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百合科六属十五种植物的细胞学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对云南西北部百合科6属15种的染色体和核型进行了报道。 (1)Clintonia udensis Trautv.et Mey间期核属于浓密分散型,前期染色体属于渐变型,分裂中期体细胞染色体2n=14=8m+4sm+2st(2SAT),核型不对称性属于2A型;(2)鹿药属四个种间期核属于复杂中央微粒型,前期染色体属于中间型,分裂中期体细胞染色体分别为Smilacina henryi(Baker)Wang et Tang,2n=36=12m+16sm+6st+2t(2SAT),  核型不对称性属于2C型;Smilacina fusca Wall., 2n=36=14m(2SAT)+12sm+10st(2SAT),  核型不对称性属于2B型;  Smilacina tatsienensis(Franch.)Wang et Tang,  2n=36=22m+2sm+2st(2SAT),  核型不对称性属于2C型;Smilacina atropurpurea(Franch.)Wang et Tang,2n=36=18m+6sm(2SAT)+12st,核型不对称性属于2C型;(3)黄精属四个种的间期核属于复杂中央微粒型,前期染色体属于中间型,分裂中期体细胞染色体分别为Polygonatum kingianum Coll.et Hesml.,2n=30=12m(2SAT) +6sm+lst+2t,  核型不对称性属于2C型;  Polygonatum cirrhifolium(Wall.)  Royal,2n=30=10m+4sm+12st+4t,  3C型;  Polygonatum  curvistylum  Hua,  2n=78=24m(2SAT)+14sm(6SAT)+40st,  核型不对称性属于3C  型;  Polygonatum  cathcartii  Baker,2n=32=12m+6sm+10st+2t+2bs,核型不对称性属于2C型;(4)百合属,假百合属,豹子花属三个属的间期核和前期染色体形态相似,都属于复杂中央微粒型,前期染色体属于中间型,分裂中期体 细胞染色体分别为Lilium  henricii Franch,2n=24=2m(2SAT)+2sm+10st+10t,核型不对称性属于3A型;Lilium bakerianum Coll.et  Hesml.var.  rubrum  Stearn,    2n=24=4m  (2SAT)+10st+10t(2SAT),核型不对称性属于3A型;Nomocharis bilouensis Liang 2n=24=2m(2SAT)+2sm+12st+8t,核型不对称性属于3A型;Nomocharis pardanthina Franch.,2n=24=4m(2SAT)+12st (2SAT)+8t,核型不对称性属于3A型;Nomocharis sauluensis Balf, f.,2n=24=4m(2SAT)+10st(2SAT)+10t,核型不对称性属于3B型;Notholirion campanulatum Cotton et Stearn2n=24=2m(2SAT)+2sm+14st(2SAT)+6t,核型不对称性属于3A型。  相似文献   

From standpoint of floristic division,  Sichuan is located in the middle part of Eastern Asiatic Region (Takhtajan 1978) or is the area where Sino-Himalayan Forest Subkingdom and Sino-Japan Forest Subkingdom meet (wu 1979).  Here exist many so- called Arcto-Tertiary elements and newly originated species or races.  In order to bring the light the origin and differentiation of Eastern Asiatic elements,  cytological investi- gation on plants of this region are very significant.  The materials of the following 5 species were collected on Mt.  Emei in Sichuan Province.  Voucher specimens are kept in CDBI.       1.  Toricellia angulata  Oliver var. intermedia (Harms) Hu       PMC meiotic examination revealed n = 12 at diakinesis (Pl. I fig. 9)       Toricellia,  consisting of 2 spp.,  is endemic to Eastern Asiatic Region.  Based on our result along with the report of Toricellia tiliifolia (Wall.) DC. (2n=24) by Kuro- sawa (1977),  we argue that the basic chromosome number of Toricellia is 12.  Many authors,  such as Airy-Shaw (1973),  Dahlgren (1975,  1977),  Takhtajan (1969,  1980), Thorne (1983),  have adopted Hu’s (1934) treatment erecting it as a monotypic family Toricelliaceae.  Its systematic position,  whether closer to Cornaceae than to Araliaceae or vice versa,  has been in dispute.  Cytologically it seems closer to Araliaceae,  as shown anatomically (Lodriguez 1971),  because the basic chromosome number of Cornaceae s. 1. is x=11,  9,  8 (Kurosawa 1977),  whereas that of Araliaceae is 12 (Raven 1975).       2.  Cardiocrinum giganteum  (Wall.) Makino       Somatic chromosome number,  2n=24 was determined from root-tip cells (Ph. I. fig. 8).       Cardiocrinum (Endl.) Lindl.,  consisting of 3 spp.,  is endemic to Eastern Asiatic Region.  C. giganteum (Wall.) Makino is distributed from Himalayan region to S. W. China.  The present report is in accord with the number reported by Kurosawa (1966) who got the material from Darjeeling of India.  However the karyotype of the present plant is slightly different from that given by Kurosawa.  In the present material,  the satellites of the 1st. pair of chromosomes and the short arms of llst.  pair of chromoso- mes are visibly longer than those of Kurosawa’s drawing (fig. 1,  2) The plants from Yunnan,  Sichuan and Hubei Provinces,  named as C. giganteum var. yunnanense (Leit- chtlin ex Elwes) Stearn,  differ slightly from those of Himalayan region also in outer morphological characters.  The taxon needs both cytological and taxonomical further studies.       3.  Disporum cantoniense  (Lour.) Merr.       PMC meiotic examination revealed n=8 at diakinesis (Pl. I. fig. 6)       This species is widely distributed from Himalayan region through Indo-China to our Taiwan Province and Indonesia. Three cytotypes (2n=14,  16,  30) were reported for the taxon including its variety,  var. parviflorum (Wall) Hara,  by various authors (Ha- segawa 1932,  Mehra and Pathamia 1960,  Kurosawa 1966,  1971 Mehra and Sachdeva 1976a).  Some authors consider D. pullum Salisb. and D. calcaratum D. Don as synonyms of D. cantoniense. So D. cantoniense may be a species aggregate with different extreme races.  Sen (1973a,  b.) reports that the somatic chromosome numbers of D. pullum and D. calcaratum from Eastern Himalayan region are 14,  16,  28,  30,  32.  He also discovered that chromosome alterations in species of Disporum involve not only the num- ber but the structure as well.  He found that in species of Liliaceae where the reproduc- tion is mainly vegetative,  polysomaty often occurs.  In China we have not only D. can- toniense and D. calcaratum but also D. brachystomon Wang et Tang which is similar to D. cantoniense var. parviflorum (Wall.) Hara.  These taxa need further critical studies.      4.  Paris fargesii Franch.      PMC meiotic examination revealed n=5+2B (Voucher no. 112) or n=5 (Voucher no. 62) at MI and AI (Pl. I. fig. 1. 4. 5.).  This is the first report for the species.  A bridge and a fragment were also observed at AI.      Paris polyphylla Smith is extraordinarily polymorphic species.  Hara (1969) re- gards all chinese extreme forms,  such as P. fargesii Franch.,  P. violacea Lévl.,  P. pube- scens (Hand. -Mzt.) Wang et Tang,  etc. as infraspecific taxa of P. polyphylla.  Need- less to say,  the various races of P. polyphylla Smith in China need further critical stu- dies and are good material for further study to understand the speciation.      5.  Reineckia carnea(Andr.) Kunth       Reineckia is a monotypic genus endemic to Eastern Asiatic Region.  In the present material somatic chromosome number in root-tip cells is determined as 2n=38 (Pl. I. fig. 7).  According to the terminology defined by Levan et al.,  the karyotype formula is 2n=28 m+10 sm.  The length of chromosomes varies from 14.28 μ to 5.5 μ. The idiogram given here (fig. 3) is nearly the same as that presented by Hsu et Li (1984). The same number has been previously reported by several authors,  Noguchi (1936),  Satô (1942), Therman (1956).  The karyotype is relatively symmetrical (2B,  accorling to the classi-fication of stebbins 1971) in accord with the opinion of Therman (1956).  相似文献   

Smilax austro-zhejiangensis Q. Lin (Liliaceae) is described as new fromZhejiang Province, China.  相似文献   

Two new species of the Liliaceae are described from Anhui Province, China. i. e. Fritillaria qimenensis D. C. Zhang et J. Z. Shao and Lilium anhuiense D. C. Zhang et J. Z.Shao.  相似文献   

Ribes  tianquanense S. H. Yu et J. M.  Xu  and R. moupinense Franch. var.  muliense S. H. Yu et J. M. Xu (Saxifrag aceae) are described as new fromSichuan Province of China.  相似文献   

报道了在广西发现的2个百合科蜘蛛抱蛋属Aspidistra新种,即乳突蜘蛛抱蛋A. papillata G. Z. Li和环江蜘蛛抱蛋A. huanjiangensis G. Z. Li&Y. G. Wei。乳突蜘蛛抱蛋与大花蜘蛛抱蛋A. tonkinensis(Gagner. )F. T. Wang&K. Y. Lang近缘。它们的共同特征是:花单生;花被裂片两侧彼此覆盖;柱头盾状,边缘3裂,上表面具3条辐射状沟缝。不同点是:乳突蜘蛛抱蛋植株较大花蜘蛛抱蛋的粗大;叶柄较粗;叶片椭圆形或长椭圆形;花被阔钟  相似文献   

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