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1.The N ew TeacherG eorge com es from school onthe firstofSeptem ber.“G eorge,how did you likeyour new teacher?A sked hism other.“I didn'tlike her,M other.Because she said that three andthree were six,and then she saidthattwo and four were six too…新老  相似文献   

方凌 《今日中学生》2012,(10):25-27
ATeacher:If I laid one egg on this table and two legs in that basket,how many would I have?Pupil:I don’t think you can do it.注:lay(laid)①放、搁,②下蛋。BChild:Worry,worry!Mother:What’s worry?Child:The doctor gave me some medicine and told to take threespoons after each meal.Mother:So?Child:We only have two spoons.  相似文献   

My busy morning     
The new term has begun,and i am a student in grade 3 now .i have to work harder than before so i an getting busier and busier do you want to know how busy i am? let me take my morning for example.  相似文献   

Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. One day the child asked God,"They tell me you are going to send me to earth tomorrow,but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?" God replied,"Among the many angels,I have chosen one for you.She will be waiting for you and will take care of you."  相似文献   

(follow through with a stated intention)A:You've been promising to take us to Disneyland for the past two years. Since the kids arefree, how about putting your money where your mouth is?B:You don't have to remind me. I have every intention of doing exactly what I said I'd do.But you yourself know that in the past we have been unable to go because of other financialobligations. Things have eased up and it looks like we'll be able to go this year.兑现诺言(英文)@杨飞…  相似文献   

周艳 《英语辅导》2001,(11):28-28
I have been in England three months now. I hope you don‘t think I‘ve forgotten you. There are so many places to see and so many things to do that I don‘t have much time to write you.  相似文献   

Everyone has those unforgettable memories they will keep for a lifetime. I've been to many places, from my motherland China to the other side of the world like Canada. But despite all the exciting travelings and all that, I moved back to China in the end, to attend high school. But in my heart, for some reason, Canada was the place I loved the most. Some people might just ask: Then why not go back to where you love? Well... I can't explain it in one sentence, but in a nut shell, you could say that it's a "made-up-my-mind, won't-regret-it" and because "I have to stay with wherever my family takes me" kind of thing.   ……  相似文献   

I was a 1)military brat.My father was a 2)marine officer before my birth and until I tarted high school.We moved twelve times in fourteen years.When people learn this,hey ask,"How did you ever make friends with anyone? That must have been hard for you."  相似文献   

When I think back on these times And the dreams we left behind I'll be glad cause I was blessed to get to have you in my life When I look back on these days I'll look and see your face You were right there for me In my dreams I'll always see your soul above the sky In my heart, there always be a place for you for all my life I'll keep a part of you with me And everywhere I am, there you'll be And everywhere I am, there you'll be Well you showed me how to feel Feel the sky was in my reach…  相似文献   

How many times have you wished you could be more romantic with your partner? Chances are that it has been more than once or twice. So, how do you overcome your romantic hang-ups and be the romantic you have always wanted to be? Listed below are 3 simple steps to help you.  相似文献   

In August, before the semester began, I went to Beijing to visit some friends that had stopped in China on their way to Brisbane, Australia. My friends were about to spend the next three months on an overseas program in Australia. They suggested that when I had some time off this semester that I should come and visit them. I had always wanted to visit Australia. I figured that this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I would probably never get an-other chance in my life to visit Australia, and spend it with nine of my best friends.  相似文献   

Once there was a well-known hill here. There were many lush trees, beautiful flowers and green grasses on it. One day, the hill said to the trees proudly, “Look, how beautiful I am! But you look so ugly on my back. It must be better if I could drive you away.” One of the trees said, “You won't have beautiful and green clothing without us trees? If you leave us, you will die away.” The hill laughed and said again,”I feel very ashamed for I am staying with you together. Sooner or later I will drive you all away. I will never feel scared and still stay here forever.”  相似文献   

These days I have been thinking about what I have done in the past.Som etim es Im w ondering why I have been sent to this school by my par-ents.D o I come here to fight with other classm ates?N o,never.Its my honor and luck to meet my dear classm ates in such a fine school.Thus Itseem s that I should cherish the mom ent,though three years is long.Buton the other hand it is very, very short. D o I com e here to talk aboutlove?N o,never.I shall have to lay a firm foundation for my beautifu…  相似文献   

If I have a chance to study in America I'll come back to work for my motherland when I have finished my subjects. My country is not so developed and rich as the U.S., but I love her very much.Some people say "America is Heaven on earth. Laving in America is better than living in China." Frankly speaking, I agree with what they say in some sense. However, as we know, China is a developing country, which needs a large number of people of talent to build it. I'm determined to become one of these talented people. I'm sure China will get richer and richer and, sooner or  相似文献   

Listen M y classm ates were readingChinese articles aloud in our classroom.But w here was our C hinese teacher﹖O hshe was walking here and there in front ofthe class.There were a few m inutes leftbefore the class was over.O ur Chineseteacher suddenly said to us“W e will havea recital com petition tom orrow in Chineseclass.Everybody can take part in it.A tlast w e will choose three best speakers tothe com petition of the whole school.”H ear-ing this students began to discuss.I alsothough…  相似文献   

<正>In August, before the semester began, I went to Beijing to visit some friends that had stopped in China on their way to Brisbane, Australia. My friends were about to spend the next three months on an overseas program in Australia. They suggested that when I had some time off this semester that I should come and visit them. I had always wanted to visit Australia. I figured that this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I would probably never get an-other chance in my life to visit Australia, and spend it with nine of my best friends.  相似文献   

Here is a very large moorrcake and a sharp knife.Questions :1.If you want to cut the mooricake in eight parts,how many cuts will you have to make at least?2.If you make six cuts on the mooncake,how many parts can you get at most'?  相似文献   

Part one Ⅰ. Read the following passages and answer questions according to the requirements of each item. (35 points) A. The Bank Clerk Who hasn't dreamed of having so much money that it runs through the fingers like sand?The only way most of us could ever do this would be to work in a bank.If you start as a junior bank clerk,you will begin in the book-keeping department and you will have minor responsibilities connected with the handling of cheques.You will learn the routine of the branch and the banking industry as a whole.You will most likely be sent to the bank's school for special tuition.Within a short time,you may be working as a cashier,and then you will be handling the public's money.By the time you have worked your way up to the post of branch manager,you will have learned how to deal with customers and how to cope with the difficult ones.  相似文献   

1.—D o you know aboutChina? —The people and the food. A .ifJim likes B .how does Jim like C.why does Jim like D .whatJim likes 2.Could you please tellm e how soon ? A .is your brother back from Britain B.your brother is back from Britain C.will your brother be back from Britain D .your brother willbe back from B ritain 3.D o you know ? A .whattim e would the train leave B .w hat tim e does the train leave C.whattim e will the train leave D .whattim e the train leaves 4.O ur teacher …  相似文献   

欢迎你进入英语娱乐园,先请你从里、外两圈中各选一个合适的词,并组成一个新词,再将这10个新词填入句中步步成功!a.My parents won’t have any——to do today.b.Have you got——new for me?c.Don’t——the time,please.d.At ten o’clock we will say——to you and leave for Shanghai.e.What day is——? It’S Sunday.f.We have three classes in the  相似文献   

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