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德育是新时期学校工作的重心。天津新华中学在教学过程中践行“德育为先”的理念,并给予了“德育为先”新的诠释,在实践中进行了积极的探索,取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

当前中职学校学生的思想道德状况总体上看主流是好的,但由于受社会多种复杂因素的影响,部分中职学生心理素质脆弱,缺乏抗挫折教育和感恩意识。本文围绕营造良好的家庭环境、校园环境、社会环境等方面提出了对中职德育工作的几点的思考。  相似文献   

任何审美对象都可以用"品位"一词来衡量其审美价值.高校德育教师应从三个方面来探究其应有的品位学术学识品位要达及"精"、"博",教育教学品位要达及"新"、"活",个性人格品位要达及"和"、"真".  相似文献   

本文作者结合自己多年的实际教学经验,对中等职业德育教育中存在的问题进行分析,并就相关问题给出了具体的解决措施,同时提出了自己的看法和意见,仅供参考。  相似文献   

在中小学教育实践当中德育是一个无法忽视的领域,不管是教育行政部门的政策制定还是学校的教学实践都对德育倾注了相当大的精力,德育的重要性不言而喻.但是在中小学德育实践当中一个无法忽视的问题就是德育的实效性偏低,有时甚至处于失效状态,德育效果不理想,德育目的也没有达到.为了解决这个问题,要对德育的概念、目的、定位、过程、途径等方面进行分析,遵循德育的规律,从而取得实效.  相似文献   

作者探讨当今中学学校体育在教学过程中对中学生道德教育的重要影响,这种影响具有两面性:正向性和负向性.通过查阅相关文献资料和对调查问卷进行分析思考,笔者对当今学校体育对中学生德育影响过程存在的相关问题及如何解决现存问题进行尝试性探讨.  相似文献   

中职德育教育全面渗透成功教育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中职生是个特殊的群体,成功教育对中职生有特别重要的意义,在中职德育教育中全面渗透成功教育理念有助于中职生摆脱失败的阴影,以健康成功者的心态走向社会,这也符合人的潜能多元化的教育理念和构建和谐社会的需要。  相似文献   

道德选择,是人类有目的活动的一定形式。多元价值时代的到来使中专生的道德选择陷入迷茫与困惑,引导中专生对各种价值取向作出正确的辨识成为培养中专生道德选择能力的关键。引导中专生进行正确的道德选择对个人道德品质的形成,对道德从实有到应用的转化具有重要作用。  相似文献   

德育渗透是生物教育教学一贯的目标任务。从生理知识渗透、探究课题开展、美学因素熏陶、人生价值目标等方面,探讨生物学教学中如何渗透德育目标。  相似文献   

谦让与诚实是两个不同层面的范畴,但在中小学道德教育中往往把它们混为一谈.诚实是每一个公民应具有的最基本的道德品质之一,而谦让是建立在诚实基础之上的较为高尚的道德品质.由此反思,我们中小学道德教育忽视了公民素质的培养,过分重视"圣人"教育;重视说教而忽视理解;重视理性而脱离生活.  相似文献   

面向新世纪,建设中国特色社会主义先进化的根本任务,就是造就“四有”新人。互联网作为传媒,是构建思想道德化建设平台的崭新基地。我们必须以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,引导网络机构和广大网民特别是青少年,加强法律道德意识,依法制己,以德约己,崇尚真善美,拒斥假丑恶,塑造美好心灵,夯实精神明、政治明和物质明基础,全面建设小康社会。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济体制的不断发展和社会环境影响的改变,中职院校由于其自身的发展教育模式和教育主体的特殊性,使其在对中职生思想道德教育开展的课题下困难重重。因此,在当下对于中职学生思想道德德育教育工作的同时必须以当前飞速发展的时代环境为主要背景,在结合中职院校学生的教育特点为依据中,把学生作为教育的主体,从而使思想道德教育的方式与学生的特点和教育的特点相符合,来进一步提高中职学生的思想道德素质。本文通过对于当前中职院校的学生特点进行分析,然后再针对中职院校思想道德教育过程中出现的问题二次深入剖析,最后提出一些相关中职院校学生思想道德素质的培养措施。  相似文献   

本文从中职营销专业课教学中德育渗透的意义、原则、模式三个方面作了一些探索性思考,同时从实践角度对中职营销专业课教学中德育渗透的内容和方法提出了一些个人的见解。  相似文献   

中职生思想道德教育是教育工作者面临的重要课题,构建和谐的德育教育是社会、学校、家庭的综合任务。  相似文献   

The effects of the performance feedback system on the story writing behavior of grade-10 academic and grade-11 honors students was investigated with a reversal design. After establishing baseline composition rates in each classroom, an experimental condition consisting of explicit timing of the students' 5-min. composition period, self-scoring, and public posting of highest scores was introduced, removed, and reintroduced. In both classes, the introduction of the experimental condition led to marked increase in the number of words written by all students. Writing rates declined during the second baseline condition and increased again when the experimental package was reintroduced. In addition, teachers unaware of the purpose of the experiment rated randomly selected pairs of stories from each condition. The teachers found the stories written during the experimental condition to be superior to those written during the baseline condition.  相似文献   

This chapter reports a 6-month study that used a matched-pairs pre-test, post-test control group design to evaluate the effectiveness of extensive reading with remedial reading students in a Philippines secondary school (n=60). Ninety percent of students at the school come from low-income homes where reading materials tend to be scarce. The dependent variable, reading proficiency, was assessed using the Informal Reading Inventory and the Gray Standardized Oral Reading Test. Each day, both groups received the same 40 min of English instruction, plus a remedial class. In their remedial class, the control group studied via a traditional approach, emphasizing intensive reading and phonics. For the extensive reading group, the remedial reading class involved reading self-selected materials and doing a variety of post-reading activities. Results suggest that extensive reading led to greater gains than traditional reading instruction. Details on how extensive reading was implemented and a rationale for extensive reading are provided.  相似文献   

Few studies with respect to grade retention and school-disruptive behavior have focused on adolescence. Moreover, previous retention research has ignored multilevel issues. This study aims to fill these research lacunae by addressing the role of grade retention in adolescent students' school misconduct. Furthermore, we explore the role of the percentage of retained students at school in individual-level school misconduct and in moderating the relationship between retention and misconduct. Multilevel analyses of data (2004–2005) from 11,872 students in 85 Flemish secondary schools suggest that, while students retained in primary education exhibited less school misconduct in adolescence, those retained in secondary schools were more likely to break rules. Furthermore, students attending schools with a higher percentage of retainees were found to be more deviant. However, schools' retention composition moderated the relationship between grade retention and school misconduct. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether educational production in secondary school involves joint production among teachers across subjects. In doing so, it also provides insights into the reliability of value-added modeling. Teacher value-added to reading test scores is estimated for four different teacher types: English, math, science and social-studies. The initial results indicate that reading output is jointly produced by math and English teachers. However, while falsification tests confirm the English-teacher effects, they cast some doubt about whether the math-teacher effects are free from sorting bias. The results offer a mixed review of the value-added methodology, suggesting that it can be useful but should be implemented cautiously.  相似文献   

Research supports the connection between engagement, achievement, and school behavior across levels of economic and social advantage and disadvantage. Despite increasing interest and scientific findings, a number of interrelated conceptual and methodological issues must be addressed to advance this construct, particularly for designing data‐supported interventions that promote school completion and enhanced educational outcomes for all students. Of particular concern is the need to (a) develop consensus on the name of the construct, (b) identify reliable measures of the dimensions of the construct, and (c) complete the construct validation studies needed to move research and intervention forward. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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