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采用文献资料法,从研究方法角度分析探讨近年来神经反馈(Neurofeedback,NF)在治疗注意缺陷多动障碍(Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,ADHD)上的临床研究和应用状况.结果表明:NF治疗ADHD的疗效得到普遍认同,它将有望成为药物治疗ADHD的辅助或者替代治疗手段之一;随机双盲法的安慰组的对照试验有待加强,它有助于克服目前研究方法上的缺陷与限制;对NF治疗ADHD的神经作用机制了解甚少,有待进一步深入研究;个性化的NF治疗与有效的综合治疗模式相结合是该研究和应用的主流方向.  相似文献   

注意缺陷多动障碍(attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,ADHD)儿童因不良的生活习惯、环境接触等因素引起的超重肥胖和营养缺乏等问题,使其产生了严重的健康隐患.本文从ADHD儿童共患肥胖的风险性和危害性,产生ADHD儿童超重肥胖的行为因素(饮食习惯和身体活动),以及ADHD共患肥胖的可能机制三个方面进行综述,并展望了将来研究的两个热点问题:一是与ADHD患儿相关的健康管理将逐渐得到患儿家庭和医务人员的重视作为治疗ADHD的辅助方法之一;二是相关研究将进一步阐释ADHD和肥胖共患的可能生理病理机制.该文旨在为积极改善ADHD患儿的营养缺乏状况和有效控制ADHD患儿超重肥胖的发生提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

注意缺陷多动障碍(attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,ADHD)儿童普遍存在营养缺乏的现象,营养补充逐渐成为一种除药物以外辅助治疗儿童注意缺陷多动障碍的方法 .本文主要综述必需脂肪酸、微量元素及其营养补充与ADHD相关性的研究成果,以探讨儿童营养缺乏与ADHD发病风险的相关性,以及营养补充辅助治疗ADHD的潜在优势.  相似文献   

In this study, the prevailing view that girls are pervasively more skilled in their friendships than boys was challenged by examining whether girls respond more negatively than boys when a friend violates core friendship expectations. Fourth- and fifth-grade children (n = 267) responded to vignettes depicting transgressions involving a friend's betrayal, unreliability, or failure to provide support or help. Results indicated that girls were more troubled by the transgressions, more strongly endorsed various types of negative relationship interpretations of the friend's actions, and reported more anger and sadness than did boys. Girls also endorsed revenge goals and aggressive strategies just as much as boys. These findings lead to a more complex view of boys' and girls' friendship competencies.  相似文献   

ADHD的症状非常复杂,并因其往往伴随其他障碍而引起广大研究者的兴趣。情感功能模型理论包括情感表达的技能、情感识别和评估以及情绪调节,总称为“情感能力”。以往研究主要是从多动症儿童的发病机制以及多动症的治疗和干预等方面进行,近年来国外开始关注多动症儿童情感能力的研究。文章综述了国内外多动症儿童情绪特征研究的重要成果,为国内学者进行多动症的相关研究开辟了新的视角。  相似文献   

160 secondary school teachers were administered questionnaires on attributions for success and failure in students familiar to them. Student profiles were obtained by a 2 (success or failure) x 2 (extreme or moderate grades) design. The list of attributions employs classic dimensions (internal/external), stable/unstable, controlable/non controlable) plus a new dimension (academic/non academic) shown to be relevant in two preliminary surveys. The results indicate an interaction between the two independent varables as a function of the internal/external dimension. Responses characterizing for success and failure reveal a specific dimension termed subject/object, that parallels the a-priori academic/non academic dimension.  相似文献   

The author presents the result of a quantitative survey as a part of a larger mixed-methods study conducted across two case study schools in urban Jamaica. It focuses on Black Caribbean boys' levels of educational aspirations in relation to their economic, social, and embodied cultural capital. The study utilizes Bourdieu's notions of capital, reconceptualized to match the sociocultural context of the research and set within a critical realist metatheoretical framework. Logistic regression models, supported by participants' narratives, show boys' educational aspirations to be highly predictable by their level of capital—including dispositional beliefs held through influence of the maternal family both locally and in the Jamaican diaspora of the United Kingdom, United States, and Canada.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between ethnicity and hyperactivity, an area largely neglected in research on hyperactivity. The assumption that hyperactivity is uniformly distributed across ethnic groups is challenged, based on a large (N = 1719) sample of white, black, and Mexican-American elementary school children. The Abbreviated Conners Teacher Rating Scale was used to identify the hyperactive group. Two important findings emerged. First, the 15% overall incidence rate is substantially higher than previously reported in the literature for large samples. Second, in those schools with nonwhite majorities, teachers rated black children as significantly more often hyperactive and Mexican-American children as significantly less often hyperactive than would be expected, based on their representation in the general student body. These findings are interpreted from a sociological perspective.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this study were to examine whether girls with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at increased risk of having histories of abuse and to assess whether the presence of an abuse history may constitute a distinct subgroup of youth with ADHD. METHOD: We examined rates and correlates of child abuse in an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse sample of girls with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; n=140) and a matched comparison sample of girls without ADHD (n=88), all aged 6-12 years. A thorough chart review reliably established documented rates of physical and sexual abuse in both samples. RESULTS: There were significantly higher rates of abuse for girls with ADHD (14.3%) than for the comparison sample (4.5%), with most of the abuse found in girls with the Combined as opposed to the Inattentive type. Higher rates of externalizing behaviors (including objective observations in a research summer camp) and peer rejection (indexed through peer sociometric nominations) characterized the subgroup of girls with ADHD with abuse histories compared to the subgroup without such histories, with moderate to large effect sizes. Subgroup differences regarding internalizing problems and cognitive deficits did not emerge. Findings regarding peer rejection were explained, in part, by higher rates of observed aggressive behavior in the abused subgroup. CONCLUSIONS: The findings raise important questions about the possible etiologic and/or exacerbating role of abusive trauma in a subgroup of children with ADHD.  相似文献   

《学理论教程》以作品、作家、世界、读等学活动的四要素作为全书的建构原则和编写体例,取得了学观念、研究视角、理论指向、学术视野等四个方面的突破,被誉为“换代”教材。但是,由于学四要素是一种共时性结构,四要素编写体例必然会偏重学活动过程的完整阐述,而失缺学理论作为艺学体系中基础性的分支的自觉而明确的方法论意识,消弱学理论指导学批评和学史的重要功能。  相似文献   

表扬与儿童失败后反应的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有关表扬的研究非常丰富,但对于表扬是否必然对儿童有积极影响这一问题,已有的研究结论并不一致.本文通过大量文献研究发现表扬与儿童失败后反应的关系:(1)个人表扬将儿童取得的好成绩归因于个人特质,过程表扬则将儿童取得的好成绩归因于解决问题的过程;(2)个人表扬更可能使儿童失败后表现出无助反应,而过程表扬更可能使儿童失败后表现出掌握取向反应.  相似文献   

Undergraduate subjects taught identifying traits of animals (fish, reptiles, amphibians, mammals) to a fifth grade student confederate over a microphone. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of four conditions in which they failed (F) or succeeded (S) in teaching five animal comparison problems. The four conditions were (a) F, S, S, S, S; (b) F, F, F, S, S; (c) S, F, F, F, S; and (d) S, S, S, F, S. The teaching sessions were tape recorded and analyzed for Teaching Time, Word Rate, and Voice Amplitude. Analyses revealed increased Teaching Time and decreased Word Rate following failure. Voice Amplitude increased across teaching sessions independent of success or failure. Findings were interpreted as more consonant with frustration-aggression than frustrative nonreward energizing theory.  相似文献   

林潇潇是福州三中 97届高中毕业生。在老师们的印象中 ,她相貌平平 ,性格文静 ,写作能力稍强 ,但总体学习成绩一般 ,是个容易被人淡忘的学生。 97年她参加高考 ,出人意料地落榜了。福州三中是省一级达标校 ,97年高考上重点大学分数线的毕业生约占毕业生总数 6 0 % ,本科以上近 90 %。于是潇潇在老师和同学们的心目中是个“失败者”。高考落榜后 ,在父母的劝说下 ,林潇潇参加了福州三中高考补习班学习 ,成了一名“高四”学生。经过艰苦的又一年的补习 ,98年林潇潇再次参加高考 ,成绩仍不理想 ,最后勉强挤进福建师范大学。经历两次残酷的高考 …  相似文献   

The effects of appetitive controllability on behavioral and cortisol reactivity to novelty in 12 infant rhesus monkeys were studied. Surrogate-peer-reared infants had homecage access to food treats contingently via lever pressing ("master") or noncontingently ("yoked") for 12 weeks from postnatal month 2. Masters lever-pressed more, but did not differ in baseline cortisol. At month 5, infants were exposed to a novel environment in social groups and individually. Masters were significantly more active and exhibited significantly lower cortisol reactivity to the novel environment, but only in the individual context. Also, individual differences in operant behavior were positively correlated with behavioral activity and negatively correlated with cortisol reactivity to the novel environment. The results reveal context-specific benefits of contingent stimulation in infancy.  相似文献   

体育的社会问题是一种必然的社会现象,如果不适时解决,它会严重损害体育运动的发展。本文对体育的社会问题进行了阐述,并运用社会控制理论对解决这些问题的方法和途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

多动症是儿童时期比较突出的问题行为。患儿表现出易分心、易激动、好冲动、坐立不安及攻击性行为较多等。如果不及时干预或干预方法不当,将可能会严重影响儿童将来的学业成绩及社会化过程。因此家长和教师有必要了解多动症的症状及表现特征,以利于采取适当的干预措施。  相似文献   

There has been an increasing interest within the academic literature on the role played by Higher Education Institutions in the social and economic development of their communities. The Australia Government has recently released its National Science and Innovation Agenda (NISA) which is designed to incentivise university-community research partnerships. In this article, the identified lack of Australian university-community engagement will be problematised through the experience of academics who undertook such an engagement in a regional university setting. A completed research project is used as a lens through which institutional factors impacting on collaborative projects between universities and their communities are identified. The difficulties of university-community engagement are unpacked and problematised so that the various forces contributing to the shortage of university-community partnerships can be better identified and understood. The unitary manner in which university-community research is to be reported under NISA is highlighted as a key barrier to regional research partnerships.  相似文献   

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