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[接上期]Should Teachers Teach Naughty Words?After years of presenting to numerous teachers and leading discussion groups, I have found that the vast majority of teachers feel that familiarizing students with slang, idioms and even some vulgarities is much more desirable than having students pick up this type of language haphazardly on the street.  相似文献   

[接上期]Is Slang Only Used By The Lower Classes?“Absolutely not!”Itellmy internationalstudents. There is universal slang that is used by everyone. However, there are many subcategories of slang used by specific groups. Slang can be seen as a family tree with universal slang at the top representing words that are not only used consistently in the media, but by virtually everyone.  相似文献   

We don't use that much slang…or do we? When I was working out at the gym with a French friend of mine, Pascale, a friend of his came up and enthusiastically inquired, "What's up?"Pascale paused a moment, took a step backward and looked up, checking out the ceiling.  相似文献   

1. wolf down /像狼一样吃东西,形容贪婪且而迅速地吃My mom told me for a thousand times not to wolf down the food when I蒺m eating, because it蒺s not good for the digestion(消化).我妈多次告诉我吃饭时不要狼吞虎咽,因为这对消化不好。2. break the ice /破冰,意思是打破僵局At last, they broke the ice, the quarrel came an end. 最后,他们打破了僵局,争吵才结束。此外,本期还给你介绍以下一些俚语:●clean up one蒺s act /自我检点,自我改进●come down in sheets /整片整片地下(倾盆大雨)●cross the line /跨过线(做得太…  相似文献   

各种各样的动物在我们人类的生活中扮演着重要的角色,因为是它们使我们的世界活泼起来;与此同时,它们也使我们的语言更加活泼,如在英语的俚语和成语中就“活跃着”很多动物,笔者特将其中较常见的部分列举如下,以飨读者:  相似文献   

CRACK UPArt's dog does many funny tricks,and Art said he would bring the dogto school one day to show everyone. It is so comical to see what this dog can do.Everyone who has seenhim enjoys it and laughs a lot.I am sure you will crack up,too!Word explanation:  相似文献   

CALL IT A DAY“We have been working on this report since 8∶00 a.m.I am verytired,and my back is hurting from bending over this table.How do therest of you feel?”asked Francis.Andre replied,“I am exhausted,too.Let's call it a day and con-vene again tomorrow morning.”  相似文献   

CALL TO ORDERIt certainly was noisy in the meeting hall.There were 250 peoplethere,and they all seemed to be talking.Mrs.Wang wanted to beginthe meeting on time,but no one seemed to be settling down.She finallycrashed her gavel down on the table so the meeting could be called to or-der.  相似文献   

About laughter关于笑 A:Hey!What’s up? B:I am watching Mr.Bean. A:Cool!You know,everytime I Watch it,I am in stitches[忍俊不禁] B:Yeah.I just can’t keep a straight face[板着面孔, 不露笑容].I once got into trouble because of Mr.Bean. A:Really?What happened? B:I burst out laughing[突然大笑起来]in class when I was thinking of Mr.Bean’s stupid acts.  相似文献   

从〕un .Ani击ota eontelnptible详rsona加川d ona lifela 1.日of(~如吨)Vrb户rs .To耐a‘joini忍沈勿m .A」lin旧lruetional,anla巧uana/Derog .Cf.‘gi口.e田Inabis eigaJ吧tte.anda面lonlshing statemeni to sort。~U肠尸入”thea找姆姗尸人招men0Ur。.Aden皿ldforso〔neone’sattention.Eon her.”9.“01 Rob,罗tout〔US]a load of脚脚脚脚脚抓哪初山m山心er.Toescapep俪shineniorto即unharmedafterariskyfeator而sde-脚c馏翻吨脚址抚加刃酗加加~’s脚n七脚匆拍伪叭脚“叭d能悦云时脚心at剧吵创肚陇沽.H山叮uP,邵ton初th one’8…  相似文献   

丰富多彩的俚语是英语,尤其是美式英语的一个重要组成部分。俚语最初往往产生于社会底层民众之中,然后向全社会推广。俚语既有语言的7大功能,又有自己的特色。对俚语应当有选择地吸收,并对其加以引导、规范,使之向健康的方向发展。  相似文献   

Only about one out of every four American women gets the recommended daily calcium intake-1, 000 to 1,300 mg, the equivalent of about three and a half of skim milk(脱脂乳)- often because they' re slumping dairy products in an attempt to lose weight. "They are shooting themselves in the foot, " says Michael B. zemel, Ph. D, director of the University of Tennessee' s Nutrition Institute, in Knoxville(诺克斯维尔). In this research, he's found that a high-calcium diet actually helps overweight people to drop pounds, Zemel says that  相似文献   

龙勇 《今日中学生》2011,(11):27-28
黔驴技穷There were no donkeys in Guizhou.Someone brought a donkey there from outside of Guizhou and then let it free at the foot of a mountain.When a tiger saw the big donkey and heard it give a loud cry for the first time,he was so frightened that he ran far away from it.Later,the tiger came back and got close to the donkey.Moreover(而且),he teased(戏弄)the  相似文献   

You say my love for you,5 not real你说我对你的爱不是真的But you don,t know how real it feels可是你不知道它有多真实All 1 want to do 15 to spend some time with you我只是一心希望和你共处片刻50 1 ean hold you,hold you可以拥着你,抱着你Your sister says that  相似文献   

随着跨文化交际的发展,文化差异一直成为英语学习和教学的一大难点。本文从八个方面对中西普通文化差异作了较为深入的对比分析,揭示了西方普通文化具有待人直率、生活隐私及语言礼貌这三大特点。作者在此基础上提出英语文化习得必须达到三大基本目标,并对英语教学提出了三条建议。  相似文献   

As the song say, smiling when you' re feeling blue appears to put in a rosy mood. At least, that's the theory set forth(提出) by Yobertb Zajonc, Ph. D., director of the Institute for Social research at the University of Michigan.  相似文献   

麻辣小名士上一期我们给大家介绍了在爸爸、妈妈的帮助下从小学习英语的王葭杭同学,这一期我们要向小伙伴们推荐北京市的徐睿超同学,她会告诉你:学习英语的时候要用英语来思考。  相似文献   

The September 11 attacks have not led to theincrease of intolerance(不能忍耐)in US classroomsthat had been feared,but the national wound hasleft at least one permanent(永久的) mark in theplaygrounds of America by reshaping teenage slang. The favourite insult(侮辱)these days is "That’sso September 10"-used on anyone obsessed(被困扰)with small issues,or behind the times. Another common insult is "Osama yo’mama."(Osama bin Laden’s your mother.)Unstylishly(不合  相似文献   

*SLANG僵语 什么是俚语?简单说,就是英语对话中常出现的非正式表达。俚语分很多种。仃的几乎所有说英语的地区都通用.有的则只在某地区通用:有的简单明了,有的晦涩难懂;有的适用于所有非正式场合,有的则因为过于粗俗、冒犯性强,应尽量少用或不用。  相似文献   

奇奇,男,11岁,聪明机智,好学上进,是一个令人喜爱的学生。在一次家访中,我发现他对父母特别恭敬,是让人感到有点疏远的恭敬,那种孩子对父母特有的亲昵根本见不着。奇奇的父母说他一向很  相似文献   

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