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This second part of a two-part series is a survey of U.S. government web resources on human trafficking in the United States, particularly of the online publications and data included on agencies’ websites. Overall, the goal is to provide an introduction, an overview, and a guide on this topic for library staff to use in their research and instruction services, as well as to benefit new researchers, students, government agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), social service providers, and others exploring this topic.  相似文献   

During World War II, the U.S. military faced a shortage of personnel that forced the services to enlist women. All branches of the armed forces eventually created women's corps, and more than 275,000 women served in these organizations. This article offers an annotated bibliography of U.S. government publications relating to these pioneering women. It serves as a documentary history of World War II's military women as well as a resource for further study. A wide range of print and electronic materials is covered, from official and commemorative histories, to primary source materials such as congressional hearings and recruiting brochures and posters.  相似文献   

如何在网络环境下开发和利用美国政府出版物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出在网络环境下应充分重视和开发利用美国政府出版物这一特色资源,重点介绍对社会科学研究有重要参考使用价值的网上美国政府出版物。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(94):139-162

The National Commission on Libraries and Information Science published recommendations for a national information policy in 1976, and concerns regarding the protection of privacy and equal public access to online information were introduced. From the mid 1970s to the early 1990s, federal government agencies were beginning to publish materials and maintain records electronically. Most current U.S. government information was available on the Internet by the late 1990s, and depository libraries were required to provide workstations that would facilitate access to documents. Documents librarians, already concerned with the lack of attention to archiving online federal information, were provided with an example of the vulnerability of online publications in the early 2000s when federal agency Web sites were made inaccessible-quickly and easily. The possibility that too much government information was available to anyone with access to the Internet was becoming a national concern. Using government documents as resources, this article retraces the events that were occurring in federal government agencies during the movement of government information to the Internet.  相似文献   

This article presents a comprehensive survey of the U.S. federal government's documentation of the single most important American military action of the second half of the twentieth century. Included is an essay on resources and an accompanying bibliography pertaining to U.S. government documents related to the Vietnam conflict. Most of the materials noted are derived from archival sources. Major historical works published by federal government historical agencies are also included. Finding aids are listed as appropriate.  相似文献   

The Library of Congress last published Popular Names of U.S. Government Reports in 1984. In its appendix this helpful reference work lists 108 unidentified reports. This article discusses sources and methods used to identify some of these reports, emphasizing the benefits of using standard reference sources in conjunction with more specialized tools and electronic databases to verify the existence, location and correct citation of government publications. For those reports the authors have further identified, they provide bibliographic information and notes.  相似文献   

The availability of U.S. Government Printing Office bibliographic tapes for copy cataloging or for loading directly into online catalogs may have lulled documents librarians into believing that the problem of bibliographic control for documents collections has been solved. Others may believe that with the move to an electronic distribution system for United States government information, creating and loading bibliographic records for government publications into local library catalogs is becoming an anachronism. This article discusses the functions of cataloging in light of continuing needs and current developments in access to government information. Recommendations are made for ways that the library community, providers of government information, and automation specialists can work together to reexamine bibliographic standards, expand tape loading to non-U.S. depository documents collections, link useful bibliographic databases with library catalogs, and use cataloging of Internet resources to show relationships between physical collections and remotely accessible government information.  相似文献   

The new frontier of electronic access was fully explored in the past year. Government agency “gophers” proliferated on the Internet, featuring a wide variety of government information previously only available in print. Likewise, many gophers at academic institutions posted significant new government reports in a timely manner. A good example is the National Performance Review's From Red Tape to Results: Creating a Government that Works Better & Costs Less, which was posted on the Internet well before many depositories received their print copies. The one constant is that GPO (Government Printing Office) continues to issue publications containing valuable information. In addition to the National Performance Review, many other important reports were published by GPO this year, including those of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission, the Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters, the National Commission on AIDS, and the ATF Investigation of the David Koresh/Waco incident. This list does not even mention the Clinton Administration's Health Security Act and the full depository release of the Clarence Thomas Hearings. It has been a full year. The documents included in this Notable Documents issue were received by depository libraries from midyear 1993 to midyear 1994. They were selected for their general interest, lasting value, research significance, or timeliness. Most of the documents are available from the Superintendent or from one of the GPO bookstores around the country (see Monthly Catalog for a listing). Those documents that do not list a stock number or price may be available in limited quantities from the issuing agency.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(32):247-257
A study was undertaken at Montana State University Libraries to determine if missing and mutilation rates differed between monographs in the general collection and U.S. Geological Survev publications. Prior to this investigation, it was assumed that there might be a higher rate of items missing from the collection of U.S. Geological Survey publications than from the general collection and that there would take a greater incidence of mutilation among the U.S.G.S. materials. Items were chosen according to a random sample and the resulting data analyzed using a Chi-square test for significance at the .05 level. Contrary to the investigator's initial assumptions, it was found that U.S.G.S. Bulletins and Professional Papers were not mutilated more often than monographs in the general collection, and that there is no statistically significant difference in rates of availabilily. Additional evidence encountered in the course of the study suggests that the U.S.G.S. publications may be used much less frequently than other library materials. Recommendations are made for further research concerning use and accessibility. The methodology used in this investigation is potentially applicable to many other types of collection studies.  相似文献   


World Wide Web technology has reached the highest levels of U.S. government. Many changes are taking place at the federal level of government. Every cabinet level agency has a homepage and subordinate agencies are making gains in this new technology on a daily basis. This article highlights the web sites of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. Well known government publications which are found in any traditional government documents reference collection are noted and recommended for both bookmarking and local web site development. The downside of electronic access is discussed as well.  相似文献   

New technologies, including the ability to distribute government information globally across the Internet, are creating a need for new ways to view the U.S. Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). The changing needs and roles of government information’s five stakeholders: federal agencies, the Government Printing Office (GPO), the depository libraries, the commercial sector, and the American public will need to change drastically in reaction to improved technologies and to the pure economics of information dissemination. The concept of the FDLP network may have outlived its relevance. Experiments should begin to explore new ways to provide users with assistance in locating government information in a timely and economically feasible manner. Shoring up a program that has outlived its relevance in today’s world is not an option.  相似文献   

The preservation of scientific data is a complex task, both in theory and in practice. This article examines the major producers of U.S. federal government scientific technical information (STI), principal data categories, and the role of the National Archives in documenting scientific data. The preservation of scientific data by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is a monumental task in both volume and complexity of the data and the issues involved. This article will examine several important questions surrounding the appraisal, accessioning, and preservation of scientific data by NARA.  相似文献   

Australia has a well-established history of access to government information and publications by citizens, much of it through libraries. The changes in the 1990s and 2000s with the move to electronic publishing and Internet access have led to significant changes in the accessibility of information. In 1997, the Australian Government framework for electronic delivery of information service was established by the report Management of Government Information as a National Strategic Resource. Since this report, there has been a rapid increase in the availability of government information, including government publications. There has also been an increased demand for public libraries to support access. The paper reviews establishment of the initial framework and changes in the past decade. Trends in production of government information, citizens' use of electronic Australian Government publications, satisfaction with online government services, and implications for libraries are analyzed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to suggest realistic guidelines that balance public access to government information and the need to protect sensitive data. Emphasis is on lessons learned from a 1979 case where the government attempted to prohibit the Progressive Magazine from publishing an article about making a hydrogen bomb and government reactions to the September 11th attacks. Executive Orders 12958 and 13292 and the new U.S. Geological Survey policy towards sensitive data can become the foundation for reasonable guidelines. The author concludes that the U.S. tradition of democracy and open government remains strong and will survive the attempts to limit information access since September 11, 2001.  相似文献   

The U.S. National Broadband Map (NBM) is arguably the most complex articulation and synthesis of telecommunications data ever generated by the federal government. Drawing upon information collected by fifty U.S. states, five territories and the District of Columbia, broadband provision is tabulated at the Census block level and made available to the general public in a variety of formats (e.g., maps, tabular databases, and geographic coverages). One major policy challenge associated with deepening our understanding of wireless broadband provision in the United States is developing a methodological process for accurately rearticulating NBM wireless data collected at the block level to more meaningful economic units (e.g., Census block groups or tracts). Without this ability, policy analysis and an objective evaluation of the goals set forth in the National Broadband Plan are compromised. The purpose of this paper is to outline such a methodology, while simultaneously highlighting several consistency checks for ensuring completeness and data aggregation integrity.  相似文献   

Academic productivity and research funding have been hot topics in biomedical research. While publications and their citations are popular indicators of academic productivity, there has been no rigorous way to quantify co-authors’ relative contributions. This has seriously compromised quantitative studies on the relationship between academic productivity and research funding. Here we apply an axiomatic approach and associated bibliometric measures to revisit a recent study by Ginther et al. (Ginther et al., 2011a, Ginther et al., 2011b) in which the probability of receiving a U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 award was analyzed with respect to the applicant's race/ethnicity. Our results provide new insight and suggest that there is no significant racial bias in the NIH review process, in contrast to the conclusion from the study by D. K. Ginther et al. Our axiomatic approach has a potential to be widely used for scientific assessment and management.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the period beginning in 1950–1960s, the pre–National Technical Information Service (NTIS) period, during which two key and powerful U.S. congressmen sought to establish a national clearinghouse for federally produced and sponsored applied science literature. The article examines their activities as well as the forces impeding their efforts.  相似文献   


This thematic analysis of 510 news articles – spanning the leftist-rightist ideological spectrum – examines media rhetoric surrounding President Trump’s 27 January 2017 Executive Order (EO) 13769 barring immigrants and refugees from U.S. resettlement. In this article, I examine how both liberal and conservative news media rhetoric reinforce respectability politics that create a hierarchy of victimhood for those affected by the EO. Interrogating U.S. civil society’s discursive construction of the forced migrant, I expose expectations for appropriate roles for these communities seeking asylum, though these roles are often veiled by normative U.S. mythology. As this analysis illustrates, the news media articles’ discursive erasure of Syrian, Iranian, Sudanese, Iraqi, Libyan, Somali, and Yemeni immigrants and refugees elide forced migrant self-representation and neglect the political/historical reasons for fleeing from their nations of origin.  相似文献   

Legislation has been introduced in the 104th Congress that would make sweeping changes to Title 44 of the U.S. Code, the authorizing laws for the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). An analysis of this legislation, which was originally provided to Congress in August 1995 during hearings before the Committee on House Oversight, shows that it would have a substantially negative impact on government printing and distribution, in terms of increasing costs and reducing public access to government information. GPO today faces three major challenges: cutting costs, expanding the dissemination of government information in electronic formats, and combatting the decentralization of federal printing and distribution activities, which increases costs and impairs public access to government information through GPO's Federal Depository Library Program. The question is whether a complete overhaul of Title 44 would be more likely to place at risk a system of cost-effective, comprehensive, and equitable public access to government information that currently serves the nation well. This article suggests that the alternative is to continue with the program of downsizing and technological innovation and to seek statutory changes that would be consistent with GPO's strategic direction and that would recognize GPO's role in the emergent information age.  相似文献   

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