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In conclusion The globalization of the economy offers enormous possibilities, but in return demands significant modifications in production behaviour and training policies. Individual countries will have to make hard choices to achieve, in a rapidly changing world economy, both international competitiveness and national welfare. Original language: English Wadi D. Haddad (United States of America) Deputy Secretary, World Bank. Special Adviser to the Director-General of UNESCO on development issues, representative to the financial institutions in Washington and to the academic and development community in the United States. Ph.D. in physics and education from the University of Wisconsin. After a career as a university professor and director of research in Lebanon, Mr Haddad first entered the World Bank in 1976. He was subsequently chief adviser to the President of Lebanon (1982–84), and worked at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington (1984). He rejoined the World Bank in 1987 and, in 1989, was appointed Executive Secretary of the World Conference on Education for All (Jomtien). He is the author of many books and articles on public policy, human resource development and science.  相似文献   

Suggestions for general education reforms have advocated smaller classes and greater participation by senior faculty. This is not feasible given the reward structure and extensive use of teaching assistants at research universities. Realistic reform efforts must account for the reward structure and focus on training programs for teaching assistants.She obtained her Ph.D. (1987) in Higher Education Administration, and her M.S. (1982) in Counseling and Human Development, both from the University of Iowa.  相似文献   

The concept of bricolage, as it is developed by Levi‐Strauss, is useful in characterising the form of teachers’ work, it subsumes extensive research on the form of teachers’ work and provides a heuristic device for developing causal explanations of the form of teachers’ work as well as drawing together and unifying explanations developed in the literature. This assists and informs interventions to promote progressive pedagogy. The paper begins with an account of bricolage and its relationship to a science of pedagogy. Next, features of teachers’ work which push it towards bricolage are discussed, viz. conservatism, limited creativity, repertoire enlargement, teachers’ use of theory, the use of devious means, and ad hocism. Causal explanations of various of these features are discussed, viz. anticipatory socialisation, aspects of preservice teacher education experiences and constraints in the work situation. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications for teacher education of taking seriously the suggestion that teachers’ work is bricolage and taking seriously the associated causal explanations. It is argued that a critical starting point for progressive change in educational practice is the provision of inservice for tertiary educators who may themselves be bricoleurs. Without this, the significant necessary changes to preservice students’ on‐campus and within school experiences are unlikely to be supported or legitimated.  相似文献   

共情:心理咨询的基本技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
共情有认知和情感两个层面,高级共情是分析师潜意识层面即时体验到的反移情.共情是深入来访者内心世界的一个连续不断的过程,需要经过积极倾听、设身处地、敏锐思考、准确回应和引发领悟等阶段.不合格的咨询师往往是缺乏共情的人,其原因是多方面的.咨询师要达到准确共情,需要有共情的意识与态度、对来访者的终极价值认同、掌握共情的技巧、跟随与引导并进、理解自己的反移情.  相似文献   

讨论了英语学习的基础问题-英语词汇学习。提出了记忆英语单词的技巧或方法:熟记基本词汇,利用构词法、归纳记忆法、联想记忆法、比较记忆法、语境记忆法等。利用各种技巧记忆英语单词会为词汇积累带来意想不到的收获。  相似文献   

This study examined how well elementary students?? performance on a set of commonly-used reading assessments conformed to a model of automatic print processing. The assessments included measures of word recognition-untimed, word recognition-timed, oral reading accuracy, oral reading rate, silent reading rate, and spelling. The proposed print-processing model, based on the work of Perfetti (1992) and Share (1995), held that contextual reading accuracy is directly related to automatized word knowledge which is directly related to reading rate. Structural equation modeling showed that the performance data had an acceptable fit to the proposed model and to a second, post hoc model in which automatic word recognition is directly related to contextual reading accuracy. However, additional regression analyses tended to favor the initial model. Because the six print-processing components in this study proved to be reliable and related, and because two of the components (word recognition?Ctimed and spelling) are seldom used in conventional reading assessments, the results have important implications for practice.  相似文献   

音乐基础知识与基本技能对于学生审美能力的培养是十分必要的,适当的技能训练不会妨碍学生学习音乐的兴趣,反而会激发兴趣;只有处理好音乐审美和基础音乐知识教学与基本技能训练的关系,方能有效实现审美教育的目标。  相似文献   

研究技巧是科研能力的重要组成部分,对研究生顺利开展课题研究具有辅助作用。但目前我国研究生普遍缺乏研究技巧方面的系统性训练。本文在介绍研究技巧的内涵和特点的基础上,从现有训练途径的角度分析了这一问题的根源,并给出建议。  相似文献   

Research indicates that about a quarter of adult students separate from formal adult basic and secondary education (ABE/ASE) programs before completing one educational level. This retrospective study explores individual dispositional factors that affect motivation during learning, particularly students’ goals, goal-directed thinking and action based on hope theory and attendance behaviors, and self-perceptions of competency based on affective domain attributions about external and internal obstacles to learning and employment, and demographic factors. Among 274 ABE/ASE students, those learners who made an education gain in 1 year significantly differed from those who did not in only a few dispositional or demographic variables; and by educational level they significantly differed in a wide variety of dispositional and demographic variables. These findings suggest researchable questions and programmatic considerations that may lead to future innovations that improve learner persistence.  相似文献   

This paper explores various kinds of logics of ‘business education for sustainability’ and how these ‘logics’ position the subject business person, based on eight teachers’ reasoning of their own practices. The concept of logics developed within a discourse theoretical framework is employed to analyse the teachers’ reasoning. The analysis takes its starting point in different approaches to how a business ought to or could take responsibility for sustainable development. Different approaches to business ethical responsibilities, in combination with assumptions about how educational content is legitimised and presupposed purposes of education, are used to construct logics of business education for sustainability. In the paper, the results of this analysis are presented as: the logic of profit-, social- or radical-oriented business education. Our results also show how the different logics position the subject business person differently, as one who adapts to, adds or creates ethical values. The results are first discussed in terms of how environmental and social challenges could be dealt with in the future and secondly, considering the risk of de-subjectification with regard to profit-oriented business education, the implications this may have for the educational quality itself.  相似文献   

In both its substance and form this paper speaks of the arid direction of education, particularly under the conditions of what some call ‘performativity’, such as the constraints of quality assurance and the demands of academic research. The paper tries to construct a counter or alternative discourse about educational practices. It speaks of them as unpredictable, not susceptible to closure or summary, and foregrounds the importance of relationships between students, and between them and their teacher. It speaks of learning as intellectual, but also as emotional and embodied. It asks questions, and offers one kind of suggestion, about just what kind of language is appropriate for writing about our lived experience as teachers and learners.  相似文献   

This paper argues that we are currently experiencing a debilitating overload of political interference and media hyperbole in respect of teaching and teacher education, and that much of this blitzkrieg amounts to a ‘political spectacle’ and blatant neo‐liberal ideology dressed up as rational analysis. The politics of disparagement being unleashed on public education, and by association teacher education, is intended to laminate over the real issue, which is a cultural war over what is officially allowed to constitute teaching and learning.  相似文献   


The speed of change at 16+ shows little sign of slowing down, whether in terms of the organization, funding and governance of colleges, or of the structure and delivery of the curriculum both in schools and in colleges. One of the more recent innovations, the General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ; GSVQ in Scotland), has taken off in a very big way and anyone who is concerned with vocational education, and indeed in 16+ education generally, needs to know about it. This group includes admissions tutors in higher education, who will have received in the autumn of 1993 the first applications from people with the new qualification.  相似文献   

One of the Millennium Development Goals declared by the United Nations in 2000 was to reduce by half the population of people living in extreme poverty, by 2015. Adult education can and should contribute significantly to this development goal. Nevertheless it has hardly been explored so far in the national Poverty Reduction Strategies Papers. In as far as attention has been given to the contribution of adult education to the reduction of poverty, the trend has been to focus on literacy or basic education. Nevertheless, adult education is potentially much more than literacy or basic education. Successful contribution of adult education to poverty reduction programmes includes also agricultural extension, vocational education, community development and training for active citizenship. In this introduction of the special issue of the International Journal of Lifelong Education, we will sketch the state of the art for each of these branches of adult education. Moreover, our central argument will be that developing countries do not only need a more extended system for adult education, but also a more flexible and more targeted system than the rather traditional practices in most developing countries.  相似文献   

地方高师学生是基础教育师资的主要来源,师范生职前培养是教师专业化的准备阶段。文章从师范生教学技能培养出发,通过对地方高师学生教学技能培养现状的分析,提出设置教学技能培训专门模块;强化教育实习;着眼于技能行为的生成、发展及矫治策略,构建科学的评价指标体系等对策,旨在培养基础教育的专业化教师。  相似文献   

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