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P. Papon 《Research Policy》1973,2(3):226-245
Scientific research has gradually been included in the French Plans after World War II. The relative dispersion of centres of decisions for matters of science policy has been a strong motivation for all the attempts towards coordination of science policy in France but after 20 years of planning of R & D, it appears that this process of coordination is in fact very weak. Furthermore the financial difficulties for implementing the two last plans for R & D have considerably weakened the credibility of the planning process itself. The question is now: how important now is research planning in the French science policy?  相似文献   

 现代科学技术生产方式的新特点和公共治理理念的新变革要求改变传统的以“统治”为核心的科学宏观管理模式,走向以“治理”为核心的新管理模式。在科学治理中,科学共同体作为谋求特定利益的科学家组成的社会团体,具有组织性、地方性、民间性、科学性等特征,是科学治理的重要参加者和学术权威,在科学评价、决策咨询、科学传播等领域发挥着更加重要的作用。  相似文献   

Erik Rupp 《Research Policy》1976,5(4):398-412
The ‘Rationalisierungskuratorium der Deutschen Wirtschaft’ (RKW) is a German management institute and productivity centre. The RKW analyses and promotes rationalisation measures, assists mainly small- and medium-sized enterprises in the rationalisation of firms and plants, and supports adaptation, cooperation and expansion efforts, as well as the introduction of new processess and products.RKW services — provided by the central office in Frankfurt a.M. and the regional centres in the Länder — are not so much dependent on progress in the fields of science, research and technology, but rather on the analysis and determination of short-term and long-term development trends and of the demand situation of companies and branches of industry, and on the transfer into practice of new knowledge pertaining to rationalisation.The main instruments of the services of the RKW are consulting operations on selected problems of individual enterprises in connection with work in the fields of information, documentation, management training, inplant training, and systematic performance control. The horizontal and vertical organisation and coordination of these measures are an example for integrated technology transfer where scientific and technical knowledge, products, and inventions are not only transferred in a onw-way process from science into the economy but where, through organisational changes in connection with supporting and integrating measures, both areas interact with each other. In this respect the RKW differs from other institutions such as the National Research Development Corporation in the UK or the NASA Technology Utilization Program in the USA.  相似文献   

Sweden's technological development based on big science supporting high politics is turning to more welfare-oriented technologies. The tension between the university reform performed by an inward-looking government and industrial innovation carried out by an outward-looking business community is discussed.The paper covers the time span of the quiet postwar years, the attempt to institutionalize science policy in the 1960's and the sectoral approach to science and technology advocated in the 1970's. The implications of the polarization of science policy between the government and the technological community at a time of European integration is discussed.  相似文献   

尹雪慧  李正风 《科学学研究》2012,30(10):1449-1453
随着社会知识化进程的不断推进,公共政策制定越来越需要科学和技术专业知识的支持,科学发现和技术发展对政策的影响已经形成一个独特的问题域,科学顾问成为当代政策制定过程中有重要影响的社会角色。然而,随着科学的客观性和知识的确定性被打破,专业知识和科学顾问对决策的指导作用也受到了质疑和挑战。本文认为,决策情境中事实判断和价值判断的相互纠缠和相互冲突,科学探究中认知真理性与政治决策中价值合理性可能出现的摩擦,导致了科学顾问的身份困境。本文将分析这一困境出现的原因,探讨科学顾问角色的新内涵,以进一步理解专业知识和科学家在决策中的独特作用及其限度。  相似文献   

基于对专业知识的强烈需求,公共决策越来越需要熟悉科技发展趋势、懂得科技运行规律的科学家提供专家咨询,科学家和科技智库得以广泛而深入地介入决策过程。在系统梳理国内外关于科学与政治的关系、科学家和科技智库在公共决策中的角色与作用、科学家和科技智库开展决策咨询的制度和程序研究的基础上,提出推动科学家及科技智库有效开展决策咨询工作的建议:保持科学家及科技智库的独立性以提升决策咨询质量,增加科学家及科技智库与公众的互动以提升决策咨询水平,完善科技智库运行管理机制以提升决策咨询能力。  相似文献   

As the costs of certain types of scientific research have escalated and as growth rates in overall national science budgets have declined, so the need for an explicit science policy has grown more urgent. In order to establish priorities between research groups competing for scarce funds, one of the most important pieces of information needed by science policy-makers is an assessment of those groups' recent scientific performance. This paper suggests a method for evaluating that performance.After reviewing the literature on scientific assessment, we argue that, while there are no simple measures of the contributions to scientific knowledge made by scientists, there are a number of ‘partial indicators’ — that is, variables determined partly by the magnitude of the particular contributions, and partly by ‘other factors’. If the partial indicators are to yield reliable results, then the influence of these ‘other factors’ must be minimised. This is the aim of the method of ‘converging partial indicators’ proposed in this paper. We argue that the method overcomes many of the problems encountered in previous work on scientific assessment by incorporating the following elements: (1) the indicators are applied to research groups rather than individual scientists; (2) the indicators based on citations are seen as reflecting the impact, rather than the quality or importance, of the research work; (3) a range of indicators are employed, each of which focusses on different aspects of a group's performance; (4) the indicators are applied to matched groups, comparing ‘like’ with ‘like’ as far as possible; (5) because of the imperfect or partial nature of the indicators, only in those cases where they yield convergent results can it be assumed that the influence of the ‘other factors’ has been kept relatively small (i.e. the matching of the groups has been largely successful), and that the indicators therefore provide a reasonably reliable estimate of the contribution to scientific progress made by different research groups.In an empirical study of four radio astronomy observatories, the method of converging partial indicators is tested, and several of the indicators (publications per researcher, citations per paper, numbers of highly cited papers, and peer evaluation) are found to give fairly consistent results. The results are of relevance to two questions: (a) can basic research be assessed? (b) more specifically, can significant differences in the research performance of radio astronomy centres be identified? We would maintain that the evidence presented in this paper is sufficient to justify a positive answer to both these questions, and hence to show that the method of converging partial indicators can yield information useful to science policy-makers.  相似文献   

科学传播中公众参与科学的民主模型是通过政治想象翻译成协商民主来实现的。过去二十年中,虽然公众参与科学无论在理论还是实践上都取得了巨大成就,但也面临着与公共政策中决策科学化与民主化相同的两难困境,使公众参与科学流于表面。这一困境产生的原因在于缺乏自我反省的体制化科学异化公众,进而导致在协商过程中科学家与公众政治地位不平等。实际上,科学家与公众拥有不同类型的知识,关注科学风险的不同维度。通过知识的劳动分工,公众负责决定目标,科学家负责实现目标,可以走向真正有效的公众参与科学。  相似文献   

穆荣平  廖原  池康伟 《科研管理》2022,43(10):160-171
准确把握杰出科学家成长规律是科技创新人才政策制定前瞻性和针对性的重要保障。综合使用统计分析、比较分析、文献研究等方法组合对1901—2021年诺贝尔科学奖得主和中国科学院院士群体的成长规律进行深入分析,研究发现:(1)杰出科学家做出重大成果的时间集中在35~45岁,其重大科学贡献获得学术界认可的平均年龄在57~58岁,其中,诺贝尔科学奖得主的平均获奖年龄呈现上升趋势,而中国科学院院士的平均当选年龄呈现下降趋势;(2)化学、生命科学和医学领域重大成就获得认可的时间相对较短,物理学等领域重大成就获得认可的时间相对较长;(3)杰出科学家通常拥有良好的科学教育背景,并在世界一流的学术研究平台进行过高水平的科研工作和学术交流,在一流的学术环境中成长起来;(4)杰出科学家的涌现表现出较强的群落效应和明显的师承关系,师承关系是杰出科学家成长的重要因素,师从名家可以有效促进科学家成长。基于上述研究结论,本文对杰出科学家支持政策和青年科技创新人才政策制定提出了两点政策启示。  相似文献   

The history of science is more than the history of scientists. This essay argues that various modem "publics" should be counted as belonging within an enlarged vision of who constitutes the "scientific community"--and describes how the history of science could be important for understanding their experiences. It gives three examples of how natural knowledge-making happens in vernacular contexts: Victorian Britain's publishing experiments in "popular science" as effective literary strategies for communicating to lay and specialist readers; twentieth-century American science museums as important and contested sites for conveying both scientific ideas and ideas about scientific practice; and contemporary mass-mediated images of the "ideal" scientist as providing counternarratives to received professional scientific norms. Finally, it suggests how humanistic knowledge might help both scientists and historians grapple more effectively with contemporary challenges presented by science in public spheres. By studying the making and elaboration of scientific knowledge within popular culture, historians of science can provide substantively grounded insights into the relations between the public and professionals.  相似文献   

尚智丛 《科研管理》2005,26(3):22-30
通过对Engineering Village 2的Compendex数据库的调研发现,尽管我国在计算机科学与工程领域总体上可以追随国际发展趋势,但存在严重缺陷。其一是我国科学家在各子领域内严重缺少影响力。其二是我国科学家在各子领域中未形成良好的权威结构。众多科学家研究焦点转换过于频繁,难以形成持续成果与持续的科学影响。弥补缺陷的有效措施是:加强科研投资及其有效使用率,健全科研项目评估体系与科研资金审计制度;推动科学共同体建设,鼓励科学家自由流动。  相似文献   

很多科技发达国家都将科学传播作为重大科研项目的有机组成部分,促进公众对科研项目的了解。欧盟框架计划主要通过两种途径来增进基础研究与科学传播的结合:设置独立的科学传播板块和在非科学传播项目中嵌入科学传播内容。本研究通过对欧盟框架计划项目中科学传播的政策分析,希望能够为中国重大科研项目中开展科学传播工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In an advanced country, the scientific community is large enough to permit differentiation, with sufficient members in each special field to permit complex interaction with each other, and sufficiently different from each other to be able to stimulate each other. …It has its own system of communicating and assessing the results of research and analysis. …It has its own circles of face-to-face interaction and inter-individual communication. …It is linked with other scientific communities across political boundaries by personal contact (emphasis added) by mutual appreciation and by public communication and formal association.…In the underdeveloped countries scientists are relatively few in number.… They suffer isolation from each other.… They are in danger…of losing contacts with their colleagues in the international scientific community.… They are in brief not fully-fledged members of the scientific community and their work suffers accordingly. [7]  相似文献   

University research centers have been institutionalized as a part of the science policy repertoire committed to strategic use of science and technology. Based on a representative sample of academic scientists and engineers in American research universities, this study investigates the selection dynamics, attempting to unfold the determinants of department-affiliated faculty members to be center affiliates. The findings suggest that university research centers select their affiliates on the basis of individual scientific and technical human capital. Scientists from prestigious departments are more likely to be center affiliates, so are prolific scientists, former postdoctoral scholars and the elder cohorts. In the meantime, university research centers are able to overcome the incentive incongruity with academic departments, as is evidenced by a higher likelihood among junior scientists to secure center connections. Dedicated to diversity and equity, university research centers provide a level playing field for women, minority and foreign-born scientists. The study concludes with a discussion of the scientific and technical human capital theory and policy implications in the science enterprise.  相似文献   

国际科学合作研究状况综述/FONT   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谢彩霞 《科研管理》2008,29(3):179-186
随着科学的迅速发展,科学研究中的合作关系日益成为影响科学生产能力发挥的巨大力量,引起越来越多的科学家以及科技管理人士的关注,对科学合作的研究也在逐渐深入。本文对国际科学合作的研究进展作以综述,以期发现科学合作活动的规律,为提高科学研究绩效提供信息。  相似文献   

以河南省为例,对科技主管部门官网78条科技政策进行质性研究,通过关键词共词网络分析发现,高端科技人才是政策关注的焦点。高端科技人才具体包括高层次人才和高技能人才,政策重视对这两类人才的培育和使用。科技人才政策焦点既体现当前科技发展的特点,也反映科技人力资源的现实矛盾,未来政策改进应更加重视政策体系的完善行、耦合性和操作性。  相似文献   

当代国际科学学主流学术群体及其代表人物   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用信息可视化技术等新兴科学计量学方法,对1995年至2004年国际科学学领域论文高被引频次前50名作者进行分析,绘制出科学学主流学术群体及其代表人物的知识图谱。该图谱形象地显示出这些高影响力作者在当代国际科学学主流领域,形成了科技管理与政策、情报学与信息检索、科学知识图谱与信息可视化、网络计量学、科学社会学与科学知识社会学、科学计量学理论与科研评价等前沿分支学科的6个学术群体。成为这些前沿学科与主流群体的代表人物。他们为开创或发展当代科学学主流分支学科做出了突出贡献,产生了巨大影响,值得我国科学学界密切关注。  相似文献   

智强  杨英 《科研管理》2014,35(5):118-127
通过研究过去三十年间科学家在我国三大国家科技计划——支撑计划、863计划、973计划政策过程中的作用变迁,本文从自治水平和权力授予两个维度区分了决策过程中科学家的六种角色。研究采用量化描述与案例分析相结合的方法,揭示了科技计划决策中的科学家角色变迁,并解释国家科技战略、科学家角色及科技计划产出之间的互动关系。研究发现,国家战略重点转变中的增量部分影响了行政部门在决策结构上对科学家角色的调整,并得到了科技计划产出的快速相应。这种变化在响应增量的同时却在一定程度上忽略了长期目标。本文最后提出了我国创新驱动战略下完善科技计划决策机制的政策建议。  相似文献   

The paper presents some findings of a study which surveyed the political attitudes and involvement of American scientists.We found an unambiguous rank ordering based on political orientation among the various subgroups of scientists. The greater the scientists' identification with basic science and the university, the greater the liberalism. However, the claim that scientific elites are more liberal than the rank-and-file and that physicists are the most liberal among natural scientists was not substantiated.The fear that a scientific-technological elite might become a dominant political elite was not reflected in the thinking of a large majority of our 1205 respondents. A majority expressed reservations about the skill and knowledge of the citizenry to understand and resolve the increasingly complex problems of our society, recognize that a separation of science and politics is not attainable or even desireable, but remain somewhat uneasy with the new situation in which their work has become so enmeshed with policy concerns.The traditional norm system of science continues to receive substantial support and takes precedence over either the concern about the social consequences of certain types of “dangerous” knowledge, or the costs that heavy investments in basic science involve. We find that scientists are largely prepared to sacrifice the norm of communality at the altar of nationalism. The clash between an internal ideology of science that values disinterested search for knowledge and an external ideology of society which focuses on utility presents a continuing dilemma.  相似文献   

We examine the incident known as “Climategate” in which emails and other documents relating to climate scientists and their work were illegitimately accessed and posted to the Internet. The contents of the files prompted questions about the credibility of climate science and the legitimacy of some of the climate scientists’ practices. Multiple investigations unfolded to repair the boundary that had been breached. While exonerating the scientists of wrongdoing and endorsing the legitimacy of the consensus opinion, the investigating committees suggested revisions to some scientific practices. Despite this boundary repair work, the credibility and legitimacy of the scientific enterprise were not fully restored in the eyes of several stakeholders. We explore why this is the case, identify boundary bridging approaches to address these issues, and highlight policy implications.  相似文献   

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