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王益宇 《成人教育》2012,32(8):120-122
1988年英国国家职业资格委员会推出了国家职业资格证书制度(NVQ),1992年又推出了普通国家职业资格证书制度(GNVQ)。英国职业教育围绕国家职业资格,根据产业需求,开设NVQ和GNVQ课程,形成了严密完善的职业教育体系,在横向上可与普通教育相通,在纵向上形成了一个从低到高的体系,从培养半熟练工到培养高级工程师和中高级管理人员。英国职业教育体系完善严密、围绕产业需求、贯彻终身教育及注重核心能力培养,这些均给予我国职业教育发展深刻的启示。  相似文献   

研究英国义务教育后在继续教育阶段年轻人接受职业教育与培训的路径和方式,以及英国职业教育与培训中的职业资格证书(NVQ、GNVQ)和普通教育学历文凭之间的转换,对我国职业教育的发展会有所启示。  相似文献   

英国职业教育的评估体系与借鉴   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
文章通过分析英国国家职业资格证书系统(NVQ)和国家职业资格证书系统(GNVQ)的评估标准、评估证据、评估方式和成绩评定对英国职业教育评估体系进行了阐述,并就其对我国职业技术教育的借鉴意义进行了论述。  相似文献   

职业资格证书制度是英国职业教育取得成功的重要保障。围绕国家职业资格标准,依据行业企业需求,英国开设了国家职业资格课程(NVQ)和普通国家职业资格课程(GNVQ),形成了在横向上可与普通教育相沟通,纵向上可梯度性升级的职业教育体系。英国完备的职业资格证书制度对推进我国现代职业教育体系建设具有很强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

TVEI、NVQ、GNVQ可谓英国二十世纪八十年代后职业教育改革中浓墨重彩的三笔。在从TVEI到GNVQ的改革过程中,充满着选择与转变,选择主要体现为:(1)满足不同群体的学习需求;(2)改革课程作为改革职教的重心;(3)沟通与衔接学术轨和职业轨。转变表现为(1)注重能力与人——发展视角的转变;(2)紧盯雇主——办学模式的转变;(3)走向规范——职业资格制度的转变。通过论述英国职教的选择与转变,提出一些对我国职业教育改革的启示。  相似文献   

英国的职业资格证书教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张光跃 《职教论坛》2003,(17):59-61
一、职业资格证书教育产生的背景上个世纪80年代初,英国为了振兴经济,提高企业的竞争力,加强教育与经济的结合,在总结英国职业教育特别是苏格兰和威尔士实施职业资格证书教育的经验基础上,进一步加强了职业培训工作,并于1985年颁发了“年轻人的教育和培训”白皮书,提出随着经济的发展,社会和企业对于就业、上岗、培训以及人员的使用都要有一套通用、统一的资格标准。英国职业资格证书教育在二十世纪九十年代进行了重大改革,包括:1986年推行新的国家职业资格证书(NVQ)和基础职业资格证书(GNVQ),并逐步将GNVQ与普通教育接轨,设计和开发全…  相似文献   

英国职业教育新发展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
1986年,英国成立了“国家职业资格委员会(NationalkuncilforVocationalQuallflcatlons,NCVQ)”,并由该委员会在英国为13岁及16岁以上人员创设了一种新的、全国统一的“国家职业资格(NationalVocationalQuallflcatlons,NVQ)”证书。1992年初,国家职业资格委员会宣布从1992年9月起再设一种全国统一的“普通国家职业资格(GeneralNationalVocationalQualifications,GNVQ)”证书,先在全国约100所学校(包括继续教育学院和第六级学院)试点实施,从而揭开了具有悠久历史的英国职业教育发展的新的一页。在具体评述普通国家职…  相似文献   

针对传统职业教育存在的弊端,英国政府借助国家力量在全国范围内推行国家职业资格证书制度,形成了比较完整的职业资格证书体系。英国推行国家职业资格证书制度(NVQ)取得明显的成效,引起世界各国的广泛关注。为了配合NVQ制度在我国的引进,有必要让更多的人了解NVQ制度,认识NVQ制度的优点以及NVQ制度在我国推行的重要意义。NVQ制度简介根据英国职业资格证书教育的定义,NVQ是一种以特定职业标准设计教学要求的职业教育,而所谓NVQ制度(NationalVocationalQualifications,简称NVQ)即英国国家职业资格证书制度,是一种以国家职业标准为…  相似文献   

英国当前的职业教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者不久前应英国文化协会的邀请,详细考察了英国三所学院,并收集了职业教育及电工电子、机械、制冷工程等专业的详细教学资料。基于学习和借鉴的目的,欲借此文介绍英国职教情况,与广大职教工作者共享。一、英国继续教育的交流英国的继续教育包括初中后的教育及终身教育。进入学院接受继续教育的有应届初中毕业生、在职职工、待业人员及退休人员。继续教育的分流情况见下表:英国继续教育分流情况一览表英国的继续教育有三个分支:传统的高中教育,国家职业证书(NVQ)教育,一般国家职业证书(GNVQ)教育。高中教育提供理论课程,也…  相似文献   

应英国文化委员会华南办事处的邀请,广东省高等职业教育考察团于1997年4月21日至5月2日到英国进行考察。英国自80年代以来,经济发展徘徊不前,其中一个原因是企业劳动力素质下降。社会各界普遍要求改革现行的教育体制。政府对此进行了检讨,决定在全英加强职业技术教育,并实施“现代授徒计划”,包括实行统一的“国家专业证书”(NVQ)和“普通国家专业证书”(GNVQ)制度。规定完成了十一年义务教育的青年(16岁后),除少数进入普通学校(ALEVELS,相当于我国的大学预科和专科)外,都必须首先接受职业技术教育或参加“现代接徒…  相似文献   

There has been widespread discussion that a new ‘settlement’ is emerging in post‐compulsory education, a political settlement that has progressive educationists, unions, business, the Labour Party, the New Right and Government sharing a similar vision of vocational education for the 21st century. It is argued that this policy consensus is consistent with the post‐Fordist analysis of economy and that such an analysis may ‘offer bonuses to radicals’ (Kumar 1992: 66). This paper provides evidence in support of Avis (1993) that a new ‘settlement’ exists, and that a consensus has emerged in policy proposals for the rationalization of the ‘New Qualifications Framework’, a consensus in which parity of esteem between vocational and academic qualifications was central and supported by government in the introduction of the General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ). Yet GNVQ as part of the New Qualifications Framework has been characterized as a form of tripartite education post‐16. This paper will examine the New Qualifications Framework and argue that a settlement has emerged which will facilitate further rationalization of the post‐16 curriculum, rationalization that will provide an overarching Advanced/NVQ, Level Three Award, similar to the ‘British Baccalaureate’ or ‘General Education Diploma’ of the National Commission on Education. If the New Qualifications Framework proves credible, modularization within the framework provides a key to incremental change towards comprehensive tertiary education.  相似文献   

构建一个统一、层次分明、并且相互融通的国家资格框架,是英国国家资格体系改革的方向。英国现行的国家资格框架(NQF)是在1997年QCA五级资格框架的基础上建立起来的。之后该框架先后经历了2000年课程改革、2004年八级框架调整和2006年GNVQ调整这三次较大的变化。通过统一机构、推出证书、体系融通等举措,NQF不断完善,显示出对不断变化的社会与劳动力市场需求的适应性。  相似文献   

A significant historical role in the development of competence-based vocational qualifications in England and Wales is customarily ascribed to the 1985 to 1986 Review of Vocational Qualifications (RVQ), the body which invented the National Vocational Qualification (NVQ). This paper analyses the RVQ's internal debates. The paper demonstrates that the RVQ proposed only the general principles of a structure and an administration for a reformed vocational qualifications system. The RVQ did not address in detail either the definition of occupational competence or the curriculum and assessment models to be embodied in the NVQ. In the light of this analysis, the paper re-evaluates the role of the RVQ in the development of competence-based vocational qualifications, and suggests some potentially fruitful areas for future research.  相似文献   


The General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ) is enjoying growing popularity in the further education (EFE) sector in England and Wales. GNVQs have been recently introduced in the Information Technology (IT) vocational area, to augment or replace existing qualifications. These new courses have been piloted (academic year 1994‐199S) at several centres, including Hull College. This paper focuses on the Advanced level GNVQ in IT, contrasting it with existing qualifications (A level and National Diploma); reflections on the Hull College experience are also provided

The GNVQ (Advanced) is seen not only as leading directly to employment (like the traditional National Diploma), but also as a route into higher education (HE). Growing numbers of universities now accept the GNVQ as an entry qualification. For the first time, a vocational course is now perceived increasingly as a genuine alternative to the A level. The implications for universities are examined, with predictions as to the likely strengths and weaknesses of different categories of university entrant. The importance of choosing the right HE course, now that university provision has become increasingly diverse in the computing area is also highlighted. This paper extends and provides full discussion of the preliminary findings introduced at the 3rd Annual Conference on the Teaching of Computing held at Dublin City University in August 1995.  相似文献   


The range of options presented to young people by the new General National Vocational Qualifications (GNVQs) is complex and GNVQ students need to become familiar and confident with key GNVQ terms and procedures. This article reports the findings of a research project which aimed to identify correct practice and potential good practice in the guidance provided to GNVQ students during their induction. The research showed that, although there were examples of good practice, an educational innovation of this nature and scope was inevitably somewhat flawed in some respects. The article ends with a brief look at the conceptualisation of GNVQ Induction Programmes and at how their content might be enriched  相似文献   

This article outlines the context in which General National Vocational Qualifications (GNVQs) have been developed with particular reference to the independent learning dimension of their principles and practice. It provides an overview of the problems associated with the GNVQ approach from the literature and from a study by the authors of twelve post-16 institutions in the process of implementing Advanced GNVQ programmes. It analyses the dimensions of independent learning and argues that GNVQs provide a hybrid learner experience in which autonomy in the organisation of the individual learning process is mediated by a heavily prescribed GNVQ framework. The article concludes by locating this paradox in four central dilemmas characterising post-16 curricular policy in the UK.  相似文献   

This article examines the development and assessment of communication skills at GNVQ. It does this by reflecting on a project using multi-media technology to deliver communication skills to ESOL students. The author argues that current models of communication skills in GNVQ can be narrow and limiting and suggests that stimulating imaginative uses of language is more constructive in raising student confidence and achievement.  相似文献   


This paper presents an interim report on research into the influence of the European Communities (EC) on the emergence of competence‐based models of vocational training in England and Wales between 1979 and 1987. Interactions between the development of the New Training Initiative objectives and the development of EC vocational training policy are analysed. Similarities between EC training levels and the National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) training levels proposed by the Review of Vocational Qualifications are examined. These issues are so neglected in the official literature that, rather than present a definitive account, this paper outlines an agenda for further research intended to deepen our understanding of the historical, political milieu from which competence‐based vocational training emerged.  相似文献   

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