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“希望广大海外学子秉持崇高理想”;“公立高中的孩子也可以进哈佛”;“吸引广大海外人才来华创新创业”  相似文献   

美国大学校园里的“读经热”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当下,国内一些中小学的读经活动开展得如火如荼。殊不知儒家典籍也漂洋过海走进了美国大学,在异国他乡的校园里掀起一股不小的“读经热”。“先有哈佛、后有美国”,在世界著名的哈佛大学,每年有将近1/4的学生在本科阶段选修中国的儒家伦理课程。哈佛大学东亚文化研究中心著名的  相似文献   

Q:首先,让我们欢迎哈佛医学院的杨玲博上。杨玲,您好,欢迎做客《海外英语》编辑部,先简要介绍一下您自己吧。  相似文献   

由高校校友海外联谊会和中国人民大学经济学院国际经济系联合主办的“中日双边东亚经济形势及前景研讨会”于1998年7月3—5日在中国人民大学举行。与会学者就东亚、东南亚金融危机的原因。前景,东亚金融危机对中国和世界经济的影响及对策,东亚主要国家经济形势及相关的经济热点问题进行了广泛、深人的探讨。一、关于东亚、东南亚金融危机的原因及性质中国社会科学院亚太所所长张蕴岭教授认为:这次东亚金融危机的诱发因素主要有四个方面:(1)资金太多:“亚洲奇迹”吸引大量资金流向东南亚和东亚,每年大约有1000亿美元的资金流入。日本…  相似文献   

正毕卓然,在大学期间,就是《大学生》杂志的校园记者。2002年在《大学生》杂志任英文版执行主编,主办全球高校访谈栏目,访问了哈佛、耶鲁、牛津、剑桥等全球著名高校校长。2005年创办了China Eduventure,致力于教育领域的投资与国际合作。2010年有感于国内教育中的问题,毅然放弃投资业务,专注于中西方比较教育研究,发起"海外教育行者  相似文献   

近日,慈善家洛克菲勒(David Rockefeller)向哈佛大学捐款l亿美元,创下美国大学校友捐赠的最高纪录。校方称,这笔巨款将用于扩展哈佛学生海外游学计划以及艺术教育。知名政策分析员Dan Greenberg认为,“对于哈佛来说,这笔捐款只是锦上添花。据统计,哈佛大学获得捐款已达到350亿美元,而且因为有精明的管理,该款项还以每年15%—20%的速度递增。  相似文献   

史华慈 (BenjaminI.Schwartz) ,美国当代著名中国学家。 1 91 6年 1 2月 2 1日诞生于美国麻州波士顿东部的一个犹太人家庭。 1 93 4年进哈佛大学深造 ,1 93 8年毕业。 1 940年入哈佛教育学院求学并获硕士学位。1 942年入伍参加世界反法西斯战争 ,9月到驻扎于华盛顿地区的美国通信兵情报部门工作。 1 945年委派到日本工作。 1 946年从部队服役归国。以老兵照顾故再度进哈佛深造 ,攻读博士学位 ,转向东亚和中国问题研究。 1 95 0年获博士学位。博士论文题目《中国共产主义和毛的崛起》。史华慈掌握语言有 1 2种 ,为英语、希…  相似文献   

是哈佛“铁面无情”,弃自己的学生于不顾,还是哈佛不通人情世故,竟将叱咤国际政坛的风云人物再度拒之门外教师管理,屡创制度1950年,即将毕业于哈佛并期望留校的基辛格,被哈佛拒之门外;1977年,卸任国务卿欲回哈佛做研究而不执教的基辛格,再度被哈佛“无情”拒绝。哈佛大学校长德里克·博克在庆祝哈佛大学建校350周年庆典上的讲话,“第二次世界大战摧毁了许多国家的高等教  相似文献   

杨忠孝 《上海教育》2012,(15):76-77
长期以来,我国一直在探索法律人才培养模式。其中,如何培养涉外法律人才被认为是法学教育院校难以克服的困难。华东政法大学进行了多样化的探索,包括自主设计涉外法律人才教学方案进行人才培养,派遣在读学生赴海外学习、实训,与海外名校合作举办学位项目等。同属东亚文化传统背景但采取普通法系教育的亚洲著名大学新加坡国立大学  相似文献   

杨忠孝 《上海教育》2012,(10):76-77
长期以来,我国一直在探索法律人才培养模式。其中,如何培养涉外法律人才被认为是法学教育院校难以克服的困难。华东政法大学进行了多样化的探索,包括自主设计涉外法律人才教学方案进行人才培养,派遣在读学生赴海外学习、实训,与海外名校合作举办学位项目等。同属东亚文化传统背景但采取普通法系教育的亚洲著名大学新加坡国立大学  相似文献   

东亚模式的争议与我见   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
东亚模式是否存在,是近年来特别是东亚金融危机后国内外学术界争议颇大的问题之一。本文认为,促进东亚经济腾飞的基本要素即东亚模式。东亚模式的基本特征可分经济、政治、文化三种类别,每一类模式中均有诸多不同于西方模式的特征。但与西方欧美成熟模式相比,东亚模式仍处于初期阶段,经金融危机考验后需要经过整合而成为第二代发展模式。不能用西方现代的模式标准来衡量东亚刚刚起步的模式。应从思维方式上抛弃历史唯心主义  相似文献   

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in Mathematics and Science Study are two highly respected studies of school pupils’ academic achievement. English policy-makers have been disappointed with school children’s performance on these tests, particularly in comparison to the strong results of young people from East Asia. In this paper, we provide new insight into the England–East Asia gap in school children’s mathematics skills. We do so by considering how cross-national differences in math test scores change between ages 10 and 16. Our results suggest that, although average math test scores are higher in East Asian countries, this achievement gap does not increase between ages 10 and 16. We thus conclude that reforming the secondary school system may not be the most effective way for England to ‘catch up’ with the East Asian nations in the PISA math rankings. Rather, earlier intervention, during pre-school and primary school, may be needed instead.  相似文献   

The importance of motivation in learning has been widely recognized. However, due to its multidimensional and complex nature, it appears difficult to synthesize research findings on motivation across studies. Heated debates about the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on learning and their interaction have been going on since the terms started to be used. Moreover, cultural difference acts as another crucial factor in the field. Using the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies 2003 eighth grade mathematics data, this study scrutinized the relationship between pleasure-oriented (intrinsic-related) and productivity-oriented (extrinsic-related) motivation and how they collectively affect students’ academic performance in East Asian education systems compared with those from Australia, England, The Netherlands, and the USA. The study found that both types of motivation contributed to East Asian students’ mathematics achievement in an additive fashion, whereas extrinsic-related motivation appeared to have a detrimental effect on their Western counterparts’ learning. Possible reasons were explored from a cultural perspective.  相似文献   

"二战"结束后,为了尽快实现工业化和赶超发达国家,刚刚摆脱西方大国殖民统治、实现民族独立的东亚各国在相似的历史文化条件下,依据本国国情形成了具有区域特色的"东亚发展模式"。在这一模式下,东亚创造了世界经济增长的奇迹。但该模式能为东亚国家经济、政治、社会、文化的可持续发展提供出路吗?因此,本文将以"依附论"为解释工具,对东亚经济发展模式的特点及成因进行比较深入的分析,并预测该模式的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

The study focused on learning difficulties experienced by East Asian International (EAI) students. Participants were 117 EAI students undertaking tertiary study at a major university, all were surveyed and 21 students were interviewed. The findings suggest that language limitations, academic content and learning styles were associated with difficulties in their learning. Difficulties with academic content appeared to act as the major barrier to their academic performance rather than English language. This is contrary to earlier findings, where Asian students often experienced difficulties in tasks that are particularly related to language proficiency. The study also contradicted the popular belief that Asian students are only surface learners.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the adjustment of East Asian Master’s level students who came to study at a campus-based university in the UK during 2004–05. International students face challenges in respect to language proficiency, academic expectations and social participation. In this longitudinal study the experiences of a group of students from East Asian countries were surveyed, with a sample of eight students from five countries tracked through regular interviews. The paper describes the level of satisfaction that students experienced and the challenges they faced. It was found that students largely enjoyed their sojourn and achieved satisfactory levels of academic success. They encountered ‘culture bumps’ rather than culture shock. Adjustment was facilitated by adequate preparation, appropriate academic attainment and satisfying levels of social participation with other international students. It is suggested that these students were experiencing an ‘international postgraduate student culture’ rather than integration into local culture.  相似文献   


In studies of academic resilience, researchers seek to identify factors that protect against adverse effects caused by risk and stress, and which ultimately assist students to be academically successful. However, because relatively few studies are conducted in Asian settings, Western-based research may have limited application for policy and prevention in the Asian context. It is therefore important to expand the context and culture in which resilience research takes place. This paper highlights academic resilience factors among Asian students that are located in the multiple levels of the social ecology (including individual, peers, family and school). This is consistent with results from the Western context. However, it also reports on some differences in academic resilience factors that are found both within Asian countries and between Asian and Western countries. From these results, we might thus conclude that alongside pan-human factors, Asian students’ academic success can also be considered in part due to uniquely Asian attributes. This reaffirms the importance of considering culture and national context in studies of academic resilience. Taken as a whole, this collection of papers showcases multiple approaches to building academic resilience and empowering students and their educators and caregivers across the Asian region.  相似文献   

对日本自由贸易政策的评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来日本坚持参与关贸总协定和世界贸易组织的多边谈判,却不愿意参与地区优惠协定。但近年来日本开始改变政策,致力于与东亚国家建立自由贸易区。这一变化的原因主要在于国际上有被边缘化的压力,以及国内经济改革的期望,东亚政治战略考虑以及美国政策变化等。日本参与东亚自由贸易区的道路将极其困难,主要的阻力将来自于日本国内以及与东亚国家政治关系的困扰。  相似文献   

自罗伯特·蒙代尔提出最优货币区理论以来,有关货币区的理论得到了极大的发展。根据这一理论,东亚货币合作的必要性是显而易见的,但在选择其目标与路径时,必须进行系统的分析。通过对相关因素的剖析以及欧元区的比较研究后可以发现,东亚货币合作大致上应该经历四个阶段的发展,最终实现以"钉住固定汇率制"为基础的东亚货币合作区;东亚货币区合理的货币锚不应是美元或欧元,而可能是人民币或日元,亦或是人民币与日元的某种结合。  相似文献   

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