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This study analyzes actual and perceived support for the PersianGulf War in the United States. Data were collected from 292residents of New Castle County, Delaware, during the 1991 GulfWar. Results show that support for the war was not the strongconsensus reported in mainstream media. In fact, 53.1 percentof the respondents fell within the neutral, disagree, or stronglydisagree ranges of a support for the war scale. Only 6.6 percentof the respondents were in the strong support range. However,responses were significantly higher on an item measuring perceivedsupport for the war. Consistent with Noelle-Neumann's spiralof silence theory, perceived public support for the war wasa significant predictor of support for the war even after 13variables were controlled. The alternative explanation thatsubjects were ‘projecting’ their own perceptionsonto the public, is discounted by the finding that liberals,moderates and conservatives did not differ in their perceptionsof public support.  相似文献   

清代学者对正史艺文(经籍)志的增补   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍正史中艺文(经籍)志的现状及清代的补志情况,并对其特点及不足之处进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

介绍清代学者对正史艺文志(经籍志)书类书目的增补情况,并对其特点及不足之处进行分析探讨。研究增补书类书目的变迁,厘清各个时代的书目区别、消长情况以及产生这些变化的原因,以为读者有效地利用尚书学典籍提供一份比较全面、可信的书目。  相似文献   

欧美国家联合目录的进展与我国虚拟联合目录的发展思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍欧美国家联合目录的发展概况,尤其是集中式联机联合目录和分布式虚拟联合目录的最新进展,并提出我国虚拟联合目录的发展思路。  相似文献   

中国导弹计划:仿制还是自行研制? 美国情报部门是从1958年才开始注意到中国导弹计划的.以中国当时的实力,他们认为:"由于缺少技术人员,以及其他军事和经济计划对其有限资源的需求,到1962年中国肯定不具备自行开发导弹与核武器的能力."考虑到当时中苏的同盟关系,他们判断中国"肯定会向苏联寻求导弹技术,在未来五年,苏联可能提供给中国某些种类的导弹和适合核武器使用,但并不携带核弹头的武器".这是美国国家情报评估关于中国导弹计划的最早记录,虽然关于中国导弹计划的细节概不清楚,但是认定它一定与苏联的援助相关.  相似文献   

This study used panel data to examine attitudes of U. S. residents toward the Soviet Union during the onset of a thaw in relations between the superpowers in the mid 1980s. It hypothesized that increased consumption of world news would covary with more‐favorable changes in such attitudes. Data analyses corroborated the prediction.  相似文献   

2018年2月,美国国家档案与文件管理署(NARA)发布了《2018—2022财年战略规划》,阐述了其组织机构、使命、愿景、价值观、转型成果和战略目标。通过该文件,可以了解国外档案事业发展动态和趋势,对我国档案工作者具有一定的参考借鉴价值。  相似文献   

刘勇 《兰台世界》2016,(10):147-149
魏源在《海国图志》中饱含情感地对美国予以详细介绍。从《海国图志》对美国的介绍中可以看出,当时的美国社会的进步是一种全面的进步,同时也可以看出为什么魏源对美国赞叹和向往。  相似文献   

随着电子技术的发展,美国几乎所有的联邦政府部门都在使用电子邮件处理公务. 1994年3月,美国国家文件管理局(NARA)发布了电子邮件管理规范(草案)并广泛征求意见.这一草案立即引起很大反响,来自各方面的反馈报告从不同角度反映了人们的思考,形成激烈的思想撞击.尽管这些反馈评价对草案褒贬不一,但它对草案的修订并于1995年在全美生效打下了基础.本文对此作了综述,期望对正向电子时代迈进的我国档案工作有所参考.  相似文献   

The tendency for individuals to perceive a greater impact ofmedia messages on others than on the self, Davison (1983) argues,has led to a number of policy decisions in which éliteshave exercised control of mass media messages in order to ‘protect’vulnerable others. The third-person effect has been well-documentedin experimental research with little attention to its theoreticalunderpinnings, or its antecedents or consequences. This articleargues that the third-person effect can be understood throughattribution theory, especially through the concepts of self-servingbias and effectance motivation. Second, it demonstrates thatthe third-person effect is influenced by certain social structuralfactors, media use patterns, and perceived harm of content.Finally, while perceptions of harm are related to perceptionsof influence, influence does not play a role in predicting supportfor external control of media content, while perceived harmhas a significant impact.  相似文献   

2005年8月,美国国家档案馆正式宣布由美国著名的军工企业洛克希德马丁计算机公司承担开发美国国家档案馆的电子文件档案馆系统,以更有效地保证电子文件的真实性、可靠性和凭证性,应对电子文件所带来的日益严峻的挑战。一、美国国家档案馆开发“电子文件档案馆”的背景随着人类进入数字化的知识时代,电子文件已经渗透到政府、军事及各个领域,这给档案部门如何长久保存电子文件提出了新的挑战。就美国国家档案馆而言,它所面临的电子文件管理的挑战主要有三方面:第一、收藏的电子文件档案数量巨大。据统计,美国国家档案馆馆藏中仅保存有克林顿…  相似文献   

美国国家档案与文件署网站的信息服务特色主要体现在面向用户的信息服务设计.其中,美国成熟和完善的档案开放和提供利用服务实践,为面向用户的信息服务设计奠定了坚实的基础.以用户为中心的信息构建和可用性的信息服务传递设计,是美国国家档案与文件署网站在信息服务设计上体现的两大特色.美国国家档案与文件署网站从分类方案到具体的信息组织始终都贯彻着以用户为中心这个核心理念.完全按照用户使用Web的习惯来设计页面.同时,采用基于用户认知视图分析的链接设计,提高用户信息服务利用效率.  相似文献   

The concept of competitive displacement is central to theories of media evolution, and the threat that the Internet has posed to printed newspapers provides an ongoing case study on the topic. In particular, this situation offers an opportunity to examine the strategic efforts of print newspapers to prevent competitive displacement, as well as the effectiveness of these strategies. This article addresses these issues through an analysis of a unique data set, constructed from 20 years of newspaper circulation data, as well as data on local market characteristics, newspaper staffing and content variety, and state-level Internet penetration. Specifically, this article examines whether, and to what extent, these competitive strategies impacted local print newspaper circulation trends over this 20-year time period. This analysis focuses on the following strategic responses: (a) newspapers’ launching of online versions (a diversification strategy within the language of media evolution literature); and (b) newspapers’ efforts to cover a greater variety of subject areas, as measured by the number of editors and special editorial sections produced. (The authors characterize these as a “mimicking” strategy from media evolution literature, as this strategy essentially represents an effort to simulate the much greater content variety that readers can find online). This article examines the relationships between these circulation, strategic, and Internet penetration variables over a 20-year time period, while also taking into account relevant characteristics of local newspaper markets.  相似文献   

信息技术对美国劳动力市场的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息技术的发展改变了商务经营方式,使得商务活动能采用灵活的组织形式,小企业正在参与全球竞争,跨国企业则扩展了它们的全球业务。日益增长的竞争、全球通信及组织变革通过对雇佣需求、薪金以及技术要求的影响,正在改变着劳动力市场。  相似文献   

美国国家档案与文件署网站的信息服务特色主要体现在面向用户的信息服务设计.美国成熟和完善的档案开放和提供利用服务实践,为面向用户的信息服务设计奠定了坚实的基础.以用户为中心的信息构建和可用性的信息服务传递设计,是美国国家档案与文件暑网站在信息服务设计上体现的两大特色.  相似文献   

Corporate attention to quality products and services is expressed in the language used to communicate that attention. Language that is redundant, intense and elevated to iconic status both reflects and shapes attention. This study examines how end‐users, corporate bodies and employees communicate about quality. A series of propositions are inductively derived.  相似文献   

This article assesses the potential for US news coverage offoreign affairs to influence US public opinion about foreigncountries during the latter part of 1989 and early 1990, a timeof dramatic changes in central Europe. The study draws on twosources of data: content analysis of US network news and wireservice coverage of nine countries (West Germany, East Germany,the Soviet Union, Hungary, Poland, Great Britain, France, Japan,and Israel) over a six month period, and a nationally representativesurvey of 1,117 US adults which measured opinions about thesecountries, conducted in early 1990. The study shows that thereis an important relationship between the visibility of foreigncountries in TV news and US public opinion about these countries.TV is more important than newspapers for influencing publicopinion about foreign countries. And attention to foreign affairsnews, rather than simple exposure to news, best predicts generalliking of a country. Finally, attention to television news coveragehad a positive and significant influence on sympathy with Westand East Germany in 1990, even if one had German friends, relativesor ancestors, or had visited Europe.  相似文献   

The U.S. National Broadband Map (NBM) is arguably the most complex articulation and synthesis of telecommunications data ever generated by the federal government. Drawing upon information collected by fifty U.S. states, five territories and the District of Columbia, broadband provision is tabulated at the Census block level and made available to the general public in a variety of formats (e.g., maps, tabular databases, and geographic coverages). One major policy challenge associated with deepening our understanding of wireless broadband provision in the United States is developing a methodological process for accurately rearticulating NBM wireless data collected at the block level to more meaningful economic units (e.g., Census block groups or tracts). Without this ability, policy analysis and an objective evaluation of the goals set forth in the National Broadband Plan are compromised. The purpose of this paper is to outline such a methodology, while simultaneously highlighting several consistency checks for ensuring completeness and data aggregation integrity.  相似文献   

中美图书馆的互动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中美图书馆的交流始自19世纪下半叶。在20世纪二三十年代,中国图书馆事业出现新局面,它与美国图书馆的交流也渐活跃,抗日战争期间,中美图书馆友谊加深。1972年中美关系开始正常化以来,双方图书馆的互动日益发扬光大。  相似文献   

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