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中国山地科学发展构想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
我国山地面积约占陆地面积的70%,是世界第一山地大国。我国人口与经济快速增长,山区土地利用、矿产资源、森林资源等开发强度的增加与山区脆弱的生态环境难以承受的尖锐矛盾日益凸显,严重影响国家未来经济和生态环境安全。当前,国外重大研究计划(IGBP,IHDP,GTOS)非常关注山地重大科学问题的探索,山地研究已成国际热点和科学前沿。加强山地科学研究,着力发展山地科学体系,为新山区建设提供强有力的科技支撑,确保山区发展又好又快,同时对提高我国在国际地球系统科学领域的影响力和引领作用具有重大的战略意义。  相似文献   

现代科学,特别是生物科学、信息科学等等的发展,对人类社会和人性发生了一个很大的冲击,包括大家所知道的克隆人,比如说美国以政府的名义来禁止生殖性的克隆人。科学对社会一个很重大的问题,就是关于道德问题、伦理和道德进人到现代社会,可能有一个新的表达。一方面我们要维持中华民族一些良好的传统的道德,但是同时又要看到随着科学的发展,社会道德的竞争又是不可避免的。  相似文献   

Davies KG 《Endeavour》2003,27(3):131-133
It has been suggested that successful art helps to solve our emotional problems. Can it therefore help with our current crisis in the relationship between biological science and society? Art and science are activities that have seemingly different cultures; scientists are seen as objective and rational, artists as subjective and intuitive. Each inhabit cultures that are seen to be mutually exclusive, but this has not always been the case. For example, during the Renaissance, people were schooled across both art and science and there was no clear dividing line. Where did the split occur, and is their interaction important in the 21st century?  相似文献   

对科学学的基本理论问题进行了回顾和新的思考。提出科学学的研究对象是"科学技术的社会形相";在不同视角下,科学学具有不同的学科归属;科学学的研究方法具有多样性,其特有的研究方法是"多元归一法"。  相似文献   

以人为本,全面、协调与可持续发展的科学发展观的提出更加凸现了科学技术的重大关键作用。要有效落实科学发展观必须按照科学发展观的基本原则和要求全面推进新一轮科技战略创新。基本要求是确立和坚持以人为本的科技发展目标与规范;促进科学技术系统的全面协调发展;实现科技自身的可持续发展。  相似文献   

科学技术是人们应对自然风险、自然灾害的有力武器,人类和人类社会在应对自然风险、自然灾害中成长起来.自从自然界诞生了人类和人类社会,便结成了人与自然的关系.大自然是人类社会发展的基础,人类和人类社会的发展归根结底是依赖于大自然的.一方面,大自然恩惠和养育着人类和人类社会,大自然是人类和人类社会的最终依托;同时,大自然也是人类和人类社会自由发展的制约,大自然也在很多情况下会以自然风险、自然灾害的形式对人类和人类社会的发展带来危害.  相似文献   

科学技术论视野中,视点与方法是对科学概念的不同认知进路和认知方式,在此基础上形成了四种不同的科学认知脚本,并组成了关于科学的认知矩阵。认知矩阵刻画了科学概念的四种认知进路与三次转向,随着科学概念的延伸,现代科学及其知识与权力有内在相关性,并且是一个社会协商和妥协的过程。  相似文献   

袁维新 《科学学研究》2010,28(6):809-815
科学本质阐明了科学所具有的基本特征,是人们对科学本质属性的正确认识。从科学哲学的视角来看,可以把科学本质观分为传统的科学本质观与新的科学本质观两类。科学本质的现代观是多层面的,主要涉及"科学知识本质观"与"科学探究本质观"。科学本质的范畴是由科学本质的特征或要素决定的,主要涉及:(1)科学知识的本质;(2)科学探究的本质;(3)科学事业的本质。  相似文献   

客家先民来自属于北方类群的中原地区,南迁至属于南方类群的闽粤赣边区.客家先民与客居地土著居民融合形成了客家群体.对客家人红细胞血型分布研究的结果表明,客家人较多的遗传指标符合我国南方人群的特点,可以认为在血缘上南方类群为主体.目前从自然科学角度研究客家源流的资料尚不多见,而且现有的研究多以定性分析为主,缺乏定量的资料.  相似文献   

In spite of great expectations about the potential of nanotechnology, this study shows that people are rather ambiguous and pessimistic about nanotechnology applications in the food domain. Our findings are drawn from a survey of public perceptions about nanotechnology food and nanotechnology food packaging (N = 752). Multinomial logistic regression analyses further reveal that knowledge about food risks and nanotechnology significantly influences people's views about nanotechnology food packaging. However, knowledge variables were unrelated to support for nanofood, suggesting that an increase in people's knowledge might not be sufficient to bridge the gap between the excitement some business leaders in the food sector have and the restraint of the public. Additionally, opposition to nanofood was not related to the use of heuristics but to trust in governmental agencies. Furthermore, the results indicate that public perceptions of nanoscience in the food domain significantly relate to views on science, technology, and nature.  相似文献   

黎明 《大众科技》2014,(7):275-277
作为国家4A级景区,广西科技馆在立足公益和科普教育的基础上,也承担着拉动区域旅游吸引力的责任,这对其可持续发展的能力提出了很高的要求。为了在传播知识的同时,给观众美的享受,广西科技馆尝试将各种艺术形式融入科普展教工作中。科技辅导员参与的展品讲解、科普实验和科普剧中,有魔术表演、剪纸手工、童话故事、知识竞赛、化妆剧、布偶剧、话剧和歌舞剧等形式,任何一种形式都考虑到了和观众的互动。  相似文献   

“新型制造业”的概念、内涵和意义   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
世界制造业正面临着一场深刻的战略性重组,走“新型制造业”道路是2l世纪中国制造业的惟一选择。新型制造业的内涵体现在四个方面:一是以人为本、二是科技创新、三是环境友好、四是面向未来。“新型制造业”概念的提出,为研究制造业提供了新的基点、新的研究视角,拓展了研究空间。  相似文献   

Philosophy of science, as understood by most social scientists, has given us an image of the scientific enterprise as a large hypothesis testing machine. One key unit within this enterprise is the individual scientist. He has learned or intuitively understands a set of logical rules which he brings to bear in ordering his thinking about a problem. Since he was pictured as operating within an unconstrained environment in an organizationally and morally simplistic world, his goal (scientific ‘truth’) was unambiguous, the organization and conduct of his work frictionless, and his only concerns were logic and measurements. Management and politics had no relationship to his pursuit of truth or the possibility of uncovering it. The other key unit, the scientific community, was equally autonomous from the world of management and politics. It was a social system in which problem definitions and decisions on truth are the joint result of open interaction among autonomous, rational, driven men and the impersonal automatic, application of the rules of evidence and logic.What guaranteed that this marvellous hypothesis testing machine actually operated in this fashion? The character and socialization of the individual scientist and the fact that interference in or imperfections of the process will result in erroneous truths which will eventually catch up with the perpetrators and punish them through individual, system, or societal failure, as in the inexorable workings of the market place of classical economics.If this was ever a very accurate picture of the scientific enterprise, the emergence of ‘Big Science’ has placed its adequacy seriously in doubt. ‘Big Science’ involves a research system in which (a) a consciously articulated goal exists; (b) there has been a commitment of resources and the organization and coordination of skills and institutions on a scale which only national governments can undertake; (c) the decentralized structures of the scientific community are replaced by planned administrative structures; and (d) it is rare that research problems or goals correspond to the neat disciplinary boundaries within science.Recognition of these developments in the scientific community is uneven and the reaction to them ambivalent and the philosophy and sociology of science have yet to come fully to terms with them.  相似文献   

创新集群:概念、特征及理论意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
钟书华 《科学学研究》2008,26(1):178-184
 从马歇尔到波特,创新集群思想经历了萌芽和演变过程。经济合作与发展组织完成了创新集群概念的理解转向,提出了当代创新集群概念。创新集群具有5个技术经济特征和重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

技术集成概念、过程与实现形式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
周晓宏 《科研管理》2006,27(6):118-124
技术集成是企业在新产品开发过程中应对技术变化的重要措施,也是企业进行自主创新的一种新的模式。如何真正把握技术集成已成为当今技术集成理论和实践的焦点和热点。本文试从技术集成概念、基本过程以及实现形式等几个方面对此做一探讨。  相似文献   

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