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霍梅尼提出教育决定民族兴旺,教育以德育为先;德育是一个教育实践过程和民族的系统工程,社会越发展,越要加强德育建设。在伊斯兰共和国教育改革实践中,为提升伊朗的大国地位,强化民族意识教育和伊斯兰认同教育,坚持以具体说教与实践相结合,伊斯兰传统与外部优秀成果相结合,注重制度建设,强调学校的德育功能和教育者的言传身教。霍梅尼的德育思想及伊斯兰共和国的德育实践适合伊朗的具体国情,代表了历史发展方向,但对其理论的僵化理解和教条运用将不利于伊朗未来发展。  相似文献   

一、概况 伊朗是中东的一个伊斯兰国家,人口6000万。该国教育有着悠久的历史。可追溯到公元前5世纪阿拉伯字母发明的时候。公元650年,伊朗加入伊斯兰世界,清真寺也就成了教育中心。 1851年,伊朗建立了第一所现代中学;1934年,又建立了第一所现代大学,即德黑兰大学。然而在伊朗人的传统观念中,职业技术教育不像普通教育那样  相似文献   

随着伊朗社会转型的深入,伊朗的职业技术教育不失时机地提出了"迁徙计划",它是伊朗社会发展到特定阶段的必然选择。通过政府政策和财政支持,计划吸引城市剩余科技人员到农村帮扶农民提高生产技术,以实现在生活水平和思想观念上缩小贫富和城乡差别;并通过农民,尤其是边远地区的农民在家致富,以达到维护伊朗的伊斯兰意义系统和实现民族安全之目的。  相似文献   

历史记忆的形塑在民族认同形成过程中发挥着重要的作用。近代以来波斯帝国历史记忆的发现与重建是多方主体共同参与的产物,其中既有东方学家释读碑文与考古挖掘的实证研究,也有民族主义驱动下伊朗精英的政治构建与宗教诠释。波斯帝国历史记忆在现代伊朗的发现与重建是通过两个方面完成的:一是解构了中古波斯人的神圣历史观,使《列王纪》中凯扬王朝从“信史”转化为后世层累创作的民族史诗;二是将阿契尼美德王朝重新纳入伊朗历史传统之中。通过梳理波斯帝国历史记忆在不同时期的挖掘过程,不仅可以重现波斯帝国遗产在现代伊朗社会乃至全球学术中得以被构建和接受的历史过程,亦可以管窥古代历史与建构国家认同之间的互动逻辑。  相似文献   

20世纪,中东面临的第一次全面而深刻的冲击是第一次世界大战。战争对中东的影响主要体现在三个方面:一战使庞大的奥斯曼帝国崩溃,为中东现代民族国家疆界的基本形成奠定基础;阿拉伯民族主义作为一个完整的意识形态出现,世俗的民族主义在土耳其、阿富汗、伊朗等非阿拉伯国家蓬勃发展;在民族主义精神的激励下,现代化的改革之风吹遍了土耳其、伊朗、阿富汗和阿拉伯半岛。三种因素交互作用,使中东历史进入了一个新的发展时期。  相似文献   

在美国与伊朗的对峙中,美国认识到帝国主义的武力和恐吓达不到目的,于是从上世纪80年代末萌生了借助伊朗反对派制约伊朗现政权的想法。在伊朗核问题发展过程中,美国越来越倚重包括支持伊朗反对派,通过以色列对伊朗的政府官员和核科学家进行暗杀等在内的手段达到瓦解伊朗现政权之目的。美国对伊朗的"秘密战争"加重了双方彼此间的仇恨,损害了美国的国际形象,加强了伊朗的民族凝聚,它还可能促使伊朗领导人由目前追求核技术发展为追求核武器。  相似文献   

当代日伊关系处于非对称性依赖的友好状态,其一在于日本与伊朗之间没有发生过重大矛盾;其二在于日本一直是伊朗最主要的进出口贸易对象国。本文认为日伊交好的原因是:两国历史上没有恩怨;在冷战格局下,日本跟随美国的外交战略与伊朗交好,但在美伊关系恶化的情况下,日本出于国家利益尽量与伊朗友好交往;在现实中,伊朗日本在政治和经济上相互需要、相互依赖。尽管日伊之间的相互依赖是不对称的,但日伊交好会继续下去。  相似文献   

在古代各国历史中,王权观念具有特别重要的意义。本文论述了古代伊朗王权观念的起源、形成过程、特点及其对伊朗历史和民族主义形成的影响。  相似文献   

智力引进是落后国家学习先进国家、封闭社会走向开放社会的常用手段和方法,是任何一个力图实现现代化国家必须采用的有效手段;智力引进是历史交往的必然结果。伊朗在其于新航路大发现之后与西方文化的历史交往中经历中了无数交的痛苦,进行了一系列的智力引进。伊朗的智力引进在不同时期具有不同的特征,但总体说来,伊朗的智力引进具有随意性和片面性。  相似文献   

伊朗巴布教徒起义与清同治年间西北回民起义的比较研究徐晓萍伊朗与中国是古丝绸之路上的两个大国,具有四、五千年的悠久历史。伊朗古称波斯,在我国史书上被称为安息国,其自汉代起就同我国有着千丝万缕的联系,并且两国在社会历史发展过程中,有很多的相似之处。本文特...  相似文献   

One of the significant achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been the increasing access of women to all levels of education. This paper focuses on women's access to higher education and its unexpected and paradoxical outcomes. Today women in Iran represent over 60% of university students at the undergraduate level. Against the dominant social imaginary of Muslim women, this paper explores how the contradictions and complexities of politics within the Islamic Republic impact women's lives and how women themselves have been able to bring gender justice to the core of Iranian politics.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the nature of Iranian student teachers’ reflections and their professional development in the context of teacher education practicums. The participants were student teachers (N = 41) enrolled in teacher education colleges at Farhangian University in Tehran, Iran. A total of 620 reflective writing excerpts were coded using deductive content analysis across three cohorts in three different practicums during a two-year period. To analyse the data, this study applied a rubric for evaluating student teachers’ reflections developed by Ward and McCotter. The analysis also involved Friedman’s test and follow-up Wilcoxon tests. The results show that routine levels of reflection significantly decreased across the three practicums, while technical levels of reflection significantly increased. The higher levels of reflection, namely dialogic and transformative levels, were rarely found in student teachers’ reflective writings across the practicums. This study discusses the need both to develop appropriate methods to guide student teachers in centralized contexts such as Iran and to investigate further aspects that enhance or hinder progress in the quality of reflection in teacher education.  相似文献   

Official statistics from several resources in Iran indicate that female enrollment and achievement in Iranian universities has recently exceeded that of male students. Despite the fact that a religious government has been ruling the country for three decades, and despite many regulations against women, Iranian women have managed to overcome social, cultural, and political barriers. They have also been able to pass a highly competitive entry exam to enter the university at higher performance rates than male students. In this study it was proposed that this increasing enrollment and graduation rate might be attributed to their gender-based self-confidence and their self-efficacy. The results showed that female students scored higher on collective, gender-based self-confidence but their personal feeling about their gender was more negative and their general self-efficacy was not different from the self-efficacy of male students.  相似文献   


This paper aims to extract Iran’s philosophy of education from two sources of the constitution and the course of practice in educational institutions. Regarding the first source, it is argued that parallel to the two main threads of the constitution, Iran’s main elements of philosophy of education are expected to be derived from; (1) Islam and (2) democracy. The challenge in front of this feature of Iran’s implicit philosophy of education refers to the seemingly contradictory relation between the two components of Islam and democracy. It is argued that the hard contrast being held between religion and liberal democracy is not defensible and that there could be compatibilities between the two. As for the second source, it is shown that there are concerns about the main trends that underpin Iranian educational institutions. One trend is that the religious education in Iran is at the threat of becoming dogmatic and being overwhelmed by indoctrination. The second trend, referring to the minorities’ education, shows a further challenge regarding recognition of minorities’ right to education. Finally, the third trend is related to the embrace of neoliberalism in Iranian educational endeavors. It is argued that this trend provides a tension in the overall corpus of the country’s philosophy of education.  相似文献   

伊朗是茶叶生产大国,也是茶叶的进口、消费大国,在世界上具有举足轻重的地位。由于特殊的国情,伊朗形成了独特的饮茶习俗。伊朗人民不但好饮茶,而且嗜茶成癖,不可或缺。通过对伊朗茶俗的由来,品茗的方法、功能和意境的研究,可以增强我们对伊朗茶俗及其文化内涵的了解。  相似文献   

美国与伊朗的关系曾出现过蜜月期,其主要是在二战以后发展起来的,发展动力是两国各自所需:美国应对苏联扩张并排挤英国需要伊朗的合作,而伊朗为了摆脱苏联的压制和提升国际地位也需要美国支持。为了取悦西方,伊朗政权进行了西化改革,这致使伊朗国内政治力量间的矛盾也日益激化起来,最终导致1970年代末伊朗伊斯兰革命的爆发和人质危机的出现。美伊关系遂陷入敌对。80年代,伊朗实施革命输出政策,美国利用伊拉克遏制伊朗,两国关系继续恶化。90年代,美国对伊朗和伊拉克同时进行遏制,并制定了针对伊朗的新的制裁法案,尽管两国均时而不时地表达善意,但两国的利益冲突始终严重制约着两国关系的发展。  相似文献   

在巴列维国王时期(1941—1979年),军事援助和武器交易在美伊关系中占有相当大的分量,特别是在尼克松担任美国总统期间,美国对伊朗执行了几乎是不加限制的武器出售政策,大规模武器交易构成了这一时期美伊关系最重要的议题之一。巴列维向美国等国购买大量武器,固然增强了伊朗的军事实力,提升了伊朗的国际地位,但是他把大量石油美元花费在武器上,不可避免地会影响到对伊朗更为重要的经济建设的投资,这不仅为他的倒台埋下了伏笔,也为此后的美伊关系发展造成了难以消除的障碍。  相似文献   

The global knowledge economy has turned higher education into a key player in societal development. Internationalization benefits higher education institutions in several aspects, such as improvement and visibility in international rankings, revenue generation via tuition fees and external funding, improvement of research and teaching quality, integration with academic communities and familiarization with scholarly attitudes. In this study, we provide insights into the challenges of internationalization faced by higher education institutions in Iran as a developing country. Several policies and practices have been adopted in Iran to improve internationalization efforts; however, these activities have had little impact on the quality of research and educational programs at Iran's universities. Understanding the challenges they face in a systematic way can help identify different factors and develop a set of suggestions to increase the quality and quantity of international cooperation. We formulate our suggestions based on the opportunities provided by the digitalization solutions in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing importance of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals in both global and national environments. We interviewed 15 faculty members in Iranian higher education institutions and 14 managers in charge of international affairs at universities in Iran. In addition, data extracted from three forums on Iranian higher education internationalization are analysed. Using a grounded theory approach, we group the challenges into macro-, institutional and individual levels and then suggest a number of practices and policies to increase the quantity and quality of internationalization efforts.  相似文献   

两伊战争始终伴随着强烈的宣传战,这就是事实上的心理战,以泛伊斯兰主义对付阿拉伯民族主义,以什叶派思想对付逊尼派思想,以伊朗民族主义对付伊拉克民族主义,以人海战的心理威慑对付化学战的恐怖效果,以袭城战和袭船战互相摧毁敌方的士气和民心,以期实现以战促和的目的。相对而言,伊朗在国内的心理战富有成效,伊拉克在国际上的心理战略胜一筹。  相似文献   

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