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从学习化社会提出的教育学立场出发,阐述学习化社会的基本内涵,以及学习化社会作为建设和谐社会教育基业的意义,力求明晰建构学习化社会的教育价值取向,以提高人们建设学习化社会的自觉性.  相似文献   

终身学习是社会中个人根据社会发展和个人发展的需要,利用现代学习技术和手段,灵活地选择安排学习时机、时间、空间以及进程的学习制度,从终身教育走向终身学习,标志着教育乃至社会领域发生了深刻变革,是人类文明的一大进步。由此,构建终身学习体系,形成全民参与的学习型社会,是一个国家兴旺发达的保证。  相似文献   

The notion of a ‘learning society’ is one that crops up increasingly today in the ongoing debate about the future of education in the postmodern world, together with its twin notion, ‘lifelong learning’. This article discusses the contemporary discourse within which this debate tends to be contextualized and finds several worrying factors about it: namely that it has a vocationalist, managerialist, thrust, is oriented towards the requirements of the market and the global economy and the needs of employers, and subjected to the principle of peformativity. The article concurrently examines recent trends in adult and continuing education that confirm this agenda, and asks how it can be resisted. The possibility of creating a counter-utopia or counter-discourse to it which replaces performativity with justice is proposed, but this runs into the objections of postmodernists against the employment of master narratives. The article then examines whether there are alternative resources within ‘postmodernism’ itself which do not fall foul of these objections within which an oppositional discourse could be constructed.  相似文献   

浅析赫钦斯的学习社会思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习社会已成为世界各国构建终身教育体系的目标,也是未来社会发展的趋势。美国教育思想家赫钦斯基于永恒主义理念,在对美国教育现实进行分析的基础上,首先提出“学习社会”的观点,认为完善人格,实现人的价值是学习社会的意蕴所在;每个人都应该终身学习。他的学习社会理论对联合国教科文组织和美国教育政策产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

推进终生学习,现首都学习化社会是北京实施科教兴国战略的具体措施之一,是发展知识经济的重要保障。首都北京智力密集、知识密集,是全国科教事业最发达的地区,在加快实现学习化社会中肩负特殊的历史使命。从理论和实践上对北京推进终生学习和终生学习体系建设,是实现首都学习化社会的战略选择。摘要推进终生学习,加快实现首都学习化社会是北京实施科教兴国战略的具体措施之一,是发展知识经济的重要保障。首都北京智力密集、知识密集,是全国科教事业最发达的地区,在加快实现学习化社会中肩负特殊的历史使命。从理论和实践上对北京推进终生学习和终生学习体系建设,是实现首都学习化社会的战略选择。  相似文献   

当前在如何理解学习型社会的问题上仍需处理好四对关系:即学习型社会是一种教育理想还是一个客观事实;是个体学习的新形式还是新的社会形式;是面向人力资源开发还是人性的自我完善;是侧重于对学校教育的改造还是强化社区的教育功能。对于建设学习型社会而言,兼顾每一对关系的两个方面都是合理而必要的。  相似文献   

This paper considers the bottom-up vision of the learning society. Unlike the top-down approach, the bottom-up approach does not start by specifying the purposes of learning which should direct the development of the learning society, but from observing interactions among learning individuals as agents. While in the relevant literature and policies much attention has been devoted to certain positions on how one's learning should respond to current change, this paper proposes that when considering the establishment and development of the learning society we should not dismiss the understanding of how individuals, concrete beings, act as they learn, since how they do so has an impact on the way in which learning is structured. This bottom-up approach has to be taken into account, for it helps us to come near to what is embedded in learning practices, and to react pertinently when we need to come to terms with substantive issues for the development of the learning society. Three aspects—lifelong learning, the individualization of learning, and learning beyond education—serve as the context for understanding what characterize the practices of the learning society.  相似文献   

"学习型社会"与中国的教育改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“学习型社会”作为小康社会的重要目标对中国的教育改革有极其巨大的意义。它要求把人的全面发展作为教育改革的最重要的目标和指导思想,要求把学习素质教育提到战略高度,要求“教改”和“学改”同步进行,要求高度重视对学习科学的研究和推广,要求把学校也要办成“学习型组织”,促进教师队伍的人的全面发展。  相似文献   

This article explores the political dimensions of teacher learning, both in theoretical work on teacher professional vision, and in an empirical study of video-based teacher professional development. Theoretically, we revisit the origins of “professional vision” in linguistic anthropology and trace the concept’s evolution in teacher education research, demonstrating how its political dimension has been overlooked. We explore the implications of re-asserting the politics of professional vision through examination of a video-based teacher development programme conducted in an English primary school. We describe this research, investigate the contestation of teacher and researcher professional visions, and discuss implications for professional development practice.  相似文献   

学习型社会要求全民确立终身学习的意识,全社会形成浓厚的学习氛围,以促进人的终身发展与完善。为此,要创建良好的学习环境,形成以家庭、社区和跨区域的网络学习环境。  相似文献   


In this paper, it is argued that adults with learning difficulties represent a significant marginalized group within society whose experiences may shed light on a range of political and social values affecting those in the mainstream, as well as on the periphery. We begin by considering some possible meanings of the learning society and some features of the social and economic context which have promoted interest in the concept. An economistic reading of the learning society may prove problematic for adults with learning difficulties, since it may be argued that this group is unlikely to be highly productive and therefore will not provide a good return on money invested in education and training. Although an emphasis on social capital may lead to the inclusion of people with learning difficulties, this outcome is by no means automatic since high levels of social cohesion may be based on the ruthless exclusion of those regarded as deviant. Finally, we suggest some ways in which promoting the concept of lifelong learning for adults with learning difficulties may enable us to develop deeper understandings of the experiences of education, training and employment.  相似文献   

随著知识社会发展趋势在我国日趋明朗,知识社会的特征也日趋清晰,它向高等工程教育提出了新的挑战.我们应整合各种学习理论,建构新的工程观、学习观和学习环境观,充分重视学习环境对学生的学习结果和学习成绩的影响,建构适合高等工程教育的整合课堂与课外,学校与社会,物资、自然、社会和文化的大学生学习支持系统.提出一个由活动支持子系统、目标-任务支持子系统、学习策略支持子系统、环境支持子系统和学习评价支持子系统构成的高等工程专业学习支持系统.高等工程教育学习支持系统具有重要的教育意义,它拓宽了工程学习的时空观,强化了学习支持服务和指导,整合了工程专业的显性知识和隐性知识,优化了高等工程教育系统.  相似文献   

共同愿景是学习型组织的重要元素,也是实现高校学生干部培养共同目标的关键,它为高校学生干部的成长成才提供持续不断的焦点和能量。本文在学习型组织的视域下研究高校学生干部培养达成共同愿景存在的问题,并针对问题提出了相应的解决对策,使师生在实现共同愿景中共同成长。  相似文献   

适应时代要求 构建学习型社会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十六大、十七大报告连续指出,我们要"建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会"。党的十七大报告更是提出了建设学习型政党的目标。本文阐释了建设学习型社会的重要意义,提出了学习型社会的内涵,进而把建设学习型社会作为当前贯彻科学发展观的一个重要举措。  相似文献   

林纾虽然具有极强的反西方列强意识,但他并不反对西学的输入.林纾对西方近代启蒙哲学所张扬的基本观念有所了解,并乐于接受,对西学的某些观点也能予以审视和反思.但林纾对西方的自由、平等之说,仍存在着理解上的肤浅与隔膜.这种现象有助于我们认识近代西学东渐过程的曲折与艰难,有助于我们体味林纾面对西学东渐大潮时特有的复杂心态和观念.  相似文献   


This article presents sociologically and historically oriented reconceptualizations of the changing relationship between labour and learning in the reflexive modern era. First it claims that the whole modern division of labour does not merely reveal the nature by which we define morality but also it is a crucial condition for the whole solidarity of human kind. It creates between people the holistic system of rights and duties, which bonds them together permanently. Then the article comes to the conclusion that the first modern period, and the Keynesian welfare state policy with its homogenous workforce and policies of full employment, has come to its historical end. Consequently, the steady progress of the population along educational pathways into secure full‐time working lives can no longer be taken for granted. The process of the redivision of labour is liable to generate many problems for society and individual citizens since so many of our societal institutions and expectations have been constructed on parameters defined by the labour market, wage earning and promotions. The article then puts forward the scenario of the risk society where confidence coexists with fear, security with threat, credibility with ambivalence, and conflict over the distribution of goods turn out to be conflicts over distribution of bads. The author sees that education has always been seen as a major component in the great Enlightenment project, which has been connected and incorporated by the national state. Lifelong learning on the contrary has been less incorporated, less an early modern, but more a marginal and informal position, waving the flag for both individuals and groups from below. The article claims that the new era of reflexive modernization may see the rise of lifelong learning and perhaps also the partial collapse of the old pre‐modern educational system.

It may be that some of what we regard as European trends in adult education research are at the moment more programmes or wishes than facts, but an understanding of such trends can be helpful for future developments in our research. (Jarvis and Poggeler 1994: 10)  相似文献   

"学习型社会"的挑战与高等教育的应答   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"学习型社会"是一种表达终身学习理念的社会形态.较之传统型社会形态,"学习型社会"在知识、学习、学习者、时间、空间等内涵特征方面发生了实质性变化,这种变化对高等教育的目标、对象、内容和方式提出了挑战.而高等教育对学习型社会具有正反双重价值影响,应从办学理念与机制两方面做出理性的应答:从理论层面看,应明确我国高等教育办学理念;从实践层面看,应改革我国高等教育办学机制.  相似文献   

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