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Recent research into the phonological aspects of children’s early reading development holds that English beginners are more aware of word-sounds at the onset and rime level than at the individual phoneme level. A link is suspected with the comparative irregularity of English orthography. As it is widely assumed that children need to be aware of phonemes before they can benefit from a traditional phonics approach, a ‘new’ phonics or ‘rhyming analogy’ approach has been recommended as an easier route than traditional phonics for English beginning readers. This paper argues, however, that English beginners are just as capable of a phonemic approach as beginners in other languages, that phonemic awareness is not a precondition, that beliefs to the contrary are based on misunderstanding, and that systematically applying grapheme-phoneme correspondences throughout each word is an excellent basis for word-identification even in English. These claims are supported by test results.  相似文献   

A university is not an academic community, although it includes a collection of academics. It does not consist of a single group of scholars all exchanging views on intellectual topics of mutual concern. Academic communities certainly thread universities, and part of the job of a university is to help academic communities thrive, but a university that was an academic community would be so narrow-minded and inward-turned as to be virtually dead on its feet.  相似文献   

理性情绪疗法的理论和方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本对理性情绪疗法的理论基础,基本理论,主要技术等进行剖析,并分析其在心理治疗中的作用。  相似文献   

教育学在什么意义上不是科学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育学的学科性质不可避免地与科学纠葛在一起,而从科学的划界、教育学与科学在某些研究基础上的不同表现,说明教育学和科学是对世界的不同的解释域,教育学没有必要也不可能完全科学化。探讨“教育学在什么意义上不是科学”,旨在表明教育学汲取的是科学精神,而不是“科学主义”,进而期待在科学精神的引领下,作为科学的教育学何以可能。  相似文献   

Public school funding in the United States is not a product of intelligent design. Funding programs have grown willy-nilly based on political entrepreneurship, interest group pressure, and intergovernmental competition. Consequently, now that Americans feel the need to educate all children to high standards, no one knows for sure how money is used or how it might be used more effectively. This article shows that Americans can learn how to make more effective use of the money available for public schools. But to do so, states and localities must keep careful track of how money is spent; how children are taught and by whom; and what programs, schools, and teachers are most and less productive. Foundations should sponsor rigorous development and testing of new instructional programs, and every level of government should permit experimentation with alternative uses of funds, reproduce effective schools and programs, and abandon ineffective ones.  相似文献   

“认知疗法”是心理治疗中的常用方法,“合理情绪疗法”在认知疗法中是最具代表性的一种方法。让学生在心理健康教育课中学会并掌握相关理论与技术,对解决学生的情绪及行为困扰,保障学生的心理健康,提高学生的心理调节水平,有着十分积极的意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the gap between the learning potentials afforded by computers and the actual learning from them. A computer's unique potentials emanate from the kinds and varieties of four basic attributes that it offers: information, symbol systems, user activities, and relations with user. These attributes may affect four corresponding cognitions-knowledge structures, internal modes of representation, mental operations, and attitudes and perceptions respectively-by either activating, supplanting, or short-circuiting them. Such effects could be obtained through "low road" learning, which is practice-intensive, leading to near automatic responses, or through "high road" learning, which is thinking-intensive (i.e., nonautomatic operations are mindfully employed). The high road is seen as the more feasible and promising road to conceptual learning of the kind computers can facilitate. However, the extent to which high road learning actually occurs greatly depends on learners' volitional mindfulness, itself partly determined by the nature of the materials encountered and partly by personological, perceptual, and attitudinal factors. It is argued that the opportunity for mapping computers' attributes on their corresponding cognitions, although often available, does not always take place because learners do not always become mindful on their own. A computer's promise does not lie in its attributes alone, unique and powerful as they may be, but in how mindfully learners come to handle them. One important computer attribute—the partnerlike relationships with learners that it permits—and a number of instructional practices are discussed as possible means to promote and sustain learners' mindfulness.  相似文献   

依据辩证法探寻中国舞蹈如何从“扬弃”中完善进化自身:悖离“扬弃”的两种误区,即守“本”排“异”或取“异”弃“本”;舞蹈进化的三重“扬弃”,即中国舞蹈自身的“扬弃”;取舍其它艺术的“扬弃”;观众审美情趣的“扬弃”。只有把握住舞蹈向前发展的内在契机“扬弃”,在“本”、“异”兼容,以“本”为基,取“异”扬“本”的创新过程中,中国舞蹈才能在进化过程中高扬时代的旗帜大踏步前进。  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education -  相似文献   

在学习理解邓小平社会主义本质论的基础上,应进一步搞清什么是社会主义。只有坚持改革,社会主义才有出路,改革必须始终坚持马克思主义的基本原理与本国国情相结合,依据实际情况创建符合国情的社会主义模式。  相似文献   

随着高等教育规模的快速发展,日益激烈的就业竞争给高校毕业生带来了沉重的就业压力,其择业过程中往往伴随着程度不一的焦虑。因此,在高校就业指导中,有必要重视对毕业生开展心理健康教育,采取合理情绪方法,缓解毕业生择业焦虑问题,以助其正确择业和顺利就业。  相似文献   

题1 已知p:|2x-3|>1,q:(1x2 x-6)>0,则(「)p是(「)q的( ). (A)充分不必要条件 (B)必要不充分条件 (C)充要条件(D)既不充分也不必要条件  相似文献   

What Is Sport     
大课间、体育课,同学们在操场上追逐跑跳,挥洒汗水。奥运会、亚运会、运动员们在赛场,上奋勇争先,为国争光。都说生命在于运动,运动能振奋精神,运动能强身健体,运动能让我们收获欢笑、友谊、荣誉……Do you enjoy sports?Sports in our eyes What do sports mean to you?运动对你来说有怎样的意义?杭州云谷学校同学们的看法,是不是和你“所见略同”?  相似文献   

1 广东省阳东县第一中学 陈定国 (邮编 :52 993 1 )题 设z1、z2 为非零复数 ,A =z1z2 z2 z1,B=z1z1 z2 z2 ,问A、B能否比较大小 ?如果不能请说明理由 ,如果能 ,试比较它们的大小。解 A -B =z1z2 -z1z1 z2 z1-z2 z2=z1(z2 -z1) z2 (z1-z2  相似文献   

题设点P(x,y)在椭圆(x 2)2/16 (y-1)2/9=1上,试求f=x y的最值. 解巧用不等式a2/b≥2a-b,知(x 2)2/16≥2(x 2)-16,而且(y-1)2/9≥2(y-1)-9.  相似文献   

<红对勾练测二合一*高二数学上>(光明日报出版社2004年4月第二版)第163页第19题是这样一个问题:  相似文献   

"Bildung"是德国思想传统及教育领域中一个特有的概念。历史上,这个概念的形成与发展经历了从宗教到人文、从反对理性主义到反对人的异化的转变。作为一个过程,"Bildung"在目的上追求内在的自我完善,在内容上倡导自由的经验,在方式上主张在与世界的互动中实现自我转化。无论从技术性社会还是从现代学校系统的角度来看,这个概念在当代语境下都具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

对农民来说,时间就是粮食。 对工人来说,时间就是财富。 对医生来说,时间就是生命。  相似文献   

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