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<正>Hosted by the Ministry of Culture and co-organized by Chinese National Academy of Arts and Centre of International Cultural Exchange,the Symposium on Sinolog...  相似文献   

Aiming at commending overseas Chinese,foreign friends and public figures of China who have made huge contribution to the dissemination of Chinese culture, the award ceremony of “China Light: Persons of the Year 2013 in Disseminating Chinese Culture”, jointly hosted by the Ministry of Culture, the Information Office of the State Council, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and others, was held in Beijing on December 20, 2013. Senior officials fTom these host departments attended the ceremony and presented the awards to ten individuals and one group.  相似文献   

本刊2014年第一期《本期人物》栏目刊载《国际汉学家北京集结》一文,简要介绍活跃于当今国际汉学领域的翻译家、学者的学术简况及其在“汉学家与中外文化交流座谈会”(下称“座谈会”)的发言梗概,使读者对于国际汉学家群体有了概略性的了解与认知。我刊自本期开始,将在《中外学苑》栏目陆续选登“座谈会”部分与会者的精彩发言,以飨读者。  相似文献   

As the representative inheritor of scented tea-making skills, which was named as national intangible cultural heritage, Ms. Sun Danwei said, "The song Jasmine Blossoms is the song of the world, and now we will bring the jasmine tea to the rest of the world and make Wuyutai an international brand."  相似文献   

王唐等到姚芳从公司出来。上我的车吧?王唐指了指停在路边的出租车。王唐模仿着服务生打了一个手势。姚芳马上警觉起来,她有时也打出租,却从没有见过这么古怪的人。姚芳几乎没看王唐,目不斜视就走。走了一程看着那人又跟上来了,姚芳本能地用手臂夹紧了坤包。姚芳,我叫王唐。王唐追上两步做自我介绍。姚芳这次很认真地把王唐看完一遍,看完后说,我不认识你!不认识我?这怎么可能!我是杀人犯,警察局都挂了号的。你真的不认识我?我叫大王的王,唐朝的唐。  相似文献   

The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival for the Chinese people.
With the increase of Ch'ina's overall strength, more and more people from different countries and with different skin colors are attracted by the joyful atmosphere and unique traditions of the Spring Festival. While experiencing and enjoying the charm of Chinese culture, they can get the cultural conception of the Spring Festival, which is "Happy, Harmony and Sharing".  相似文献   

"Every time we come here, we learn lots of things beyond textbooks." On December 20, 2013, sixth-graders from Beijing Shijia Primary School once again went to the National Museum of China to learn outside the school. With tours and lessons, the activity included "Explaining and Analyzing Characters", "Food and Utensils", "Dressing Manners" and "Painting, Calligraphy and Operas", sections that were particularly intriguing to the students.  相似文献   

After three years of preparation, China National Arts Foundation was officially launched on December 30, 2013. Recently, the Ministry of Culture held a meeting in Beijing and released details on establishing the Foundation.  相似文献   

The Silk Road has played an important role in facilitating intellectual exchanges and cultural integration between East and West, economic globalization and diversity of human civilizations. In the new era, thanks to ever-closer economic and cultural ties between China and other countries along the Silk Road, this ancient route has been rejuvenated and embraced new development opportunities. Building the Belt and the Road is therefore our inevitable choice following the trend of the development ofthe time.  相似文献   

女书作品的诗学价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹建军 《寻根》2001,(4):26-30
现传的用女书写作的学性作品有600多篇。其中“唱本”和“贺三朝书”等民间礼仪性本用诗体形式,直接在人与人之间用以交际的书信等也都是诗体,女书作品为什么基本上都是诗体形式?女书作品诗体形式在内容上和形式上有什么特点?女书作品有没有所谓的诗学价值?这一系列的问题都需要深入探讨。  相似文献   

本首次对清代杰出作家蒲松龄有关三国题材的述进行梳理,并按其体裁(小说、、诗、俚曲)和功用分别加以评述,揭示了这些述蕴含的社会心理和化价值。章指出:蒲松龄的这些述不仅传播了三国化,而且丰富了三国化,乃是他对于中国化的又一贡献。  相似文献   

章宏伟 《寻根》2005,(3):72-79
乾隆帝将编纂《四库全书》与翻译满文《大藏经》等同,视为其六旬后办的两件大事,并在其御制《清文翻译全藏经序》中不无得意地说:“……若夫订四库全书,及以国语译汉全藏经二事,胥举于癸巳年六旬之后,既而悔之,恐难观其成,越十余载而全书成,兹未逮二十载而所译汉全藏经又毕蒇。”  相似文献   

马里扬 《寻根》2010,(4):91-93
苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》中“羽扇纶巾”的形象,究竟是指周瑜还是指诸葛亮,仍旧是学界争论不休的话题。无论当日苏轼意在谁属,到了南宋后期词人吴文英的笔下,着实落在了诸葛亮的身上:“记羽扇纶巾,气凌诸葛。”(《江南春》)至于再后来的《三国志通俗演义》里,诸葛亮一亮相便已然是“头戴纶巾,身披鹤氅”。  相似文献   

On September 10, 2014 a grand opening ceremony of"China in the Eyes of Arab Painters", an exhibition on works of residence program tor Arab painters, took place at the National Art Museum of China. This event was co-hosted by the Ministry of Culture of China and Secretariat of the League of Arab States and co-organized by China Arts and Entertainment Group and the National Art Museum of China.  相似文献   

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