry of Culture held a meeting in Beijing and released details on establishing the Foundation.  相似文献   

At the end of 2012, the Chinese Government issued the Eight Provisions on how to improve the Party's general work methods and relations. 117 early August 2013, .five departments, including the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee issued a joint statement on abandoning extravagancy and advocating thrift on festival gala, which brought a "storm" to Chinese performing arts market. The number of the government-sponsored festival gala and large-scale performances has dropped sharply. These policies are welcomed and praised by the masses. What kind of influence did 01ese policies bring to the Chinese performing arts markets as well as the art troupes? How did relevant institutions respond to it? What is the right direction of Chinese per t~rmance arts 'future development? ... Recently, the People's Daily published a series on "Focusing on Performing Arts", which may offer some reference value for art troupes to catch the development trend.  相似文献   

China Cultural Center in Madrid is located in the downtown of Madrid, enjoying very convenient transportation. In the center there are exhibition halls, multi-purpose halls, library, martial arts dance classroom, culinary classroom and language classroom. Since its trial operation in October 2012, over 60 exhibitions, pelformances, film screenings and other activities have been presented, attracting tens of thousands of local people. The Chinese language and martial arts courses were greatly welcomed by the locals as well.  相似文献   

The exhibition includes a total of 60 contemporary Chinese design works,coming from different field of contemporary Chinese society and showing the latest devel...  相似文献   

Adawn in the early autumn, melody was heard from Beijing CenturyTheater, sending coolness to sooth the capital which ~is still hot. On this occasion, the 6th China International Youth Arts Festival opening ceremony and the winners'concert is being held. Many senior artists including Guo Shuzhen and Bao Huiqiao have appreciated the concert with the audience. Vice Minister of Culture Yang Zhijin have also participated in the concert  相似文献   

The China-Arab States Forum of Cultural Ministers under the framework of the 3rd Arab Arts Festival took place at the National Mu- seum of China in Beijing on Septem- ber 10. The participants from the offi- cial cultural delegations of China, 10 Arab states and the League of Arab States conducted discussion and ex- changed views on such topics as increas- ing cultural exchange and cooperation, co-building the Belt (the Silk Road Eco- nomic Belt) and the Road (the 21st-cen- tury Maritime Silk Road) in the field of culture, and enhancing people-to-peo- ple communication. Chinese cultural minister Cai Wu and cultural ministers of the 19 participating Arab States ad- opted the Beijing Declaration.  相似文献   

"The most respected historical figure by Koreans is Mr. Kim Gu, great thinker and activist for the independent movement who went into exile in China and led the temporarv government during the occupation time by Japanese imperialists. In his diary, he wrote, 'I hope the Republic of Korea would not conquer or wield the world by armed force or economic strength.  相似文献   

The First China Ningxia International Expo on Culture, Arts and Tourism was held in September, 2009 in Yinchuan, capital city of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Seniorofficials from the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Ministry of Culture, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the State Administration of Radio, Film and TV, the State Administration of Tourism, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, as well as diplomatic envoys from embassies in Beijing and delegations from various provinces and municipalities attended the expo's opening ceremony.  相似文献   

Means of Exchanges
Means of Cultural Exchanges between China and Japan: In the 18th century, China and Japan are neighbors with equal status, both highly centralized feudal societies advocating the policy of isolation. Although the cultural exchanges between the two were no longer as thriving as those in the Tang and Ming dynasties, they remained uninterrupted.  相似文献   

June 28th, 2013, the ceremony of donation of bronze rat and rabbit heads by the French Pinault family was held at White Jade Hall of China National Museum. Ms. Liu Yandong, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council attended and unveiled the heads together with Francois-Henri Pinault. Mr. Cai Wu,  相似文献   

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