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基于设计的研究:教育技术学研究的新取向   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
在简要介绍基于设计的研究的定义、目的与特征的基础上,讨论了其方法与过程,分析了与其他研究模式之间的区别与联系,通过国外4个案例的分析,总结基于设计的研究共同特征,并对其面临的挑战与未来的走向进行了剖析与预测。  相似文献   

本文首先简要介绍菲律宾的教育制度以及远程教育的历史发展,然后讨论菲律宾大学开放大学(简称菲律宾开放大学)在菲律宾远程教育中所起的作用、大学的学术课程、学生支持服务、课程发展、与其他机构的合作、全国性学习中心网络以及导师制.文章最后总结了菲律宾开放大学在过去十年发展中的经验.  相似文献   

基于数字化校园的大学教育模式改革研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从近年来国内外高校纷纷进行数字化建设的动向入手,分析了产生数字化校园的内部因素,外部压力以及信息技术如何融于教育的各个环节这一现象,详细地比较了校园计算与传统的教育模式的根本性性差异,并就如何抓住发展机会,迎接信息技术给我们带来的挑战,积极主动开展校园数字化建设提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

关于高校教育技术深入发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了要使高校教育技术深入发展,必须更新观念,以教育技术的新定义恰当定位高校教育技术机构,理顺关系,加强教育技术队伍建设,提高广大教师的教育技术水平,重视理论与实践的研究,以科研工作为纽带,带动各项工作的发展。  相似文献   

办好开放大学是我国建设学习型社会的重要战略,国际开放大学的办学理念、组织架构以及办学成功要素,为新时期我国开放大学的办学提供了有价值的借鉴和参考。我国开放大学总体架构设计,应着力于确定符合社会经济发展需求的办学定位,采用开放灵活的办学模式和认证制度,努力达到高质量的学术水平,开发与办学模式相适应的优质学习材料,为学习者提供全面的个性化学习支持服务,积极推动新技术在教育教学中的应用,开展广泛的社会合作。  相似文献   

蔡敏 《教师教育研究》2002,14(3):34-38,60
教育评价专业化是提高评价质量和信誉的有效途径 ,也是学科发展成熟的标志。它集中体现在评价理论体系的完善 ,实施过程的严谨 ,评价行为的规范。要使教育评价在新世纪我国教育改革与发展中发挥更大作用 ,必须加快专业化建设进程。可以采取开展评价理论研究、培训专业人员、发展评价中介机构和建立评价质量监督机制等措施来达到这一目的。  相似文献   

Society requires that the engineer is thoroughly immersed in his field of technology at the time of graduation, even if such specialisation is necessarily narrow. In order to provide him with broader skills and with a background that does not swiftly become outdated, a set of systems subjects (systems theory, control engineering, etc.) is recommended as part of his curriculum. These subjects have a lasting relevance to practical application and can be combined successfully with studies of any kind of technology. There does not seem to be much space for a wide interdisciplinarity in the basic engineering exam, but since many engineers are involved with interdisciplinary problems in industry, a multidisciplinary team consisting of graduates of differing backgrounds provides efficient later training which may be supported by supplementary education given by non-academic institutions. Scientific, interdisciplinary research in universities is found to be especially fruitful, and experiences of a related research project are summarised as an example.  相似文献   

在大学开展多媒体计算机辅助教学的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐释多媒体计算机辅助教育(MCAI)含义及其优越性;分析大学学习的特点;指出在大学开展MCAI活动的价值和依据,并概述MCAI软件的制作要领;总结了在大学开展MCAI的意义  相似文献   

中央电大的“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”,对法学专业人才培养的目标有了更高的要求,并且在教育手段、教育技术上与传统的电大教学有了很大不同,相对应的是对我们广大法学教师在综合素质上有了更高的要求。本文主要运用教育学、心理学的有关原理,重点对开放教育模式下法学教师的实践素质、驾驭网络技术进行导学的素质等进行了分析。  相似文献   


Conventional assumptions about how children should be brought up seem no longer tenable in the face of recent trends. Yet policy makers and professionals as well as parents of young children must establish criteria for judging the boundaries of adequacy. Identifying children's needs is one commonly used strategy, which appears both objective and authoritative. But this is deceptive. ‘Need’ statements project decision criteria on to children, and disguise complex implicit assumptions. Four different bases for identifying children's needs can be distinguished. They can be thought of as reflecting: basic qualities of human nature; prerequisites for mental health; processes of cultural adaptation; or conformity with dominant social values. A more explicit specification of the empirical and evaluative basis of judgments about early child rearing is called for.  相似文献   

分析了我们的素质教育这个词语,它隐藏的同义反复毛病及其在实践上的模糊性;之后,推荐使用另外一个词语,教育的素质。文章认为,新词所关注的,显然就是提高教育质量的核心问题。全文的要旨在于说明,欲使我们的教育质量提高,首先要从影响特别是主导教育的群体自身开始,即改进教育的素质。这是提高教育质量进而提高全民族素质的关键。  相似文献   

Design research is strongly associated with the learning sciences community, and in the 2 decades since its conception it has become broadly accepted. Yet within and without the learning sciences there remains confusion about how to do design research, with most scholarship on the approach describing what it is rather than how to do it. This article describes a technique for mapping conjectures through a learning environment design, distinguishing conjectures about how the design should function from theoretical conjectures that explain how that function produces intended outcomes.  相似文献   

大学权力与质量之间的契约关联,赋予了大学行政与学术的责任承担,确认了大学权力不是一种权利福利而是一种质量义务。一般而言,完善的契约约束是大学质量持续提高的制度保障。为此,大学应该不断加大权力资源投入,合理配置大学决策权力和行政权力,不断完善权力契约机制,以质量特色和机制活力确保高等教育质量稳步提升。  相似文献   


‘Sophomoritis’ is identified as a period of adolescent development concerned primarily with raising all kinds of moral questions but also doubting all answers. It is suggested that this questioning often manifests itself in the form of uncritical relativism and naive egoism, and that it is potentially dangerous in that it is elevated to the status of an absolute external moral authority instead of a means to restructuring a new form of moral judgment. Criticism is leveled at educational institutions for implicitly supporting sophomoritis, particularly through ‘Introductory Ethics’ courses. A proposal is made for a course which instead utilizes the students’ natural development, together with the conceptual perspectives of moral philosophy, to stimulate development towards a principled form of moral autonomy.  相似文献   

运用现代教育技术手段提高教学质量,是发展远程开放教育的基本保证。学员在学习理论知识的同时,还需掌握现代教育技术,突破时间和地域的限制,学会学习。  相似文献   

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