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教学性存在是保证在线学习成功的重要决定因素.忽视教学性存在,简单地要求学生参与网络课程论坛的活动,不能带来良好的效果.本文借助QSRN、Nvivo软件,根据探究社区理论模型而形成的内容分析编码体系,对三个课程论坛中与教学性存在有关的语意单元进行量化处理,并从设计与组织、促进对话和指导教学三个方面分析和比较其教学性存在.发现所选择的课程论坛样本中的教学基本属于无结构状态,整体教学性存在水平很低;教师忽视在线教学过程的设计与组织,在促进对话和指导教学时受灌输式教学的影响较大,缺乏必要的在线教学技能,没有把握好教师的有限存在.建议重视并提高在线教学的教学性存在,对在线教师开展关于教学性存在的培训,注重有限存在以促进协作学习开展.  相似文献   

认知性存在是形成批判性思维的重要因素,而培养学生的批判性思维是高等教育的重要目标之一。本文借助QSR Nvivo软件,根据认知性存在的实践探究模型形成的内容分析编码体系,对三个课程论坛中与认知性存在有关的语意单元进行量化处理,并从触发事件、探索、整合和解决四个层面进行分析和比较,发现学生以“探索”和“整合”层面的言论居多,“解决”层面的言论很少;大部分言论属于个人内部的认知思考,缺乏批判性的思考和批判性的对话,建议重视触发事件的设置,为学生提供必要的教学指导和批判性思维的基本模式,将学生从独立学习向协作学习转变,以便帮助他们将群体的现点或思维进一步延伸或深化,达到较高层次的认知性存在层面。本研究的目的是为今后教师网上教学实践的改善与实施提供依据,同时为改善现有认知性存在的不足提供可借鉴的建议。  相似文献   

互动讨论作为在线学习的重要组成部分,普遍被用于培养学生批判性思维,然而尚未有文献研究在线学习中互动讨论模式与批判性思维之间的关系.文章采用定量内容分析和滞后序列分析,对在线互动讨论中1411条消息进行话语分析,探究在线学习中教师角色变化对学生互动讨论模式和批判性思维的影响,并挖掘互动讨论模式与批判性思维的隐含关系.结果发现:教师辅助的在线互动讨论比教师主导时学生的互动讨论模式更丰富、讨论更深入,批判性思维水平更高.同时,文章提出基于四个阶段的在线互动讨论模式与批判性思维的关系模型,准确把握在线学习环境中的教师角色,为高效利用教师角色变化规律提高在线互动质量和批判性思维水平提供可行的理论借鉴和策略参考.  相似文献   

"网络探究学习社区模型"是国际在线学习领域中分析网络探究学习影响因素的重要理论框架。在此框架中,教学存在感、社会存在感与认知存在感三要素交互作用,为学习者创设氛围,提供内容选择与对话支持,通过网络学习交互与协作,促进学习者进行高阶学习。框架中三要素之间显著关联、彼此影响。此外,社会存在感表现出与学习满意度、协作学习、交互等因素相关;教学存在感与批判性思维相互关联;批判性思维依赖认知存在感;社会存在感是批判性思维的载体;学习者个体因素在其认知参与和获取方面扮演着重要角色。在网络交互与协作探究学习中,学习者运用批判性思维优化学习策略、解决问题、做出决策,提升其学习质量。综合分析已有研究成果并采用问卷调查和多元回归分析发现:批判性思维作为独立影响要素存在于网络探究学习社区模型中,与教学存在感、社会存在感共同影响认知存在感;教学存在感和社会存在感通过批判性思维这一中介变量间接影响认知存在感。强调批判性思维的探究社区模型,有助于指导学习者在探究学习中进行更有意义的深度学习。  相似文献   

提问交互模型(QICT)是异步在线交流环境中促进学生批判性思维的有效工具,其教学应用方法结合了脚手架的思想和异步在线交流的特点.将整个批判性思维的教学过程分为预备、教师引导、学习伙伴引导和自我引导四个阶段。研究结合“传播学”课程教学.以课程网站的论坛为异步在线交流平台,运用实验研究法、问誊调查法和内容分析法对QICT模型的教学应用方法进行了实践研究。研究发现.QICT模型的教学应用方法对学生批判性思维具有促进作用.证明该方法对批判性思维教学具有积极影响。同时还发现,教师引导阶段对后续学习伙伴引导阶段和自我引导阶段起到良好的示范作用.地位至关重要。  相似文献   

问题解决在线学习活动强调将学习活动置于有意义的问题情境中,通过个人或小组协作的方式来解决问题。问题解决的过程与批判性思维的发展密不可分,批判性思维是问题解决学习活动中重要的认知加工过程。Newman等学者提出的批判性思维模型详细界定了批判性思维的发展层级及其表现,可用于量化分析在线学习活动中的交互文本内容,而话语分析技术可以从质性角度确保交互文本分析的完整意义。通过设计案例并运用这两种分析工具可以揭示出问题解决学习活动中批判性思维发展的特征:一是批判性思维各层级出现的频率是不一样的,各种表现的量化比例可以表明批判性思维发展的层级;二是批判性思维质量与构建问题空间及形成问题解决策略的效果密切相关;三是在问题解决的不同阶段批判性思维发展的过程和互动结构不同。  相似文献   

在线讨论作为在线学习的主要活动形式之一,其产生的文本可以反映出学习者批判性思维水平。文章借助恩尼斯的FRISCO批判性思维编码体系,使用内容分析法和滞后序列分析法对S大学本科生一门课程的在线讨论文本进行分析,深入研究学习者批判性思维的变化情况。研究发现:在线讨论能够促进学习者批判性思维产生积极变化,学习者的批判性思维水平逐渐由低等级向高等级发展。教师可根据学习者的批判性思维转换情况进行适时的干预和引导,提高学习效果,助力学习者批判性思维的发展。  相似文献   

基于学习共同体视角的网络交互案例分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以学习共同体的特征为基础,对《认知学徒制的理论与实践》网络课程进行了研究,分析了在线讨论是否成功建立了网络学习共同体。结果表明,学习者能够围绕学习主题进行讨论,相互间存在对话关系,学习者能在讨论中提出并试图解决学习中遇到的问题,相互间反馈也比较及时。但学习者在讨论时存在知识拓展不够、不同观点碰撞偏少等缺点。笔者据此得出结论:在线学习论坛在一定程度上能成功地促成学习共同体的建立。  相似文献   

数学教学大纲中指出“数学教学的核心是培养思维能力”.但通常我们在强调学生思维的深刻性、敏捷性.逻辑性、灵活性的同时.却忽视了对学生批判性思维的关注。孰不知,人类所经知识接受——能力形成——素质提高的发展过程.实质是人的认知结构的矛盾运动过程.是批判性思维引领下认知图式的调整过程。纵观数学史上几次重大的进展,无理数的发现、菲欧几何的提出.三大作图的不可能性、高次方程求根公式的不存在性等.都是数学界批判性思维重要性的有力证明.可以说不敢批判.我们就不敢挑战,思维就不能开拓.社会将失去前进的动力之源。  相似文献   

高阶思维,是指发生在较高认知水平层次上的心智活动或认知能力,是一种跨学科、跨知识领域,能对思维予以评价的思维.高阶思维既是高中生创新素养中的一个核心要素,也是物理教学中对于学生培养的追求.在物理课堂教学中,要以高阶学习活动方式组织教学,关注思维教学内容的渗透,关注学生讨论发言的批判性思维成分,关注“一题多解”的指向性,关注探究性实验方案的评价,关注教师自身的行为模式,同时物理教师还应该积极参与培养中学生高阶思维能力的校本课程建设.  相似文献   

Asynchronous online discussion forums are increasingly common in blended learning environments but the relationship to student learning outcomes has not been reported for anatomy teaching. Forums were monitored in two multicampus anatomy courses; an introductory first year course and a second year physiotherapy‐specific course. The forums are structured with a separate site for each course module and moderated weekly by staff. Students are encouraged to post to new threads (initial post) and answer queries in threads started by others (reply post). Analysis of forums was conducted separately for each course and included overall activity (posts and views) for a full semester and a detailed analysis for one week in the middle of semester. Students were classified as zero, moderate, or high contributors to the forums based on the number of posts. Final mark for the course was related to level of forum contribution using nonparametric tests. Forum threads were characterized as task‐focused, administrative, or other. A higher proportion of second year (36%) than first‐year (17%) students posted on the forums and the postings were more likely to be task‐focused and student initiated. Second‐year students that posted frequently to the forum gained a higher final mark for the course than those that did not post or only posted a moderate number of times (P < 0.01). This relationship was not evident for first‐year students who had a much higher proportion of administrative threads. Forums in anatomy courses can be powerful learning tools encouraging deeper learning and improved learning outcomes. Anat Sci Educ 6: 101–106. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Asynchronous online discussion forums are common in blended learning models and are popular with students. A previous report has suggested that participation in these forums may assist student learning in a gross anatomy subject but it was unclear as to whether more academically able students post more often or whether participation led to improved learning outcomes. This study used a path model to analyze the contribution of forum participation, previous academic ability, and student campus of enrolment to final marks in a multicampus gross anatomy course for physiotherapy students. The course has a substantial online learning management system (LMS) that incorporates asynchronous forums as a learning tool, particularly to answer learning objectives. Students were encouraged to post new threads and answer queries in threads started by others. The forums were moderated weekly by staff. Discussion forums were the most used feature of the LMS site with 31,920 hits. Forty‐eight percent of the students posted at least once with 186 threads initiated by students and a total of 608 posts. The total number of posts made a significant direct contribution to final mark (P = 0.008) as did previous academic ability (P = 0.002). Although campus did not contribute to final mark, there was a trend for students at the campus where the course coordinator was situated to post more often than those at the other campus (P = 0.073). These results indicate that asynchronous online discussion forums can be an effective tool for improving student learning outcomes as evidenced by final marks in gross anatomy teaching. Anat Sci Educ. 7: 71–76. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   


More universities are offering online instruction for students though we know little about effective online learning. Some have found online instruction increases student participation while others have reported that students prefer the traditional face‐to‐face format This study of gifted education graduate students follows the expectation that online students ought to have time to be more thoughtful with online course interactions as compared to the time‐constrained interactions in a face‐to‐face course. Researchers evaluated students’ thinking levels (as per Bloom's Taxonomy) in the online discussion forums required by a graduate course in gifted education. Results indicate there was no relationship between the level of the prompt and the level of the responses. Higher level prompts did not necessarily generate higher level responses. The research‐developed Rubric for Evaluation of Online Discussions can be used both as an instructional guide and as an evaluation rubric to assess the level of online discussions.  相似文献   

This article presents a synthesis of the theoretical and research literature on facilitating asynchronous online discussions effectively. Online courses need to be designed so that they provide motivation for students to engage in productive discussions and clearly describe what is expected, perhaps in the form of a discussion rubric. Additionally, instructors need to provide discussion forums for socio-emotional discussions that have the goal of nurturing a strong sense of community within the course as well as group discussion forums for content-and task-oriented discussions that center on authentic topics. In order to facilitate discussions effectively, instructors should generate a social presence in the virtual classroom, avoid becoming the center of all discussions by emphasizing student–student interactions, and attend to issues of social equity arising from use of different communication patterns by culturally diverse students [e.g., Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., and Archer, W. (2001). Critical thinking, cognitive presence, and computer conferencing in distance education. The American Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), 7–23; Rovai, A. P. (2003). Strategies for grading online discussions: Effects on discussions and classroom community in Internet-based university courses. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 15(1), 89–107].  相似文献   

选择中国大学MOOC平台课程《计算机网络之基础链路》讨论区的两个阶段:开始阶段和整个阶段的教师和学生言论为主要数据来源,采用社会网络分析方法与内容分析法进行纵向的比较和分析,发现在慕课讨论区中,缺乏核心参与者的有效组织和引导,慕课学习者之间的互动交流分散,对知识的交互认知水平处于较低水平。在慕课讨论区发展过程中,教师对交互网络的影响力渐渐减弱,呈现出从以教师为中心向以学生为中心的发展趋势,学习者交流的话题也从寻求社会情感的支持为主逐渐转变为寻求知识的共享与论证。根据研究结果分析,建议从成员交互、有经验人士的参与、自组织建设、组织和引导等方面来促进慕课讨论区的建设,以提高慕课学习者的交互水平。  相似文献   

在线论坛对整个远程开放学习环境价值的提升具有很大的潜力。研究、分析放大学四个院系所开设20多门课程的100多个在线论坛,目的是阐述在线论坛与其他教学方法相结合时所起的积极作用。使用探究社群模型来评估论坛内容的有效性,对社交场感、认知存在和教学存在进行检查。研究表明,在线论坛对马来西亚开放大学混合学习环境下的学习作出了重大贡献。  相似文献   

There is currently strong and widespread support among university administrators for blended learning at the college level, or courses that incorporate some degree of online instruction. As instructors are called on to incorporate online and face-to-face elements into their instruction, they face the critical question of how to intentionally connect the two modalities in ways that strengthen learning. This article first outlines the historical context of social-constructivism's presence in online instruction, and then presents a rationale for the use of “crossover” discussion protocols that connect online forums and face-to-face discussions. The article argues that by drawing deliberately on the benefits of both online and in-person learning environments, crossover protocols help students make more insightful connections among ideas and push their own—and each others'—thinking in unexpected ways. A set of crossover protocols is then provided, along with considerations for implementing them effectively. These practical strategies for facilitating conversations across the two modalities were developed in the author's undergraduate and graduate level courses in English and education and are adaptable across course levels and disciplines. The article concludes with a discussion of how students experience the learning benefits of crossover protocols.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the extent to which two instructional techniques promote critical discourse in an online class on educational standards and curriculum: instructor stance (challenging/nonchallenging) and topic level (higher order/lower order). Posts from 25 students, across four modules, were analyzed. These four modules constituted approximately one third of the course, and were selected because the professor was the sole facilitator for them. Results indicate that, regardless of topic level, a challenging stance by the professor had a positive effect on the percentage of student posts that referenced readings and theory. There was an interaction between level and stance on student use of reasoned argument. Lower order challenging forums were associated with a greater percentage of reasoned posts. This may be due to the abstractness of the professor's probes in higher order forums. Implications for future research include empirical investigations incorporating contextual variables and qualitative studies to ascertain how students engage with bulletin boards.  相似文献   

Providing effective motivational support is a critical determinant of a successful online distance learning experience for students in higher education. In this study, we examined how students’ academic level and use of 8 motivational regulation strategies influence 3 types of student engagement: behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement. A total of 95 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in online courses in 4-year universities in the United States participated in this study. A series of hierarchical regression analyses of undergraduate and graduate online students (N = 95) showed that behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement are predicted by different motivational regulation strategies after controlling for the academic level. Additionally, students’ academic level was found to be a predictor of cognitive engagement but not a predictor of behavioral engagement or emotional engagement. The results suggest that online course instructors, tutors, and designers should provide students with differentiated motivational scaffolding based on their motivational profile in order to promote different aspects of learning engagement.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that student autonomy in distance education could be operationalized in terms of the cognitive style of field independence. While distance learning students often obtain high scores on field independence, this is also true of campus-based students. Field independence is not positively related to students’ course evaluations, their preference for independent learning, their course completion in distance education, nor their level of autonomy. Consequently, field independence is not useful for understanding experiences or attainment in distance education.  相似文献   

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