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Emotions are an integral component of all human activities, including human–computer interactions. This article reviews literature on the theories of emotions, methods for studying emotions, and their role in human information behaviour. It also examines current research on emotions in library and information science, information retrieval and human–computer interaction, and outlines some of the challenges and directions for future work.  相似文献   

The use of external knowledge for innovation (i.e., inbound or outside-in open innovation) has received substantial attention in the innovation literature. However, the “human side” of open innovation is still poorly understood. We consider the role of employee characteristics with respect to predicting firm-level openness. Drawing on the human capital, learning and creativity literatures, we theorize that knowledge diversity of the firm’s employees is positively associated with employees’ ability to identify and absorb external knowledge, which aggregates to increased firm-level openness—that is, firms’ use of external knowledge in their pursuit of innovation. Based on a combination of three data sources, namely, two survey data sources and register data, we find support for our hypothesis that employees’ educational diversity is positively associated with firm-level openness. However, we find no direct association between employees’ work history diversity and firm-level openness but rather—as also hypothesized—a conditional relationship based on educational background, which implies that diverse work history only has a positive impact at higher levels of educational diversity. To reduce endogeneity concerns, we undertake a series of robustness checks.  相似文献   

Given the crucial role of suppliers in collaborative supply chains, it is surprising that little attention has been paid to the nature and management of supplier relationships in the implementation of a retailer's Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy. To address this gap in the extant literature, the theory of organizational justice is used to explore the extent to which perceived fairness in buyer–supplier relationships supports or inhibits supplier engagement with the CRM process. The rationale is that suppliers who feel fairly treated by key retail customers are more likely to invest resources in the acquisition and use of data central to the retailer's CRM strategy. By empirically testing a conceptual model linking downstream CRM to upstream SRM, the results provide evidence to indicate that customer data use is significantly influenced by perceptions of fairness, particularly with respect to the distribution of rewards, and the transparency of decision-making processes. As a key criticism of CRM centers upon the failure of organizations to exploit the full potential of customer data, the results highlight the usefulness of understanding the relational linkages between buyers and suppliers and the consequential behavior of suppliers in terms of engagement with customer data vital to the success of retailers’ CRM strategies.  相似文献   

Most people agree that murder is wrong. Yet, within computer games virtual murder scarcely raises an eyebrow. In one respect this is hardly surprising, as no one is actually murdered within a computer game. A virtual murder, some might argue, is no more unethical than taking a pawn in a game of chess. However, if no actual children are abused in acts of virtual paedophilia (life-like simulations of the actual practice), does that mean we should disregard these acts with the same abandon we do virtual murder? In this paper I shall outline several arguments which attempt to permit virtual murder, whilst prohibiting virtual paedophilia.  相似文献   


As Australia and other countries seek to establish biotechnology industries, it is timely to review successes and failures in this field. One of the most notable stories is the development of penicillin, as a wartime project, to which Australians made major contributions. Australians during and immediately after the war contributed much to the scientific identification and purification of penicillin, and to the industrial scaling up in its production at the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories in Melbourne. This was a classic instance of war accelerating innovations in public administration. Yet the nascent antibiotic industry was never allowed to gain international competitiveness, and was allowed to run down and eventually disappeared by the end of the 1970s. This article is concerned to tease out the puzzle posed by this contrast in aspirations, between the highest levels of scientific and technical achievement in bringing penicillin into widespread use (Australia being the first country in the world to provide penicillin to the civilian population in 1944) and shockingly poor performance in sustaining and developing a national antibiotics industry. As the stirrings of a biotechnology industry may be observed in the first decade of the twenty‐first century, it would be unfortunate to ignore the lessons of this earlier experience at the birth of the biotechnology era.  相似文献   

In the era of autonomous systems, the security is indispensable module for flexible computing environment. Due to increased computer power and network speed, a new computing paradigm, such as cognitive inspired computing, will emerge. Such a paradigm provides human-centered services that are convenient and enjoyable at any time, anywhere, and on any device. On the foundation of smart city environment, human computer interaction, intelligent services, and universal device connectivity, Cyber Physical Computing for Cyber Physical systems has recently been investigated. However, in this proposal, a cognitive inspired framework for securing CPS is scrutinized. The cognitive ability is conceded to the search engines by updating the PageRank ranking methodology. The proposed framework, named SecureCPS is trained with real time collective dataset for marking the relevancy of web page with the support the facial expressions. The eye regions are marked using Focal Point Detector algorithm. The framework is validated with machine learning models and resulted in achieving 98.51% accuracy and its outperforms the existing frameworks.  相似文献   

Methods for assaying lysosomal diseases in dried blood samples are very useful today due to its several advantages related to the stability of samples, its transportation, handled and analysis, and its potential use for newborn screening compared to traditional methods in leucocytes samples. For this reason, it is important to validate these assays before being used in routine laboratory. Because of different in biological markers based on ethnicity, we aimed this study to validation a DBS-based fluorometric assay for measurement of α-l-Iduronidase activity for diagnosis of MPS I patients in Iran. DBS samples were collected from 15 MPS I patients and 60 healthy age matched subjects. Diagnostic value, biological variance and α-l-Iduronidase activity were determined. DBS α-l-Iduronidase activity was significantly higher in male subjects than in female group. Using a cut-off level of 1.08 µmol/spot 20 h, sensitivity and specificity were 100 and 98 %. The linearity of test was proved and we showed that within-run and between run precision were 5.6 and 14.66 %. Measurement of α-l-Iduronidase activity in DBS samples is an accurate test for diagnosis of MPS I and because of its rapid shipping and simplicity to keeping, DBS-based enzyme activity could be considered as a useful diagnostic tool in this disease.  相似文献   

The research on users as a source of innovation has been coming into blossom and the studies about the effect of users’ lead userness on their innovation-related activities are drawing more and more attention from both academic and business circles. However, there have been few empirical studies exploring the relationship between users’ lead userness and their innovation-related knowledge sharing behavior in the context of online user community and the mediating effects of users’ social capital and their perceived behavioral control on this relationship. By empirically analyzing the 140 data collected from an online user community that is used as an important source of innovation for a company with the structural equation modeling analysis through the partial least squares method, this study reveals that users’ lead userness has a positive relationship with their innovation-related knowledge sharing in the online user community and users’ social capital and perceived behavioral control jointly and fully mediate this positive relationship. Based on the new findings, this study is expected to provide useful implications which can contribute to widening and deepening the research stream about the effect of users’ lead userness on their innovation-related knowledge sharing in the online user community.  相似文献   

Coopetition, i.e., cooperation between competing actors, has become a pervasive strategy for innovative firms. The primary focus of studies investigating coopetition centers on inter-firm relationships, highlighting the benefits, limits and configurational patterns of cooperative relationships between competing firms. Only a small, emerging group of studies seeks to extend the concept to the intra-firm level, stressing the existence and effects of competition and cooperation between units that are part of the same organization. This paper contributes to this latter group by investigating the effects of internal coopetition on knowledge and innovation sharing and highlighting the fundamental role of knowledge brokers in managing the resulting tensions. Based on a qualitative case study of the video game publisher Ubisoft, we stress how the tensions raised by internal coopetitive settings limit knowledge sharing between units, and we analyze the mechanisms through which the knowledge broker helps to overcome these limits. We identify three main functions of this knowledge broker that allow the promotion of knowledge and innovation transfer to occur between coopeting units: (1) protecting the unit’s competitive advantage by introducing a lagging principle in the transfer process, (2) reducing sharing costs by standardizing innovative solutions, and (3) enhancing awareness of and trust in innovative solutions by centralizing knowledge diffusion.  相似文献   

The criminal practices of National Socialism not only led to millions of murders, but also to increased suicide rates. The present study examines a specific aspect of this phenomenon: the suicides and corresponding motives of 275 German doctors and dentists in the period from 1933 to 1949. The analysis is based on a wide variety of primary and secondary sources. Most suicides were due to National Socialist repression, with peaks in 1938 and 1942. One fifth of the cases were among National Socialist perpetrators, with a peak of those suicides occurring in 1945. The motives for suicide ranged from despair to a lack of career prospects to a final act of self-determination and political opposition; many of the doctors experienced or expected a social downfall before attempting suicide.  相似文献   

According to ongoing public discourse, the dental profession in Germany and Austria has found it rather difficult to come to terms with the National Socialist past. Against this background, this study focuses on the practice of awarding honorary memberships by German and Austrian dental societies in the years 1949–1993. In particular, it examines how previous memberships in the Nazi party or other Nazi organisations were handled. We identified a total of 86 honourees, 47 of whom (55 %) were members of the NSDAP during the Third Reich, whereas only two were of Jewish origin. This leads to two conclusions: (1) Previous involvement with Nazi organisations was obviously not a limiting factor in the selection of honourees, and (2) after 1945, the Jewish colleagues were marginalised for a second time—now by being largely overlooked. The reasons of both findings are analysed and contextualised.  相似文献   

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