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Educators are currently attempting to integrate computers into the classroom, in order to humanize their use. The strategies that have been adopted, however, are primarily logistical and ignore the philosophy that underpins this technology. It is argued in this paper that educational technology will not be humanized until it is understood to be sustained by a philosophy other than technological rationality, and thus is provided with a human base. The life-world (Lebenswelt) is identified as a proper foundation for technology, because technological rationality is illustrated to be a modality of human expression. When this is the case, technology is placed in the service of humankind, for it cannot be conceived as the genesis of personal freedom.
Zusammenfassung Gegenwärtig sind Pädagogen um die Integration von Computern ins Klassenzimmer bemüht, um deren Gebrauch zu humanisieren. Die dabei angewandten Strategien sind jedoch primär logistisch und ignorieren die theoretischen Voraussetzungen, auf die sich diese Technologie stützt. In diesem Bericht wird argumentiert, daß die Bildungstechnologie so lange nicht humanisiert wird, bis sie nicht in einem anderen Sinn als dem der technologischen Rationalität verbunden wird und auf eine humane Grundlage gestellt ist. Die Lebenswelt wird als ein wahres Fundament der Technologie identifiziert, da technologische Rationalität als eine Modalität menschlichen Ausdrucks dargestellt wird. Wenn dies der Fall ist, wird die Technologie in den Dienst der Menschheit gestellt, da sie nicht als Nemesis persönlicher Freiheit angesehen werden kann.

Résumé Les pédagogues, aujourd'hui, tentent de faire entrer l'ordinateur dans la salle de classe, afin de ramener son utilisation à l'échelle humaine. Cependant, les stratégies adoptées demeurent de l'ordre de la logistique et ignore tout de la philosophie qui étaye cette technologie. Dans cet article, il est argué que l'on ne saurait humaniser la technologie au sein de l'enseignement, tant qu'il n'est pas entendu qu'une philosophie autre que la rationalité technologique la sous-tend, la dotant ainsi d'un fondement humain; l'environnement naturel (Lebenswelt) constitue la véritable base de la technologie car la rationalité ne représente qu'une modalité de l'expression humaine. Dans ce cas, la technologie est placée au service de l'humanité et ne saurait être conçue comme sanction de la liberté individuelle.

In instructional settings, educators are both the creator and the vehicle for that which seeks to be born: an academic legacy. Creating an enduring legacy begins with bringing to life the kind of academic environment that one truly wants to be a part of. Crafting a memorable legacy in the classroom requires authentic, sustainable relationships coupled with exemplary instructional practices that make a difference in lives of students including: professionalism, viewpoint diversity, impulse to learn, engaged questioning, and GRIT: “the engine of human accomplishment.”  相似文献   

职业活动对人有着切实的教化作用。职业教化具有无穷性,但也很容易出现过分重视技术和技能的片面性,只有让从业者重视职业的精神价值,不断在职业活动中教化自身,才能培养出创造力,才能禀受职业责任,实现职业的崇高使命。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the development of a paediatric team approach to the care of children in the 70 bed paediatric unit in the Royal Hobart Hospital in Tasmania, Australia, and describes the measures used to help children and their parents adapt to life in hospital with a limited budget. The staff includes paediatricians and pediatric surgeon, resident staff, nurses, teachers, social worker, physiotherapist and pharmacist. There are no visiting hours but the wards are open to parents and relatives at any time. Parents are encouraged to stay in hospital and their accommodation is either in flats at the end of wards or in single or double bed wards using foldup beds. Each young child has a personal details form completed and placed on the end of the cot allowing a nurse to discover likes, dislikes, methods of feeding and sleeping, etc. Parents are asked to complete questionnaires at the time of the child's discharge, asking for their assessment of the standards of care their child received. Playleaders are rostered for evenings and weekends and they work with, and direct Red Cross volunteer ladies. Two full-time teachers cooperate with the child's school in maintaining the child's educational progress. Volunteer visitors entertain children whose relatives are unable to visit or stay in hospital. The methods used to raise the standards of paediatric nursing are also described. Community groups, particularly kindergarten and primary school children, are encouraged to visit the paediatric unit and each group is usually given a brief health education talk by a member of staff.  相似文献   

关于高校图书馆建筑人性化设计的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆是保存和传递文献信息的重要机构,文章从高校图书馆建筑的设计理念、结构设计、功能布局、环境选择几方面阐述了高校图书馆建筑实施人性化设计的具体表现。  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss an approach to the teaching of information technology law to higher education computing students that attempts to prepare them for professional computing practice. As information technology has become ubiquitous its interactions with the law have become more numerous. Information technology practitioners, and in particular specialists in the newer roles of computer forensic analyst and computer forensic expert witnesses are increasingly affected by the law. In this paper we review the development of the subject of information technology law and consider the issues of design, content and delivery of such modules to undergraduate computing students.  相似文献   

传统的高校教学督导是一种"行政监督式"的教学督导,存在诸多非人性化的做法,阻碍着教学督导真正发挥其应有的作用和功能,因此应树立人性化教学督导理念,关心教师的成长和发展,为他们的专业发展和教学能力的提高提供帮助和服务。在具体的实践中应落实教学督导方式的人性化:监督为辅,指导为主;注重交流与沟通,提高督导效能;建立教学督导信息库以促进教师专业发展;等等。  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - This response to Fleer, Adams & Gunstone builds upon “Transformative pedagogy: Dinka playgroups as spaces for cultural knowledge productions of...  相似文献   

本文通过对IRM目前的发展状况的分析,论述了信息技术在IRM发展中的作用,从研究方法、范围和教育以及迈向知识管理等方面探讨了IRM的发展。  相似文献   

以人为本实行人性化管理,是高校图书馆改革与发展的重要任务之一。本文从读者和馆员两个方面阐述了图书馆实施人性化管理的必要性。  相似文献   


The authors of this paper have conducted research into the implementation of National Curriculum assessment at Key Stage 1 by local education authorities in one particular region of the United Kingdom, East Anglia. They found that policy documents were being interpreted in a number of different ways, thus allowing a variety of practices to develop. This has allowed policy implementation to be shaped to meet local needs, in particular with regard to audit or moderation at this key stage.  相似文献   

据预测,21世纪中期人类社会将进入以智能机器人为代表的智能时代。最近10年,有关机器人的研究与应用水平取得了重大突破。开展机器人教育。有助于使我们不至于在机器人时代落伍。机器人教育有理论和实践两大领域。理论方面,机器人教育有自身的理论基础与基本理论,  相似文献   

校本培训是教师专业化发展的重要环节,信息技术为其提供了新的技术平台。运用信息技术手段优化校本培训,引导教师自主学习和积极反思,促进教师专业发展。  相似文献   

信息技术对教学的挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类社会已进入了信息时代,以光纤通信技术、交互式网络技术、多媒体技术、智能计算机技术为代表的信息技术构成了信息高速公路的科学技术基础.信息高速公路又称国家信息基础设施,它是指数字化大容量光纤通信网络.用于政府机构、企业、高校、科研机构和家庭的计算机联网,它以光纤电缆为"公路",集电脑、电视、电话为一体的多媒体系统为"汽车",以各种图文、声信息为"货物",高速进行运输,形成遍布全国的高速信息网.党中央在十五大确定了科教兴国的战略目标,教育部提出分三个层次推进我国的信息教育:(1)以计算机多媒体为核心的教育技术在学校的普及与应用;(2)组织学校上网,利用网上资源;(3)开办远程教育,提供广泛的学习资源,不断满足社会成员接受终身教育的要求.全球性的信息高速公路的建成和实施,使人类进入了一个崭新的信息时代,同时也给教学从教师、教学模式、教学技术到教学内容带来巨大的发展和挑战.  相似文献   

本文讨论了并行检索的要点、作用及相关体系结构。重点对MIMD体系结构和SIMD体系结构进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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