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内隐认知:认识人类认知与学习的新窗口   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内隐认知是人类认知系统的重要组成部分.对内隐认知的发现和研究打破了仅仅重视外显认知的单一局面,为更加全面、深入地认识人类认知系统的多重性和认知过程及其发展的内在规律提供了新的角度.当前的内隐认知研究广泛涉及了感知、记忆、语言理解、规则抽取、动作技能、情感反应等多个方面,揭示出内隐认知的多样性和复杂性.已有研究指出,内隐认知在种系发展和个体发展中均具有独特的重要地位.充分利用内隐认知将有助于促进认知效率的提高以及认知发展,并可为外显认知功能受损个体的功能康复带来希望.进一步揭示内隐认知与外显认知的相互联系与促进问题,对于揭示人类认知本质及促进人类认知发展与认知功能康复具有重要意义.  相似文献   

在中国近代史上,曾先后出现过实业教育和职业教育两大思潮,并且先后衰退了。究其原因,在于没有理解教育和经济的关系,一味幻想依靠职业教育来“建立新教育”及实现“教育救国”,没有考虑当时中国的生产力水平,思想和实践脱节,单纯照搬日美职业教育模式等。因此,中国近代职业教育作为一种思潮的意义要远大于其实际意义。其启示是对职业教育功能应该有更科学的认识。  相似文献   

提高认识 全面建设校内生产性实训中心   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
校内生产性实训中心的建设对"工学结合"人才培养模式的实现具有重要的意义.以工业分析与检验专业为例,按照"三大要求"、对照"八项内容"建设校内生产性实训中心,成效明显.由此,突显了职业教育的特色.  相似文献   

Metacognitive Development: A View beyond Cognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of studies were conducted to investigate students' metacognitive development in a second year chemical engineering course. The first of these was an exploratory study involving observation together with some limited interviewing. This was followed by a major study with two phases, the first of which involved a series of individual interviews with eleven students over the duration of the course, and the second of which involved a follow-up interview with each student two years later. In the first phase of the major study a theoretical framework characterising metacognitive development as a shift in approach to learning was utilised. The present paper draws on the findings of the second phase of the major study to both confirm the validity of this framework and also point to some of its shortcomings, specifically regarding the necessity of a certain emotional state in order for metacognitive development to take place, and the importance of the formation of a professional identity. It is suggested that metacognitive development needs to be characterised in broader terms than the usual cognitive focus in order to more fully account for students' experiences of learning.  相似文献   

In this article, I trace the teaching of history in schools from the subject's establishment as a university discipline in the 1870s through the crisis in school history in the 1960s. A number of factors prompted this heart searching: the questioning of the heavy emphasis on British national history, the changing nature of the discipline, and the increasing emphasis on technical and scientific education. The response of history educators was profoundly influenced by the views of Bloom (1956) and his associates, with their concern for taxonomies of educational objectives, and of Bruner (1960), with his stress on the need for teachers and students to be clear about the underlying principles that give structure to the subject; these ideas provided the organizing structure for the main history curriculum development project of the 1970s, the Schools Council History 13-16 Project (SCHP). Research into children's historical thinking based on the Piagetian developmental framework, however, seems to suggest that the SCHP was setting itself impossible goals; children were not really able to construe history in the ways the project demanded much before the age of 16. More recent research, which has adopted a different methodology, has advanced a much more optimistic view and points to the potential of children for real historical thinking. I conclude by examining the recently imposed History National Curriculum and the extent to which its assessment arrangements are underpinned by research, and I speculate on the likely effects of the new regime on the teaching and learning of history in England and Wales.  相似文献   

对认识的真正清晰的认识,必须从定义与诠释两个方面着手。从定义方面而言,认识不只是简单的反映,而是在生活中通过获取信息,对信息进行理性为主的加工改造,达到对对象的形象、观念性把握,以及更进一步通过一系列复杂的思维创新、再造出一个未知的形象———观念世界,并在生活中加以运用与验证的整个活动过程。同样,对认识的诠释也需要从生活的角度来进行。认识是生活的意识表现之一,生活是认识的基础、起源、全部的内容和最终的目的。认识论就是认识的生活论。  相似文献   

This study aims to compare the correlates of adjustment to aging (AtA) reported by young-old and oldest-old adults and to build two structural models to explore the correlates of AtA for these two age groups. A cross-national study encompassing a community-dwelling sample of 823 older adults aged 65 years and older was undertaken. Several measures were employed to assess AtA, subjective well-being, and sense of coherence. A questionnaire to determine socio-demographic (sex, age, professional and marital status, education, household, adult children, family’s annual income, living setting, and self-reported spirituality), lifestyle and health-related characteristics (perceived health, recent disease, medication, and leisure) was also used. Structural equation modeling was employed to investigate a structural model of AtA, comprising socio-demographic, lifestyle, and health-related variables, as well as SWB and SOC for both groups. Leisure was the most significant correlate of AtA for the young-old (β = .422; p < .001) while self-reported spirituality was the most significant correlate of AtA for the oldest-old (β = .711; p < .001). Significant correlates explain 67.8% and 73.1% of the variability of AtA, respectively. The results presented in this study highlighted different perspectives of AtA, outlined in two structural models, for the groups, and the need of addressing the differences between these, when implementing health care interventions, in particular the relevance of leisure and self-reported spirituality.  相似文献   

现代意义的慈善组织在我国的发展尚处于初期阶段,目前民众对慈善组织的认知还存在一定的偏差,学界也还缺少对慈善组织认知的相关研究。利用一项全国性抽样调查数据,通过对慈善组织与政府、企业的比较研究发现,我国居民对慈善组织和政府、企业的区别有着基本的认知,但仍有相当一部分居民并不能对其进行明确区分;对影响慈善组织认知的多元回归分析发现,普遍信任和媒体认知对人们的慈善组织认知有着显著的影响。  相似文献   

隐喻不仅是一种语言现象,其本质更是一种认知现象,对隐喻认知的不足阻碍了外语教学的顺利开展。文章从隐喻的分类及其本质入手,探讨隐喻在外语教学中的作用,并提出基于隐喻的教学建议。  相似文献   

经验认识以客观世界为认识对象 ,但它本身并不独立自足 ,而要以先验认识为其先在预设。先验认识虽可作为经验认识的预设 ,但它本身亦不自足 ,需要以超验认识为其预设。超验认识独立自存 ,是人类认识的终极源泉 ,人的认识乃是对超验认识的聆听与应答  相似文献   

This study seeks to expand existing literature on successful aging by incorporating both interaction frequency and level of closeness with family and with friends into a casual model predicting elderly life satisfaction. One hundred sixty‐four elderly individuals living in their own home or in a retirement village completed the Adult Communication Survey. Results point to the importance of close friends for elderly individuals who wish to maintain high levels of life satisfaction. Additional results suggest the possible harmful effects of remaining too close to family members. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

信访工作是政府行政管理部门处理人民群众合理诉求、解决人民群众遇到的各类矛盾和问题的渠道。清醒地认识和准确地把握新形势下信访稳定工作的发展变化,是做好新形势下信访稳定工作的前提和基础。做好信访工作,必须充分把握当前信访稳定工作的理论与实践认知定位,不断增强新形势下做好信访稳定工作的责任感。  相似文献   

This article introduces a new conceptual model that adds to the previous intragroup conflict model by introducing a new construct—cognition conflict. In addition, it provides the defining characteristics for this new construct and presents how cognition conflict should be incorporated into the intragroup conflict literature. This conceptual review addresses the call to researchers from Song, Dyer, and Thieme (2006) by presenting cognition conflict as a new intragroup conflict construct.  相似文献   

计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)是教育技术研究的重要领域,也是学习科学的一个重要分支。它主要关注的是在计算机的支持下人们是如何在一起进行学习的。计算机和网络技术在协作学习中的应用促进了CSCL的快速发展,目前CSCL已经发展成为一个跨学科的研究领域。不同领域背景的专家从心理学、教育学、人类学、社会学、传播学、教育技术学和学习科学等视角来研究CSCL。CSCL中主要关注的问题是协作学习的本质和计算机是如何支持与促进协作学习的。和个体学习相比,协作学习更具有社会属性,其主要目标是协商意义和建构知识。信息技术介入到协作学习中,改变了学习的方式和形态,同时也产生了许多新的问题。在计算机支持的小组学习环境中,小组学习的过程究竟发展了哪些情况,学习者之间是如何利用技术工具来共同协商意义和建构知识的,信息技术和协作学习之间的相互关系如何,以及研究小组协作学习的理论基础和主要方法都是CSCL领域所关注的问题。美国Drexel大学信息科学学院的Gerry Stahl教授是致力于CSCL研究的知名专家,他是《国际计算机支持的协作学习期刊(International Journal of Computer-Supported Co...  相似文献   

具身认知:语言认知研究的跨学科取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
具身认知是第二代认知科学兴起后出现的一种认知方式.从哲学认识论、认知心理学和认知语言学等角度对语言认知的研究正是这种方法的体现,彰显出极大的应用价值,拓展出广阔的研究空间,并且在认知理论研究、认知语言学、应用语言学或者英语教学三个方面为语言认知的研究提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate knowing and learning in an engineering design environment within an elementary classroom. Based on extensive ethnographic observation, video recordings, interviews with participants and observers, and children's design artifacts and engineering logbooks, fourth- and fifth-grade students' designing activities were interpreted from the perspective of situated cognition. The results show that children's designing was related to the artifacts, tools, materials, teacher-set constraints, and current trends in the setting. However, these elements cannot be taken as having some absolute ontology but are interpretively flexible. In the course of the engineering unit, the fourth- and fifth-grade students learned to exploit this interpretive flexibility to frame and solve problems. The emerging artifacts had at least two important functions: They were resources that structured the design process by both opening up possibilities and providing constraints, and they served to coordinate discursive and practical actions. The findings have important implications for affordances and constraints of learning environments in which designing is both a goal and a vehicle of instruction and for the evaluation of students' activities in such settings.  相似文献   

时距认知的年龄差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
年龄是影响时距认知的一个重要因素。基于时间认知的信息加工模型。通过对时距估计和时距辨别两种任务条件下的有关年龄差异研究的回顾,发现虽然相关的研究结果没有确定的结论。但年老被试在时距加工的准确性和变异性上与年轻被试存在显著的差异。由于研究中所采用的时距长度、任务不同,内部时钟频率、注意和记忆都可能导致时距认知上的年龄差异。现代脑成像技术可为研究时距认知年龄差异的机制提供有效的手段。  相似文献   

Practical Examples of the Practical Argument: A Case in Point   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

既往社会认知研究难以整合背景和文化因素.社会认知领域理论以领域、背景与文化为主题,将背景和文化视为社会认知的内在因素,从一个更广泛的视角解决了这一难题.在社会认知领域理论指导下,社会认知研究可从领域的界定与区分着手确定社会认知的研究内容,而在研究变量选择时,背景与文化的研究既是外部变量又是内部变量.临床法是领域理论下社会认知研究的主要方法.  相似文献   

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