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采用实时荧光定量PCR和高效液相色谱技术对太湖南泉水域2009年5月至12月产毒微囊藻的环境丰度及其微囊藻毒素-LR产毒能力进行研究,并监测水质和富营养化程度.研究结果表明:南泉水域的水污染程度与富营养化程度均为中度;5月至11月蓝藻密度均超过水华的阈值;5月至10月产毒微囊藻的环境丰度均高于40%,随着温度的降低,产毒微囊藻的环境丰度迅速降低并在12月降到了5.66%;5月至12月产毒微囊藻的微囊藻毒素-LR产毒能力为1.661~9.293μg/亿细胞.11月至12月随着水温和藻密度的急速下降,产毒微囊藻的微囊藻毒素-LR产毒能力显著增强.结果提示太湖南泉水域全年大部分时间存在水华,产毒微囊藻为其优势藻,产毒微囊藻的环境丰度及其微囊藻毒素-LR产毒能力的动态变化和水温密切相关.冬季产毒微囊藻产毒能力的显著增强也提示在水华和非水华期内对其防制都应予以重视.  相似文献   

This paper describes an attempt to infuse an environmental dimension into a science course through which prospective primary teachers are trained. The innovation concerns teaching science concepts not in the context of the discipline, but within a context of everyday life, and as such the focus chosen was drinking water. In formulating the course, learners’ ideas about aspects of the issue were taken into account. The evaluation was based on a post‐course questionnaire. The main conclusions to be drawn from this evaluation is that the science knowledge learned through this approach helped students gain a better understanding of a variety of aspects which concern that issue. The majority of students appreciated such an integrated approach and thought the approach taken was more promising than the stereotypical one that they had been accustomed to up to that point.  相似文献   


This research investigated environmental literacy and nature experience among 1433 children and adults in Chengdu, China. Utilizing a standard measure of environmental literacy modified to be culture- and age-appropriate, we found almost universal agreement that nature should be protected. Although our results showed that older groups were less likely to enjoy experiences in nature compared to the younger ones, this was not reflected in a reduced appreciation for nature, which was high in all age groups. Within each category of student, age was associated with increased knowledge but decreased enjoyment of nature experiences and environmental concern. In contrast, among the adult residents, increasing age was associated with less objective knowledge but with more liking and concern about nature. Based on these results, we provide recommendations for environmental education that incorporates time in nature in order to foster environmental concern and behavior as well as knowledge.  相似文献   

大别山太湖县石马超高压榴辉岩相岩石可分为两类:(1)以柯石英榴辉岩(已退变质)为代表的硅饱和岩石;(2)以二矿物榴辉岩、石榴顽火辉石岩、含顽辉石榴子石岩、单辉橄榄岩、方辉橄榄岩为代表的硅不饱和岩石。前者的原岩是沉积火山碎屑岩;后者的原岩可能是地幔岩经高度部分熔融后的残余物,其后来受到高Hp和CO2流体的变化。本研究提供的有关这些超高压岩石及其围岩的岩矿特征以及温压计计算表明超高压榴辉岩相岩石曾经历从角闪岩相(627-699℃,14-23kbar)到柯石英或金刚石榴辉岩相(700-800℃,30-42kbar)再退变至角闪岩相(556-826℃,13-30kbar和一定的水压下)的顺时针P-T轨迹。  相似文献   

Since 1979 China has been attempting to reform its rather poorly functioning command economy, which suffered from a poor allocation of resources, a lack of incentives, irrational and arbitrary pricing, great waste of resources and a rigid and stultifying bureaucracy. At the same time there has been considerable acknowledgment for some time at the highest levels of Chinese government of the need to ensure environmental sustainability and this has been most recently confirmed in the form of ‘ten great changes’ needed in Chinese environmental thinking. This paper describes the processes whereby environmental policies are created and disseminated in China and points to some of the issues facing western educators who wish to work with Chinese colleagues in advancing global sustainability. It concludes that the problems facing environmental education in China may not be so very different to those elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

基于2005-2014年中国省际面板数据,构建了以城市化水平为门槛变量的回归模型,实证检验了外商直接投资对中国碳排放影响的门槛效应,结果表明外商直接投资对碳排放影响具有明显的城市化水平双门槛效应:当城市化水平未跨越第一个门槛值时,引进外商直接投资会导致碳排放量增加;当城市化水平跨越了第一个门槛值进入中期阶段时,引入外商直接投资虽然会促进碳排放的增加,但是系数在降低且并不显著;当城市化发展水平跨越第二个门槛值进入了后期阶段,外商直接投资的增加会抑制碳排放上升。因此,各地区应根据城市化水平所处阶段,因地制宜地制定外商直接投资引进政策,积极发挥外商直接投资对碳减排的正向效应,以实现绿色低碳可持续发展。  相似文献   

环保产业作为一个具有很大发展潜力的新兴产业,应引起我国高度重视。文章对环保产业的基本概念、环保产业发展现状、环保产业发展过程中存在的问题进行分析,提出发展环保产业需要增加财政投入,拓宽融资渠道,加强宣传与学习,规范环保产业市场,加强监督管理等手段来解决我国目前环保产业中存在的问题,更好地推进环保产业,构建和谐社会。  相似文献   

环境保护,教育为本。我国的环境教育在理论和实践层面都取得了一定的成果,但仍存在环境教育理念陈旧、环境教育研究相对滞后、环境教育师资缺乏等问题。通过分析现状,针对问题,提出更新环境教育理念、加强环境教育体系建设、加快环境教育立法等等适合我国国情的环境教育对策和建议。  相似文献   

中国古代的环保与可持续利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代“天人合一”的思想在环境保护方面起了积极作用。在大自然平衡系统中,当今受破坏最严重的莫过于水循环平衡系统。而在《尚书·禹贡》篇中,我们看到治水后九州山川、河流、湖泽分布的均衡状态,对于地域小气候和整体气候的调剂是有益的。古代帝王祭祀名山大川活动,客观上起到了保护生态环境的表率作用。《周礼·地官》中有环保和可持续利用自然物的官职和法规。古代愚昧的正面是保护了生态环境,当今文明的负面是破坏了生态环境。  相似文献   

21世纪是人类休闲的时代,体育与休闲的结合是在全面建设小康社会,构建和谐社会的历史背景下,人们对工业文明带来的体育异化现象的反思,是体育以人为本的回归。本文分析了我国休闲体育的现状,找出影响我国休闲体育发展的主要因素,并展望了我国休闲体育的发展前景。  相似文献   

可持续发展战略引入中国 ,带给中国环境法的第一个冲击是 :人们愈来愈认识到过去长期以来形成的狭隘环境法的概念和范畴论已经成为发展中国可持续环境立法的认识疑障。中国环境法的概念应当回复到以整体环境观为指导的、国际通行的广义环境法概念 ,即把狭隘环境法的调整内容扩展到合理开发、利用、管理自然资源方面的社会活动 ,并重新启用“环境法”术语。复元的中国环境法范畴应当重新界定为三个平行子法 ,即 :污染防治法、自然资源法、生态环境保护法 (狭义的自然保护法 )。中国环境法融合自然资源法合乎法理 ,也符合可持续发展对环境与资源立法的客观要求。  相似文献   

中国农村环境问题及对策方略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在建设社会主义新农村的新阶段,农村环境问题是农村可持续发展的一个重要的制约因素。针对当前农村存在的环境污染和生态破坏问题,本文从乡镇企业、农业生产、农民生活和小城镇建设四个方面分别探讨了农村环境问题的表现和成因,并在此基础上从多角度提出了解决农村环境问题的相应对策。  相似文献   

2015年12月12日,在巴黎气候变化大会上通过的《巴黎协议》,创新性地提出了"国家自主贡献"这种"自下而上"的全球气候治理模式。在通往巴黎气候变化大会的过程中,相关方面的环境保护议题深受全球普通公众的关注,而这离不开环保非政府组织的宣传和推动。为了充分发挥我国环保非政府组织的作用,在借鉴国外相关经验的基础上,应当从法律政策、组织建设、公益诉讼、社会监督等方面完善国内环保非政府组织,积极地为全球气候治理作贡献,从而提高中国在后巴黎时代国际气候治理中的话语权。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with environmental education in southern China and with factors that have determined the nature of environmental curricula in secondary schools. Data are based on interviews with key players within the field of environmental education in the city of Guangzhou. Six interdependent themes became apparent in the primarily utilitarian conception of environmental education, namely, environmental education as (1) a response to environmental degradation and practical needs of society; (2) a knowledge-focused area of scientific learning in the national interest; (3) a field of study with Chinese characteristics; (4) a political tool and an element in national propaganda; (5) an administratively led and centrally controlled innovation; and (6) a field of study in conflict with mainstream education. These themes are conceptualised within a tripartite framework emphasising the political factor, the socio-economic factor and the environmental factor.  相似文献   

The paper provides an overview of the present position. It attempts to identify the causational factors in situations of child neglect, abuse and violence and to pinpoint areas where there is a lacuna in information and knowledge. The study takes prevalence of abandoned children, failure to meet a child's basic needs and underutilization of services provided free by the state as indices of neglect. Measured in these terms it seems that though in Sri Lanka children are considered a blessing, yet they are also subject to neglect though this is not deliberate on the part of parents but arising from numerous factors, mainly poverty and ignorance. Other influences also operate such as cultural values and weaknesses in the delivery systems. Today females of all socioeconomic levels seek employment, both locally and abroad. This can lead to child neglect since community services for child care are inadequate and traditional help is dwindling. The negative impact on children of certain aspects of modernization is also considered. Abuse of children manifests itself mainly in child domestic labour and the exploitation, particularly of malformed and diseased children, in the trade of begging. Violence as judged by reported cases is minimal. But considering social attitudes regarding physical punishment, its prevalence may be wider than generally believed. The need for statistics and studies on all aspects of child care and child behaviour have come out in the study.  相似文献   

环境犯罪的类型和罪过形式是环境刑法中的重要理论问题。很多学者对环境犯罪的类型提出了不同的划分标准和理由;对罪过形式的问题,不同学者也有不同的见解。对于前者,应当以实然的角度出发,按照结果犯、行为犯以及危险犯的标准对罪名进行划分;对于后者,应当对现有的罪过形式进行重构,以期实现我国罪过形式的修正。  相似文献   

中国作为新兴经济体,在过去的三十年中,凭借自然资源与人力资源禀赋,实现了本国经济的巨大发展。随着工业化进程的持续和人均收入的日益提高,环境状况的恶化逐渐引起人们的重视。为环境保护提供物质基础和技术保障的环保产业,正是在人们环保意识觉醒后,在世界上众多国家兴起与发展起来的。本文以中国的环保产业为研究对象,在分析研究我国环保产业发展现状的基础上,提出我国当前环保产业面临的问题,并就加快发展环保产业提出了较为可行的政策建议。  相似文献   

地方环境行政管理体制是我国环境管理体制的基础,科学有效的地方环境行政管理体制对于促进我国现有的环境管理体制的发展,改善环境状态,推行可持续发展等政策,都具有十分重要的意义。本文对我国现有的地方环境行政管理体制存在的问题进行分析,具体论述造成我国目前地方环境行政管理体制不科学、不完善的主要原因,从我国的实际情况出发,努力探寻实现我国地方环境行政管理体制科学发展的途径。  相似文献   

教育全球化背景下我国课堂中权力与权利的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育全球化既包括教育的地方全球化,也包括教育的全球地方化,它给我国教育的方方面面带来重要影响。我国传统课堂以权力为本位,显示出权力异化和权利弱化的特点。在教育全球化过程中,一些被全球所认可的、先进的教育理念冲击着我国的传统课堂,使之逐渐向以权利为本位教育观转变,追求权利的平等与权力的公正成为当代教育的核心理念。  相似文献   

纺织服装产业作为我国传统的具有国际竞争力的国民经济支柱产业,在保障劳动力就业,为国家创造外汇收入一直发挥着重要的作用,但是随着我国改革开放以后的经济快速发展,出口贸易在国际贸易中的地位不断提高,纺织服装产品出口贸易的隐患也日益明显。本文就我国纺织服装的国际竞争力、不利因素进行了分析并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

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