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We are twins.我们是一对双胞胎, We walk around every day.我们每天走在一起, And lie under the bed at night with our tongues out.晚上我们吐着舌头躺在床下。What are we?我们是什么?  相似文献   

Teeth are very important to our health. If our teeth are not in a good condition, we shall have difficulty in eating. Our digestion will then be affected.After eating, brush away the bits of food which get stuck between our teeth. If not, germs will grow on them. They will eat away the hard outside part of our teeth and they will become decayed. The hole the germs make is called a cavity.We can prevent cavities by brushing away the  相似文献   

During our marriage,my wife and I have always exchanged not just one kiss,but three kisses when we departed company. It has brought snickers and chuckles from others, usually our daughters. What is the significance of the three kisses? The three kisses are not to say good-bye,but are a reminder of the completeness and meaning of our marriage union.  相似文献   

There are gains for all our losses.我们失去的一切都能得到补偿。There are balms for all our pain.我们所有的痛苦都能得到安慰。But when youth,the dream,depart,,可是梦境似的青春一旦消逝,it takes something from our hearts,它带走了我们心中的某种美好,and it never comes again.从此一去不复返。We are stronger,and are better,我们变得日益刚强、更臻完美,under manhood’s sterner reign,在严峻的成年生活的驱使下,still we feel that something sweet,依然感到甜美的情感,following youth,with flying feet,已随着青春飞…  相似文献   

There are gains for all our losses.There are balms for all our pain;But when youth,the dream departs,It takes something from our hearts,And it never comes again.Something beautiful is vanished,And we sigh for it in vain;We behold it everywhere,On the earth,and in the air,But it never comes again!我们失去的一切都能得到补偿,我们所有的痛苦都能得到安慰;可是梦境似的青春一旦消逝,它带走了我们心中的美好,从此一去不复返。美好已经消逝,我们枉自为此叹息;尽管在天地之间,我们处处能见青春的魅力,可是它不再返回!飞逝的青春@Richard Henry Stoddard @林琳  相似文献   

Dear Friends, This column,the ninth in our series,deals with Prob—lems.These should be familiar to all of us.Problems are im-portant ingredients1 in our existence.If there were no problems,every day would end at the moment we awake in the morning.Therewould be no meal times,no work times.no leisure time2.Problemsprovide the stimulin3 that add substance and excitement to our lives. Problems can be our best friends.They stimulate our imaginationand challenge our assumptions4.We would be lonely without them.Aworld without problems would be a dull,predictable,and emptyplace.Problems are as indispensable as air!  相似文献   

Boys and girls,Attention,please! March 12 is our Tree-planting Day.All the students in our school are asked to take part in the activity. Each class must take five or six basins with you to water young trees. We are going to gather at the school gate  相似文献   

唐电弟 《海外英语》2013,(21):276-277
Language reveals facts of our society,our identities especially since we are labeled by our culture which is in the lan guage that shapes our mind and identities.Aspects of our identities such as our gender,age,social status,geographical background can all be detected by the listeners.  相似文献   

0ur School     
Our school is not very large but beautiful. We love our school. Entering our school, you'll first see a big flower bed. There are many kinds of colorful flowersin it. How beautiful they are! If you go along the school road, on the left you'll see two teachingbuildings and you'll hear that the teachers and students are having classes. On the right you’ll seean office building.  相似文献   

Make Our Youth Fly in the Blue Sky A saying goes,"Where there is a will,there is a way."That’s definitely right.So I think,in our youth’s dictionary,there is no"impossible".So whatever we do, we should display our mien[mi:n](风采) to the top of our bent(尽情地).And let our youth fly in the blue sky forever. Only if we are willing to can we do anything well. But,in the modern high school,there are still some scenes that are not satisfying.For example,some students become tired in class,that is to say,they are not interested in any class.Because they get into playing computer games and they all are attracted by games.It is really a waste of time.When they are buried into playing as if they forget what time it is.We should say no to the net bar without thinking.Our youth should be filled with enthusiasm and sunshine.If you are out of a bad habit,it is honorable.Only using our strong belief can we get out of the bad habit.  相似文献   

There are gains for all our losses,There are balms for all our pain;But when youth,the dream,departs,It takes something from our hears,And it never comes again.  相似文献   

我们失去的一切都能得到补偿,我们所有的痛苦都能得到安慰;可是梦境似的青春一旦消逝,它带走了我们心中的某种美好,从此一去不复返。我们变得日益刚强、更臻完美,在严峻的成年生活驱使下;可是依然感到甜美的情感,已随着青春飞逝,不再返回。美好已经消逝,我们枉自为此叹息;尽管在天地之间,我们处处能见青春的魅力,可是它不再返回!There are gains for all our losses.There are balms for all our pain;But when youth,the dream,departsIt takes something from our hearts,And it never comes again.We are stronger,and are better,Und…  相似文献   

We respond daily to situations that are accompanied with today‘s urbanized societies. Such topics as population explosion,urbanization, and the preservation of environment are commonly concerned and debated. Knowledge and experience influence the content of our understanding to our living habitat. This lesson helps students use their perceptions of cities to better understand urbanization and critically think over the question that how we can make our city better to live in.  相似文献   

Who am I(2)     
1, Hola! There are several Subspeeies in our family. We are long, and some of us havs long,bushy tails. We are very good climbers and have sharp claws. Despite our name, some of our sub-species have the delicious termite as their main source of food. What mammal am I?  相似文献   

I guess you could say that at this point, Bill and 1 are in the middle of our story. We are preparing for marriage and are excited just like any other engaged couple within 3 months of the big day. However, our preparation for marriage also includes another kind of preparation - a preparing for how we will continue to deal with life and the world as an interracial couple.  相似文献   

There are gains for all our losses. There are batms for ail our Pain; But when YOuth,the dream,deParts It takes sometning from our hearts And it never eomes again.我们朱去的一切都能得到补偿,我们所有的痛苦者P能得到安慰;可是梦幻般的青春一旦消逝,它从我们,七中带走的,却产人止匕一去朱复返。W七are stronger,and are bette巧Under manhood’5 sterner reign; Still we feel that something sweet FolloWing YOuth,M找th flYing feet,And will never eome again.在成年更为坚定的定力支配下,我们变得日益…  相似文献   

Don't Touch!     
Hello, we are cactuses*. We come from the desert, but now you can see us all over the world*. We are not afraid of cold and dry. Look, there are spines all over our bodies. So don't touch us! The spines can help us stop the water from evaporating.* We can grow very tall, more than* 10 meters. And our Howers are very beautiful. They are white, yellow or pink. Do you want to make friends with us?  相似文献   

Our School     
Our school is not very large but beautiful.We love our school.Entering our school,you'll first see a big flower bed.There are many kinds of colorful flowersin it.How beautiful they are!If you go along the school road,on the left you'll see two teaching buildings and you'll  相似文献   

In this article I would Iike to suggest that not only is 'role-play' useful in the learning of language but it is essential. Coming from a theatre background I am particularly concerned with language as a means of rem communication. When we are Children we learn our native language unconsciously; we learn grammar by having our mistakes corrected by our parents and by the necessity of making ourselves understood. But, when we are learning a second language our ability to learn unconsciously is impaired by our adult minds. However, we can simulate the way a child learns by learning the second language in-countrg but this is often difficult to achieve. So, 'role-play' must be the next best thing.  相似文献   

Overview:(简述) We respond daily to situationsthat are accompanied with today’surbanized societies.Such topicsas population explosion,urbanization,and the preservationof environment are commonly con-cerned and debated.Knowledgeand experience influence the con-tent of our understanding to our liv-ing habitat.This lesson helps stu-dents use their perceptions of cit-  相似文献   

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