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Over time my teaching role has evolved into one of facilitating adult learning. Recent studies that I have undertaken in higher education have met a felt need for further critical reflection on this approach. The discovery, through discussion and reading, of a language that enables me to conceptualise and investigate issues in teaching and learning has been a major part of this process, as has peer supervision. Engaging in this process in turn has encouraged continuing reflection in and on my practice.

My teaching area is theology, which involves critical reflection on experience and practice, and this has deeply influenced the way in which my teaching role has developed. Shared reflection in class interrelates with personal reflection, and has the potential to promote ongoing or lifelong learning. The facilitator's role in this setting combines caring and challenge, with the possibility of conflict management as well. It is hoped that aspects of my experience and practice in facilitating reflection in theology will be seen to have relevance to other areas of teaching.  相似文献   

对于引导学生自主学习的教学方法进行了初步的探索,分析了实现自主学习学生应具备的能力,介绍了德国Oskar-Von-Miller学校为学生提供的自主学习平台,并对如何引导学生自主学习进行了研究,提出了引导学生自主学习的教学方法。  相似文献   

对卢卡奇与黑格尔关于辩证法和经济的关系的分析,可以清晰地看到他所实现的由前期的哲学人类学向后期的社会学的转向,这其中马克思起了重要的作用,其原因是在卢卡奇所称的学徒期间,对政治经济学的大量研究,打破了其原本的先验人类学路径,从而促进了其现实批判的形成。马克思对黑格尔辩证法的批判改造显然对卢卡奇有了立场上面的改变,虽然马克思仍然强调黑格尔辩证法的重要性,但是已经不被他的体系所束缚,而是灵活地运用到现实的批判中来,而这点恰恰是卢卡奇所要继承的。从黑格尔的辩证法到马克思的辩证法,这个认识上的转变的意义就在于,卢卡奇把黑格尔的思辨的过程转化为历史现实的运动过程,这个历史过程当然也包括人的非理性的意志和情感,这些都是在社会过程之中存在的。  相似文献   

The decentralisation of educational administration has been widely advocated as a strategy to promote local participation in education. However, the fact that this advocacy has a long history raises the question why decentralisation has not been achieved in more educational systems. The answers to this question are many and complex. Among them are difficulties with the implementation of reforms. The present study examines some of these difficulties in Kerala State, India. It determines that although Kerala has a strong reputation for political participation, the rhetoric of decentralisation in the educational sector has not matched the reality there. The lessons to be learned in this context have wide implications for the theory and practice of decentralisation in education.  相似文献   

The decentralisation of educational administration has been widely advocated as a strategy to promote local participation in education. However, the fact that this advocacy has a long history raises the question why decentralisation has not been achieved in more educational systems. The answers to this question are many and complex. Among them are difficulties with the implementation of reforms. The present study examines some of these difficulties in Kerala State, India. It determines that although Kerala has a strong reputation for political participation, the rhetoric of decentralisation in the educational sector has not matched the reality there. The lessons to be learned in this context have wide implications for the theory and practice of decentralisation in education.  相似文献   

高职院校国际贸易实务专业实训基地的建设和运营是该专业实践教学的重要工作。湖州职业技术学院国际贸易实务专业建立的实训基地,其模式称之为"引进来、走出去"。本文介绍了该校实训基地的建立和运作,并在此实训体系的平台上开展和实施了有关实践能力教学改革项目,取得良好教学效果。  相似文献   

大学生的心理问题大多与其心身疾病相联系.目前,高校越来越重视心理咨询在大学生心理问题中的干预作用,但是高校医院医务人员对心理干预的作用还认识不足、重视不够、研究不多.通过对大学生心身疾病的分析,探讨大学生心身疾病的医学治疗与心理干预相结合的策略与路径,以及时发现、治疗大学生心身疾病,减少高校由学生心理问题引发的危机事件的发生.  相似文献   

研究了泥炭有机质含量的测定方法 ,并对陕西勉县泥炭中有机质含量进行了测定 .研究结果表明 :该方法简便可行 ,并证明陕西勉县山区的泥炭具有开发利用价值 .  相似文献   

文章以成都市三圣乡为例,在文献分析的基础上,构建乡村旅游服务质量和游客忠诚关系概念模型,提出乡村旅游服务质量和游客忠诚关系的九个假设,并对模型和假设进行实证检验。数据分析结果表明:乡村旅游服务的技术质量对认知忠诚有显著的正向影响;功能质量对认知忠诚有显著的正向影响;技术质量对行为忠诚、情感忠诚的影响均不显著;功能质量对情感忠诚、行为忠诚的影响并不显著;同时认知忠诚对情感忠诚有显著的正向影响,认知忠诚对行为忠诚有显著的正向影响,情感忠诚对行为忠诚有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

文章以国家教育方针和重要政策文件为指导,结合学校体育教学和体育工作的重大问题,对学校群体工作进行了系统改革,构建了"一二三"模式,有效地解决了高校体育教学和群体体育活动存在的主要问题,在普通高校有广泛的适用性和推广价值。  相似文献   


Distance teaching is used extensively in introducing information technology (IT), and, in its turn, has entered a new generation of distance teaching by using this IT in its work. In Denmark this new situation has been studied and a course has been developed. The article looks at this course and its organizational and technical set‐up.  相似文献   

在日本国家创新体系中,官产学合作模式是促使其实现三重螺旋相乘效应的重要机制。在日本政府为主导的官方机构引导下,高校和企业进行了广泛的产学合作,在合作层次、效率、成效方面效果显著。研究日本政府、企业、高校在官产学模式中的角色定位对我国借鉴学习经验,明确职能角色具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过深入分析高职高专会计人才培育现状和当前人才市场需求及会计职业岗位要求相脱离的现象,提出了高职高专会计教育改革的一些建议。  相似文献   

课外补习在一些国家已存在很长时间,俨然成为主流学校教育的"影子".近20年来国外已经对课外补习做了大量的实证研究.课外补习的分布、规模、科目、强度、影响因素与政府政策等方面都具有鲜明的特点,它对教育、经济和社会都产生了广泛的影响.这对我国的教育政策制定和教育研究具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Over recent years the findings of a number of quantitative research studies have been published in the UK on gender and achievement. Much of this work has emanated from Stephen Gorard and his colleagues and has not only been highly critical of existing approaches to handling quantitative data but has also suggested a number of alternative and, what they claim to be, more valid ways of measuring differential patterns of achievement and underachievement between groups. This article shows how much of this work has been based upon rather under‐developed measures of achievement and underachievement that tend, in turn, to generate a number of misleading findings that have questionable implications for practice. It will be argued that this body of work provides a useful case study in the problems of quantitative research that fails to engage adequately with the substantive theoretical and empirical literature and considers some of the implications of this for future research in this area.  相似文献   

根据创新能力的内涵,探讨了学生创新能力培养的课堂教学要素,并在实验中通过测评分析,取得了显著的效果。  相似文献   

A great deal of research has been conducted regarding leadership and change. The impact of this research has not been limited to academe, but rather, government policy in different jurisdictions has been directly impacted by developments into collegial forms of leadership. While the positive correlation between leadership and change has been widely acknowledged, this article argues that a disconnect has emerged between the theory and practice signifying that the efficacy of change remains hampered by structural constraints and subjective factors that result in unpredicted outcomes. To explore this thesis, the fundamentals of educational leadership theory, our ability (or inability) to manage change and an analysis of the difficulties faced by leaders as they move from theory to praxis are examined.  相似文献   

探讨了在理工科高等数学教学实践中渗透数学建模思想、方法,从而推动高等数学教学改革,突出应用特色,强化教学效果.阐述了以此为切入点对培养学生创新能力和提高专业素质的重要性,同时提出了一些在教学实践过程中的建议和具体做法.  相似文献   

劳动教养制度是一项极具中国特色的制度,它的独特之处就在于直接映射出了刑事政策理念的悄然转变,刑事政策理念的转变又不可避免地将该制度的生存推向难以为继的尴尬境地。随着我国刑事政策理念的转变,这种制度的许多难以解决的诟病日益凸显,其与法治背景的对立使之必须面对一场深刻的变革。  相似文献   

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