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Designing effective curricula for complex topics and incorporating technological tools is an evolving process. One important way to foster effective design is to synthesize successful practices. This paper describes a framework called scaffolded knowledge integration and illustrates how it guided the design of two successful course enhancements in the field of computer science and engineering. One course enhancement, the LISP Knowledge Integration Environment, improved learning and resulted in more gender-equitable outcomes. The second course enhancement, the spatial reasoning environment, addressed spatial reasoning in an introductory engineering course. This enhancement minimized the importance of prior knowledge of spatial reasoning and helped students develop a more comprehensive repertoire of spatial reasoning strategies. Taken together, the instructional research programs reinforce the value of the scaffolded knowledge integration framework and suggest directions for future curriculum reformers.Portions of this paper were presented at the American Psychological Association Meeting, Ontario, Canada, August 22, 1993. under the title of Cognition and instruction in higher education: Applications of advanced technologies. The title of the symposium was New Fellows in Educational Psychology-The Implications of Their Work for University-Level Instruction. This material is based upon research supported by the National Science Foundation under grant MDR-8954753. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Teachers are supposed to use forms of differentiated instruction to anticipate the differences among their students. However, the adaptation of teaching to the diversity of the group often takes place with difficulty. Teacher education is blamed for not preparing student teachers adequately for differentiated instruction. Several authors suggest that congruent teaching in teacher education might be an adequate solution to this problem. This case study aims to investigate the (congruent) realization of differentiated instruction in teacher education using ethnographic tools. The results indicate that the observed teacher educator demonstrated limited forms of differentiation, largely without providing meta-commentary. Therefore, she is not a role model on the subject of differentiated instruction in the view of student teachers. These results are discussed in depth, and form a basis for further research and suggestions for practice in teacher education.  相似文献   

Various problems concerning the teaching of informatics arise from the foundations of computer science. Difficulties in terminology, in lesson definition, in the introduction to topics are examples of substantial and they are not psychological or expressive problems. The foundations are officially acknowledged as an open problem and they give rise to incomplete and mnemomic computer science learning. They do not allow the student to be aware of informatics themes. They subsequently inhibit programming, systems design, research and many other activities. This paper discusses the results of theoretical research on the foundations carried out at IBM. This facititates deductive teaching and improves students preparation on the basic contents and on all the other themes of computer science. The early lessons of a high-school course are outlined. © 1998 IFIP, published by Chapman & Hall Ltd  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of standards‐based professional development on teacher efficacy and instructional practice of elementary and middle school science teachers. Professional development activities were conducted over a period of 3 years and included content courses as well as teacher involvement in professional learning communities. Teacher efficacy was assessed at five time points using the Science Teacher Efficacy Beliefs Instrument (STEBI), and instructional practice was evaluated at four time points with classroom observations using the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP). Results indicate that there was significant growth in teacher self‐efficacy but not in outcome expectancy. There was also significant growth in the extent to which teachers implemented inquiry‐based instruction in the classroom. Additionally, a positive correlation was observed between changes in self‐efficacy and changes in the use of inquiry‐based instructional practice. These results are discussed in terms of a model of teacher learning wherein changes in teacher beliefs and changes in classroom practice mutually influence each other, and also in terms of the impact of collaboration on teacher efficacy and practice. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Inc. J Res Sci Teach 48: 534–551, 2011  相似文献   

论在计算机教学中如何促进道德素质教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对计算机使用中出现的道德问题,在计算机教学中应引导学生提高警惕,加强网络安全意识,正确对待网络,合理取舍网络信息,培养网络“环保意识”,进而提高学生的道德素质。  相似文献   

在大学素质教育的现状及教学系统分析的基础上,提出了用系统科学的方法进行大学素质教育,并探讨了其重要性和可行性,以及如何运用系统科学的方法来实现大学素质教育。  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates aspects of a professional development programme for existing CS teachers in secondary schools (PLAN C) which was designed to support teachers at a time of substantial curricular change. The paper’s particular focus is on the formation of a teacher professional development network across several hundred teachers and a wide geographical area. Evidence from a series of observations and teacher surveys over a two-year period is analysed with respect to the project’s programme theory in order to illustrate not only whether it worked as intended, by why. Results indicate that the PLAN C design has been successful in increasing teachers’ professional confidence and appears to have catalysed powerful change in attitudes to learning. Presentation of challenging pedagogical content knowledge and conceptual frameworks, high-quality teacher-led professional dialogue, along with the space for reflection and classroom trials, triggered examination of the teachers’ own current practices.  相似文献   

如果以与语文教育的关系为出发点来看待文艺学,我们大致可以把文艺学的教学内容划分为这样几种基本类型:与语文教育宏观联系的文艺学理论;与语文教育微观联系的文艺学理论;与语文教育有限联系的文艺学理论.本文据此探讨了如何从语文教育的角度进行文艺学教学的问题.  相似文献   

本文探讨计算机教学过程中的一些具体的教学方法,对在计算机教学过程中如何培养同学们的理论学习能力和动手操作能力,以及团队的合作能力做了一些具体的阐述。  相似文献   

The increased push for teaching computer science (CS) in schools in the United States requires training a large number of new K-12 teachers. The current efforts to increase the number of CS teachers have predominantly focused on training teachers from other content areas. In order to support these beginning CS teachers, we need to better understand their experiences and challenges encountered in the classroom. This study investigated U.S. CS teachers’ perspectives on the demands of teaching computer science and support needed to ensure quality teaching. Results suggested that teachers face a number of challenges, including isolation, lack of adequate computer science background, and limited professional development resources.  相似文献   

高中生物教学可运用程序数学理论中小步子原则,设计一系列的问题,逐步引导学生学习,获得知识的模式.这种教学模式可以充分体现学生的主体作用和教师的主导作用,并培养学生观察、阅读、分析、讨论、推理和判断能力.  相似文献   

While online instructional technologies are becoming more popular in higher education, educators’ opinions about online learning tend to be generally negative. Furthermore, many studies have failed to systematically examine the features that distinguish one instructional mode from another, which weakens possible explanations for why online instructional technology can be beneficial. The current study isolates three benefits of the authors’ particular online instructional technology: (1) providing flexibility in how students learn, (2) offering immediate and targeted feedback and (3) increasing student participation and engagement with instructional material. Maximum benefits were observed when students used the online instructional technology to prepare for their face-to-face class – that is, students with this blended instruction learned twice as much content in the same amount of time in comparison to students with face-to-face instruction alone, without creating an atypically high workload.  相似文献   

Enrolling the cultural capital of underrepresented communities in PK-12 technology and curriculum design has been a primary strategy for broadening the participation of students of color in U.S. computer science (CS) fields. This article examines two ways that African-American cultural capital and computing can be bridged in CS education. The first is community representation, using cultural capital to highlight students’ social identities and networks through computational thinking. The second, computational integration, locates computation in cultural capital itself. I survey two risks – the appearance of shallow computing and the reproduction of assimilationist logics – that may arise when constructing one bridge without the other. To avoid these risks, I introduce the concept of computational communities by exploring areas in CS education that employ both strategies. This concept is then grounded in qualitative data from an after school program that connected CS to African-American cosmetology.  相似文献   

试论多媒体课件在教学中的作用   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
多媒体课件作为现代教育技术的一种手段,以其丰富的表现形式、巨大的信息传播能力,赋予现代教育崭新的面貌,其在课堂教学、实验教学及网络教学中的作用和优势是不容忽视的。  相似文献   

从历史发展的进程看,生物学与人文科学从来就是紧密联系的.生物学本身充满了人文精神,在生物教学中将生物知识与人文教育有机结合起来,指导学生在掌握知识的同时形成健全独立的人格,帮助学生成为真正有益于社会的人,在当前对社会和学生个体都具有极大的意义和价值,这也是教育的终极目标.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of problem-based learning (PBL) on the metacognitive awareness of pre-service science teachers. In the study, an experimental design with pre-test/post-test control group was used. A total of 51 junior pre-service science teachers participated in the study. The study was carried out over 10 weeks and within the scope of an environmental science course. During the study, lessons in the experimental group were processed using a PBL approach while lessons in the control group were processed using a traditional teaching approach. Data were collected through a personal information form and Metacognitive Awareness Inventory. Data were then analysed using PASW Statistics 18 (SPSS Inc.). The findings of the study revealed that PBL could be an effective intervention to promote metacognitive awareness towards procedural knowledge, planning and debugging. The results are discussed based on the findings of the study.  相似文献   

This study attempted to investigate the effect of problem-based learning (PBL) on the environmental attitudes of preservice science teachers. In the study, an experimental design was used with a pre-test and post-test control group. In all, 51 junior preservice science teachers participated in the study. The study was carried out over 10 weeks within the scope of an environmental science course. During the study, lessons in the experimental group were processed using a PBL approach while lessons in the control group were processed using a traditional teaching approach. Data were collected through a personal information form and environmental attitudes inventory. Data were then analysed using PASW Statistics 18 (SPSS Inc.). The findings of the study revealed a statistically significant increase in favour of the experimental group preservice science teachers’ environmental attitudes. An increase in environmental attitudes was also found in the control group; however, this increase was not statistically significant. As a result, PBL was found to be more effective than the traditional teaching approach in the development of environmental attitudes in preservice science teachers.  相似文献   

“开放教育”决不是一种孤立的教育模式,实践中的“开放教育”与“函授教育”、“传统面授教育”有着千丝万缕的联系。以“教师为主导、学生为中心”的建构主义教学模式是更能切合电大开放教育实际的教学模式。  相似文献   

在当今社会中,高等职业教育是高等教育的一个重要组成部分,鉴于职业教育是面向市场需求、面向社会的一种教育类型,以及英语是一门实用性极强的学科,英语教学在高职教育中理应占有绝对重要的地位。基于此,文章提出了全新的教学理念和教学方法,探讨了支架式教学法在高职英语教学中的作用。文章首先阐述了高职英语教学的现状,并解析了支架式英语教学法的基本概念,最后论述了支架式英语教学法对于高职英语教学的积极意义。  相似文献   

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